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We are the days and the nights Imam Reza (asws) said, We are the nights and the

days. Anyone who does not recognize the days cannot gain the marifat of Allah. Saturday is associated with RasoolAllah (saw). He is the seal of prophets and this day is associated with His prophethood. Sunday is associated with Moula Ali (asws). He was the first through whom tauheed (oneness) of Allah was recognized. Monday is associated with the Noor of Imam Hasan (asws) and Imam Hussain (asws). Tuesday is associated with the Noor of Syeda Fatima (sa), Syeda Khadija (sa), and Umm Salama (sa). Wednesday is associated with Imam Zainul Abideen (asws), Imam Muhammad Baqir (asws), Imam Jafar Sadiq (asws), and Imam Musa Kazim (asws). Thursday is associated with Imam Reza (asws), Imam Taqi (asws), Imam Naqi (asws), Imam Askari (asws), and Imam Mehdi (atfs). Friday is associated with Our Shia. On this day they remember their allegiance regarding Our wilayat and send lanat upon Our enemies. (Mashariqul Anwar al Yaqeen)

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