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Dear respondents, We, students of BSA31KB1, are currently conducting a research study entitled Motivational Factors that Affect

the Academic Performance of the Third Year BSA Students in Accounting 246 in TIPQC S.Y. 2011-2012A. In this connection, we have constructed a questionnaire to gather information for our study. Your participation in this study by way of answering the questionnaire is very vital. Without it, the study will not be as complete as it should be. Kindly fill up the questionnaire honestly. Please feel assured that your anonymity and the information you will give will be treated to the strictest confidentiality. Thank you very much for your kind response to our request. Name (optional): Grade in ACCTG 246(2nd year, 2nd sem.): Directions: Kindly put a check mark on the box of your corresponding answer. I. Profile: 1. Age: 16 17 18 19 others, please specify _____

Dear respondents, We, students of BSA31KB1, are currently conducting a research study entitled Motivational Factors that Affect the Academic Performance of the Third Year BSA Students in Accounting 246 in TIPQC S.Y. 2011-2012A. In this connection, we have constructed a questionnaire to gather information for our study. Your participation in this study by way of answering the questionnaire is very vital. Without it, the study will not be as complete as it should be. Kindly fill up the questionnaire honestly. Please feel assured that your anonymity and the information you will give will be treated to the strictest confidentiality. Thank you very much for your kind response to our request. Name (optional): Grade in ACCTG 246(2nd year, 2nd sem.): Directions: Kindly put a check mark on the box of your corresponding answer. I. Profile: 1. Age: 16 17 18 19 others, please specify _____

2. Gender: Male Female

2. Gender: Male Female

3. Socio- Economic: Status Low Average High

3. Socio- Economic: Status Low Average High

4. Marital Status of Parents: Divorced Living Separately II. Scale: 3 Always Widowed Single Parent

4. Marital Status of Parents: Divorced Living Separately 1 Never A (3) S (2) N (1) II. Scale: 3 Always Widowed Single Parent

Living Together 2 Sometimes

Living Together 2 Sometimes 1 Never A (3) S (2) N (1)

Intrinsic Motivational Factors 1. I am self-motivated. 2. I am interested in accounting 246. 3. I enjoy the lessons and discussions in accounting 246. 4. I study accounting 246 to learn new things. 5. I believed that the subject is relevant to my life. Extrinsic Motivational Factors 1. I study hard to have a reward. 2. I study hard to have a good grade. 3. I study hard because of the competition in our class. 4. My family expects a lot from me. 5. My professor expects a lot from me.

Intrinsic Motivational Factors 1. I am self-motivated. 2. I am interested in accounting 246. 3. I enjoy the lessons and discussions in accounting 246. 4. I study accounting 246 to learn new things. 5. I believed that the subject is relevant to my life.

A (3)

S (2)

N (1)

Extrinsic Motivational Factors 1. I study hard to have a reward. 2. I study hard to have a good grade. 3. I study hard because of the competition in our class. 4. My family expects a lot from me. 5. My professor expects a lot from me.

A (3)

S (2)

N (1)

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