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Table of


壹、序言 03 1.Preface
貳、組織編制 04 2.Organizational Structure
參、機場全區配置圖 06 3.Overall Airport Configuration

肆、航空公司及航線圖 08 4.Airlines and Flight Routes
伍、營運成果 10 5.Operating Results

陸、重要設施汰換工程 16 6.Construction and Renovation of Facilities

Will step to the 柒、飛航安全、機場保安及衛生安全 18 7.Flight Safety, Aviation Security and Health Safety
捌、航空科㈻館 20 8.Aviation Museum
玖、噪音防制及回饋㈮補助 22 9.Airport Noise Prevention and Compensation Fund
拾、活動集錦 23 10.Activity Collections
拾壹、未來發展計畫 24 11.Future Development Plan
拾貳、㆒年大事記 26 12.Events in 2007
拾參、基本設施㈾料 30 13.General Infrastructure
1 序言 Preface

Flight safety 世

Exceptional service


Total customer satisfaction

FIDS, Flight Information Display System)更新工程,強化資訊服務;興建四座8,000公秉油槽,提高航油存量至

協會(ACI)舉辦之「機場服務品質計劃(ASQ, Airport Service Quality Program) 」評比,其內容包含:聯外交通、

桃園國際航空站主任 李燦煌
As the development of world transportation history shown, the 18th century is the era of ports, while the 19th century
is the era of railways and the 20th century is the era of freeways.Nowadays, in 21th century, we are in the era of
airports. To meet the need for the rapid developments in air transportation, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
is dedicated to the development and renovation of its software and hardware facilities thereby hoping to improve its
overall service quality and enhance international competitiveness.

Due to the painstaking efforts of all its staff, Taoyuan International Airport made some outstanding achievements in
2007, including renovating and upgrading the FIDS (Flight Information Display System) which enhance information
service on Terminal 1 ,and developing four 8000L oil tanks, which ensure over one weeks storage of aviation fuel;
repairing 361 pieces of plates on the flight path to ensure flight safety; rebuilding offices for flight crew and service
crew in terminal lobby to improve working environment. As shown by ACI statistics in 2007, the overall profitability
of Taoyuan International Airport reached 61.3%, ranking No.6 in the world. Moreover, the Taipei airport MRT project
has started on May 7, 2007 and the China Airlines HQ at Taoyuan International Airport has started on January 31,
2008, the completion of which will effectively improve the traffic system and quality of service.

Looking into the future, we will acquire an ICAO-compliant certificate and hope to become one of the most advanced
international airports. In addition, we will participate in the ACI held ASQ (Airport Service Quality Program), the
contents of which include outside traffic, boarding formalities, security check, entry and exit control, indicators,
airport service and other facilities to enhance the service quality and competitiveness. Furthermore, we will launch
some significant projects including the Taiwan Taiyuan International Airport Pavement Rehabilitation and Navigation
Facilities Upgrading Project, Taoyuan International Airport Terminal 1 Renovation Project, etc. in order to provide
"fast," "safe," and "convenient" transportation service.

T.H .Lee
Taoyuan International Airport Office

2 3
2 組織編制 Organizational Structure

㈽劃組/組長 范榮春
主任 李燦煌 航務組/組長 但昭璧
Planning Section
Director T. H. Lee Flight Operations Section Chief J. C. Fan
維護組/組長 謝㈶旺 貨運組/組長 孫翼㆗ 總務組/組長 葉勳良
Chief J. B. Dann
Maintenance Section Cargo Services Section General Affairs Section
Chief T. W. Hsieh Chief Y. C. Sun ㈾料㆗心/組長
Data Processing Center
Chief S. L. Yeh

會計室/主任 蕭㈪珠 ㆗控㆗心/組長 郭秋城

Accounting Office Central Control Center
業務組/組長 徐乃新 ㆟事室/主任 蕭建軍 Chief Y. C. Shiao 政風室/主任 鄭蒼暉 Chief C. C. Kuo 輸油㆗心/組長 劉龍村
副主任 劉創生 副主任 汪君平 副主任 洪義雄 Business Services Section Personnel Office Civil Services Ethics Office Refueling Operations Center
Deputy Director C. S. Liu Deputy Director J. P. Wang Deputy Director Y. S. Hung 航空科㈻館/館長 Chief J. J. Shiao Chief T. H. Jeng Chief L. T. Liu
Aviation Museum
Chief N. S. Shu
4 5
3 機場全區配置圖 Overall Airport Configuration

6 7
4 航空公司及航線圖 Airlines and Flight Routes

8 9
5 營運成果 Operating Results

航機架次Aircraft Movements 客運量Passenger Movements

96年機場進出航機為160,120架次,較95年增加2,417架次,成長1.53%。依航機使用性質區分,客運機 96年機場進出旅客運量(含過境㆟數)為23,425,794㆟次,較95年增加568,349㆟次,成長2.5%。過境轉機
為128,586架次,佔80.3 %,貨運機為28,183架次,佔17.6%,其他航機 3,351架次,佔2.1%。 旅客2,570,608㆟次,減少1,449㆟次,負成長0.06%。

The volume of passengers (including transit passengers) who accessed Taoyuan International Airport in
The number of flights that accessed Taoyuan International Airport in 2007 was 160,120. This was 2,417
2007 was 23,425,794. This was an increase of 568,349 over 2006, a growth of 2.5%. Passengers-in-transit
more than in 2006, showing a 1.53% growth. Of these flights, 80.3% were passenger flights (128,586
amounted to 2,570,608, a decrease of 0.06%.
flights), 17.6% were cargo flights (28,183 flights), and 2.1% were others (3,351 flights).

10 11
貨運量Cargo Movements
96年機場進出總貨運量為1,593,015.2公噸,較95年減少104,713.9公噸,負成長率為6.2 %。其㆗進口貨物

The total volume of cargo which passed through Taoyuan International Airport in 2007 was 1,593,015.2 tons,
an increase of 6.2%, or 104,713.9 tons over the previous year. The total volume consisted of 417,042.3 tons
of imported cargo (a decrease of 1.27% when compared with 2006), 542,211.1 tons of exported cargo (a
decrease of 3.2% when compared with 2006), 474,075.8 tons of trans-shipment cargo (a decrease of 15.1%
compared with 2006), 159,686 tons of express cargo (an increase of 9.6% compared with 2006), and 12,666
tons of mail (an increase of 12% over the previous year).

The total volume of cargo that accessed the Free Trade Zone was 9,959 tons, an increase of 88.06 times, or
9,848 tons, compared to 2006.

12 13
營運收入Operating Revenues
營運分析 Operation Analysis 2007 2006 差異
Growth rate
場站降落費等 Landing Fees 416 429 -13 -3.13%
設備及㆞勤場㆞使用費 Equipment & Ground Service Fees 188 184 4 2.13%
機場服務費 Airport Service Charges 124 121 3 2.42%
租㈮ Rental Fees 167 162 5 2.99%
權利㈮ Concessions 387 370 17 4.39%
其他收入 Other Revenues 18 36 -18 -100.00%
總計 Total 1300 1302 -2 -0.15%

單位:新台幣/仟萬元 Unit: NT dollars / 10 million

0 100 200 300 400 500

14 15
6 重要設施汰換工程 Construction and Renovation of Facilities

01 增設第㆓航廈貴賓室。 01 Addition Terminal 2 VIP Lounge

02 汰換第㆒航廈㈫災告警系統工程。 02 Renovate Terminal 1 fire alarm system

03 第㆒航廈出入境大廳班機㈾料顯示板改善工程。 03 Improve the Flight Information Display System (FIDS) of Terminal 1 Departure/Arrival Lobby

04 新設空側長廊及第㆒、㆓航廈LED機場標示板工程。 04 Addition air side gallery and Terminal 1 and 2 LED signboards

05 航務大廳整修工程。 05 Renovate the Flight Operation office

06 增設油庫4座8,000公秉油槽工程。 06 Addition four 8,000 kiloliter tanks for the oil depot

07 翻修北跑道及NP滑行道工程。 07 Renovate the north runway and NP taxiway

08 整修第㆒航廈南北長廊機坪廁所及㆞勤辦公室工程。 08 Renovate the apron toilets of Terminal 1 south-north gallery and the ground service office

09 整修第㆒航廈屋頂防㈬工程。 09 Waterproof the roof of Terminal 1.

16 17
7 飛航安全、機場保安及衛生安全 Flight Safety, Aviation Security and Health Safety

飛航安全 Conducted Air Crash Rescue Exercise on

October 24, 2007 to enhance the capability
of dealing with air disasters and emergency
Strictly control and check air fuel quality and
properly maintain fuel handling facilities to
ensure flight safety

賡續辦理桃園國際機場空側作業及設施查 Security Services

Aviation Police Office is in charge of the security
96年5㈪1㈰㉃5㈪7㈰舉辦飛安宣導週活動, services of Taoyuan International Airport and
加強宣導飛航安全㊟意事㊠。 is responsible for implementing and monitoring
the civil aviation security, preventing any illegal
disturbances as well as establishing airport
security committee according to the civil aviation
security plan, carrying out relevant operations
and preparing for Taiwan Taoyuan International
Airport Security Plan and coordinating security
work with residents organizations.

Health Safety
Flight Safety
The Second Branch Office Of Center For Disease
航空警察局為臺灣桃園國際機場保安管理機關 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Safety
Control, Department Of Health shall organize
,負責執行及㈼督機場民用航空保安事宜,防 Committee holds regular seminars to promptly
all relevant organizations and establish Taiwan
制非法干擾行為事件發生。依據國家民用航空 deal with any airside safety issues and improve
Taoyuan International Airport Health Safety
保安計畫規定,成立機場保安會,並負責相關 ground safety;
Committee to handle aircraft quarantine, airport
Routine maintenance service is performed for health control and other related issues to handle
the runway, taxiway and apron surfaces to quarantines for inbound passengers, vaccinations

ensure flight safety for outbound passengers, hygiene awareness

work, and to monitor airport vector mosquito,
Continuously monitor Taoyuan International mouse diseases, and other hygiene control
衛生署疾病管制局第㆓分局負責邀集各相關單 Airport airside operations and equipment review issues.
」,辦理入境旅客檢疫及出境旅客疫苗施打及 Conducted Flight Safety Promotion Week from
衛教宣導、機場航機病媒蚊掃蚊㈼測及鼠類病 May 1 to May 7, 2007 to enhance promotion to
源㈼測等衛生管制事㊠。 flight safety precautions.

18 19
8 航空科㈻館
Aviation Museum

Promote civil aviation cause, enhance public awareness

and carry out year-round teaching activities.

Covering an area of 28,760m2, the aviation museum located at the entrance of Taiwan Taoyuan International
Airport is the only aviation and space museum in Asia that is constructed within an international airport. The
main body of the museum is a building of triangles combination which is elegant and unique in appearance.
The indoor exhibition hall consists of the lobby, five exhibition areas, one feature exhibition area, two
cinemas and one 37m high observation tower.

Promote civil aviation cause, enhance public awareness and carry out year-round
teaching activities:

Provide volunteer guide by coordinating with the neighboring schools

Hold wire control model plane competition

Hold "Fly to the Sky—Build Your Own Plane" summer activities
The only aviation and space
辦理暑期航空研習營活動。 museum located within an
Hold aviation seminar summer camp activities international airport in Asia is the
aviation museum situated
20 21
9 機場噪音防制及回饋㈮補助 10 活動集錦
Airport Noise Prevention and Compensation Fund Activity Collections

每年研訂機場噪音防制工作計畫,除加強㈼ 宣揚台灣桐花㈵色,推廣客家傳統文化㈵展。
測民用航空器進場,橫向,起飛音量,並對 Popularize Taiwan´s paulownia flower and traditional
機場周圍㆞區居民,㈻校等加裝噪音防制設 Hakka culture.
施。96年度執行補助㈮費為1億6,738萬0,592 采盟公司與桃園縣政府教育局舉辦桃園縣國小兒
元。 童燈籠彩繪活動,得獎作品並參加加拿大兒童博
Work out annual airport noise prevention plan Tasa Meng Company held Taoyuan County Children
and expand noise prevention establishments to Color Lantern Drawing Activity with Taoyuan County
neighboring residents and schools in addition to Bureau of Education, and the prize winners participated
enhancing control over the sound level of civil in the Canada Children Museum Exhibition.
aircraft in approaching, taxiing and taking off. The 第㆓航廈C3候機室設置Hello Kitty專區。
compensation fund implemented in 2007 was Special Hello Kitty area was established in Terminal 2
$167,380,592 NTD C3 lounge.
為回饋機場周圍航空噪音防制區內㈳區及居 A380 Taiwan exhibition was held.
民,96年度提撥回饋補助㈮費計3億633萬9, 舉辦客家、原住民主題館及Hello Kitty商品專賣區
852元。 開幕茶會,提供旅客多元化服務。
Held opening tea party for Hakka and aboriginal theme
To compensate the neighboring communities halls and Hello Kitty trading zone providing passengers
with diversified services.
and residents within the noise control area,
the compensation fund allocated in 2007 was
$306,339,852 NTD
Held opening ceremony and concert for the Source of
Life, the airport public art.
To promote national art and culture, Jongjen
Elementary School, the champion of 2007 National
Chinese Concert Competition, was invited to give a

22 23
11 未來發展計畫 Future Development Plan

臺灣桃園國際機場主計畫 3㈪9㈰奉行政院核定,由交通部高速鐵路工程局負 臺灣桃園國際機場道面整建及助導航設施 simulator building and an international sightseeing hotel

Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 責執行興建,北起台北車站㈵定專用區之捷運車站 提升工程計畫 available for 360 rooms. Expected to be completed

Master Plan ,經㆔重、㈤股、新莊、林口、蘆竹,進入桃園國 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport at the end of 2009, the project will occupy 47,747m2
際機場範圍,往南則經大園鄉、青埔高鐵㈵定區 Road Surface Renovation and Navigation land area with total construction costs of $4.35 billion
民用航空局針對臺灣桃園國機場未來運量之預測 、最後㉃㆗壢市,已於97年2㈪27㈰開工。 Aids Improvement Project NTD.
,設施需求分析,機場內及周邊㈯㆞使用,空側 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Access MRT (Mass
規劃,㆞面運輸系統整合等做㆒整體計畫修訂。 Rapid Transit) Project was examined and approved 本計畫主要內容為道面整建、道面延長與儀降系
The Civil Aviation Authority shall work out the overall by the Executive Yuan on March 9, 2004, and the 設置商務航空㆗心
plan concerning the land use within and around the Bureau of High Speed Rail, MOTC, is responsible for the Business Aviation Center
The project mainly involves in road surface renovation,
airport, airside, and integrated ground transportation construction. Starting from the Taipei Main Station´
road extension and upgrade of instrument landing
system based on the forecast of the future air freight s special commercial zone, to its north and extending 提供商務專機旅客專門服務。
system to meet with the requirements for Class F
volume and equipment demand. to Taoyuan International Airport via San Chong, Wu Gu, Provide special services to business passengers.
aircrafts and develop taxiways. It is expected to be
Sinjhuang, Lin Kou and Lujhu and ending at Jhong Li
completed on Dec. 31, 2010.
to its south after crossing through Dayuan Township
興建機場捷運系統計畫 and Cingpu High Speed Rail Station, the project was 完成桃園航空㉂貿港區完成「遠雄快遞
completed on Feb. 27, 2008. ㆓庫」(DHL專用)新建工程
Airport MRT Project ㆗華航空公司設置機場航空事業營運㆗心
Complete No. 2 Farglory Warehouse
China Airlines Aviation Marketing Center
臺灣桃園國際機場聯外捷運系統建設計畫於93年 (DHL-Specific) in Taoyuan Aviation Free
國家重要交通門戶-臺灣桃園國際機場第 華航園區股份㈲限公司以原本桃園國際機場過境 Trade Zone
㆒航廈改善計畫 旅館現址興建4座建築物,包括㈽業總部大樓、
Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 組員訓練及派遣㆗心、模擬機大樓,以及擁㈲
Terminal 1 Rehabilitati on Project 360個房間的國際觀光旅館,預計98年底正式營
Started on Feb. 24, 2008, the project expands areas
本專案經行政院於97年1㈪核定實施後預訂㉃民國 for handling express cargoes by 8,116m 2 and is
101年12㈪底完成。 expected to be completed in the beginning of 2009.
China Airlines Ltd. will build four buildings on the
This project has been examined and approved by the
existing Taoyuan International Airport Transit Hotel,
Executive Yuan in Jan. 2008 and is expected to be
including HQs building, training and dispatching center,
completed in Dec. 2012.

24 25
12 ㆒年大事記 Events in 2007

JAN 警政署入出境管理局升格為內政部入出國及移民署,於桃園國際機場正式掛牌成 APR 西北航空公司搬遷㉃桃園國際機場第㆓航廈營運。

01.02 立國境事務大隊。 01.02 Northwest Airlines was moved to Terminal 2 of Taoyuan International Airport.
The Bureau of Immigration under the Department of Police Administration was upgraded
to the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior, and the Border Affairs Brigade 04.12 桃園國際航空站㉃大園鄉公所辦理航科館搬遷規劃案,㈲關「住㆞居民」意見簡
was officially inaugurated in Taoyuan International Airport 報。
Aviation Museum Movement Plan was handled with Dayuan Township Office.
01.18 民航局張局長蒞臨桃園國際機場,參加第㆓航廈南出境登機長廊昇恒昌文化藝廊
開幕典禮。 MAY 兆豐商銀於第㆓航廈㆒樓入境非管制區外幣兌換櫃台實施24小時服務。
Director General Chang of Civil Aeronautics Administration visited Taoyuan International Mega International Commercial Bank set up a 24-hour foreign exchange counter at
Airport and participated in the inauguration ceremony for the Terminal 2 South Boarding Terminal 2.
Walkway Ever Rich Art Gallery.
FEB 桃園國際航空站魏主任勝之榮升為民航局主任㊙書;新任主任李主任燦煌到任視 、立榮及華信航空包機之短期旅遊旅客為主要審查對象,審查期間為96.05.01㉃
事。 97.02.29。
Director chief Wei of Taoyuan International Airport was promoted to chief secretary to the Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice of Japan sent three examiners to examine
director of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, and the newly appointed Director Lee took the passengers from chartered airplanes of China Airlines, EVA Airlines, UNI Air, and
his office. Mandarin Airlines from May 01, 2007 to February 29, 2008.

02.17 行政院蘇院長貞昌蒞臨桃園國際機場視察
05.02 民航局張局長蒞臨桃園國際航空站主持「飛安宣導活動大會」,並邀請藝㆟蕭薔
Su Tseng-chang, the premier of the Executive Yuan, visited Taoyuan International Airport. 小姐擔任「飛安大使」,以宣導飛航安全之重要。
Director General Chang of Civil Aeronautics Administration visited Taoyuan International

MAR 為配合國際民航組織反恐措施,今起搭乘國際線班機(含國際包機)出境、轉機及 Airport and presided over Flight Safety Propaganda Activity and Miss Xiao Qiang was
過境旅客所攜帶之液體、膠狀及噴霧類物品,將與歐美管制規定同步。 invited to act as Flight Safety Ambassador to promote the importance of flight safety.
Control over carrying liquid, glue and various sprays by passengers was enacted in line with
the European and American practice to coordinate with ICAO´s efforts against terrorism. 05.16 立法院預算及決算委員會赴桃園航空㉂由貿易港區實㆞勘查相關預算執行績效,
03.03 陳總統及呂副總統蒞臨桃園航空㉂由貿易港區參觀,民航局張局長及桃園航空站 Budget and Final Accounts Commission of the Legislative Yuan conducted site survey on
李主任陪同參訪。 the relevant budget issues of Taoyuan International Airport Free Trade Zone, accompanied
President Chen Shui-bian and Vice President Lu Hsiu-lien visited Taoyuan International by Director General Chang of Civil Aeronautics Administration and Director Lee of Taoyuan
Airport Free Trade Zone accompanied by Director General Chang of Civil Aeronautics International Airport.
Administration and Director Lee of Taoyuan International Airport.

05.17 研考會蒞站考核查證航站㆟流管制作業整合情形。
03.14 采盟公司於桃園國際機場舉辦桃園縣國小兒童燈籠彩繪活動「彩繪臺灣,綻放世 Research and Development Examination Commission of the Executive Yuan examined the
界」頒獎典禮。得獎作品展示於第㆓航廈提供旅客觀賞。 passenger flow control operation of Taoyuan International Airport.
Tasa Meng Company held prize awarding ceremony for Taoyuan County´s Children Color
Lantern Drawing Activity, and the prize winner works were displayed in Terminal 2.

26 27
JUN 桃園航空站航空科㈻館舉辦「96年度桃園機場線控模型飛機飛行競賽」活動,共 10.30 桃園國際機場第㆓航廈「生命之源」遷移㉃西側停車場㆔樓通廊,並由民航局張
計55㈴選手參賽。 局長國政蒞臨主持「生命之源、風華再現」啟用典禮。
Aviation Museum held 2007 Model Plane Competition attracting fifty five participants. Source of Life in Terminal 2 of Taoyuan International Airport was moved to the gallery on the
3rd floor of the west side parking lot and was presided over by Director General Chang of
聯合航空公司假桃園國際機場第㆓航廈舉辦臺北―舊㈮山復航慶㈷茶會。 Civil Aeronautics Administration.
United Airlines held the Taipei-San Francisco Route Reactivation Ceremony via Taoyuan
International Airport Terminal 2. 10.30 華信航空公司舉辦台北―釜山航線首航典禮,由民航局張局長國政蒞臨主持剪
世界最大客機法國空㆗巴士A380假桃園國際機場展示㆔㈰。 Mandarin Airlines held Taipei- Pusan maiden voyage ceremony with ribbon cut by Director
The French A380, the world´s largest passenger aircraft, was exhibited in Taoyuan General Chang of Civil Aeronautics Administration.
International Airport for three days.

NOV ㆗華航空公司㉂(22)㈰起在桃園國際機場設置「行動櫃檯MobileCounter」,以機動

JUL 桃園國際航空站站慶紀念㈰更迭為每年7㈪1㈰。
11.22 、便捷的服務,縮短旅客報到時間。
07.01 Anniversary time for Taoyuan International Airport was changed to July 1. China Airlines set mobile counters in Taoyuan International Airport to facilitate passengers´
registration formalities with flexible and convenient service.
Taoyuan International Airport held a Summer Aviation Workshop Camp from July 18 to 漢石㈽業申請灣流私㆟豪華商務專機來台靜態展示,並於桃園國際機場國內站舉
August 15, 2007. 行啟航記者會,邀請記者貴賓10㆟登機離境。
Static demonstration of a gulf-stream private luxury plane was applied, and a new
歌林公司熱心公益捐贈桃園國際航空站370部液晶顯示器,由李主任燦煌假記者接 conference was held in Taoyuan International Airport for its maiden voyage.
Kolin Inc. donated 370 LCDs to Taoyuan International Airport.
DEC 桃園國際航空站㉂(1)㈰起增播台語廣播。

12.01 Taiwanese broadcasting was added to Taoyuan International Airport from December 1.
AUG 廈、第㆓航廈免稅店OT案、桃園㉂由貿易港區機場貨運站作業及客運園區,由民 內政部移民署㉂(4)㈰起恢復實施登機證加蓋證照查驗章。
08.30 12.04
航局張局長國政親臨接待主持。 National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior, resumed putting a Passport Inspection
Ministry of Communications held routine news conference at Taoyuan International Airport Seal on the boarding pass from December 04.
presided over by Director General Chang of Civil Aeronautics Administration.

12.12 ㆗華航空公司貨運包機首航大陸重慶。

SEP ㉂本(21)㈰起辦理兩岸㆗秋節包機,首航為立榮航空公司B7-138飛航台北―㆖海, Maiden voyage of China Airlines chartered cargo plane to Chong Qing.
計往返48航班,疏運旅客8,655㆟次。 桃園國際航空站完成2008年ASQ(機場服務品質)報㈴事宜,㉂97.01-12正式參加國
Taiwan-Chinese Mainland chartered flights for the Mid-Autumn Festival started from 際機場㈿會ACI評比計畫。
Taipei-Shanghai on the 21st via UNI Airlines B7-138 plane and ended on September 30th Taoyuan International Airport completed the ASQ registration procedure and from January
from Shanghai-Taipei by UNI Airlines B7-139 flight totaling forty eight flights and 8,655 01-12, 2008, officially participated in the ACI appraisal plan

OCT 桃園國際航空站舉辦96年度空難搶救演習,由民航局王副局長德和主持。
Air Crash Rescue Exercise 2007 was held at Taoyuan International Airport, presided over by
Deputy Director General Wang of Civil Aeronautics Administration.

28 29
13 基本設施㈾料 Infrastructure

跑道/Runway: 遠端停機坪:233,585 平方公尺,停機位15個 機場交通/Airport Transportation

Remote aprons : 233,585m , with fifteen parking
05/23跑道:第㆓類精確進場(CAT-II)跑道長3,660 聯外客運巴士、計程車、租賃車
公尺、寬60公尺 場內設㉂動電車系統連接第㆒、第㆓航廈
修護停機坪:315,270 平方公尺,停機位31個
05/23 Runway : 3,660m long and 60m wide CAT-II Outward connecting buses, taxies, and rental cars :
Maintenance aprons : 315,270m 2, with thirty one
precision approach runway A Sky Train connecting Terminal 1 and 2
06/24跑道:第㆒類精確進場(CAT-I)跑道長3,350 parks stands

06/24 Runway : 3,350m long and 60m wide CAT-I
precision approach runway

Parking lot : area : 84,380m2, available for twenty
buses and 2,118 cars

第㆓航廈/Terminal 2
樓層:㆞面4層 / ㆞㆘2層
Number of floors : four above ground floors and two 飛航服務設施/Air Traffic Service
登機門/Boarding Gates:
underground floors System
航廈面積:318,000平方公尺 終端航管㉂動化系統
Terminal 1, North Boarding Gates : nine units
Area : 318,000m2 Terminal Air Traffic Control Automation System
年旅客容量:1,700萬㆟次 終端雷達系統
Terminal 1, South Boarding Gates : nine units
Annual passenger capacity : 17 million passengers. Terminal Radar System
停車場:面積:212,916平方公尺,容量:小客 氣象雷達系統
Terminal 2, South Boarding Gates : ten units
車4,159輛,大客車35輛 Weather Radar System
Parking lot : area : 212,916m , available for 4,159 cars
滑行道/Taxiway: Terminal 2, North Boarding Gates : ten units
and thirty five buses Instrument Landing System
北滑行道15條,南滑行道11條,聯絡南、北滑行 多向導航台
道2條,共計28條。 VOR (VHF Omni directional Range)
Fifteen north taxiways and eleven south taxiways, 通信裝備
and two south-north connecting taxiways, totaling Communication Equipment
twenty eight taxiways

停機坪區分為/Aprons, including: 第㆒航廈/Terminal 1

客運停機坪:486,236平方公尺,停機位41個(含 樓層:㆞面4層 / ㆞㆘1層
國內線) Number of floors: four above ground floors and one
Passenger aprons : 486,236m2, with forty one parking underground floor
stands (including domestic flights) 航廈面積:169,500平方公尺
貨運停機坪:361,643平方公尺,停機位25個 Area : 169,500m2
Cargo aprons : 361,643m2, with twenty five parking 年旅客容量:1,200萬㆟次
stands Annual passenger capacity : Twelve million passengers.

30 31

㉂動氣象觀測系統 出版機關:交通部民用航空局桃園國際航空站
㆞ 址:桃園縣大園鄉航站南路9號
AWOS (Automated Weather Observing System) International Airport Free Trade Zone 網 址
目視助航設施 電 話:03-3982178
Visual Navigation Aids 編 者:交通部民用航空局桃園國際航空站
Quantity : 1
輸油作業系統/Refueling Operation 面積:45公頃 ㆞ 址:北縣㆗和市景新街347號11樓之6
System Area : 45 hectares 電 話:02-29411329
600米跨越橋:1座 出版年㈪:97年5㈪
600m overpass : 1 創刊年㈪:70年6㈪
:56,000公秉 刊期頻率:年刊
Oil tanks : Four 6,000KL oil tanks and four 8,000KL
Storage : 1 本書同時登載於臺灣桃園機場網站,
oil tanks, totaling a capacity of 56,000KL 網址為
加值廠房:2棟 航空科㈻館/Aviation Museum
航機加油栓174具及全㉂動輸油系統1套。 工本費:270元
Value-added workshop : 2 總面積:28,760平方公尺
174 hydrant refueling systems and one fully GPN:2007000088 ISSN:19928599
倉辦大樓:1棟 Total area : 28,760m2
automated refueling system 著作權管理訊息
Warehouse building : 1 室內展示區:1個大廳、5個展示區、1座瞭望台 著作㈶產權㆟:交通部民用航空局桃園國際航空站
機放快遞倉:1棟 Indoor exhibition layout : one hall, five exhibition 本書保留所㈲權利,欲利用本書部份或全部內容者,須徵求著作㈶
Express warehouse : 1 產權㆟同意或授權。
areas and one observation tower
貨棧年處理量:500,000公噸 飛機實體展示公園 Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport Annual Report 2007
Annual storage capacity : 500,000 tons Aircraft Exhibition Park Published by :Taoyuan International Airport Office
Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation
and Communications,Republic of China
飛機修護廠/Aircraft maintenance Address:No.9, Hangzhan S. Rd., Dayuan Shiang, Taoyuan
workshop County 337, Taiwan
http ://
TEL :886-3-398-2178
Produced by :Taoyuan International Airport Office
航空貨運站/Air Cargo Terminals Civil Aeronautics Administration, Ministry of Transportation
數量:2個(場內) and Communications,Republic of China
Design and printing:Goyoung In´t Culture Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Quantity : two units (inside airport)
Address :11F.-6, No.347, Jingxin St., Zhonghe City, Taipei County 235,
Total area : 208,681m2 TEL :886-2-2941-1329
年容量:約1,380,000公噸 消防站/Fire station Published Date :May 2008

Annual capacity : about 1,380,000 tons First published in: June 1981
Frequency of issue: Annually
、B、C、D 4個消防分站。
數量:2區 The content of this book is simultaneously published on the official website
Four fire stations are equipped according to ICAO
Quantity : 2 of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport:
CAT 9 : Airport Requirements
Printing cost: NT$270
GPN:2007000088 ISSN:19928599
Total area : 85,209m2 機場作業單位Airport Operation Units
Copyright information:
發動機修理工廠:2間 工作單位:約200個
Copyright owner: Taoyuan International Airport, Civil Aeronautics
Engine repair workshop : 2 Working unit : about 200 Administration MOTC
引擎試車台:2座 工作㆟員:約20,000㆟ All rights reserved. None of the information provided in this book shall be
Engine test cell : 2 units Workforce : about 20,000 persons. duplicated, reproduced or distributed without the prior permission of the
copyright owner.

32 33

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