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First Semester 2012 Mrs.

Clearys Tiger Stars Lake Asbury Junior High School, 7-C Science Week 12 October 29, 2012 Essential Questions: What are the different types of Reflection? What types of images do Mirrors produce? Objectives: Students will describe the two types of reflection and explain how they are formed. Students will compare and contrast virtual image and real image. Schedule subject to change! Day Monday October 29 Homework Lessons Healthy Choices TEST review. Electromagnetic Spectrum Activity small group. Tuesday October 30
Pages 322 to 327.

Lesson 2 Page 323 Concepts to know. Read lesson 2, highlight all the definitions, and copy vocabulary and definitions in notebook.

Wednesday October 31 Thursday November 1

Finish vocabulary and definitions at home.

Early Dismissal.

Science Fair Procedural Healthy Choices TEST. Plan pages 15 to 18 due.

Independent work - Compare and contrast regular reflection vs. diffuse reflection (page 323). Compare and contrast virtual vs. real image (pages 323 to 325). Friday November 2 Chapter 9 - Lesson 1, Quiz. Compare and contrast concave mirrors vs. convex mirrors. Discussion pages 322 to 327.

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