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Heat of Occupants

Qo = n Q / person D .F . Where : n = Number of occupants Q = Heat produced / person Q = (Qs + QL ) / person D.F . = Diversity factor


100 persons seating in theater. Calculate the heat From occupants:
Qo = n Q / person Qs = 100 72 = 7200 W QL = 100 31 = 3100 W Qo = 100 ( 72 + 31) = 10300 W Assuming D.F . = 1


Light Heat gain.

Q L = (I n + 1.25 F) in watt Where : I n = heat radiation from lamps in watt. ( From Electrical Drawing) F = heat radiation From Fluorescent Or using Specific table ; Q L = Area ( W/m 2 ) DF. Diversity Factor DF taking into consideration the possibilty of not using all lighting connections at the same time . For Example 65% of the light is ON DF = 0.65


Light Heat gain

Example For 150 m2 area flat, estimate the heat gained from lighting: 150 x 20 = 3000 W. Assuming DF = 1.
W / m2 60 45 40 20 17 15

Type of Building Office Factory

School, University Flat, theater, hotel,

Restaurant Hospital, Library, Museum

Heat of equipment & Motors

Qe = Sum ( E ) Where : E = Power in watt . = Efficiency of the motor .


Heat of equipment & Motors

Example: A computer room, having 10 computers calculate the heat gained from computers; each computer has a power of 700 Watts.
Motor Power Less than 200 Watts. From 375 up to 750 Watts From 1 Kw up to 4 Kw From 5.5 Kw up to 15 Kw. Greater than 15 Kw. Efficiency 0.6 0.7

0.8 0.85

Qe = Sum ( E ) Qe = 10 (700 0.7 ) Qe = 4900 W .


Heat gain from some equipments, W


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