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2014 Budget Decisions for Public Works

Key Denver Moves Expansions

Title: Planner for Denver Moves / Aerotropolis 1 FTE Description: This new city planner position will both accelerate completion of planned improvements identified in
the Denver Moves plan and initiate, identify, develop, and complete plans for existing and future infrastructure needs in Aerotropolis.

Financial Impact: $85,928 Title: Extension of limited planner, engineer to 12/2015 2 FTE Description: A planner and an engineer position with an original ends date of 6/2014 have been extended to
12/2015. The positions will work to accelerate the implementation of the Denver Moves plan, with a particular focus on bicycle and pedestrian safety.

Financial Impact: $85,566 Title: Denver Moves implementation2014 discretionary capital funding Financial Impact: $500,0000 Description: Design and construction of projects related to the implementation of Denver Moves. Funds will be
used for the update of the Denver Moves network maps, development of criteria and locations for protected bike lanes.
2011 Actual Workload Metric: Cumulative miles of Denver Moves network built Mission Level Metric Impact: % of households within Mile of a High Ease of Use Facility 2012 Actual 2013 Estimated 2014 Projected

107 40%

138 49%

148 Increase

163* Increase

* PW responsible for 311 of total 442 network miles -148 miles constructed, 163 miles remaining

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