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By Marc, Aaron and Michael

Typical Target Audience

Our film is going to be a psychological thriller and the

typical target audience for them are 18+. Psychological thrillers are normally 18+ because they include a lot of violence and psychological issues that young children may find disturbing and there is also some scenes of horror in them which people may find disturbing. DVDs have age restriction warnings on them the audience knows what is going to be in the film and it also states why it is rated as it is e.g. Contains strong scenes of violence and frequent strong language.

Our Target Audience

The audience we are aiming to attract with our film are

males and females aged 18+ who enjoy psychological thrillers. Our film opening will be a 18+ because the movie contains aspects of violence and death and a character with mental health issues

Films with similar ratings and similar to ours

American Psycho (2000) 18+ Se7en (1995) 18+ Natural Born Killers (1994) 18+ Silence of the lambs (1991) 18+ Hannibal (2001) 18+ Taxi Driver (1976) 18+ Mr Brooks (2007) 18+

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