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Nombre _______________________ Clase ________ Cmo Eres?

Proyecto Rubric Unidad 1 Parte 1: Crear el personaje (Create the character)- 15 points Using your list of random Spanish adjectives from our Vocabulary quiz practice, you will cut out pictures from magazines and glue to construction paper to create a person that incorporates all of the adjectives. Your character should: 1. Represent ten (10) or more adjectives (you should label each of the adjectives) 2. Have a full body 3. Look silly! Parte 2: Una descripcin personal (A personal description)- 20 points After completing the picture, you will write a speech bubble for your character as if they are describing themselves and then glue it to the front or back of your construction paper. This speech bubble should include: 1. A greeting 2. Where they are from (any Spanish-speaking country!) 3. Ten (10) adjectives represented by the person (no more than 4 per sentence) 4. Three (3) or more things they like to do 5. Three (3) or more connector words (tambin, muy, un poco, etc.)

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