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Establishment of the commonwealth government implementation of commonwealth Act of 586 and introduction of double- single session.

Phil Commission Established Department of public school Instruction THOMASITES teacher soldier who taught Filipino during their time. 4 year primary---3 year intermediate 4 year high school 1-2 year junior college or 2-4 year program John Dewy philosophy 1901 Bureau of Private School Commonwealth Period AIMS Develop moral character Civic conscience Vocational efficiency Preparation for incoming independence

PERIODS Same as American period

Methods Memorization C.A.T. Recitation Socialized recitation

Education Act 1940

Commonwealth Act 586

Abolished grade seven Established double single session in the elementary. One teacher divided class into two. Morning and afternoon. Class start from June to March instead of July to April

BENEFITS Double session system in day schools, where one group of students, say Senior One to Senior Three, attends classes from 8.00am to 1.00pm and the rest from 2.00pm to 6.00pm is better than the single session where all the students come to school at 8.00am and leave at 6.00pm. Both systems have been tried at Old Kampala SS where I have taught since 1974. It is true that under single session system, the student has more time at school to do his studies, interact with the teacher and fellow students, and participate in extra-curricular activities. Thus this system mainly trains the student to do better academically. However, the double session system is better than single session. The double session system provides a student with the training of how to practically live in the future. Here, a student does work inside the classroom, and then work outside in society. When he completes school, he is no stranger to life in society. He has been living it and is normally prepared for it. Under the double session, many of the students can work while studying and, therefore, be able to pay school fees and cater for other needs. Those who make it through the double session system seem to be better prepared for their hardships in life after school.

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