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Freshman Class

US History

WHAT WE DO Be COOL to our class Respect- Positively impact everyones learning experience by understanding opinions, abilities, and levels of weirdnessincluding Mr. Sandbergs Prepared- Come in and be seated before the Bell rings with a pen/pencil, paper, any assignments, and your book at the bare minimum! Honor- Do your own work and take ownership in it! You did it no one else Integrity- Be Cool to our class at all times even when no one is looking Be COOL with our class Order- Come in, sit in assigned seats, show you are PREPARED, and follow directions on the board, if I am not there in 5 minutes pop in a movie theres popcorn in the second drawer Organized- missed assignments are located in the tray hanging by the door and help is given to those who raise hands; Calm- Wait for 30 second warning to be given by the teacher for the packing up mayhem to begin and students will leave once the bell rings(If teacher fails to give warning, the class may choose to elect a Secretary of thirtysecond warnings to take over this position)


When observed Being COOL to and with the class you get Points!!! 5 Cool Points: Pick from the Cool lookin Bag 10 Cool Points: Free homework assignment!


COLD= Not being Cool=Breaking 1 or more of the rules=Not Cool but COLD 1st Offense-minus 1 cool pts 2nd Offense-Minus 5 COOL pts. 3rd Offense-Detention 4th Offense-Suspension from class 5th Offense-Office Visit

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