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[ 6o4 ]

been admitted, in his time, into chambers in honks,

baths, Cer. Whether the plates ufed for this parade
.were Rained with various colours ( as mentioned
above), or had tints of divers kinds applied to the
back part of them. I than not pretend to determine
but in either way they would have very agreeable
The hall deflinatn, which the obvious congruity
of the thing afelf, countenanced by the peattice of
many ages pafl, as well la of the pedant time, would
induce one to afcribe to fuch plates of glafs, is
that of svindows for houfes, baths, portico's, bc.
But I am fenfible, thla whoever fhould be hardy
enough to advance fuch an hypothefis, would be
cenfured as an innovator, in oppofmg the general
opinion of the connoiffeurs in antiquity. Thefe
gentlemen are almoR unanimous in aliening, that
whenever we meet with mention made of finical/aria
in ancient writcrs (efpecially thofe of, or near to, the
age, to which we mull refer this fragment), we are
to undentand by that term nothing but fences made
of 10/ffi/nr, either of a certain (lone called Rom its
tranfparent quality aninfperykril ( t3), brought full
from Flifpania Citerior, and afterwards found in Cy-
prus,Cappadocia,Sicily, and Africa ; or of another none
of the fame nature, viz. the phengites. Thefe, thar
exprefsly diftinguilhed from each other by Pliny (
are yet reckoned by route moderns y) as one and

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