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TROWULAN DISTRICT Saka watu company which is located at highway Jatisumber sub-district Trowulan district Mojokerto Regency provides a variety of artistic works of stone sculpture. Starting from the sculpture garden, lamps, to wall reliefs and decorations, every product we personally carved by the sculptor-engraver Trowulan with amazing carving ability. It is common knowledge that the population Trowulan born with a strong artistic side of art and culture inherited from the ancestors of the Majapahit Kingdom old days, so that we proudly offer products which are listed in the catalog. their products are generally made of "Stone mountaing" that gives natural color and elegance which can easily blend with the style of contemporary and classic home decorativ. With the ability to sculpt a very good, Saka Watu is proud to dedicate themselves to producing the best work, each product saka watu is the best evidence of the work that is sure to be able to satisfy all customers saka watu. Trowulan which provide the most conducive place to produce works of the most artistic stone carvings, on the other hand Trowulan It was the center of the king of Majapahit. With sculpture we seek to preserve the ancestral culture. sculpture that is made really attractive, elegant, and natural. How to order is easy because we can get in touch with no cellphone or we can directly go to the sculptor. for its more affordable price depending on the size and difficulty of making sculpture. the price range of Rp 100,000 to Rp 1000,000. we can also order what we wanted. but of course the price is a bit expensive in comparison to the finished sculpture. A. For buyers who already have a product sample. Samples sent to sculptor along with 30% down payment of total value product. 50% residual payments payable when sculptor have completed 50% of stage Job. Repayment of 20% given to sculptor when you want to take product orders B. For buyers who have designs. Design is discussed together with sculptor. When the deal transaction advances 30% of the total transactions submitted to sculptor. 50% residual payments payable when sculptor have completed 50% of stage work. Repayment of 20% given to sculptor when you want to take product orders C. For buyers who do not have design. Design will be done for free by sculptor. When the deal transaction advances 30% of the total transactions submitted to sculptor. 50% residual payments payable when we have completed 50% of stage work. Repayment of 20% given to sculptor when you want to take product orders. Various stone statue For purposes of sculpture for interior and exterior hotels, offices, monasteries, pagoda. Judging from history, a heritage city Trowulan majapahit royal king. Of the greatness of the name of culture majapahit leave big enough one stone carving craft. From carving craft that produces a lot of works of art. Between the statues, ornaments, reliefs and many more.

Based on its history, the Trowulan known for its expertise in making stone sculptures. To produce a stone statue that can issue an aura that can not be done by just anyone. The person must have a smooth feeling and sincerity. Stone sculpture that many are booked: - Head of Buddha Statue, - Sculpture Water Fountain, - Statues Gentong, - Decoration Sculpture Park, - Statue of Goddess Durga / Lakshmi, - Statue of Shiva, - The Statue of Frog, Fish, Pigs, Elephants and other animals, - Sculpture / Relief Religious like Corpus statue, Statue of Virgin Mary, Relief Road Cross, Holy Family Statue kebuadayaan version anywhere, Buddha Statues Disciple, Sculpture Buddhist symbols from all Buddhist flow, such as flow Tantrayana, Theravada, Mahayana and others, Bodisatwa Statue, Buddha Statue with modra position that different. - Borobudur Stupa - Statue of Lion Shrine (Note: because I live in Sidoarjo then I use this theme which is in Trowulan. I know this information from one of the craftsmen sculpture in Trowulan)

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