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1JK Dragonflies Weekly Update! Whats on this week?

5 9 Nov 2012
Monday Library: Please bring library book bag. Chinese Tuesday Chinese Wednesday Chinese Art Thursday *P.E. uniform Chinese Friday P.E. uniform Assembly

Week 12

Home Learning continued:

# Phonics new & old sounds. Cut the phonemes and stick them on another sheet to create words. # Maths inquiry Word Search: Find the number names and write them. # Unit of Inquiry Stick pictures of living things with a pattern on their body (eg: snakes, fish or animals like tiger). # Mystery Bag! One per day. # Poem/song book Units of inquiry
Please remember that the Poem/song book comes back to school every Monday and is returned on a Monday also (sometimes containing a new poem/song)

To note/reminders:

Home Learning for week 11 and 12 is due on Friday, 9th November 2012.

What we are learning in 1JK:

-Phonics sounds ( r f l u I d b h s m c p t g a o) and new sounds- v w y z j n k e -Maths number To recognise and spell number names from one to ten. We are learning to create patterns and find patterns in our environment. -Writing using our sounds to spell, using a full stop at the end of a sentence and capital letter at the beginning. Uisng spaces between words. Unit of Inquiry: Friendship: We are learning to be effective communicators at school. Living Things: We are learning the characteristics of living and non-living things.

The week after:

12-16 Nov 2012

Year1 and 2 assembly in PAC CISWASC visit the school all week.

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