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The colours used are yellows, oranges, greens, browns, cream/white (all quite autumny colours) and a little

bit of red and blue. The yellow represents: lightness, personal power, intellect, logic, creativity and happiness. The orange represents: optimism and emotional expression. Browns and greens represent nature and being down to earth. The white contrasts against the background and allows the focus of the picture to come to the girl. Her costume/dress consists of black leggings, brown knee-high boots, a long jumper and a side bag. This denotes that she is in her late teens or early twenties. Set in a forest which signifies peacefulness. The setting helps to create a relaxed, light and calm mood. Emphasising her. She is the resting place for eye; eye continues to return here.

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The background is also blurred out. In the background the She is looking upwards and colours are all in some form of forwards, towards the sky. This could layers, grey at the bottom, mean that she is in some sort of then an orangey brown colour, thought perhaps about her life or green then yellow and finally about moving forward. Motion can orange. In every layer there is a be detected in this photo by the fact part of her body except in the that her leg is positioned behind her top layer (most of the orange). (creating a diagonal line) and This shows her as smaller in diagonals represent motion. proportion to her Diagonals also symbolise surroundings, this means that inconclusiveness and instability. this is a long shot. It may have Perhaps she has made a decision been taken as a long shot which is final and she wants to move rather than as a close up on her face because the background on. manages to explain a lot of feelings and the background is important for setting the correct atmosphere as is her body and the way it is positioned.

Facial expression: Although her face cannot be seen extremely clearly, there is a smile. This symbolises happiness and being optimistic. Her face looks hopeful and free (this is also portrayed by the colours used). Eyes are open this denotes that perhaps she is thinking about something. Or she may even just be embracing the natural beauty or admiring the silence.

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