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Arvin High Choirs

Solo Festival Form

Each year Cal State Bakersfield hosts a contest for high school singers. It is a fun and educational
experience, as well as an opportunity for college recruiters to hear students for prospective scholarships

The festival is Saturday, February 8, 2003

Participation in this festival is not required, however, once a student commits, they will be held to their
promise and will be penalized for backing out.

Student name: __________________________________________

Title of Song: _________________________________________________

I give my student permission to compete in this festival.

Parent/Guardian Signature

Please check one

____ I will take my student to and from CSUB for the festival

____My student needs to ride in a school van to and from the festival.

Arvin High Choirs

Solo Festival Form

Each year Cal State Bakersfield hosts a contest for high school singers. It is a fun and educational
experience, as well as an opportunity for college recruiters to hear students for prospective scholarships

The festival is Saturday, February 8, 2003

Participation in this festival is not required, however, once a student commits, they will be held to their
promise and will be penalized for backing out.

Student name: __________________________________________

Title of Song: _________________________________________________

I give my student permission to compete in this festival.

Parent/Guardian Signature

Please check one

____ I will take my student to and from CSUB for the festival

____My student needs to ride in a school van to and from the festival.

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