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First Semester 2013 Mrs.

Clearys Tiger Stars Lake Asbury Junior High School, 7-D Science Week 1 Lab Rules, Safety, and classroom procedures. Schedule subject to change! Day Monday August 12 Tuesday August 13 Welcome to Lake Asbury Junior High! Homework Teacher work day. Monday Rotation instead of Tuesdays Rotation 1,2,3,4,5,6. Introductions, Grade goal for Science, Locker, Science classroom rules, School Map reading. Wednesday Lockers $5.00. August 14 Have parent sign forms sent home. Students to carefully read the science contract at home have parent sign it. Thursday August 15 Lockers check-out. Have parent sign forms that were sent home. Friday August 16 Safety lab contract due back today (signed). Last day for locker check-out by teacher. Mr. Burke will check out lockers at the front office from this point on. Safety video part 2, Instruments Used in the Science Lab. Safety Video part 1, Safety in the Lab activity, Safety Symbols activity. Back to regular rotation, Wednesday 5,6,3,1,2,4. Study habits, parent/teacher collaboration forms, classroom expectations, Safety in the Science Lab overview. Lessons

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