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Electrical Conductivity in a Solution

Chemistry report
Members : Daniar Dhara F.(X-4/) Dyah Kurnia D.L.(X-4/17) Raras Ariandi R.(X-4/) Rheza Janitra K.(X-4/) Wildan Lazuardi F.(X-4/) [Pick the date]


Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Let us praise the presence prayed Almighty God for blessings and His guidance is our group can finish this report well. This success dont escape the aid of various parties who are not only direct but also provide support, both moral and material. Our thanks in particular we deliver to:

1. Mr.Yuli chemistry as mentors who have been willing to give information statement. 2. Friends who are willing to provide additional information to support report writing physics.

We are aware, this report is far from perfect because there are still many shortcomings and mistakes, considering we are still in the learning process. Therefore, suggestions and criticism that if building. We always looked forward to, so that the next report better. I think so, hopefully this report useful to readers and we apologize if there are words that offend your heart as well.


Wassalamualiakum wr. wb.

Malang, march 2010


A solution which can conduct electricity is called electrolytic solution and the dissolved substances (solutes) in the solution are called electrolytes. Solution which cannot conduct electricity is called nonelectrolyte solution and the dissolved substance in the solution are called nonelectrolyte substances. Arrhenius theory states that in electrolytic solutions., the dissolved chemical compounds (elektrolytes) are dissociated into ions, even when there is no current flowing through the solution. The followings are examples of reactions of electrolytes which are dissolved into water. Electrolytes consist of ionic compounds and polar covalent compounds. All ionic compound are electrolytes. Both types of the compounds, when dissolved into water will be dissociated into ions, and the ion will be hydrated (bound on water molecules). So the ion can move freely. Meanwhile, if non electrolyte substances are dissolved in water, they will not be dissociated into ions, but they remain in the form oof uncharged molecules.

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