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Student Leadership Resources:

(Provided by the Columbia College Office of Student Activities)

Creative Ways to Advertise

Make something for everyone in the organization can wearpaper hats with info on them, a sign taped to everyones back, etc. Use many flyers in one concentrated spot, not one flyer in many spots Walk around a busy campus area with picket signs with info on it (Maybe even have a chant) Have booths or tables at pre-existing events to hand out freebies an info about upcoming events Make Facebook invitations Create a Facebook group for your event Create an Evite invitation for your event Have stickers with the event info printed on them and stick them on people as the walk by Make announcement before classes (Check with your professor first.) Perform skit and/stunts with costumes in high traffic areas Make curiosity teasers: sneak previews, clues to an event, video preview at a table in the student union Make sandwich boards for organization members to wear while walking around campus Pass out free tickets (even if the event is free!) Have performers do 5-10 minute teasers to give people a sampling of the performance In laundry rooms, pass out little packs of detergent with event info attached Pass out candy with event info taped to it Hand out pencils before big exams with event info printed on them Make balloon animals with event info printed on the balloons Get a vinyl cover for your car made up with event info on it and park it in a visible spot (Check with Student Activities first.) Get a remote control vehicle (car, airplane, blimp) and attach event info to it

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