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Project-Based Learning Satu aktiviti penyiasatan mendalam tentang suatu topik dunia sebenar yang berfaedah kepada pelajar
(Sylvia Chard, Associate Professor of Education, University of Alberta, Alberta, Canada)

Project Based Learning..

satu kaedah pengajaran sistematik yang melibatkan pelajar dalam pembelajaran pengetahuan dan kemahiran melalui proses inkuiri yang kompleks bagi menyelasaikan persoalan dunia sebenar yang akhirnya akan menghasilkan suatu output pembelajaran.
Buck Institute of Education (BIE)

Project Based Learning..

Merangkumi pelbagai gaya pembelajaran pelajar Tidak menganggap yang semua pelajar boleh mempersembahkan pengetahuan mereka dalam satu cara sahaja

Project Based Learning..

PBL berdasarkan kepada kurikulum - Berdasarkan keperluan kurikulum Pembelajaran berdasarkan pendekatan inkuiri Proses inkuiri berdasarkan kepada satu persoalan Guru dan pelajar bekerjasama dalam proses menjawab persoalan penyiasatan

Project Based Learning..

PBL mengemukakan persoalan yang akan dijawab oleh pelajar Guru atau pelajar mengemukakan satu tema persoalan yang akan memandu pelajar membuat projek secara berkolaborasi. Projek ini mengintegrasikan pelbagai subjek dalam kurikulum.

Project Based Learning..

PBL memerlukan pelajar persoalan dunia sebenar Pengetahuan secara holistik menjawab

Project Based Learning..

PBL adalah satu kaedah yang memerlukan pelajar menghuraikan isu dan persoalan yang rumit. Menggalakkan persefahaman students explore, make judgements, interpret and synthesize information in meaningful ways

Perbandingan PBL dengan kaedah tradisional

Criteria Content

Traditional Instruction

Project-Based Learning

Knowledge of facts Comprehension of concepts and principles

Scope and Sequence

Follows fixed curriculum Move from unit to unit Narrow, content area focus

Follows students interest Large units composed of complex problems or issues Broad, interdisciplinary focus


Traditional Instruction

Project-Based Learning

Teachers role Lecturer and director Resource provider of instruction Advisory/mentor/ Expert facilitator
Assessment Products Test scores Reproduction of information Process and product Tangible accomplishments Demonstration of understanding

Criteria Classroom materials

Traditional Instruction Texts, lectures and presentations Teacher/book company developed worksheets and activities

Project-Based Learning Direct or original sources, printed materials, interviews and documents Data and materials developed by students Central, integral Directed by students

Use of technology

Ancillary, peripheral Administered by teachers

Criteria Type of student involvement

Traditional Instruction Students working alone Students competing with one another Students receiving information

Project-Based Learning Students working in groups Students collaborating Students constructing, contributing and synthesizing information

Criteria Student role

Traditional Instruction Carry out instructions Memorize and repeat facts Listen, behave, speak only when spoken to

Project-Based Learning Carry out self directed experiences Discover, integrate, and present ideas Communicate, show affect, produce, take responsibility


Traditional Instruction

Project-Based Learning


Knowledge of facts, terms and content Mastery of isolated skills Breadth of knowledge one another Graduates who have knowledge to perform on standardized achievement tests

Understanding and application of complex ideas and processes Mastery of integrated skills Depth of knowledge Graduates who have the disposition of and skills to engage in sustained, autonomous, life-long learning

Perbandingan dengan Projek

PROJECTS Loose set of activity No management structure May be thematic Broad assessment PBL Uses driving questions to drive the inquiry process Integral part of the curriculum Focused and inspiring Aligns specific outcome with assessment Uses project management tools to structure learning

PBL sebagai metodologi P&P

Satu proses P&P berpusatkan pelajar Proses Inkuiri & penemuan oleh pelajar
Pelajar terlibat secara aktif dalam pembelajaran Guru sebagai pembimbing

PBL sebagai metodologi P&P

Personal Strengths

Intrapersonal Independence Assertiveness Self-Awareness Mood Regulation Interpersonal Empathy Listening Conflict Resolution Social Responsibility Adaptability Problem Solving Flexibility Reality Testing

Stress Management Working with Deadlines Impulse Control

Communication: Speaking, Presenting, Publishing Group Processes: Leadership, Team Work, Collaboration Self Management: Time and Task Management, Self Monitoring

un-Coverage Coverage

Beyond Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

ELEMENTS OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING Inquiry-based approach to learning starting with a curriculum framing or essential question Construction of an artifact or performance of a consequential task

Promotes team collaboration

Poses real-world problems or issues

ELEMENTS OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING Work through series of ideas through investigation and research, make judgments and decisions, interpret and synthesize information in a meaningful way Requires extended time-frame Allows integration of subjects across curriculum Teacher is a facilitator of learning

PBL sebagai satu proses pembelajaran


Penyiasatan sistematik: Pembinaan pengetahuan secara inkuiri. Perkongsian maklumat. Proses menjawab persoalan projek. Proses pembelajaran sama penting dengan projek pembelajaran. Memperoleh pengetahuan dan kemahiran baru dalam proses.

Teachers role
Provide access to resource materials. Give students opportunity to make their own decision.

Help to solve problems and suggest options.

Gives support and encouragement, show interest and discuss students ideas.

Check students accomplishment, provide feedback systematically and help students to plan their work.

Evaluate and assess students products and show them how they can be improved.

Students role
Access information efficiently and effectively. Evaluate information critically and competently. Contribute positively to the learning community. Participate effectively in groups to pursue and generate information Synthesize information in many different manner.

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