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Core Council Minutes Submitted by Shirley Thacker September 16, 2011 Those in attendance: Jenny Smithson, Paul Ranieri,

Betsy Duckworth, Robin Sowder, Barb Miller, Tammy Taylor, Matt Hartman, Linda Valley, Kathy Flatter, Shirley Thacker. President Kathy Flatter called the meeting to order. Her goal was to adjourn promptly at 8:00. Motion made and seconded to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Motion carried. Upcoming meetings and topics to remember and ponder. Writing Retreat on the Canal Oct 1 ITW Conference Jim Burke Oct 7 Appleseed Conference Oct 15 October 21 - Next Core Council Meeting- Bring your own Brown Bag Meal (We did not vote on this, but it has been discussed and the majority thought it was worth a trysave time and work for one person and money for IWP). Eat at 5:30, meeting at 6:30, Virginia Ball Center October 22 - Visioning Retreat, Robert Bell Building- 9:00-4:00. Linda Walker will lead us . . . Please continue to give Alena book reviews to post on web site. . . professional/fiction Jenny mentioned Title II money as possibility for professional conferences as a possibility. . . TCs may want to look into that possibility at their own schools. REPORTS: 1. BSU Comp Camp (Alena)only 3 registered. Cost is $800 per TC. We really cant fund it unless we have 16-20 participants. Alena has asked the following TCs (Robin, Betsy, Barb, Jenny, and Shirley) to be on a Youth Committee to help in pondering, discussing, and making decisions for Comp Camp. Discussion followed concerning advertising: radio, paper, as high ability, Cornerstone possibility, Charter

School at St. Lawrence, home school students. There also needs to be a low ratio of adults to Comp Camp Students. A professor has contacted Alena with 100 BSU students. After much discussion, we felt that we need to adhere to the present model, advertise on campus and have two students that are hired to come each time. We cannot pay the BSU students to come as part of a class (That had been done previously.) Certificates will be given at the end for those helping and for their resumes. 2. Leadership Committee (Barb and Shirley) We need to advertise our seminars and conferences with a registration deadline and adhere to that. We are planning another Inservice Academy in January. Possibly need to partner with East Central Service Center. They do the marketing and provide a place that would be more accessible to this area. Administrators Academy has been rescheduled for February. Perhaps we need to think of Distance Learning strategies and upgrading of Skype possibilities rather than the Saturday Seminars. 3. Marketing (Barb) New Logo is on Facebook. . . discussion of getting the word out and having more people involved with IWP activities. 4. Continuity (Betsy) Report was given on the October 1st Retreat at Indy and the Canal. Carpooling options were mentioned. 5. First Annual Meeting (Linda Valley) Few had responded . . . discussion followed about cancelling. Consensus was to go ahead with it in a more informal luncheon format. Pondering Point: Jenny brought up Advanced Institute that she had attended with our Southern Indiana friends. . . Meet for a week, book studies, writing, social connections, and renewal. It sounded like something that would be fun to try. Can credit be given for this type of format? PGP? Pay?? Their turnout has been fabulous!! Closing Comments: Paul shared the possibility of having IWP info on-line. Linda Walker and he had this discussion. . . Writing to a Prompt and Comp Camps were two that had been mentioned. If we join forces with Visitex Company, there is a possibility of being up and running by April or May. Paul will be meeting and investigating. It sounds very exciting . . . you can learn about us (Saturday Seminar style) at home in your jammies. . . Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

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