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Desteny Vaca Soto Per4 Time Management and goal setting Her is chart that shows everything I do the

whole day.
Time Management for Desteny
200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 Minutes Per Day 40 20 0 1 Dialy Activities Learning chores eating exercise hobby tv

My Goal My goal is that I have to do more work then I have right now. I have to study a lot so I can understand everything Im doing. I have to listen more to people. I have to be nicer to the teachers.

My Support My support I will tell my teachers so they can help me with my work. I really want to be a lawyer because they help people with problems and I really like making people happy. I will tell them nicer then I do. My Plan My plan to accomplish my goal is to tell people that I need help with the work. I think that the date should be is started from beginning of the year or the semester. But the most that you should is started from right now to get my goal. First I would ask the teacher that I really need help with. Second, I will ask if they can at least help me with some make up work. Setbacks Some of my setbacks will be my mom because she is the one that doesnt want me to be a lawyer she maybe one of the peoples. Maybe another one of my setbacks will be my sibling because they wont let me. Encouragement When I feel that Im not making me goal I will get mad or ill get try again until I do way much better.

When I feel like that I will try to do something that will cheer me up. What will cheer me up letting me know what Im best at helping people with there stuff. Reflection Mostly

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