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Dear Arts and Sciences Committee on Academic Standing and Educational Policy,

My name is Maxwell Evarts and I have been Academically Dismissed, I wish to appeal that decision and explain how I came up with the grades that I did. The reason for those bad grades was because of my attendance. I thought it would be a good idea to take early classes during the 2012 spring term but I was very wrong. I couldnt stop sleeping in, not by an hour or two, but by 4-6 hours. I usually went to bed at a decent time of 12-1 a.m. and I wouldnt wake up until 3 p.m. I had many days like this, and I couldnt stop, nor wake up. I want to check for a sleep disorder but I dont have the money for it. I am currently enrolled in the two classes that I failed for the Summer 2012 term. My hope was to do well enough in those classes to put me back in the safe zone when it comes to academic standing. I am trying my hardest to raise my GPA. All I ask is that this dismissal is reversed for the Summer 2012 term and if my GPA is not high enough by the end, then dismiss me. I warn you though I am not going to anything less than an A in both classes.

Thank you for your time and consideration, Sincerely, Maxwell Evarts I.D. 19293167

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