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Asimov gyjtemny
Az rvadsz-sorozat: -Az rvadsz (David Starr, Space Ranger) -Az aszteroidk kalzai (Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids) -A Vnusz cenjai (Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus) -A Merkr ris Napja (Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury) -A Jupiter holdjai (Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter) -A Szaturnusz gyri (Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn) Az Alaptvny-Birodalom-Robot univerzumba tartoz regnyei A robotokrl s a robotikrl szl trtnetek: -n, a robot s Robottrtnetek (I, Robot; The Complete Robot, novellsktetek. Utbbi ktet tbb novellt tartalmaz, s egyttal magba foglalja az n, a Robot ktet sszes novelljt) -Aclbarlangok (The Caves of Steel, regny, els magyar kiadsa Gyilkossg az rvrosban cmmel jelent meg) -A meztelen nap (The Naked Sun, regny, 1956.) -A Hajnal bolyg robotjai (The Robots of Dawn, regny, 1983.) -Robotok s Birodalom (Robots and Empire, regny, 1985.) A Birodalom vilga: -A csillagok, akr a por (The Stars Like Dust, regny, 1951.) -Az r ramlatai (The Currents of Space, regny, 1952.) -Kavics az gben (Pebble in the Sky, regny, 1950.) Az Alaptvny sorozat: Eltrilgia: -Az Alaptvny eltt (Prelude to Foundation, regny, 1988.) -Eljtk az Alaptvnyhoz (Forward to Foundation, regny, 1993.) A klasszikus trilgia: -Alaptvny (Foundation, regny, 1942-1944) -Alaptvny s Birodalom (Foundation and Empire, regny, 1945.) -Msodik Alaptvny (Second Foundation, regny, 1948-1950) Uttrilgia: -Az Alaptvny pereme (Foundation's Edge, regny, magyarorszgon kt ktetben I. s II. rszknt jelent meg, 1982.) -Alaptvny s Fld (Foundation and Earth, regny, 1986.) Kiegszt trtnetek: -Kalibn(Isaac Asimov's Caliban, 1993 - Roger MacBride Allen ) -Infern(Isaac Asimov's Inferno, 1994 - Roger MacBride Allen) -Utpia (Isaac Asimov's Utopia, 1996 - Roger MacBride Allen) -Az Alaptvny flelme (Foundation's Fear, 1997 - Gregory Benford) -Alaptvny s kosz (Greg Bear) -Az Alaptvny gyzelme (David Brin) -Kprzat (Mark W. Tiedemann) -Chimera (Mark W. Tiedemann) -Aurora (Mark W. Tiedemann) -Have Robot, Will Travel (Alexander C. Irvine)

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