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Long shot to see environment she is walking in.

She is wearing average comfortable American teen clothes

a hoodie and jeans. Implies she is laid back, does not care
for fashion. Also her hair is tied up connoting again a
relaxed look and that she is not very girly.
Medium close up
Can see her facial expressions clearer, she
isnt smiling but doesnt look upset. Looks
focused to get to her destination.
Looks as if theres a lot on her mind because
of how neutral her face is. She may just be
thinking about things.

Text/titling bold
and called bubble
writing which
connotes joy and
The colours are
yellow, red and
blue. Yellow is
happy, blue is calm
and red is passion
or anger. All
colours contradict
each other and
suggest perhaps
the character seen
goes through many
of these moods in
her life. Indecisive.
A big orange juice is seen iconography
American product. Stereotypically Americans
have larger portions and quantities of
food/drink the reason behind why the
country is called obese.
Mise en scene Its
animated suggesting
youth and children
because younger ages
likes cartoons. Perhaps
this reflects on the
character seen; maybe
she is immature like a
child or makes many
mistakes. The mise en
scene shows a road
with ordinary houses.
Pale colored tones, this
lack of intensity of
colour suggests a
deficiency of passion
and excitement in life
Posture slant and unenergetic when walking.

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