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Outline of summative assessment task(s) (GRASPS) including assessment criteria

Goal: Create a storytelling presentation that explores a significant scientific or technical
innovation, its historical context, and its impact on society.

Role: You are a storyteller and researcher tasked with presenting the story of a chosen
innovation to your classmates.

Audience: Your classmates, who have a basic understanding of English and are eager to
learn about historical innovations.

Situation: Your presentation is part of a school project where you will showcase your
storytelling skills and your ability to communicate the importance of scientific and technical

Product: A well-structured storytelling presentation about your video or audio that includes
historical context, key inventors, the innovation's purpose, its impact on society, and
engaging visual aids.

Assessment criteria:
Criterion A: Listening
i.identify explicit and implicit information (facts and/or opinions, and supporting details)
Criterion B: Reading
i.identify explicit and implicit information (facts and/or opinions, and supporting details)
Criterion C: Speaking
iii.use clear pronunciation and intonation in a comprehensible manner
iv.during interaction, communicate all or almost all the required information clearly and effectively.
Criterion D: Writing
iii.organize information effectively and coherently in an appropriate format using a wide range of
simple and complex cohesive devices
iv.communicate all or almost all the required information with a clear sense of audience and
purpose to suit the context
Topic: Creating a Storytelling About Scientific and Technical Innovations

Concept: Storytelling is the art of sharing a sequence of events or a tale in a way that
captures the attention of the audience. It's like telling a story to friends or family, where you
use words, emotions, and imagination to create a vivid picture in their minds. Storytelling can
be about real experiences or imaginary adventures. It often has characters, a setting, a
problem or challenge, and a resolution.

 Step 1: Choose a well-known innovation (e.g., the telescope) and briefly explain its
Source of inventions:

Example of introduction:
The telescope (1608) – In 1608, Hans Lippershey created a convex lens and concave
eyepiece that enabled the creation of the telescope. The next year, Galileo Galilei built on
these early designs to create a much more powerful telescope that enabled us to understand
our place in the universe.

 Step 2: Assign each group a different stage of the innovation's development (e.g.,
the inventor's inspiration, the challenges faced, the impact on society). Each
group brainstorms ideas and collaboratively creates a short narrative for their
assigned stage.

Source: Storytelling Example:


 Step 3: Students decided the topic for their storytelling They share as a group the
responsibility of working collaboratively. Write the script for the audio o video and
Choose ICT resources.

Source: Powtoon:

 Step 4: Make a short reflection of 100 words to about the videos watched.

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