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$48 CJ%' -I .$4; CF& 1E *C *A@$.*>=? $ <1;:0 $4.78

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6 $32.#
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=%=*? %=V -"&M0 C *1#" *$I 2$4<
$78 U#"T.0 1RS "PN 2M0 L*
E <W%Z3 W ;$3"%M; `_ WZ%S
W ;b=Z;
`_ a8E4\
1# WZ'
-^0 3W;$# $4.78
2# CP3
."%@_` d*? `_T=%* EPT< $48$I W;2.e*? 0C=* $4*XY/T<
aT* $e; : *51e<
a &W<$.* W#: *C3 A
%TJn m=l 4:j 1# E4& ? `_# C3 g%*
s%I 2" 'M; L *1N $4T%ZJ0
a &qMT; L *Ej Aj W%*$p 6E4j A4* U &aT* $4<
2 'U5T.;
L *71;$S $4R\
$.* 1#" *C3 E '2 ;$j 1I A ;Aj" u* C3 $#
$ 'aT* E5M*
E8 1I $4* :0 L *aT* W;2.e*
? T@
$ <1I -=Z^0
2w* .$4%7J;
.8WS" uI 2R%* $4=ZMT.;
.?7lEV a& dT' Uz# a8E%' 1# $4^;"; `_ 2.# {;"; W=%=* d|S

1. E * - to contaminate, to sully, to dirty

2. ?<$78 U#"T< - to catch one's breath
3. W;$# - slave girl, chambermaid, concubine, sex-slave
4. :j - One who marries a lot. A serial polygamist ( or a serial monogamist. Your milage
may vary)
scroll, tabulation, register
5. 1 e <6. "4 j (pl E4j ) - dowry
7. 1;$S $4R\ - Suspicions and hearsay
8. m%S( adjectival noun WS ) suave, refined, lean, possessed of abundant mojo and game

?Z& 1j b^
$R* dT' 10$4wTM;
? Jj -R=l $4%=V
$I 2;2z* qMT* Aj 9$48
:E4N "A%@2T*" uI Aj $4%=V E<_` A%0EP%J* $n" 7*? 8$J< 11$3Ez0 "4 dT'

.%=V ARp .. a<E=7N -

L%S a*$%F* 14$3"4ZN

UZl C `_ *E/
-^0? %=V 13-3"I $# EZ<
$ZN WJ^j a &-8$I
j q%R' 1z& W7=FTj
sSE *WV$ez*
b=TZ; L *$3"4j 2w; U5T.;
L *g=7
%=RS W%V$ZT#

.2j aV"\ $P8 2wV -^0 -Z0 aT* WM%R* C3
Ln se0" 0 ?"&l 2N $M* 19?"\I 187T8 17$J%V $p EeV q=I 1uj 164=; 2N $e&
d=V Wp$" &#$%7*
?TI ' " $%^*
*? 2%M0
-*$ '$j$Z0? TI '" -7S E0 $e&
.";".* W&$' Aj 20W#"'2Tj ..`_

9. $48 - collapse, slump over.

10.mTV - to let ( s.o) go
11.$3E z0 -Deformations
12. Iraqi Colloquial: "bfls... u-ghbn al."
staying whether you like it or not."

13. " I - . to impose (by force), to browbeat

14."4 j -Dowry (also ransom)
15.a=RS - tribal
16.- 4 * - To pant, wheeze, hyperventilate
17.$J%V $p - his eyes went hollow
18.7T8 - To swell, to heave
19."I - Gut, Paunch
20.'"20 - II to tumble down, to roll out

"What with all the money I paid for're

"3 $I $Z8" %S
Aj aV"z* $4N $Tp
" zM*
C" *M* 21;$3 A%N
aT* $4T; '" -P=j
22$j $V" <2 'W=%*" %p 2 ;L *: *W=j -^R
$4* WR.J*
.$4* "#$%7*

21. (;$3 ) W#:3 - A type of song, traditionally chanted with percussive accompaniment
during a public event such as a wedding or a march. So named for the poetic meter : 3
22.$j $V" < - in no time at all, before long, presently



1PN 24Wu%/T.j
$4& E @Aj - "@$4#
? 8 $%V2j $4V 2Fj L^Tw;
q";p E=FZN
" M* -#E&
^"j d=V{ NCT* 27:JV 26$ \1uj ? *-w%<
C{ *NCZ* 25LT%Z* C4* ES ;" $# A;C*
.1l$R* W%#:*
" M* $48 $4* 1%S W8E=j E d=V 2ZTV
1N 1RS Aj g";M*`_ E" <0 L*
$N W >=$M* $48 E @$4; 2 " *$j 28|j d=V -w& a8EJ*? 4#
1uj EJ* EN
.$4^NCj d* $z* $< d=V E8$MT; L48$I
: *=2;2z* $4|&
" N E#E &L48 `_ "Pj a &-MS $48 L4Jj
$J "M* " d=V $J*'|"

.$4TR5@ 2JV $4%=V -"V aT* E* q'$ "0 -R=l E=FZ* C3 W&"Mj 2V $48XYV
29mS20 L" *M*" EJ* EN *"E *d=V " g";M*" P8
$ &|W%V"z*? SEw^N
$R*$5j Ww%8" `_ M* W"&p <$RTJj
sS C *A>$P* 1P\
Aj "M*
23.Hans Wehr gives two definitions for this word:
. j : Transformation, metamorphosis;
transmutation, conversion; falsification,
distortion, misrapresentation; metempsychosis.
. j or . j (pl. E.j ): transformed into an animal;
misshapen, deformed, disfigured; ugly, misshapen
midget; freak, monstrosity; monster.
24.$/T< - To call for help
25.LT %j - Orphanage
26.$\ - ewe
27.:JV -She-goat
28.| j d=V - Grudgingly
29.mS - to be precise, to check

'T d *M"
*T@2& 1V a XYTS? jV U"<?l $ I 1*@2XY *;C3 A"VE 30*p d"& W *M"<$
@"Ew*$N $3E# Aj* W&"/Ew=p *$R Lp& *"M "@ $4 $4>$PN<.$4Tn$/T
MZ=0$ uj%& 1"%0 31AE I $48 $<=T-
wjE J%V$
4#? 8V$ L
%Z# 1
I8$ - *E *z$
*=FZE *C &#$3$N $@2*E? j%V2$
j AE e8E 3%*EE ;$ V3:%p 32$" *ES U;=TF sZ0j$& $ $
?8* 1P\ ?* g;"M
$n `_ ; E=* W=N - Z.33
<TZTJ" I8$ -j" V;22 @"3 $ *e2S 35 2TN$?
8? S:; _` 34;:l 2*E? =VTj d" n%nXY A
7$ zN"; W&w J%V 2 $0" *? *e2 J%V? `_ @" MN 2 wnq
=4Z0? 36 T0" *?
& a7lT*E? &= L
^0V _` 38dXY *4 $`_ *e2 \= 1`_ 7l$* 39T; L"I" $NE
4#? wuNE `_
J7#? ZI $wn q

%zZI W5N W
^R -
;%7TP $4NC *zT;E?N 1R%; -2 NV_`$#E$ T%zj?
*75 1
*Mz" R{ S" j 41# A8$ q
\M" <? * L;=. L&.TS$
*^ET' 40 d
* a& $4N :TM; aT* q8$e`_@" * W%5/T* q8$e`_"S.

" 3 - to rush, to make haste 30.

"% & - piece of turquoise 31.
- in its heyday;$ 32.$3:V
) to s.o* to (d( 33.W=N - Z ; _` - have no relationship whatsoever
: S - dwarf, midget, pygmy ) :S(34.
- smallpox
*2 e35.
36. 1 4 j - to grant
37.qwu ;\q wn - to puncture, to drill a hole in
Ewn - countless holes `_ 38.d^0
1 = \ - polio.`_ $7l 39.1= \ - paralysis.
E' - pelvis40.
- bald"S41.

L *E *$ZI=? %# $R\ 1Z#

? .78
" RTM; E3 WN"p W%*$P\
=? P\
a &2e;" `_ EJ* EN "q%eM*

."zR=* W%M%R5* $7* 1I 2w70" PRj "j_` b=0 1PN q;
E8$I $4=3
$48 $4N -MS 43W.%.@
W#:I ? *42$%8
`_ -`_ &|E<
AV ^R=*
d *W4#
ETj EJe* Aj g";M* $4=Z^0
E d=V 2ZTV

.$4Mj $4T=Z' aT* 45W%4;EZT* E* XY@ Aj aV20 -8$I $ZI 1%Ze* $4JN_` W=%Z# W#
2MN $#=? Rw0 *? UJ0 L *$40 $%' W=%l $4T&" p a &$4Je.;
L.S 2;2z* a<$w* EJ* EN
.$V"\ W*$IE*$N $4%=V 2wV 2S $I
2%' $4j "z* E8$w* $j" T* Aj @"WJ;2j a &46A;2#ETZ* $4T=>
$V Aj 2 'U5T.;
.47qw0"Z* $4.;"V d* $4TJN :T* $# aT* WJ;2Z* C3 a& 2'" M0 _` W7%M
? *$4|&
`_ E <En d=V" 5%.*
Aj :eV 2MN W;2;2 '1<XY.N W"&/* $N m=p EJ* EN
?0E @$N? j" EJ* EN `_ "W%V"z* W;$Z* $4S Ew'
1I AV 48W*$JTj XY5* WR*$l g";MI
a &1T<
`_ WM%5j
W#" EJ* EN "Uj $3"%j
49WTR* XYl _` $M%Z#
E &|
.51.7T0 dT' 50$4.R^j
42.$8 - to comply ( with); to submit ( to)
43.g%.@ - despicable, vile
44.17/ j - sucker, easy mark
45.a4;EZ0 - dissembling
46. 2 #E0
- to be there, to be around
47.qw0"j - prospective, potential
48. $J0 - to relinquish, renounce, yield
49. W T R* - at all, absolutely not,
50.gR ^ j - prison cell, wedding ring
51. . 70 - to rot, decay, moulder, degenerate

$4R0 aT* W=%^* 2 'C *: *AV WR;"w* b%P.*

E%R* 1I a &W;$P^*
" zT8
? Mj ET; _` C *s%FZ*
=? P\
?SXY @E.N^? RwN
1I a" &%4z*
.?* L40$JN ;:0 WJ;2Z* a*$3 & 1M7* $I $ZN"* $.8 ET; APZ;
L *2 `_ '$S d *$ \Aj @" d *-%N Aj $4* $wT8 $;$P^*
2M0 Aj Lp" *d=V
- =".P=*
1N$S "%p "%RI 17wN
W;2;2 *^1<XY.* $N Ww=/j
" M* W"&p - =.USE" *%/;
"<? V W"&/* W#$7Z*
" EJ* EN "$;: *-8$I a*$%* $j$ ;W"&/* 1 @a &W<ER^j`_ E<
W%V"z*? SEw'
d=V ?*E'
|" N? 02;240 EJ* EN 1N W.> $%*" M* Aj 2;2 \$ '1M&
.$4Jj "w0 E* $^T8_`$N 2;24T*$N `_E< ?T=N$S $ZJ%N
1 *^g";M=* $7V $|j" 4Z*
WZ%S $V <E '=52$e; E*$ '$40 E @$3EN $#
"M*" MTN E^Z.;
L *L48" `_ .^0
Ej _` a &L4w%S
20 2V 53L4T=7p
& a &-MS aT*
L32" 'MT; dT'
" 7; " P; L4j $j sS" EJ* EN `_ "?N $wT*? `_ %=V
.?# W%V"zN $R*$5j L4T*E# L4NE\ 1I $;2^Tj L43E#EN
:Ew*$N ?SEw' C@ d=V ?j? T"'
.54$4 -ZF $4Zz@ ".I bw' C@ $ $# E* $# Ej -8 -

52.$e; - create, bring about

53.W=7p - negligence
54. Iraqi Colloquial: "nta m

rjl l rjl n xt aqqak u-kssart xamh w-axxamt

wih" - Literally. "You're not a man- if you were a man, you would have taken your right, and
broken her nose and blackened her face." kssar xamh and axxam wih- can be used
metaphorically to mean "to coerce, to beat s.o. into doing something" and "to shame, to rape"
respectively. So read this as something more like "You're not a man 'cause if you were, you'd
have taken what's yours and made her put out."

-S ..$4T; CV XY.* EwN`_ E <55d=TV $4S XYp LP'

W"&/* EJ* EN 1 @1%=* a&
dT' $4N EPzZ*
? T*E# AV $J=Mj 56$%zTJj
" TJj
? TM=S $N Aj "F; E3? 0E? @0E? @j
.E.Pj 57WZ5^j "j A%8 `_ 2' UZ.; L* $ZJ%N W^=* b=0
$V ?S$ &Uj W*$Zu* dT' \"-%R* Aj WR;"w* 58W8$ *^$N $7T'
XY? *0E @$S2 EJ* EN@"
.60$N Ap 1uj Ww%S"*"<? V Uj WZV$8 W=%=N LMJ%* 59{8"T;
Aj 2 ;611;EV $PN " -%R* $N 2JV" 4ZeT;
$J* Aj "%RI
3? 8"%eN
Aj UZeT*
C3 1I $R< 62A
%RT; L *..$ '"<Wl"z=* $%< $M<
$%< {Z* $ZJ%N
$#" Z%*? T7S Wl"z*" %p ..?%& $ZV LJ; C *24zZ*
qVET.; U5T.;
L *..63"P<
.^"T8 aT*`_ E< Wu# E=Z^; 64^"T*

55.d=TV - to mount (, s.o)

56.azTJj - ecstatic
57.WZ5 ^j
- ruined, demolished
58.W8$' - bar
59.{8"0 - to stagger, teeter, weave around
60. $N- a baan tree is a kind of soft-wooded moringa producing fragrant oils. The comparison
of a female beloved to the bough of the baan trees is an old trope of Arabic lyrical poetry
which one finds all throughout the canon. God knows what it's doing here, tho. Maybe a
dead metaphor, or an ironic intentional clich?
61.1;EV - wailing, bawling
62.A% R0 - to discern
63."P< &"Aj - because of how excessively drunk he was.
1#- detective

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