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IB Learner Profile

Carolina Yez Villarreal

I think that Im not very inquirer because I dont like to search. I think that i have to improve in these profile because is good to be inquirer for knowing more and knowing more will help you all your life.

I think that Im a knowledgeable person because I enjoy to learn and all the things I learn stay on my head and I made use of it. I think that being kowledgeable will help me all my life because you need to know a lot of things to be succesfull.

I think that Im a very good thinker because I think before doing anything and I enjoy it. It will suport me a lot with my school and with my job and also with my family.

Im not a very good communicator but I can do it. I think that being a good communicator helps you but I dont think it will affect your life. You can improve it with your classmates etc.

I think being principled is very important in every sense of your life so I take it like a goal to be principled with my problems and with everything. Im working on it.

I think that being open-minded is important but I dont think it is VERY important. Honestly Im not vey open-minded at all. So, I need to work on it because it improve your life of making friends and traveling to different places all around the world.

I think Im a person with these profile because I enjoy and love to help people when they need it. I think that it is very important to be caring because all of us like people to help us. It will improve your entire life.

Im a risk-taker. I love to take risks or do new things that I dont know or that I havent done in my life. I think it is very important ti be risk-taker becaouse in the future in your job you NEED to be risk-taker or you will be very insecure and very tired.

I dont Im balanced because I dont know how to balance all the things I need to balance. I think that being balanced is important to be a better person.

I think Im a reflective person. I think I reflect and then I do it. I think is important to apply these profile in you life it will hekp you with your friends, in school, in your job and in all your life.

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