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11:00 - 20:00
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11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 22:00
11:00 - 14:00


077-5140223 :
077-5140167 :
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" ,



























' '





Single Pages

Ketubot and Bills


Responsa, Novellae and Commentaries




The Vilna Gaon


Sidurim and Various Prayers












Hassidism and Kabbalah


Pesach Haggadahs, Purim and Humor















Books printed in the Far East




Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir,

Books printed in Russia and Poland

Books Printed in US and Britain




Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years


Calendars and Facsimiles


Talmud and Halachah




Single Pages

1. Shema Yisrael - Embroidery

Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem
Ehad - net-cloth and on it embroidery of
caption and decorations of plants, the Stone
Tablets printed on cloth, glued in the middle
with plants glued beside them. Central Europe,
early 20th century.
37.5x28 cm., inside passepartout in a fine frame 46.5x56 cm. Good condition, not examined out of
frame. Most of the glued dried plants are missing
or detached. Defects to frame.

2. Shiviti
Single page, in stencil, Shiviti, Nisim Avraham
Bechar, [Kushta], 1924.
Caption appears around and inside an illustration of an open book. On top is an illustration
of the Ten Commandments, bottom reads In
the year of 5684, in the month of Nisan, the
writer Nisim Ben Avraham Bechar, Kol Aba
Tamid Baruch Aba (mistakenly spelled).
42x48 cm. Good condition, few creases and few
tears, not effecting text.
Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $200


- .1

. ,] [, ,
, ,
, 5684 :
.) ( ,
, , . 48X42

- ,
.20- ,
. 46.5X 56 - ,28X 37.5
. ,
. .

$200 :

$100 :

2009  |

1874 , -
. ,
.1874 , , ,
( ,
, ,

.224 ,
. . 42X62
.110239 ,

3. Shiviti - Handwritten, Color


A handwritten Shiviti with color decorations,

[Persia?] with references to Purim.
35x50 cm, mounted on flax material for preservation - 44x59.5 cm. Good condition, slight tears
to edges, part of decorations and captions faded.
Opening Price: $150

$150 :

4. Amulet and Mystic Protection

for the Pregnant Mother and
Against Fire - Jerusalem, 1874

A large page with amulets, holy names and

Kabbalistic illustrations for guarding and
protection, by Yosef Eligula from Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, Frumkin and associates Printing,
Pink paper, black ink (some copies are on yellow
According to writer includes a Holy name and
angelic letters and stamps, which expel demons,
evil eye and witches.
Very rare, different than recorded in Shoshana
Ha-Levis book, Sifrei Yerushalayim HaRishonim, no. 224.
42x62 cm. Very good condition.
Mifal Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 110239.
Opening Price: $150


- .3
,? , -
- , 35X 50
. 44X 59.5
, ,

$150 :


, ,- , ,
, :
, ,

$750 :

5. Seventy Printed Pages from


6. Certificate for Sale of Seat in

Synagogue - Transylvania, 1897

(Besitz Bogen). The Independent Orthodox

Jewish Community of Mediasch (Transylvania),
(Israelitisch autonome Orthodoxe-CultusGemeinde, Mediasch) acknowledges on July
1st 1897, that Mr. Leopold Rosenfeld has permanently bought in the newly built synagogue
a seat for a man and a seat for his wife in the
Ladies Section. German language, signed by
the Gabaim and the treasurer. With a rare diagram of the seats in this synagogue.
4 pages. 37.5 cm. Very good condition, minor
Opening Price: $200

A collection of around 70 pages and booklets

from Holland, mostly from Amsterdam, regarding prayers, the synagogue, lamentations,
various events etc. Among the items are various
prayers in memory of Rabbi Tzadok Ben Moshe
Tuvia Tal, Rabbi Avraham Ben Shimshon
Ha-Cohen Onderwyser, Yitzhak Di Yehudah
Palagi, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Ben Eliezer Ha-Levi.
Most items are in very good condition.

Opening Price: $750

- .
1897 ,
,1.7.1897 ,) (

. ,
. - ,
. , . 37.5 , 4

$200 :
2009  |

7. To Our Brothers

Proclamation of Admorei Beit

Ruzhin, Al Genizat Shemot

8. Kol Kore Le-Ezrah Yeshivat

Kamenitz With Facsimiles of

Handwritten Letters by the
Chafetz Chaim and Rabbi Hayim
Public appeal for help from Yeshivat Knesset
Beit Yitzhak, (A Hilfs Ruf), An Urgent Appeal
to Our Jewish Brethren. [USA?], 1920s-1930s.
Letter in Hebrew, Yiddish and English for the
sake of the Yeshivah. With photos of Rabbenu
Rabbi Yitzhak Elchanan and Maran Rabbi
Baruch Dov Leibovitz Shalita, photo of bachurim studying at Yeshivat Kamenitz and facsimiles of handwritten letters by Rabbi Hayim
Ozer Grodzinski and the Chafetz Chaim.
Proclamation 55x43 cm. Good condition, with
slight staining, folding marks and chips to edges.
Opening Price: $150

Le-Acheinu (to our brothers), letters from the

Admorim and Rabbis, regarding the establishment of a Likutei Shemot society, for collecting worn and torn Sifre Kodesh and to bring
them to proper Genizah. Vienna, 1937.
Letters from the Admorim: Rabbi Israel
of Husiatin, Rabbi Nachum Mordechai
of Tschortkov, Rabbi Avraham Yaakov of
Sadigora, Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of
Kopishnitze. Letter of Rabbi Yosef Baabad,
Rosh Beit Din of Vienna and letters of the
societys committee in Hebrew, Yiddish and
Proclamation mounted on paper and flax material for preservation. 46x61 cm. Excellent
Rare. Bibliographically unknown.


.An Urgent Appeal To Our Jewish Brethren ,
.1920s-1930s - ,]?[
. ,


, , , . 55X43

$150 :

, .7

, ,

. ...
.)1937( ,
, :
. ,
(= )
. 61X46 .
. .

$250 :

. . 24X 36 ,] 1[


$250 :

) ( -
, ,

- .
.1930 , , . 5
. . 23X 29 ,] 1[

10. Public Appeal for Aid to

Russian Jewry - Chafetz Chaim,

Rabbi Hayim Ozer Grodzinsky,
Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Schneersohn,
Admor of Lubavitch.


"Kol Kore Le-Ezrah" to Soviet Jews who suffer

hunger, for sending themMatzos or flour for
Matzo baking. By Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen ("Chafetz Chaim"), Rabbi Hayim Ozer
Grodzinsky (Rabbi of Vilna), and Rabbi Yosef
Yitzhak Schne'ersohn (Admor of Lubavitch).
Vilna, 1932.
Contains addresses of first two Rabbis, for
sending money.
Single page, 24x36 cm. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $250

$120 :

9. Pesach Matzos for Russian Jews

- Letter by the Chafetz Chaim
and Rabbi Hayim Ozer Grodzinski.

A circular letter by Rabbi Yisrael Meir HaCohen (Chafetz Chaim) and Rabbi Hayim
Ozer Grodzinsky, Rabbi of Vilna, requesting
Polish and Lithuanian Rabbis to recommend
the sending of flour for Matzo baking to the
Jews of the USSR. Due to regulations set by the
USSR government packages should contain up
to 5 Kg only. Vilna, 1930.
Single page, 23x29 cm. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $120

, ,


. ,
,) (
( )
, , .)(
2009  |


, , . 25X40.5

, -
, .
.1919 ,
, ,
. ,
, :
.- , . 25.5X 35.5

$250 :


. .
. , . 28X 36 ,

$200 :

12. Public Appeal to the Aid of

victims of the 1929 Riots

13. Public Appeal - Announcing a

General Public Fast

Kol Kore, Hachrazat Ta'anit Tsibur Kelalit Al

Matsav Aheinu Bnei Yisrael Be-Russia VeUkraina. Vilna, 1929.
Signed by the "Chafetz Chaim", Rabbi Hayim
Ozer Grodzinsky, Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak
Schneersohn (Admor of Lubavitch who came
from Russia to Pland a year and a half earlier),
The Association of Polish Rabbis and the Vilna
Rabbinical Court.
25x40.5 cm. Very good condition, minor tears to
edges, few stains and writing in pen on verso.
Opening Price: $250

"Hilfs-rufn fun Eretz Yisrael", a call for help,

by Rabbi Hayim Ozer Grodzinsky. With two
telegrams sent to him while in Eretz Israel:
by Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Ha-Cohen Kook,
who calls for "help in all ways possible", and by
Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Epstein, head of the
Hebron Yehivah, of which most students were
Month of Av, 1929. Hebrew anf Yiddish.
Single page, 28x36 cm. Good condition, minor
tears to edges.


.)1929( , .
, ,

$200 :

11. Open Letter by Rabbi Hayim

Ozer Grodzinsky

A call to restore the Yeshivas and Talmudei

Torah in Lithuania which were destroyerd in
WWI. Vilna, Between Rosh Ha-Shanah and
Yom Kippur, 1919.
Rabbi Hayim Ozer encourages the public to
establish schools and Heders and restore the
great Yeshivahs which were exiled to Russia:
Volozhyn, Slabodka and Radun.
25.5x35.5 cm. Good condition, creases and folding lines.
Opening Price: $200

, , -
, ,

15. "Rettet Yerushalaim" Save


Announcement of emergency fundraising cam"paign for Jerusalem, which is "in a sea of tears
due to the awful situation there: Torah scholars
and old people are starving for bread; the Bikur
Holim Hospital is lacking basic needs, and so
forth. Printed in New York, 1911.
Advertisemsnt by a special committee which
had been established in New York on behalf of
Jerusalem's Jews. Undersigned are Orthodox
Rabbis of New York, and communal volunteers
who were members of the committee (among
them Harry Fischel, founder of a Tora Institute
)named after him in Jerusalem, and others.
23x29 cm. Good condition, several stains.


, , ( .)1947 .
( )

30X 22 , , .

$700 :

14. Letter of Apology from the

Rabbi of Skulen

Single page, Bucharest, 1947. Hebrew and

A notice from Rabbi Eliezer Zusia Portugal
(the Skulener Rebbe), concerning a ruling
which had been issued in 1946 regarding Rabbi
Netanel Wongrovsky. "That notice belittled the
honor of Rabbi Netanel, making it seem as if he
were acting senselessly now I see that I was
mistaken in what I wrote, and I take back my
"words and wish to appease him.
30x22 cm. Good condition. Filing holes with several tears.
Opening Price: $700
| 10 2009


, :
, .-[ 1911 ,].
- (
23X 29 , , .

$300 :

Opening Price: $300

.16 -
. , .
; ,
; ,
; (
) ;
( )
( )
( );


. , 19

$150 :

$120 :

17. Collection of Invitations to

Family Celebrations, from Arab

16. Invitations for Weddings and


Eight Invitations to Bar Mitzvas, weddings etc.

from Jews in Arab countries.
Two in Hebrew-Arabic, and the rest in Arabic.
Some are illustrated, and some are colorful.
Vaious sizes and conditions.
Opening Price: $150

, .18

,)1906( , ,
. , ,


$100 :

18. Wedding Invitation - Hebron,


Invitation to the wedding of Avraham Ben

Rabbi Shlomo Yehudah Leib Eliezrov, (Rabbi of
Hebron) to Sheina, daughter of Rabbi Shmuel
Baruch Horwitz, in the year 1906. On verso
there is a handwritten dedication to Rabbi
David Haimoff. With illustrations of Me'arat
Ha-Mahpela and violins.
Single page, worn. The middle of the page has an
old tape, with slight omission of text.
Opening Price: $100
11 |


, ,
, -

Bar Mitzvah Celebrations

Collection of original and interesting invitations for weddings and Bar Mitzvas. From
well known Rabbis, Admorim and prominent
Partial list: Rabbi Yochanan of Rachmistrivka
for the wedding of his son, Rabbi Mordechai;
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Eliashiv for his daughter's
wedding; Ha-Rabanit Rimmer; Rabbi Hayim
Meir of Vizhnitz for his relative, Rabbi Moshe
Hager's wedding; Rabbi Ovadiya Yosef for
his daughter's wedding, Ha-Rabanit Butbul;
Rabbi Shmuel Aharon Yudelevitch for the
wedding of his son (the famous Magid) Rabbi
Shabtai Benjamin Yudelevitch; Meir Porush
and his parents thanking for participation in
Bar Mitzvah; Rabbi Avraham Sofer (Ha-Meiri
publisher) for Bar Mitzvah of his son, Aviad
Sar Shalom Shlomo; Rabbi Shlomo Zalman
Oyerbach and his son-in-law, Rabbi Zalman
Nehemyah Goldberg for wedding of his granddaughter and daughter; Rabbi Avraham Dov
Oyerbach from Tiberias for wedding of his son,
Rabbi Simcha Bunem; Rabbi Refa'el Binyamin
Levin for wedding of his sons; Rabbi Shlomo
Goren for his children's wedding; For wedding of Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov Epstein (Rosh
Yeshivat Torah Ve-Yir'ah) with daughter of
Rabbi Aharon Katzenelnboygen (of Neturei
Karta); further invitations from well known
Altogether 19 invitations, in various sizes and
Opening Price: $120


.19 -- -

- ,.1892 ,
- () ,

$120 :

19. Single Page Bar Mitzvah

Italia Synagogue, 1892


.21 , /

... (,)1867
, : ,
, 22X14 , . ,

$100 :

20. Page in Honor of Bar Mitzva

Kodesh Le-Hashem, Tikun Duchan donated by

the youngster, Moshe Yehuda Muskati, whose
Bar Mitzvah celebration is on Shavu'ot, in the
"Italia Synagogue, Year 1892.
Large single page with calligraphic ornamented
handwriting, Italy, 1892.
It is possible that this boy belonged to the wellknown Muskati family (Otzar Ha-Rabbanim
63x45.5 cm.
Original draft notes in pencil, tears to edges with
slight omissions, Stains.

A single page; "to my son Jonah Shabtai

Bing 1867" (1867), written by his father
Rabbi Kalonymus Bing, probably in Hanover.
Written in Hebrew and German calligraphy. It
is possible that the writer belongs to the family
of Rabbi Avraham Bing, who was Rabbi of the
communities of Offenbach, Franfurt am Main
and the Wuerzburg district.
Single page, written on both sides, 22x14 cm.Good
condition, Tear with omission to lower part.

Opening Price: $120

Opening Price: $100

| 12 2009


. , , ,.
5 ( ) .
.2 ,
. .
.( . .
17 . .

$100 :

21. Simanei Ha-Selichot, Altona

/ Prayers for Chevrah Kadishah,

Interesting collection of prayer pages from
Roedelheim and Altona:
1. Printed lists of Simanei Selichot for Yom
Kippur. For the years 1872, 1890, 1898, 1899.
Alltogether 5 pages ( 2 copies of one item) in various sizes and conditions.
2. Shemot, Seder Amirah Ve-Hanhagah LeChevrah Kadishah Be'et Yetzi'at Neshamah.
With Yiddish. Handwriting by Chevrah
Kadishah from Frankfurt a.M. Roedelheim.
(Year unknown. Bibliographically unknown).
2 pages. 17 cm. Mounted in a black cloth binding.
Excellent condition.


- .23
.)1914( ,
. . . 20 . 8

$100 :

23. Ka'im Ve-Na'im Tunis

Ka'im Ve-Na'im, 1914. Poem in Jewish Arabic
language, on the establishment of a Jewish
Hospital in Tunis.
8 pages. 20cm. Printed without title page. Very
good condition. New paper cover.
Very rare.
Opening Price: $100
13 |

22. Rinah U-Tefilah Birthday

Celebration of the Queen of

"Rinah U-Tefilah, Seder She-Yomru Ha-Chazan

Ve-Ha-Kahal ". Joy and prayer for Queen
Wilhelmina by the cantor and congregation.
Amsterdam, 1906. Levisson printing (David
Proops publishers).
Text in Hebrew, instructions in Dutch.
[1 title page / soft cover, pink-orange paper], 4
pages. 20.5 cm. Good condition, staining and
folding lines to cover.
Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $100

- .22

( .)1906( ,
. ,
. 20.5 . 4 ,]- ,/ 1[
. ,

$100 :





, , , [,]1870
, , ....
, ,
... . .
4 30 , . , , .

) () ,

. , , ,1926
. ..
25.5X 38.5 , . , ,

$150 :

$100 :

24. Kol Yagon Va-Anaha

Kol Yagon Va-Anaha by Rabbi David Tiratzini,
Torino. 1870. Lithography by Foa Printing.
Poem about the passing of Rabbi Mordechai
ben Pinhas Ashkenazi, "Who left his blessing
in the cities of Nitza, Monpirato, Slutzo and
Asti". The lamentation is four pages long and
contains 36 verses, and is signed "written here
in Asti, 1870". On page 1 there is am illustration
of an angel.
4 pages. 30 cm. Good condition, folding lines, one
tear without omission.
Opening Price: $150
| 14 2009

25. Poem for Wedding of Rafael

Nahon and Sarah, Daughter of
Rabbi Gershon Belasko

Single page, "congratulations blessing", in honor

of the marriage of Rafael Nahon to Dorothy
Sarah Belasko, daughter of Rabbi Gershon
Belasko. Ramsgate, England, 1926. Includes
10-verse poem by Z. H. Gelberg.
Single page, 38.5x25.5 cm. Folding lines, creases,
stains and tears to edges
Opening Price: $100


.26 ,
()1909 ,
. ..1909 ,
: ,
( ,)1448 ,
. , ,1902
: .
( )
. : , ,
, .46-47
[ ]1 38X 56 ,.
. , .-


.) (
.1880 , , ,

, ,
, . 29X41 ,

. ,
. ()
.) (
. ,
. .
.- , 35X 50

$250 :

$300 :


27. Fifty-Year Calendar

Bartfeld, Hungary, 1900

Calendar for the years 1901-1950.
Text is surrounded by approximately 50 pictures of well-known Rabbis, starting with the
Rambam, most are Hungarian Rabbis.
Edited by Lazar Rapaport, Bartfeld [Bardejov],
Hungary (Redigirt und zu beziehen von Lazar
Rapaport, Bertfeld, Ungarn).
The calendar was printed in two printing
houses: in Wilhelm Brauner's printing house
in Kolomea, Galicia, and in M. Blayer's printing house in Bartfeld. Apparently the text was
printed by the first printer, and the pictures
were added by the second.
Printed in blue ink, very rare
35x50 cm. Stains and folding marks.
15 |

Opening Price: $250

. ,
. .

$200 :

26. Poem in Honor of Rabbi Efraim

Elnekaveh, Oran (Algeria), 1909

Poem in honor of Rabbi Efraim Elnekaveh, by

Avraham Lesri. Illustrated. Algeria, 1909.
Lithography, includes illustrations of the
Tzaddik's home, a house built at his gravesite
and two lions (lions are related to tales about
the tzaddik). Rabbi Efraim Elnekaveh (d. 1448)
lived in the lifetime of Rabbi Yitzhak Bar
Sheshet (the Ribash) and is mentioned in the
latter's book, Shut Ribash (Responsum of the
Ribash). He authored the work "Sha'ar K'vod
Hashem", Tunis 1902, regarding the Ramban's
criticism of "Moreh Nevohim". The Hida wrote
of Rabbi Efraim Elnekaveh, "a great Rabbi in
the city of Tlemcen knowledgable in miracles".
His grave in the city of Tlemcen became a
pilgrimage site, and this poem was written for
the "Ziara" (pilgrimage) to the tzaddik's grave.
See: Eliyahu Martziano, Malkhei Yeshurun,
Jerusalem 2000, pages 46-47.
[1] page, 56x38 cm.Blue paper. Good condition,
few holes and slight damage. Folding lines. Small
tears to edges and stains.
Very rare. Not in the National Library.
Opening Price: $200

, .27
1900 ,
50 .1901-1950 ,- -
. . ,

29. Six Paper Items and Founding

Proclamations of Agudat Israel

1. Hebrew proclamation - "close to three

hundred men, including the most prominent
Rabbis and men of action have gathered in
Katowice, on the 12th of Sivan, established together Agudat Israel". The flyer is dated at the
end Frankfurt am Main, 1912.
2. Aufruf! - a German proclamation identical
in content to item 1, the same event.
3. Agudas Jisroel Marken. German proclamation advertising labels (stamps) given against
donations on behalf of Agudat Israel's publicity,
Torah, Eretz Israel and general matters Funds.
4. German proclamation inviting Agudah
members to the "Knesiyah Gedolah" scheduled
to take place in Frankfurt am Main in August
All four proclamations are 23x29 cm, good condition. All have a folding line, chips, and creases at
corners and edges.
5. German Pamphlet "Our Challenges"
"Unsere Aufgabe" recommended by Wolf
G. Jacobson. Published by Artzenu of Agudat
Israel, Youth Organization in Zurich, 1918.
8 pages, 20.5 cm. Good condition, vertical filding
line, chips to edges. Detached cover.
6. German pamphlet Iggud Ne'emanei HaTorah 2 reports by Morenu Jacob Rosenheim.
Agudat Israel Publishing, Zurich, 1919. German
Language. Rosenheim (1870-1965) was among
the founders of Agudat Israel, and served as
president of the Worldwide Agudah.
[1], 18, [1] page. 21 cm. Very good condition, chips
to edges and corners.

- .29

! .1

. -
1 - !Aufruf .2
- Agudas Jisroel-Marken .3
, ,
. ,
, .4
,- . , 23X 29
. ,
Unsere Aufgabe - - .5
. . .1918 , ,
, - . . 20.5 , 8
. .
. 2 , .6
. .1919 , ,
) 1870-1965(
. . 21 ,] 1[ ,18 ,]1[

28. Brochure from the Rom

Printing House,Vilna - Announcing

Printing of "Yoreh De'ah"
"We have completed the printing of "Yoreh
Deah" in large folio format". Vilna, Rom Widow
and Sons, 1880. Includes listing of commentators and features of this edition. Until today
this is still the classic edition! The printers announce conclusion of printing and price.
Naturally these advertisements are rarely kept,
and this is an unknown bibliographical discovery. Found in a Genizah in Eastern Europe.
Single page. 41x29 cm.The paper has a small hole
with slight damage to text, stains and creases.
Opening Price: $300

$200 :

Opening Price: $200

2009 | 16

30. Rabbi Yosef Hayim

Sonnenfeld's Signature on
Membership Certificate


31. Proclamation "Da Gzeira

De-Oraita" Against Beauty Queen

Contest in Jerusalem
Proclamation Jerusalem, "The terrible promiscuity that some youngster wish to introduce
in Jerusalem and to hold lustful festivities
where 'beauty queens' are elected, through terrible violation of mental purity"
At the bottom are 6 ink-stamps, among them of
the Ashkenazi Beit Din Tzedek, The Yemenite
Beit Din Tzedek, The Aram Tzova Beit Din
Tzedek, and the United Rabbinic Council.
41x28.5 cm.
Folding lines with tear, creases and stains to
Opening Price: $100
17 |

Large colorful membership certificate, with

gilded illustrations, for "Beit Mahaseh LiYetomim", Jerusalem, 1929. Presented to Mr.
Zvi ben Rabbi Yitzhak Ha-Levi Laski and to
Mrs. Hannah Gittel bat Rabbi Aharon Shlomo
of Chicago. Writing is in Hebrew. Printed by A.
L. Monzon Printing, Jerusalem.
The certificate's center bears signatures of
Rabbis, some of them in ink-stamps, not in
handwriting. Rabbi Yosef Haim Sonnenfeld's is
hand signed. Member's regulations are written
on both sides, in Yiddish.
Rabbi Yosef Haim Sonnenfeld was born in
1849 in Slovakia, and was educated by Torah
giants, among them the Ktav Sofer. Emigrated
to Jerusalem in 1873, and served as the first
Rabbi of the Ultra-Orthodox community in
Jerusalem. Died in 1932.
Large single page, 59.5x50 cm. Folding lines,
creases and tears to edges.
Opening Price: $400

- .31

... , -
, ,
. ,) (
. 28.5X41
. , -

$100 :



- ,
.1929 , ,

. ,
. , ..
.- .-
, ,
. ,
. .
,- . 50X 59.5 ,

$400 :

32. Letters from the edito-


rial staff of the book Toldot

Ha-Rabanim which was never
Printed letters from the editorial staff of Toldot
Ha-Rabanim, by Ha-Rav Shmuel Zanvil
Shapira. L'vov, [1933-5].
Interesting and unknown items! In the year
1933, Rabbi S. Z. Shapira of L'vov planned the
publication of a book, Toldot Ha-Rabanim
on Rabbis from all over the world, their personal data and addresses, resembling the book
Ohalei Shem, published in 1912.
This item contains two printed letters that
Rabbi Shapira sent regarding this book.
The first is dated: Levov, Yom Hotam Hadoar
[probably mailed in Autumn, 1933].
The second is the printing of several answers he
received in response to his letters, from Rabbis
all over the world: Rabbi Yaakov Meir, Sephardi
Chief Rabbi of Eretz Israel; Rabbi Haim Shmuel
Shor, Av Beit Din of Bucharest; Rabbi Yitzhak
Zelig Morgenstern, Av Beit Din of Sokolov;
Rabbi Yitzhak Kosovsky of Johannesburg;
Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin, Av Beit Din of Lutzk;
Rabbi Tzvi Hirsh Farber of London; Rabbi
Mordekhai Shochetman of Paris; Rabbi Yosef
Mashash, Rav of Tlemcen (Algeria); Rabbi
Nissim Ohana of Cairo; Rabbi Yitzhak Shaki
of Istanbul (Turkey); Rabbi Meir Ashkenazi,
Rav of Shanghai (China); Rabbi Aharon Moshe
Kisilov, Rabbi in Harbin (China); Rabbi Haim
Zevulun Charlap, Rabbi of Rishon Le-Tzion;
and other Rabbis from South America and
various other countries. Date of writing was
not printed on any of these letters.
1. Single page, 17x19 cm. Good condition.
Restored and laminated.
2. Printed envelope, with Polish postage stamp
and ink stamps. Damaged, part missing.
3. Four pages. 29 cm. Fair condition. Torn and

worn on folds. Restored (light damage in text)
bound in a nice black cover.
Bibliography unknown. For more on this unknown matter, see enclosed material: (Rayatz
Shneerson letters, 1983 letter; Sinai, issue
86, p.182; Wander, Encyclopedia Le-Hahmei
Galitzia, vol.5, pp 561-564).

Opening Price: $200

- [, .
- !
, ,
.] ,1933

: ,
; ;
; ;
;)(); (

. . . 17X19 .1
. .2
. . . 29 . 4 .3
( )
( :
, , ,

$200 :

2009 | 18

Ketubot and Bills

33. Kushta Ashkenazi Ketubah
and Shtar Tna'im


, .34

. .] 1930[ .
. , .
)1933( "- "
.) (
. . "33.5X42

$200 :
19 |

1. Ketubah, printed by "The Ashkenazi

Congregation in Kushta". Imp. L. Printing.
Fine Ketubah with ornamented frame and illustration of The Tablets of Law and a Magen
Filled in handwriting in 1934. Groom is David
Goldstein and Bride is Siniori Bat Siman Tov
Ashkenazi. Signatures of groom, witnesses and
Rabbi (David Shraga Ben Rabbi Yosef known
as Dr. Marcus), ink stamp of the Ashkenazi
Congregation in Istanbul and government
37x49 cm. Good condition. Minor foxing. Wear
and tear to folding lines. Adhesive tape to verso.
2. Blank printed Shtar Tna'im. Nicely ornamented. Khatyn. No year. Published by Rabbi
Moshe Felman's bookshop in Khatyn. Printer's
name in Cyrillic letters only.
This is the only printed item known from
Khatyn. Famous Rabbis in Khatyn include
Rabbi Yesha'ayah Shor, In-law of the "Mahartza"
of Zidichov, Rabbi Yitzhak Leibush Toyb of
Kalev, Rabbi Chaim Roizman, Ba'al "Ohel
Moshe" and Torat Hayim".
The Rhuzin Hassidut records the famous "Great
Marriage" in Khatyn, where Rabbi Yitzhak of
Boyan married the daughter of Rabbi Yohanan
of Rachmestrivka, a wedding which was attended by sixty thousand guests. [See enclosed
22x35 cm. Good condition. Slight stains and
creases and minor tears to folding lines.
Opening Price: $200

/ .33

" " , .1
. ' .""

".1934 "
."" "
" (" " "
" " ,)"
. . . "37X49
. .
. . . .2
' .
. .
, "
" " ",
, ' " "

. .
. . "22X 35

$200 :

35. Shtar Halitzah - Amsterdam,


A "Shtar Bitahon Al Halitzah", printed in round

letters. Amsterdam [1770s].
A collateral given by brothers of the groom,
with obligation to keep Mitzvat Halitzah should
the bride bewidowed without sons. Obligation
contains a terms of financial debt, in case the
brothers will refuse to perform Halitzah, and
thus make the woman an Agunah, unabling
her to remarry.
The version of this Shar Halitzah is based on
Sefer "Nahalat Shiv'a", mark 22 (see additional
Single page, 31 cm. Good condition, stains, minor
tears to edges.
Printed in round letters, which was rare in those
Opening Price: $600


"- .35


' ,) "1844(

," "
.] [ ", .
, "
. ,
, ,
[ .
.] " " "
" "
.)" (
, , . "31 ,
. ,

34. Colorful Ketubah, Warsaw

and Bialystok

Colorful Ketubah printed and illustrated in

gold color on green and orange illustrated
background. Warsaw [circa 1930]. Published by
H. Yakobson M. Goldberg, Warsaw.
Handwritten date of Ketubah filling is dated
1933 Bialystok.
33.5x42 cm. Good condition. Small tears on folds
and edges without damage to text. Paper pasted
on back of some of the folds.
Opening Price: $200

$600 :
2009 | 20

. "33X 22 ,

$150 :




1723 , , - .38
' .) , (
.)1723( "
: . ,
. " ( ) " ,
. , . "15X19 , -

$300 :

38. Ketubah on parchment Neumagen (Germany), 1723

A ketubah for the marriage of Moshe Ben

Shimon and Beila Bat Ya'akov Ha-Levi, in the
village of Neumagen (Near Trier, Germany).
Written in 1723.
Signatures of the witnesses, the groom and the
bride. The first witness is Natan Bar Naftali
from Trier.
Handwriting on parchment, 15x19 cm. Good
condition, tears to margins.
Opening Price: $300
21 |

37. Ketubah and Shtar Tnaim

- Important Autographs

Ketubah and Shtar Tnaim from Jerusalem,

1922, for the marriage of Binyamin Ze'ev, son of
famous Jerusalem Tzadik Ben Tsion Avraham
Ben Rabbi Hirsch Michl Shapira, author of
"Tzitz Ha-Kodesh", with Sheina Hannah.
Bride is brought to the wedding by Rabbi Zelig
On one of the certificates are signatures of
Rabbi Yitzhak Ya'akov Wachtfoigel (1887-1978,
signed twice), Rabbi (Yehiel) Michl Mushkin,
author of books Meichal Ha-Mayim, Michlal
Yofi and others (also signed twice).
The Ketubah is printed in gold by Levi printing,
single page 46x29 cm. Creases, tears and folding
lines, including stamps of the Beit Din Tsedek LeMakhelot Ha-Ashkenazim in Jerusalem.
The Tnaim is printed in green and gold by
Zuckerman printing, single page 46x29 cm.
Creases, tears and folding lines.
Opening Price: $150

Last Will certificate

Will certificate from 1844, touching in its

language and manner sent to Av Beit Din,
written by Rabbi Yonah Ben Yitzhak, "Shatz
Ve-Ne'eman", leaving his sons his money, with
further instructions for the day of his demise.
Includes 4 wax stamps "Yonah Shatz VeNe'eman Meo(?)".
Single page folded as postal envelope, size 33x22
cm. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $150

- .37
. ,)1922( "

' " '
. ," "
. '
' :
) ' (,) ,"- ("
.) (
, . "39X 32 , , :
" ,
. "46X 29 , , :
. ,

$150 :

41. Colorful Ketubah - Isfahan,

Persia, 1928

Handwritten Ketubah with illustration of

Magen David and color illustrations of plants
and animals, Isfahan, Persia, 1928.
43x53.5 cm, mounted on flax material for preservation - 43x74.5 cm.
Good condition, folding lines, stains to edges
and several small tears with loss - professionally
Opening Price: $300

40. Ketubah - Alexandria, Egypt,


Ketubah for the marriage of Shlomo Michel Di

Buton and convert Judith Bat Avraham Avinu,
With confirmation of the signatures of the
groom and the witnesses by "deputy chief
Rabbi" of Alexandria, Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe
Toledano, signed in handwriting.
Stamp of the Rabbinate of Na-Amon, which is
Printed form, details filled in handwriting.
Rabbi Toledano was later Chief Rabbi of Tel
Aviv. In his elder years he was Minister of
Religions. Died 1960.
35x49 cm. Folding line in the middle, stains.
Opening Price: $150

", , - .41
.1928 ", ,) (,
54X74.5 - , "43X 53.5
,- ,
. -

$300 :




1920 , , .39
. ' ''
.1920 , ",
. ,
, , .-
) ( ,- . "45X60

$250 :

39. Ketubah - Sofia, Bulgaria,


Ketubah for the marriage of Moshe Girasi and

Ester Bigago. Sofia, 1920.
Printed form, color illustrations. Details filled
in handwriting. Signatures of the groom,
the bride and the witnesses, part of them in
45x60 cm. Folding signs, tears (mostly to margins)
and stains.
Opening Price: $250

1935 , , .40
.1935 , ",
, "
, ." "
.- -
.1960 , "
. , . "35X49

$150 :
2009 | 22


43. Torah Nevi'im Ketuvim - Kiel,

Torah, Nevi'im Ketuvim - Kiel, Germany, 1712.

Edited by D. Henrici Opitii.
Preface in Latin. At end of book as a Haftarah
chart for the entire year.
Illustrated title page (copper etching), inside
the book are additional title pages.
On title page there are previous owner's inscriptions from 1749, 1903. On Tehilim are glosses
on pages' margins.
[16], 738, [2] leaves, 24.5 cm.
Few of the pages are loose. On title page is a
roughly restored tear. Original parchment binding, torn and stained.


" ,[ ," ,]1858 Operative
" . .
484 .' 18 ," . ,
3 ,1028-]485[ ,]1[ .' 18 ," .

$200 :

42. London Bible

Bible, London, [1858], Operative Institution
The bible in two volumes. Hebrew and German
page for page. Including Haftarah chart.
A. 484 pages, 18 cm. Very good condition, old
leather binding with few flaws.
B. [1], [485]-1028, 3 pages, 18 cm. Very good condition, old leather binding with few flaws.
Opening Price: $200

Opening Price: $600


.43 -1712 ,

.44 -

. , .1712 ,
( ) ,
.1903 ,1749
[ ,]16" ]2[ , 24.5 ,".
. .

, ,
" ,
, , " .
[ ,]26" ,]1[ ," ]24[ , 22.5 ,".
, .
, .0182381
, ' .826

$600 :

$200 :
" | 23


.45 1948 ,
. , ,
" .1948
799-823 ,]2[ ,792' 15X19 ," . .
, .

$100 :

44. Torah Nevi'im Ketuvim -

Amsterdam and Utrecht 1705

Title page, preface and comments in Latin on
sides of text, Haftarah chart and version comparison between attias, Bomberg, Stefanos,
Palantin and other printings. Title page at the
end of book, with copper etching, is missing.
[26], 333, [1], 352, [24] leaves. 22.5 cm.
Good condition, tears and stains to binding and
pages. Leather binding with minting, worn.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 0182381.
Winograd, Amsterdam 826.
Opening Price: $200

| 24 2009

45. Five Books of TorahHamburg, 1948

Torah with 5 commentaries. Hamburg, Yavneh

publishing, 1948.
Published for She'erit Ha-Pleita in Germany.
792, [2], 799-823 pages, 15x19 cm.
Very good condition, paper somewhat dark.
Opening Price: $100

.46 - ,
" , - , , ,
[ . ," .]1821 , .
" " "


" "( .
" ").


, , (
" "" .
. ,.
[ ,]1 , 18 ." . .
. .
" "
. , "-
" " ,1755 ,XIV, 1939 ,
' ,240' .8

$180 :

46. Daniel - Chronicles, Unicum

[ .
" ' ." " "
. . " ,
, . "31.7 .] 4[ , ,]6[
. ,
.) (

title page

$180 :

47. Abarbanel - Early Prophets

- Leipzig, 1686

Commentary on Early Prophets by Don

Yitzhak Abarbanel. (Don Isaaci Abarbanelis
Commentarius... in Prophetas priores). Leipzig,
1686. Justinus Brandius printing.
Two title pages in Hebrew and Latin. At beginning of book is a preface by the proofreader
Friedrich Albrecht Christian, a convert whose
Jewish name was Baruch Ben Moshe from
Prostitz. Latin indexes at end of book. Few illustrations of Noah's ark, figures, angels and
birds. On page 308 b there is an illustration
with a human face [in most copies this illustration has been replaced].
Previous owners' signatures and a few glosses
and corrections, the earliest of which is
by "Avraham Ben Rabbi Moshe Yehudah
Bacharach. On page 210 b is an important gloss
in early handwriting, slightly chopped.
[6], 308, [4] leaves. 31.7 cm. Good condition, title
page mounted on antique paper, moth damage
throughout the book. Antique worn binding with
leather spine ornamented with gilded engravings
which are damaged.
Opening Price: $180

25 | "


, - .47
Don Isaaci Abarbanelis ,
.Commentarius... in Prophetas priores
. , .
. .)1686( ",
." ..."
, .
' . ,

Bible, 10th part, Hagiography - Daniel, Ezra,

Nehemiah, Chronicles. [Cracow, 1821]. No
With commentaries: Rashi, Metzudat David
and Zion, Toldot Aharon, and Ashkenazi commentary titled Magishei Minha. "Thorough
proof of the Prague printing". (Chronicles does
not have the Ashkenazi commentary).
Actually this edition has no connection whatsoever to any Prague edition! Book was printed
by a Polish printer. According to pagination
and other signs this book suits the bibliographic registration of the tenth volume of the
1821 Cracow edition which was printed in two
different versions - one with registration of
place and time of printing and printer's name,
and the other with forged title pages (perhaps
for avoiding censorship or taxes) bearing various dates and places of printing. Both versions
are very rare and were registered from copies
of Hebrew University and Bar Ilan University.
This specific title page is unregistered and
therefore an Unicum.
[1], 126, 121 leaves. 18 cm. Very good condition.
Single hole to last page. Antique worn cardboard
On this version of "Magishei Minha" see Mif'al
Ha-Bibliografia item 0305047, and Yuda A. Yofe's
article Di Amsterdamer Tanakh Iberzetsung
"Magishei Minha" fun 1755, Yivo Blatter, 1939,
XIV, pp 240, no. 8, which mistakenly attributed
this edition to Zholkiev or Lemberg 1800.
Opening Price: $180


- .49
. ,
. " .]1721 , [",
" .
, , . "38 . ,]2[
, . , ,

$300 :

49. Tehilim Romemot El - Fine


Sefer Romemot El, Sefer Tehilim with Alsheikh

commentary. Jessnitz, [1721]. Yisrael Ben
Avraham Printing.
Various illustrations.
Previous owner's inscriptions by "Ha-Nagid
Ha-Hasid Rabbi Moshe Maliniak of Praga".
[2], 130 leaves. 38 cm. Fine edition, thick paper,
very wise margins, very good condition, foxing.
Parchment binding with tear and loss to spine.
Opening Price: $300

- .48
1838 ,


48. Tehilim with Dutch translation - Amsterdam, 1838

Book of Tehilim with various prayers and

more, translated to Dutch by Shmuel Mulder.
Illustrated. Amsterdam, 1838.
With illustrations of ancient musical instruments, attempting to reconstruct the instruments mentioned in Tehilim. In the translator's
preface (in Dutch) is a discussion on music in
the book of Tehilim.
[4] leaves, 26 pages, 132 leaves. 3 pictorial charts.
19 cm. Good condition, stained. Colored edges.
Original leather binding with redone spine.

, . .
.1838 ,"
, -
. -
. "19 ,- 3 . 132 ,' 26 ,] 4[
, . . .

$150 :

Opening Price: $150

2009 | 26

Sidurim and various Prayers

50. Sidur Amsterdam, 1734

(Unknown) / Tehilim U-Ma'amadot

Impressive antique volume containing a Sidur
and Tehilim which were printed in Amsterdam
in 1725-1734, bound together.
1. Seder Tefilot Mi-Kol Hashanah, Ke-Minhag
Ashkenazim Amsterdam, 1734. Hirtz Levi
Ben Alexander Ziskind printing.
With Yiddish commentary on margins.
Includes Perek Shirah, Haggadah Shel Pesach.
Pirkei Avot.
[2], 7-12, 1-29, 16-59, 65, 73-279, 6-126 leaves.
22.2 cm. Wide margins. Fair condition, quality paper, stains, wear repaired with old paper
taping. Original thick wood binding covered with
fine leather with flaws and tears. Torn leather
buckles. Thick volume 9.5 cm !
Bibliographically unknown edition. Interesting
pagination, it seems there is a combination,
done at time of printing, of various printings
made in Amsterdam. Illustrated title page
matches Sidur "Derekh Yesharah" (Mif'al HaBibliografia CD, item 0202820), which was
printed in the same printing house the same
year. Some of the pagination and the Tehilim
matches Sidur "Korban Minha" (Mif'al HaBibliografia CD item 0309998) which was
printed by Proops printing in 1725, in which
pagination is (12, 274, 126; [2], 116 leaves).
On some pages there are pasted parts with sections ommitted from printing, restoration of
tear with omission in one place. See at end of
leaf 29 of first counting, and page 65 at Tefilat
Leil Shabbat.
27 |

, , ,
" " (
) 0202820
" " (
) 0309998
; , , (, "
.) ,]2[

. .
. , .2
.1725 ", .
. , . ,]2[

$6000 :
2. Seder Tehilim U-Ma'amadot, Mesudar Kefi
Yemei Ha-Shavua With
Yiddish commentary. Amsterdam, 1725.
Shlomo Ben Yosef Proops printing.
[2], 115 leaves. Very good condition. Stains.
Bound with the Sidur in antique original binding
from time of printing.
Opening Price: $6000


/ ) " ( , .50

. ,"- "
, " , .1

) " (' '' , ...
. .1734

."... .
. .
. .
22.2 . - ,- , ,- ,- ,- ,]2[
, , , . ."
. ,
! "9.5 .



.51 -,
" -
, " .
,''''' [" .]1726
. ,
"" ".
, "
[ ,]1 20.2 ." . ( 13.8").
, , , .
. ,

$350 :
| 28 2009

51. Sefer Tefilot Ha-Mo'adim

Amsterdam, 1721 Unknown

Book of Holiday Services, according to Sefaradi

custom. Corrected by Shlomo ben Yaakov
Yehudah Leon Tiemplo.
Amsterdam [1726]. Yitzhak ben Shlomo
Rephael Yehudah Leon Tiemplo Press.
Includes a Haggadah shel Pesach. Before title
page there's another illustrated title page with
the word "Mo'adim", a copper etching and an
inscription in handwriting.. Many glosses with
completion of prayers and missing versions of
melodies, customs and laws. Most of these are
handwritten in Oriental handwriting.
[1] 284 leaves.20.2 cm. Wide margins (Text is 13.8
cm). Quality paper, good condition,wear, stains.
Second title page is creased. Original fine leather
cover, with tears and wear.
Opening Price: $350

, ," ,1875 .
. ,

" ( ' ,)0320614
, , " . ' 448
( )121-128 ,
13 .1-144 ,1-64 ,121-128 ,448" . ,
" .
. , ," ,1877

, " .
13 ," .
, .
. [ 1885"],
. ,1885
1883 ".
168 ,64 ,576 ,4 13 ." . ,

$200 :

52. Three Unknown Sidurim


, .53

1938 , .54
, ", .) (, .
. . "16 ,' 31 ,]1[ ,5-367 ,367 ,3 ,] 8[

$200 :

,1868 ", ,
J. Lehrberger & Comp.
. , .
, . "25 .' XX , 740, 86 ,]2[
,40 ' ,
. ,'

$150 :

53. Sidur Avodat Yisrael,


Seder Tefilot with Croatian translation.

Translated and edited by Rabbi Shalom M.
Freiberger, Rabbi in Zagreb, Croatia. Zagreb,
Hebrew and Croatian page for page.
[8] leaves, 3, 367, 5-367, [1], 31 pages, 16 cm. Very
good condition.

Sidur Avodat Yisrael, Rodelheim 1868. J.

Lehrberger & Comp. printing.
Two editions of this Sidur were published the
same year. One has Piyutim according to Polish
customs and the other, as in this copy, Piyutim
according to the Ashkenaz customs. Two title
pages, one illustrated. Including Tehilim with a
special title page.
[2], XX, 740, 86 pages. 25 cm. Good condition,
stained brown pages, a single moth hole up to
page 40, adhesive tape stickings to a few pages,
old binding.

Opening Price: $200

Opening Price: $150

54. Sidur Rina U-Tefilah - Zagreb,

Croatia, 1938

29 |

1. Sidur Nehora Ma'aliah according to

Ashkenaz Custom, including Tehilim with
a special title page, Warsaw, 1875, Yitzhak
Goldman printing.
First printing of the Sidur Nehora Ma'aliah,
following which many Sidurim by this name
were printed. This Sidur is bibliographically
unknown, see Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD the
Nehora Ma'aliah Lublin 1877 (item 0320614),
where it is recorded that the first edition is
probably Warsaw 1875. After page 448 there
are several pages (121-128) starting with a
handwritten page, which might not be part of
this Sidur.
448, 121-128, 1-64, 1-144. 13 cm. Good condition,
first title page is detached and.
2. Sidur Keter TEfilah Kol Bo, Vilna "
1877, Widow and brothers Rom printing. Not
on Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia and Winograd &
Rosenfeld where the "edition appears. This
edition has additions not on the previous one.
Faulty pagination. 13 cm. Original binding loose
and has flaws to edges and corners, spine missing. Few stains to pages of book, first few pages
detached and stuck with tiny pieces of paper.Last
pages torn.
3. Sidur Nehora Ma'aliah, Petrikov 1885. Feivel
Belachtevsky printing. This edition is not in bibliographies either. Title has year as 1885, verso
has 1883, and second title page has ".
4, 576, 64, 168 leaves. 13 cm. Good condition, last
pages damages with minor loss.
All three are rare and contain Tehilim.
Opening Price: $200

- , .57

[ '] . .
.]?1771 ? ", [.
. ,] ["
. .
:) (
." --- ---"
. "24 .] [ . , , ,]1[
. .
. ,
:' . " "
.0172482 ,0172480

$300 :

57. Machzor Le-Shalosh Regalim,


, ,""
.] ["1854 , .
("") : 36 .
. ,
. , . "12 ,' 36 ;224 ,286 ,]4[

$100 :

London Fine Copy

Machzor im Kavanat Ha-Paytan. Ke-Minhag

Polin (Polish Custom). [Part II.] Sukkot, Pesach
and Shavuot. [London, 1771?]. Itzik [Segal],
Moshe Ben Gershon and Ya'akov Cohen printing. Title page with copper etching. Translation
and laws in Yiddish.
Antique ownership inscription (hidden with
antique paper pasting): "---Simcha Bat Natan-- from Hamburg".
[1], 24, 83, 172 leaves. [Apparently second title
page is missing]. 24 cm. Very good condition.
Quality paper. Original fine leather binding with
engraving of gold ornaments, scraped on edges.
On Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD 2 identical editions are listed, one from 1770 and one from
1771. See listings no.: 0172480, 0172482.
Opening Price: $300

56. Tefilat Bnot Yeshurun - Sidur


", - .55
, , .
.1946 "
. .
"" ",
, . "15 ,'] 1[ ,495
. ,

$100 :

for Women

"Tefilat Bnot Yeshurun" (Andachtsbuch), a

prayer book for G-d fearing women, with
translation to German. Fuerth, 1854.
An illustration of Hannah praying, with Eli
Ha-Cohen beside her at the beginning of the
Sidur. 36 pages of appendix: prayers (Tehinot)
for women for the festivals, mourning, and
various events in the life of the family.
[4], 286, 224; 36 pages, 12 cm. Good condition,
stains. Tears to corners and edges of binding.
Opening Price: $100

55. Sidur Tefilat Daniel - Sofia,


Seder Ha-Tefilot Tefilat Daniel. Menorah publishing, Sofia, 1946.

According to Sefaradi customs. Hebrew and
Bulgarian page for page.
On Hebrew part are short instructions in
Ladino, "Moda'ah" and "13 Ikarim" in Ladino.
495, [1] page, 15 cm. Good condition, few stains
to binding and pages of the book, binding a little
scuffed on edges.
Opening Price: $100
2009 | 30

. .
.5 ' ,385 ' , ",

$150 :

59. Three Prayer Books Printed

in Venice

1. Sefer Ha-Tikun Le-Leil Shavuot. Venice,

[1743]. Bragadina printing.
[2] 94 leaves. [extra page on the end, recorded in
Mifa'l Ha-Bibliografia CD item 0303879 is missing]. 27 cm. Title is partially in red ink. Good
condition. Flaws and stains. Worn cardboard
2. Haftarot Mi-Kol Ha-Shanah Ke-Minhag Kol
Kehilot Ha-Kodesh. Venice, 1591. Juan Digara
769-827, [1] leaves. (part of the Venice 1590
Humash).Fair condition, stains and wear. Minor
tears to edges of a few pages. Large tears with loss
to leaves 816-817. Thin cardboard binding.
3. Selihot Le-Ashmoret Ha-Boker, Kefi Minhag
K.K. Sefaradim. Venice, 1735. Bragadina
62 leaves. 16 cm. Good condition, stains.
Cardboard binding with leather spine - worn
with few moth holes.
Frame on title page has 2 pillars on bases. Last
page has an illustration of human head inside
leaves with three branches in his mouth. This
edition has many typographic changes and
has 4 variants which differ by illustrations and
ornaments on title page and last page. See A.
Ya'ari - Book researches, Jerusalem 1958, page
385, no. 5. Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, items
Opening Price: $150
31 |


.]1743 [", . .1
, [ . ,]2[
. "17 .]0303879
. , .
. , .2
. .)1591( ",
. .) ( ".] 1[ ,-
. .
. " , .3
.Bragadina .)1735( ",
, . , . "16 .

4 ,


. ,
", " " " "
- [, . ,
. .]1790-1800
, . "37 .' 2

$100 :

58. Avinu Malkenu according to

Frankfurt A.M. Custom

A prayer single page, separately printed for

Selihot days and Yom Kipur. Tefilat "Avinu
Malkenu" according to Frankfurt a.M. Custom,
13 Midot prayer and verses said during Selihot.
Fuerth [190-1800]. Itsik Zirndorf printing.
2 pages. 37 cm. Good condition, folding lines and
wear with almost no loss.
Very rare.
Opening Price: $100

.60 -


| 32 2009

.1 . ,"
( .)1679 . (
14.5" . .
.2 , .
" " .[ ," .]1768
. ,
[ ,]5 ,- 14.5 ." . .
.3 , ,
," ( .)1778 .
[ ,]3 15.5 ." . .
.4 , ,
," ( .)1778 .
[ ,]3 15.5 ." . .-.
," .1936
38' 13 ." . .
.6 " ,[ ,"
.]1843 .
15.5 ." . .
.7 , .
," .1886 .J.L. Joachimsthal.
[[ 144 ,]1]3' 13.5 ." . . ".
.8 , .
( )[ ," .]1737
[ ,]1- 13.3 ." . , . .
.9 ,[ ," ,]1716
. .
[ ,]1 14.5 ." . .
.10 , ' .
[" .]1851 ".
[ ,]4 ' 17 ." . .
.11 , . ,"

( .)1852 .
[ ]2' , 16.5 ." . . .

.12 , .[ ,"
.]1727 . .
[ ,]1 . , , -.
.13 " .
.[ ," .]1726
16 ." . .
.14 ,
( . .)1815
. ," .1815
18 ." . ,
. . "
.15 , ."
.1930 .J.L. Joachimsthal.
[ ,]2 18 ." . .
15 , .

$1250 :

60. Amsterdam Fifteen Prayer



, "- .61
, "
, ." " "
. .)1932( "
" " , "
,'] 44[ ,]; 4[ , ,]1[ ,] 2[
, . "12X 32 .] 1[
. .

$100 :
33 |

Collection of Prayer books and Tikunim printed in Amsterdam, from different periods:
1. Machzor Sefaradim Mi-Yamim Noraim.
Amsterdam, 1679. Uri Ha-Levi printing.
252 pages of 256 (Tefilat Arvit for Motzei Yom
Kippur is missing). 14.5 cm. Fair condition.
2. Mishmeret Layla, Seder Tikun Hatzot HaNidpas Be-Sha'arei Zion. "Shomrim Le-Boker"
society. Amsterdam, [1768]. Janson printing. At
the beginning of the book are regulations of the
society, its leaders' and supporters' names and a
poem in its honor.
[5], 28, 28-33 leaves. 14.5 cm. Very good
3. Seder Kinot Kefi Minhag Ashkenaz,
Mesudarim Kmo Ha-Yeshanim, Amsterdam,
1778. Avraham Proops printing.
[3], 75 leaves. 15.5 cm. Very good condition.
4. Seder Kinot Kefi Minhag Ashkenaz,
Mesudarim Kmo Ha-Yashanim, Amsterdam,
1778. Avraham Proops printing.
[3], 75 leaves. 15.5 cm. Very good condition. Exlibris. Same edition???
5. Levarekh
Dankgebeeden. Amsterdam, 1936. 38 pages.
13 cm. Very good condition.
6. Seder Tefilot Ke-Minhag Sefaradim,
Amsterdam, [1843]. Belifonte printing.
124 leaves. 15.5 cm. Excellent condition.
7. Kitsur Sefer Hayim La-Nefesh, Hebrew and
Dutch. Amsterdam, 1886. Published by J. L.
[1], 144, [3] pages. 5-13 cm. Fair condition.
Handwritten inscriptions.
8. Mishnayot Seder Nezikin, Im Perush Maleh
Kaf Nachat. Offenbach (in Amsterdam letters),
[1], 4-171 pages. 13.3 cm. Fair condition, worn.
No cover.

9. Seder Arba Ta'aniot, Amsterdam, [1716],

Shlomo Proops printing. Fine edition with illustrated half title page. Haftarat Shabbat Eicha
with translation in Ladino.
[1], 111 pages. 14.5 cm. Very good condition.
10. Sefer Zikhron Moshe, Seder Ha-Limud
Le-Zayin Be-Adar. Amsterdam, [1851]. David
Proops Katz' widow printing.
[4], 115 pages. 17 cm. Good condition.
11. Alon Matzav, Nuscha'ot Le-Matzevot.
Amsterdam, 1852. David Proops' widow
[2] pages, 12 leaves. 16.5 cm. Good condition.
Front cover is missing.
12. Seder Ha-Tikun, Be-Leyl Hosha'ana Rabah.
Amsterdam, [1727]. Tiemplo printing. Previous
owner's signature.
[1], 116 leaves. Quality paper, poor condition,
leaves 48-72 are missing. Parchment binding.
13. Seder Tefilot Ha-Moadim Ke-Minhag
Ha-Sefaradim. With Haggadah Shel Pesach.
Amsterdam, [1726]. New Printhing of Doctor
Naftali Hirtz Levi of Emden.
175 leaves. 16 cm. Fair condition.
14. Sefer Birkat Aharon, Kolel Ha-Brachot VeHa-Tefilot Le-Teshuuat Adonenu Ha-Melekh.
(After Battle of Waterloo in June 1815). Drashat
Ha-Rav Aharon Krein. Amsterdam, 1815.
David Proops printing.
8 leaves. 18 cm. Fair condition, large tear with
omission from top of page 8. No binding. Also
attached a handwritten page with a prayer in
rhymes to circumcised baby Meir, who was circumcised on Yom Kippur.
15. Areshet Sfatayim, Seder Tefilah Le-Kol HaShanah. 1930. J. L. Joachimsthal printing.
[2] leaves. 18 cm. Good condition.
Altogether 15 books in various conditions. Size
13-18 cm.

Opening Price: $1250

61. Diwan of Rabbi Shalom

Shabazi's Poems Tel-Aviv, 1932

Ze Sefer Chafetz Chaim, enhanced poetry book
by Ha-Ga'on Rabbi Shalom Shabazi, with commentaries by Rabbi Yihia Korach and publisher
Shmuel Ben Rabbi Sa'id Fatihi. Tel-Aviv, 1932.
Yavneh printing.
Book with poems and Piyutim in a long and
narrow format.
Attached is a printed page by the publisher,
"Moda'ah Nehutsah" for signing up subscribers
for publishing of another poetry book.
[2 soft cover title pages in orange color], [1], 160,
[4]; 15, [44] pages, [1 rear soft cover]. 12x32 cm.
Good condition, with few moth holes, and stample
holes. Paper and cloth cover somewhat worn.


", - .63
[", . ,
. .]1791
" "
."" "
" , "
." "
. , . . "17.7 .

Opening Price: $100


62. Sefer Sod Hashem - Fine copy

, - - ' .62

Sefer Sechiyot Ha-Hemdah, Seder Kriat HaNesi'im Le-Hodesh Nisan, U-Tefilot Mi-Sefer
Hemdat Yamim. Livorno, [1791]. Ya'akov Nonis
Vais and Rafael Meldola printing.
Signature by previous owner on title page from
1818: "Ha-Tsair Nissim Ben Ha-Rav Natan
Farhi". On verso of title page is a fine dedication
to "Ha-Rav Nisim Hayim Farhi".
30 leaves. 17.7 cm Good condition. Old worn
binding with leather spine.

Hilchot U-Minhagei Brit Milah, by Rabbi

David Ben Rabbi Aryeh Leib of Lida. Shlomo
Proops printing.
Title page with decorated frame. Includes the
blessings, prayers and Piyutim for circumcision, Seder Pidyon Ha-Ben, and rules of circumcision (in Yiddish).
At the beginning and end of book are blank
pages for writing. Especially thick paper, gilded
On first page is inscription of Mohel on 3 circumsisions he performed in 1866.
32 leaves, 15 cm. Very good condition. Purple
velvet binding with decorated silver corners and a
buckle (missing). Binding is faded, spine detached
and torn.

' " ,
. .
, .
.) (
. ,

. "
- . . "15 ,"
.) (
. ,

Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $200

$100 :

63. Sechiyot Ha-Hemdah

Livorno, 1791

- Amsterdam, 1709

$200 :

2009 | 34

, ,
" '
. " " .,
[" .]1814 .

. .
[ ]8 , . .

$100 :

64. Thanksgiving Poems for

Victory over Napoleon's Army

Tefilah Ve-Todah, Be-Makhelot Beit Hashem.
Here in Glogau on Sunday 4th of Iyar 1814, as
G-d saved us from the hardships and distress of
the siege. Composed by Moshe Kranik, Breslau,
[1814]. Leib Sulzbach printing.
Thanksgiving poems and special prayers for
welfare of the monarchy and the King Friedrich,
after success of Germany in stopping the advance of Napoleon Bonaparte's army. Unique
illustrated ornament at end of prayer book.
[8] leaves, blank soft cover. Very good condition.
Bound in cloth binding.
Opening Price: $100

.1 ,
.[ ," ,]1809
. , , -.


( .
0144798 " ).
.2 ,
. : "
" .[ ," ,]1809
[ ,]1 , ,-; [ ;]1 . ,
. .
" ,
( "" "" " ,
) , ,
, " " ,
" .
" , ,
(' ).HR ROS 2 : "-
"MAVOCH 1965 ' ; '
, , , , ",
,' -; " " ," ' '
;428-429 ' " ," " ,' ;
' " "
" " "[ .
] ." " 457
( "
" " ).

$250 :


65. Likutei Zvi Two Important


1. Sefer Likutei Zvi, with addition of Bakashot

from the book Sha'arei Zion. Amsterdam,
[1809]. Yosef Proops' widow and Avraham
Printz printing.
136 leaves. Fair condition, stains, tear with omissions to leaves 45-46. Original cardboard and
cloth binding somewhat worn.
Bibliographically unknown edition. Different
from the second edition, included in this lot,
which was printed the same year with same
title page. (See on Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD,
item 0144798, which records a 1777 edition
with 136 pages).
2. Sefer Likutei Zvi, Be-Tosefet Ha-Haskamot.
Ve-Hosafot Acherot. Sample leaves: Tosefta im
| 35

, .66


66. Hevra Kadisha's Book of Life,


Book of Life, (Vollstaendiges Andachts-Buch).

Prayers for Hevra Kadisha in Hebrew and
German. By Rabbi Yehezkiyahu Ben Rabbi
Ya'akov (Dr. Rehfuss) of Heidelberg. Frankfurt
A.M. 1834. Andreaische Buchhandlung
Editor Rehfuss divided the passages to short
paragraphs, added references to the verses and
added exegeses and a free translation to modern
German of prayers and laws.
Ink stamps of "Hevra Kadisha Budapest", and
on rear inner cover a handwritten list from
1848 (earlier than the stamps) with members of
the Hevra Kadisha.
[1], 703, XLVIII pages. 18 cm. Very good condition.
Original half leather binding rubbed.

.Vollstaendiges Andachts-Buch ,
.) Dr. Rehfuss( ' ...
.1834 ".
." ,
. ( ")
," "
,1848( "
. . "18 .' XLVIII, 703, [1[
. ,

$180 :

Perush "Toladat Yitzhak". Amsterdam, [1809].

Yosef Proops' widow and Avraham Prinz
[1], 5, 61, 64-151; [1], 9 leaves. Very good condition, with few stains and creases. Leather binding
worn and damaged.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 0144822.
In this edition the publisher, Rabbi Avraham
Prinz from Amsterdam added 9 sample leaves,
with commentary on Tosefta Yoma from the
book "Toldot Yitzhak" of Rabbi Yitzhak Segal
of Lemgo.
About the book by Rabbi Yitzhak Segal of
Lemgo, on the entire Tosefta, which appears
in manuscript in 3 large volumes in Library
of Rosenteliana in Amsterdam (No. HR ROS.
2) See, book "Mavoch", New York, 1965 by Y.
Onderwyser. Sh. Liberman, Tosefta Ki-Fshutah,
6, Nashim, New York, 1967, Introduction,
pages 15-17; Essay of R.A. Shisha "Areshet", 5,
pages 428-429; Essay of Ts. Malachi, "Sinai"
73, page 96; and in long introduction of Rabbi
A. Katzman for book "Toldot Yitzhak" about
Tosefta Megilla, published by "Machon Ofek"
2002. [Some of the materials are attached].
Another manuscript of Rabbi Yitzhak of
Lemgo, disciple of Raabi Avraham Printz,
"Zera Yitzhak, Toldot Avraham", can be found
in the manuscripts chapter, item 457. [In the
diary of Rabbi Avraham Prinz which is in the
manuscript he tells about the printing of the
book "Likutei Zvi"].
Opening Price: $250

Opening Price: $180

2009 | 36

67. Hazkarat Neshamot Three

- .67


3 "Hazkarat Neshamot" Yizkor books from different communities.

1. Orakh Kol Adam. Prayers for Bikur Holim
(visiting the sick), for Hevra Kadisha and prayers
for the cemetery, in Hebrew and Hungarian.
Inscriptions on Rabbis' graves buried in Pest
(1826-1897). By Natan Eliezer Halas. Budapest,
[1902]. Marcus printing.
[2], 7, [5], 7-271; 82; 110, [1] pages. 22 cm. Good
condition. Stains. Rebound.
2. Hazkarat Neshamot. Gedaechtnisfeier.
Hebrew and Romanian. Botosani, 1909.
Published by A. Grunberg.
[2], 20, [2] pages. 14.5 cm. (pages 15-16 printed
upside down). Good condition. Booklet without
cover. Bibliographically unknown.
3. A Kaddis Ima. Kosice, 1935.
Mourner's prayers and Yizkors. Most of the
book in Hungarian.
48 pages, from left to right. 17.5 cm. Good condition, stains. Original black cloth binding.
Opening Price: $120

37 |


, . .1
. ,
" (
. . .)"-"
. .]1902 ["
. . "22 .'] 1[ ,110 ;82 ;271-7 ,]5[ ,7 ,]2[
. .
. .Gedachtnisfeier . .2
. . .1909 ] () {"
.) 15-16 ' (. "14.5 .'] 2[ ,20 ,]2[
. .
.) ("1935 '.A KADDIS-IMA .3
. .
. , . "17.5 . ,' 48

$120 :

68. Miniature Bible - 2x3 cm
Torah Nevi'im U-Ketuvim. [Warsaw, around
1895]. Published by Menahem M. Schultz.
Especially small miniature book (facsimile of
the Berlin 1882 edition). Cloth binding with
pressing of a circle and in it the Tablets of Law.
(There are different copies in metal binding
with a magnifying glass).
[3] leaves, 286, [289]-430, [433]-505 pages. 3
cm. colored edges. Slight damage to text. (Copy
in Mifal Ha-Bibliografia, item 0308626, is 22
mm wide, this copy has been cut, apparently
by the printer, to 20 mm). Very good condition.
Original green cloth binding with damage to
silver pressing.

Opening Price: $400


69. Sidur Zichron Yerushalayim

", .69

Seder Zichron Yerushalayim, prayers for the

entire year (for week days, Shalosh Regalim
and High Holy Days) according to Ashkenaz
customs. By Mordechai Edelman. For the
benefit of travelers. Jerusalem 1885. A.M. Lunz
144 leaves. Miniature - 5.8 cm. Fine copy, excellent condition. Fine olive wood binding, cloth
spine with gilded letters "Sidur Yerushalem".
Shoshana Ha-Levi 495. Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia
CD, item 0322662, by copy from private

, ( ,
, )
. , " "
. " .)1885( ", .
. , . "5.8 .

.495 ''
. " 0322662

- Jerusalem, 1885 - Fine copy

Opening Price: $250

$250 :

"3X2 - " .68

. .
.]1895 - [ ",][
. .
.) "
( .
. "3 .' -] [,-] [, ,] 3[
[ . .
( , 22
. .] 20 )
. ,

$400 :
2009 | 38

70. Sidur Zichron Yerushalayim

with English Translation - Special

Seder Zichron Yerushalem. Prayers from the
entire year with English translation. (Daily
Prayers according to the German Custom).
Jerusalem, 1910. Frumkin printing.
Ashkenaz Custom. Each page has frame. English
translation on margins. Artistic olive wood
binding with carving of "Place of the Temple Jerusalem", made by "Oholiav - Yerushalayim".
[1], 485 leaves. 8 cm. Good condition. Stains to
several pages and upper edges of pages. Wooden
binding with cloth spine (partly faded).
Frumkin printing published several editions
of miniature Sidurim the same year. Ashkenaz
custom, Sefarad custom, Ashkenaz custom with
German translation and one with English transcription, as is this one. Rare and beautiful.

71. Sidur Hadash Mi-Tsion

"Bezalel" Olive Wood Binding

Sidur Hadash Mi-Tsion, Seder Tefilah Le-Yemot
Ha-Hol Ve-Shabbat Ve-Yom Tov (Ke-Minhag
Sefaradim). (Prayer book for weekdays, Shabbat
and Holidays according to Sefaradi customs).
Jerusalem, 1923. S. Zuckerman printing.
On verso of title page appears an advertisement of publisher Moise Hai Benaim's store
(Established in 1896).
160 leaves, with blank soft cover. 12.4 cm. Very
good condition. Leather and olive wood boards.
Signed "Bezalel Jerusalem", illustrations and
name on the binding are faded and worn.
Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $100


- .71


.)1923( ", .) (
Moise "
.) ( "Hai Benaim
. . "12.4 . ,
," " .

, .
Daily Prayers according to the German .
. .)1910( ", .Custom
. .
"," - "
. . "8 . ,]1[
.) ( .

, , .
. .

$100 :

$100 :
39 |

, [", , . .1
.] ,1900
. "10 ,'] 1[ ,5-347 ,]1[
, .2
, , , .
.]1935[ "
. "8 ,' 32 ,432
, , . , .3
. "9 , 158
. . .4
.] ,1945 , [", ,
. "7 ,' 155
. ,

$150 :

73. Four Miniature Prayer Books

1. Sidur Tif'eret Yisrael. Berlin, Gunzer and
Levin [circa 1900].
[1], 5-347, [1] pages, 10 cm.
2. Sidur Zichron Yerushalem, including prayers
according to Sefaradi customs. Jerusalem,
Horev printing, published by Chelouche and
Abiksis, 1935.
432, 32 pages, 8 cm.
3. Sidur Tefilat Yesharim, according to Sefaradi
Custom. Satmar, Hirsh, 1942.
158 leaves, 9 cm.
4. Minhat Ovrei Orah. Seder Tefilat Minha for
week days and Shabbat.
Casablanca, Lugasi, circa 1945].
155 pages, 7 cm. tears, especially to hinges.
Inscription by pencil.

Opening Price: $150


, - .72
,]?1922 [", ,
, "7 -
, ,
, . "7 , 232 ,8 ,424

$100 :

72. Sidur - Warsaw, Unknown


Sidur according to Sefarad custom, Warsaw,

[1922?], Levin Epstein printing.
A miniature Sidur - 7 cm, including Tehilim
with a separate title page.
On Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD there is a similar
Sidur according to Ashkenaz custom. This copy
is according to Sefarad custom and with slightly
different pagination.
424, 8, 232 leaves, 7 cm. Good condition, original
cloth binding with flaws.
Opening Price: $100
2009 | 40

. ,
. . . "115X12.5
, " " .

$200 :

, . "11 .
. ,

$100 :

75. Seder Sefirat Ha-Omer printed dedication

Seder Sefirat Ha-Omer, Roedelheim, 1891. J.

Lehrberger & Comp printing.
Page before title page has a printed dedication
for the wedding of Helene Duelken and Carl
Mosbacher, Lag Ba-Omer 1898.
72 leaves including 5 illustrations. 11 cm. Brittle
paper, few flaws to title page and the following
page, spine damaged.
Opening Price: $100


76. Megilat Ester, Shaped as a

Miniature Sefer Torah

A Megilat Ester, printed on one scrolled sheet.

Columns are surrounded with illustrations and
decorations. This is a copy of a Megilah written
in scribe calligraphy. Germany. (1920s -1930s).
The Megilah has artistic illustrations throughout. The text is surrounded by frames with
illustrations of figures, animals and flowers.
Between the columns are drawings of characters from the Megilah.
A handwritten dedication in English from 1936
at the beginning of the Megilah.
115x12.5 cm. Quality paper. Good condition.
Edges chipped. 2 wooden "Atzei Haim" and a cloth
overcoat with a pasted gold pattern decoration.
Opening Price: $200
41 |


- ", - .74
.Della Torre ,] ["1858 , ,
, .

" ,
, "11
. " 9
. , . "9 ,"

$120 :

74. Tehilim - Vienna, 1858 Unknown Version

Tehilim, Vienna, 1858. Della Torre printing.

A miniature Tehilim book. Rare copy.
Registered in the Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD and
in Winograd & Rosenfeld from a private collection copy. The copy registered contains Tehilim
only, containing 110 leaves, while this copy has
215 leaves and includes Seder Ma'amadot and
Seder Leil Hosha'anah Rabah. Also Winograd
& Rosenfeld record size as 11 cm, while this
copy is 9 cm only.
215 leaves, 9 cm. Good condition, many stains.
New leather binding, stained.
Opening Price: $120



. ,
.]"- [ ", . "

.] ["1891 , ,
.J. Lehrberger & Comp

.1898 ", " ,

77. Incantation Against Evil Eye

by Admor Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum,

author of "Yismach Moshe"
Incantation againt the evil eye by the Holy
Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, one of the most
prominent figures of Hassidism. Written in his
lifetime by one of his disciples. 18th century.
Incantaion is similar to that of the Hida (first
printed in "Kaf Nachat", Livorno, 1802), but
with many significant changes (a precise
comparison is attached). This version, of the
"Yismach Moshe" is unknown from any other
source, both in print and manuscript, and this
is its first and only source.
This amulet was found after the Holocaust inside
one of the books which arrived in Palestine
from She'erit Ha-Pleita, and since then was kept
by one of the most important collectors, a great
Gaon Torah and Hassidism scholar. After his
demise it was sold by the heirs to the collector
who is the current owner.
The Holy Gaon Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, Av
Beit Din Uhely (1756-1841), born in
Przemysl, Poland. Known from early
age as a genius and was given custody in
Hagra's Beit Midrash in Vilna. Held position as Rabbi of Sieniawa and Uhely, and
had Halachic responsa relationships with
his generations most prominent figures
(the Hatam Sofer and others).
Approached Hassidism at a relatively
old age, after marrying his daughter to
Rabbi Aryeh Leib, author of "Ari Devi
Ilai", who went with him to Lublin, and
was a disciple of the "Seer of Lublin" and
the "OhevYisrael", the Rabbi of Apta. In
1808, when he was appointed Rabbi in
Oihel he spread Hassidism in Hungary.
Of his books: Heshiv Moshe Ba-Halachah
responsa, Yismach Moshe, and Tefilah
Le-Moshe. His offsprings are the Holy

" " "
, ,""
. , , . "20.5X16

$15,000 :
Admors of Sighet and Satmar and other prominent Hassidic dynasties. The "Yismach Moshe"
wa famous in his generation as Admor and
savior and gave many amulets, as described
in the "Toldot Ha-Yismach Moshe", but this
amulet was unknown until today.
Single page 20.5x16 cm. Good condition, stains,
chips. Filing holes.
Opening Price: $15,000


" .77
" "

" . ,
. ".
, , " :
" " ",
' - "
" (
,) " " "
.) (
, " " ,
. ,

" .
. ,)"-("
. "
.) (
," "
." " "
, , "
": .
. ,
2009 | 42

78. Letter by the Satmar Admor

- Switzerland, 1945

Letter sent by Admor Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum to

one of his disciples, Switzerland, 1945.
Admor Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum (1887-1979)
survived the Holocaust in the famous "Rescue
Train" of Dr. Kastner, and from there went
through Bergen Belsen, Switzerland and Eretz
Israel to the US, where he established the
world's largest Hassidic dynasty.
This letter was written during the period the
Admor stayed in Switzerland, after his release
from Bergen Belsen.
In the letter, written entirely in his handwriting
and handsigned by him the Admor confirms
receiving a Pitke and Pidyon money "and I hope
for him Hashem will help him in all matters
and send wishes for complete health to Malka
Bat Rahel Leah and will see much pleasure in
all his offsprings and see soon the redemption
of Israel and its happiness".
On verso is inxcription by the beadle of the
Admor " Yosef Ashkenazi". Regarding him
see item 87.
Post card 14.7 cm, 13 lines in handwriting. Very
good condition.
Opening Price: $6500

43 |

1945 , - " .78

.1945 , ,
") -" ("
" " "
, ,
.- ,
" ,"
' '
"", "
- ." " " "
. . "13 .

$6500 :



.79 " - "

, ,
" " " .' .
," ( .)1916 .
"" ," " " "
" " " .
, . "
" " "" .
" "
" " " "
" ,
| 44 2009

" "

( .

" "" .

, ,
"" .

, "

" " "
(") .
("-") , "
" " " "" ,
" " " "
" ".
. " "
, ( "),
( ") .
" " "
, .

. ,
" : " ," " ",
" " " ,.

" .
,]2[ : ; : ; : ; :
( . '
" "; : ; : ; :
,- ; : ; : .
22" . , ,

$23,000 :

- .80
", ,
" , "
, :- . " "
, ,
.]1865-1869 "- [", .

" "
[.""' "

.]" "
" " "
" ,""

", "

;] 9[ , ,]) ( 1[ -
] ; 46[ , ,] - 2[ -
] 1[ - ] ; 11[ ,- , ,] 2[ , . "27.5 . - ,]3[
. ,
.) (
, " " "
" (

45 |

79. Sidur Ha-Rashash - Copy of

Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar and

the Gaon Rama Freind
Sidur Tefilah Le-Ha-Rav Ha-Kadosh Rabbi
Shalom Shar'abi, Sidur Kavanot Ha-Kabbalah
according to writings of Ha-Ari and Rabbi
Hayim Vital. 9 parts. Jerusalem 1916,
Zuckerman printing.
In beginning and end of the book are dedications by "Nahum Mordechai Ben Kreincha" to
"the Holy Admor of Satmar now in New York".
Various stamps of previous owners and ownership inscriptions. Two different stamps of Rabbi
Moshe Aryeh Freind from different periods.
Sidur Ha-Rashash existed for many years only
in manuscript, and only in 1916 it was decided
by the great Kabalists in Jerusalem and abroad
to print it in sanctity and purity by G-d fearing
men sanctifying themselves by fasts and immersions during printing. The Sidur was printed on
quality paper in a small number of copies and
in 9 parts. (It is rare to find a complete set not
composed of parts from various sources).
One of the copies found its way to Rabbi
Yehiel Rosenberg of Sighet, who was close to
the "Kedushat Yom Tov". After his demise the
Holy Sidur passed to his brother Rabbi Alter
Rosenberg, who writes he received the Sidur
from his sister in law, and he sold it to Rabbi
Yisrael Weiss "Ha-Otzar" and a bookseller in
The Hassidic Rabbi Nahum Mordechai Spitzer
purchased the Holy Sidur and when he arrived
in the US gave ther Sidur as a present to his
Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar who used it a lot
and was thankful to Rabbi Nahum Mordechai
for it.
Later the Holy Sidur passed to his faithful disciple Rabbi Aryeh Moshe Freind, head of the
Satmar Yeshivah and head of the Badatz HaEdah Ha-Haredit in Jerusalem who was later
appointed chief Rabbi of the Edah Ha-Haredit

in Jerusalem.
The Holy Gaon Kabalistic Rabbi Yoel
Teitelbaum (1887-1979) son of the Holy Gaon
Rabbi Hananyah Yomtov Lipa, Av Bein Din
Sighet, author of "Kedushat Yomtov", son of
Rabbi Yekutiel Yehudah, Av Beit Din Sighet
and author of "Yitav Lev" and offspring of
Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, author of "Yismach
Known from early age for his sharpness and
genius, as well as his sanctity and purity.
Following his marriage to the daughter of
Admor Rabbi Avraham Hayim Horowitz,
Rabbi of Polantsh, he moved to Satmar where
he taught Torah and and Hassidism to a chosen
group of disciples and Hassidim. Held position as Rabbi in Orshiva, Kroli (from 1925)
and Satmar (from 1935). In all these places he
was head of a large Yeshivah and a large flock
of disciples. Was head of the extreme orthodox
Jewry. During the Holocaust he was saved
in Dr. Kastner's famous "Rescue Train", and
through Bergen Belsen and Eretz Israel arrived
in the US, where he founded the world's largest Hassidic dynasty. Was a strong opposer of
Zionism and the establishment of the State of
Israel. Gave many Halachic responses and from
his writings dozens of books were published:
"Va-Yoel Moshe", Divrei Moshe" responsa, the
"Divrei Yoel" on the Torah and many others.
The Satmar Hassidic dynasty is to this day the
most dominant in the US in charity.
Part 1: [2], 86 leaves. Part 2: 161 leaves. Part 3:
36 leaves. Part 4: 115 leaves (in this printing the
words " fourth part" were omitted from head of
first page). Part 5: 44 leaves. Part 6: 12 leaves.
Part 7: 99, 60-63 leaves. Part 8: 69 leaves. Part
9: 21 leaves.
22 cm. Good condition, wear, on a few pages are
restored tears to margins. Black cloth binding
slightly scuffed.
Opening Price: $23,000

" , " " ,

.) ,

$5000 :



- .81
. ,
.] [ "
,1862 ) (", ,

,) ( ,Joel
... ": ." '
" , "
." " ","
, () ",
, "
,"- ("
-) " 1068

80. Humashim Heichal Ha-

Brachah Copy of Admor Rabbi

Yoel of Satmar
Five Books of Moses, with Heichal Ha-Brachah
commentary, according to the secrets of HaAri and the Ba'al Shem Tov, by Admor Rabbi
Yitzhak Yehudah Yehiel Safron, Av Beit Din
of Komarna. Parts I-III: Bereshit, Shemot,
Vayikra, Megilat Shir Ha-Shirim with Arugot
Ha-Bosem commentary. Lemberg, [1865-1869].
Pesil Balaban printing.
Fine leather bindings with gold engravings
and previous owner's name engraved - "Shaul
Rapaport", who signed inside the Humashim:
"Ha-Katan Shaul Yosef Simcha Rapaport".
[possibly an offspring of Ha-Ga'on Rabbi Yosef
Simcha Rapaport, Av Beit Din of Zemigrod and
Unsdorf, who died in 1800]. Signatures and in-

scriptions on inner boards.

Purple ink stamps in each volume by second
owner, Rabbi "Yoel Teitelbaum Av Beit Din
Kroli ", who is the famous Admor from
Satmar, who served as the Rabbi of Kroli.
Few corrections in handwriting.
Humashim came from a private family,
which has no known connection to the
Satmar Dynasty, who received the books
during World War Two with other books
that came from the Satmar Admor's home
and that of his son-in-law, Admor of Sassov,
Rabbi Hananiyah Lipa Meir and from the
home of his beadles - Rabbi Efraim Yosef Dov
Ashkenazi and his father Rabbi Mordechai
Faibush Ashkenazi from Safed.
Bereshit [1 title page (first title page is missing)],
283, [9] leaves; Shemot [2 title pages first is
torn], 320, [46] leaves; Vayikra [2 title pages],
106, 108-300, [11] leaves; Shir Ha-Shirim [1 title
page], [3], 15-62 leaves. 27.5 cm. Fair condition,
quality paper with stains and tears, slight moth
damages. First title pages of Bereshit and Shemot
are missing. Original leather binding with tears
and with slight wearing and moth damages (restorable). Humash Shemot with colored edges.
The Humashim "Heichal Ha-Brachah" of the
Mahari"a from Komarna, a fundamental book
of Hassidic thought and Kabbalah, were especially cherished by Admors from all circles
(Beit Ziditshov, Ha-"Divrei Hayim" and his
descendants, the Rashab of Lubavitch, etc. See
enclosed material).
Opening Price: $5000

2009 | 46

. , . "30.5
' " ,
. . ,

.)" " .14594 (

. , ' ",
. , . "2.5 . ,]1[
. ,

$12,000 :

$1000 :

81. Menorat Ha-Maor - copy of

82. Rambam - Mada, Ahavah,

Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar's wife

Zemanim - Admor of Satmar's copy

Rambam's Mishne Torah, part 1, Mada,
Ahavah, Zemanim. Warsaw, 1881. OrgelbrandGoldman printing. Purple ink stamps of Rabbi
Yoel Teitelbaum as Av Bein Din Kroli, where he
held position as Rabbi prior to being the Admor
of Satmar.
Other older stamps of Rabbi Yoel from Sighet,
and a faded stamp "Moshe David Ashkenazy".
The entire book is worn from use, but the most
worn pages are those of Hilchot Teshuvah.
On page 289, in Hilchot Lulav, there's an
inscription of the name "Avraham Aba Ben --", probably as memoir to pray for this person
[Part 1, volume I]: Sefer Ha-Mada - [2], 16, 132
pages; Sefer Ha-Ahavah - 172 pages; Zemanim A
- 170, 22 pages; Zemanim B - [2], 171-424 pages.
30.5 cm. Fair condition, dry paper. A few of the
pages are slightly torn and mended by pasting of
paper for reinforcement, in page 52 omission in
text. A few pages loose. Pages' edges are colored.
Black cloth binding with leather spine and corners detached from textblock, slightly worn.
Opening Price: $12,000

47 |


- - ".82
. ,' "
.- .1881 ",
" ",
" - ."" "
." " ." ."
" , 289 '
. '; 132 ,16 ,]2[ . :]I ,[
.' 424-171 ,]2[ ,' '; 22 ,170 ,' '; 172

Sefer Menorat Ha-Maor, with Mapik Nefesh

Yehudah commentary. Ivri Teitsch commentary [translation resembles the Slavita 1832 edition]. Part two, Lemberg, 1862, Pinhas Moshe
Balaban printing.
Inner front cover and verso of title page have
foreign language inscriptions and signatures
of Joel Taitelbaum, perhaps the signature of
the Admor Rabbi Yoel, and various inscriptions in Hebrew stating the book belongs to
the Rabbanit of Kroli, daughter of the Rabbi of
Plonch, son of the Rabbi of Rozvadov.
The Rabbanit of Kroli, Chavah, first wife of
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, Admor of Satmar,
daughter of the famous Admor of Plonch
Rabbi Avraham Hayim Horowitz (1850-1919),
Otzar Ha-Rabanim 1068), son of Admor Rabbi
Moshe of Rozvadov-Ropshitz (died 1894, Otzar
Harabanim 14594. Son in law of the "Yitav
Lev"). Died at early age in 1936 in Satmar.
[1], 175 leaves. 2.5 cm. Good condition, stains and
tears. Hole on margins from front board to leaf
75. Cloth binding with leather spine and corners,
with tear to spine and wear to edges.
Opening Price: $1000

- .83
, [ ] ,
. , . " ,
." " " "

" ."
. "21.5 .] [ .' 664 ,] 8[
. ,
. .


84. Rambam Amsterdam Fourth


Rambam's Mishneh Torah, Part IV. Nezikin,

Kinyan, Mishpatim, Shoftim. Amsterdam,
[1702]. Emanuel Attias printing.
Antique ownership writing on title page "--- -- Rabbi Leib Ulma from Pfersee". (Rabbi Leib
Ulma-Ginzburg of Pfersee is mentioned in Sefer
Yesh Manhilin, mark 244, Noda Bi-Yehudah
Even Ha-Ezer mark 67).
This volume also came from same private library as the books of the Admor from Satmar.
Few commentaries and corrections in handwriting. On leave 297 a 12 word gloss in handwriting, possibly the handwriting of Rabbi Yoel
Teitelbaum of Satmar. See attached photo.
[1], 309, [13] leaves. 38 cm. Very good condition.
Original fine binding - leather covered wood ornamented with engravings, and remains of metal
buckles. Part of spine is torn.
This is the Rambam edition according to which
all following editions were proofread. (See in
foreword of the Rambam Frankel edition).
Opening Price: $180

$100 :

- " .84
, , . , "
.]1702 [", . ,
-- --- "
(" ." " - ""
, .
.) " "

. "
" 12
. .
. . "38 .] 13[ , ,]1[
, ,
. .
.) ( " .

83. Mikra'ot Gedolot, Bereshit -

Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar's copy

Humash Mikra'ot Gedolot, [Rav Peninim] with
Targum Yonatan, Even Ezra, Ramban and Or
Ha-Hayim. Vilna, no year.
On title page and last page are erased stamps,
which resemble those in the previous item, of
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum from his Kroli period.
The Humash came from the same family which
owned the Admor's books. This Humash was
later used by a child who erased the stamps and
scribbled and drew on many pages by pencil.
[8 leaves], 664 pages. [Edition without the prayers].
32.5. Fair condition, tears to title page and many
pages. Many pencil scribbles. Worn binding with
leather spine and corners.
Opening Price: $100

$180 :
2009 | 48

85. The Kvitl of Rabbi Moshe

Aryeh Freind


, "
," " ".
[".]?1964 ,
. "
" ,
" , ".
" " ( ")
" "
("-") , .
" " "" .
" , " ,"
" .1938
. " " ,
" .
11.5X11.5" .

The original Kvitl note written and presented

by Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freind to Rabbi Yoel
Teitelbaum, Admor of Satmar, author of "VaYoel Moshe". Jerusalem [1964?].
Moving content. The writer asks the Admor
to pray for him for redemption, livelihood and
success, and success with his students in Torah
and G-d fearing, and to avoid all obstacles in
Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freind (1904-1996), son of
)Rabbi Yisrael, Av Beit Din Bonyhad (died 1940
and grandson of the Admor Rabbi Avraham
Yehoshua Freind of Nassod (1855-1932), one of
the most zealous of his generation, son of Rabbi
Mohe Aryeh Freind, Rosh Ha-Kahal in Sighet
at the time of the "Yitav Lev" and the "Kedushat
Yom Tov". One of the faithful disciples of
Admor Rabbi Yoel, held positions as Dayan and
Moreh Tzedek in Satmar, Av Beit Din Nassod
from 1938. After the Holocaust emigrated
to Jerusalem and held position as head of the
Satmar Yeshivah and teacher. Rosh Beit Din
Ha-Edah Ha-Haredit. After the demise of the
"Minhat Yitzhak" he was appointed Av Beit Din
Ha-Edah Ha-Haredit.
11.5x11.5 cm. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $4000

.86 "
, "
" - ("-",
.)6700 " " ,
" .
." " "
. " "

" .
.1 - , .[ ,"]
.1858 .
" " ",
" " "".
" "' " ."---
]70[ ,; ,- .
21.5 ." . .
"' " ".
.2 , ,
. . [ .
" 1900 ,] .' 5
" "
332 ,64 ,126' . 22 ." . .
[ 80]
. .
.3 , .[ ,"] .1880
. " "
[ 140 ;150 ;156 ;196 ;154 ]1' . ,
21 ." .
[ 80]
" " " . .

$800 :

$4000 :
| 49


, ,
, "
," " "
, " .
27 , "
. ", ".
,)"- ("
. .
" .
.] [
, '
. , - .1-2
.1906 ", ." "
. ,
[ ", . .3
. .]1900
, . , . , .4
" . .1857 ]["
." -
", . ", .5
. . .)1860(
. , " , .6
. .)1939( ",
, . , .7
. .1929 , "

86. Books from the library of the

Admor of Sasov, Son-In-Law of the
Admor of Satmar

Various books from the library of the Admor

of Sasov, Rabbi Hananyah Yom Tov Lipa
Teitelbaum-Meir (1905-1946, Otsar HaRabanim 6700). Grandson of the "Yitav Lev",
and Son-in-law of his uncle the Admor Rabbi
Yoel of Satmar. Headed the Yeshivah of his
father-in-law in Kroli. Later was Av Beit Din of
Semihaly and Rosh Beit Din of Satmar. After
the Holocaust he founded Kiryat "Yismach
Moshe" in Eretz Israel.
The books came from same private library as
the books of his father-in-law the Admor from
1. Yalkut Shimoni - Bereshit, Shmot. Zholkiev,
1858. Luria printing.
Stamps of Rabbi "Hananyah Yom Tov Lipa Meir
Kroli","Hananyah Yom Tov Lipa Meir, Av Beit
Din of Semihaly". Cropped signature in antique
handwriting "Hananyah Yom Tov Lipa ---".
28, [70] leaves, 99, 101-127 leaves. First title
page and soft covers are missing. 21.5 cm. Good
condition. Old fine binding with leather spine
ornamented with gold engraving and engraved
name "Hananyah Yom Tov Lipa". Slight flaws to
2. Mahzor for Yom Kipur, Sefarad custom,
with Matte Levi and Ivri Teitch. With Tehilim.
Warsaw or Pioterkov printing. [circa 1900].
Part of Rabbi Hananyah's stamp: "Hananyah
Yom Tov Lipa Meir, Av Beit Din of Semihaly"
on page 5.
126, 64, 332 pages. Title page and another page
are missing. 22 cm. Good condition. Fine binding [from about 80 years ago] with leather spine
ornamented with gold engraving and engraved
name. Flaws to binding.
3. Sefer Ha-Kuzari, with commentary. Warsaw,
1880. Goldmann printing. Stamps of Rabbi


"Hananyah Yom Tov Lipa Meir Kroli".

[1], 154; 196; 156; 150; 140 pages. 5 title pages,
probably another title page is missing at beginning. 21 cm. Fine binding [from about 80 years
ago] with leather spine ornamented with gold
engraving and engraved name "Hananyah Yom
Tov Lipa Meir". Minor flaws to binding.
Opening Price: $800

2009 | 50

87. Books from the Library of

Rabbi Yosef Ashkenazi of Satmar

The same private library, to which the books of
the Admor Rabbi Yoel of Satmar and his Sonin-law, the Admor of Sassov found their way
after the Holocaust, also had books from the
library of Rabbi Shraga Faibush Ashkenazi and
his son Rabbi Ephraim Yosef Dov Ashkenazi,
beadles of the Admor in Kroli, Satmar and the
Rabbi Shraga Faibush Ashkenazi, grandson of
Rabbi Yoel Ashkenazi from Zlotshov, fatherin-law of the "Kedushat Yom Tov", arrived to
Hungary from Safed. Following advice of the
Plontcher Rebbe, became close to his relative
Admor Rabbi Yoel, and was his beadle for 27
years. Died in the Holocaust in 1944.
His son, Rabbi Ephraim Yosef Dov Ashkenazi,
(1914-2002), beadle and household friend of
the Admor for 60 years. He was the Admor's
personal assistant in all matters. Rabbi Yosef
Ashkenazi was a holy person, great in Hassidism
and G-d fearing and highly knowledgable.
Edited and published the books of the Admor
in Halachah and Agadah. See his introduction
to Divrei Yoel Responsa [copy is attached].
All books carry ink stamps of Rabbi Efraim
Yosef Dov Ashkenazi, unless stated otherwise.
List of the books:
1-2. Chumashim Hok Le-Yisrael - Shmot,
Va-Yikra. With commentators and "Or Ha 51 |

Hayim". Lemberg, 1906. Stamps of Rabbi Shraga

Faibush, his signatures and those of his son.
3. Hayei Adam with Tosfot Hayim. Warsaw,
[1900]. Signature of Rabbi Efraim Yosef Dov
Ashkenazi on title page.
4. Torat Moshe by Rabbi Moshe Alsheich.
Bereshit, Shmot, Cernowitz, [1857]. Leather
binding. Stamps of Rabbi "Efraim Yosef Doc
Ashkenazi Satmar".
5. Perush al Hamesh Megilot by Ralbag (Levi
ben Gershon / Gersonides). Knigsberg, 1860.
Stamp. Unidentified signature.
6. Be'er Ya'akov, Al Shulchan Aruch Orach
Hayim, fifth part. Munkacs, 1939. Signatures.
7. Tehilim, with Tefilah Le-Moshe commentary. Pardes publishing, Berlin, 1929. Erased
signatures, stamps.
8. Hizkuni al Ha-Torah. Vilna, 1875. Stamps.
Small hole to front cover and many pages (perhaps from metal object or shooting).
9. Irin Kadishin, Likutim from Rabbi Yisrael
from Ruzhin and his son, Rabbi Avraham
Ya'akov from Sadigora. Warsaw, [1885]. Various
signatures and stamps. Bound together with
Sefer Niv Sefatayim, Vilna, 1898.
Most of the books are in good condition. Various
Opening Price: $700


. .1875 ", . .8
, .9
.1885 ] [", .
, .
.1898 ",
. .

$700 :


.1 - .
" (" - .)1963 " " "
" ," , " ...
" "" [ ] .
, " ".
.2 , -
" " " " ."
" ([ .)1965"
" .3 " - " " ,
" " . "
" .4 " -
" " " .
. " (.)1965
" .5 " ".
, .
, " "
. , ,

" (")
, "

$150 :

88. Collection of Publications

from Eretz Israel regarding the

Satmar Rabbi
1. Proclamation - Invitation for house warming of Beit Ha-Edah Ha-Haredit. 1963. Rabbi
Yoel's blessings will be delivered by his emissary Rabbi Zupnik, [Donor of building].
Proclamation's margins read: "No fundraising
campaign will be held".
2. Journey ticket to special honorary train
from Haifa to Jerusalem for reception of Admor
Rabbi Yoel upon his visit to Israel. Sivan 1965.
[Admor arrived by ship via Haifa Port].
3. "Ish Yehudi" Proclamation by "Neturei
Karta", against collaboration of Ha-Edah HaHaredit with the "Brutal State Police" at reception for the Admor of Satmar. Sivan 1965.
4. "Kri'at Ha-Shanah" by Rabbi Yoel
Teitelbaum. For strengthening and fortifying
of Ha-Edah Ha-Charedit. Elul 1965.
5. "Bakshu Rachamim" for Maran Yoel Ben
Hannah Shlita. Calling to pray for recovery of
the Satmar Rabbi.
All 5 items are in good condition and in various
One of the functions of Admor Rabbi Yoel
Teitelbaum of Satmar was Ga'on Av Beit Din
of Bada"tz Ha-Edah Ha-Haredit in Jerusalem.
Although he lived in the United States and
visited Jerusalem only a few times, it did not
prevent him from managing the Holy City community matters with a strong hand and wide
open eyes. Many of his actions were executed
by his faithful disciple Rabbi Moshe Freind,
who later succeeded him as Ga'on Av Beit Din
of Ha-Edah Ha-Haredit.
Opening Price: $150


.89 "

" " " ".
. " , .
. () " , .
. " , .
. ,10",
, " "

$200 :
| 52 2009

90. Exumonia - Money Substitute

- Sugar Lump

Thin cardboard card "Good for a regular lump

of sugar".
On verso of card is a stamp of "Neturei Karta"
and serial number.
With the establishment of the State of Israel and
the start of use of Bank of Israel's banknotes
it was forbidden by law to print alternative
banknotes, but it was acceptable to print "means
of payment". These were used mainly in grocery
stores in Jerusalem and in Kibbutzim for distribution of products such as sugar, bread and ice
for those who did not use cash.
Neturei Karta, who wished to boycott "Zionist"
money, used this exception in the law to print
this card, that was used as money in the community and was equivalent to one Lira (and was
not at all used for sugar distribution!).
6x7 cm. Very good conditiom, slight staining.
Opening Price: $100


- .90
." "
" "
," " ,

," ",
. , . "6X7

$100 :


89. Tickets for Reception of the

Admor of Satmar

4 different tickets, for special honor train for

reception of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum in Israel.
1. Jerusalem Haifa ticket 1955, white.
2. Haifa - Jerusalem (return) ticket 1955, green.
Year was erased in handwriting, and instead
was written 1959 and price was changed by
3. Haifa - Jerusalem ticket 1965, brown.
4. Haifa Jerusalem ticket for Children until
the age of 10, 1965, orange.
Good condition, on verso of 3 of them appears stamp of Yeshivat "Yitav Lev" of Satmar,
Opening Price: $200

53 |

Hassidism and Kabbalah

91. Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef - Ostraha,

- .91


Commentray by ways of Hassidism on the

Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim and Midrashim, with
novellae on the Talmud by Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef
Ben Rabbi Yehudah Leib of Ostraha. Ostraha,
Previous owner's signature: "Belongs to HaNagid Meir Ya'akov, Meshamesh Ba-Kodesh
of Rabbi Baruch of Constantin Yashan near
Mezhibuzh". Grandson of Rabbi Mordechai of
Niesuchojeze. Was married to the granddaughter of Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef.
Russian Stamp: Baruch Ya'akovich (Ben
Ya'akov), Kiev, Uman.
Author, Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef was a disciple of
the Magid of Mezeritch.
[1], 129 leaves. 35 cm.
Good condition, few stains. Red wax seal on last
page probably of censor. Torn and worn binding.

, -
' ,
, ", . "
" :
. ' ."
. ' "
. , ,) ( :
, ' ( ,
. "35 , 129 ,]1[
, . ,
. . ,

$1500 :

Opening Price: $1500


2009 | 54

- , .93

(" " ,
. .)
? ", [. " "
. ' ' .]?1849
. , . "23.3 .] 2[ ,
: .
.0318353 ,0174704

$300 :


93. Kedushat Levi, on Hanukkah

92. Beit Aharon Fine Copy with

Sefer Kedushat Levi, ("Hamesh Kedushot" on

Hanukkah and Purim and Hidushei Agadot).
By Rabbi Levi Yitzhak from Berditshev. Second
edition according to Berditshev 1816 edition.
[Lvov, 1849?]. Published by Rabbi Moshe Isser
Ben Rabbi Avraham Abeli.
Writings in Hebrew and in previous owner's
name in Latin characters.
26, [2] leaves. 23.3 cm. Good condition, wear and
creases to corners. No binding.
Rare. See Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, items
0174704, 0318353.

Sefer Beit Aharon, Al Ha-Torah Ve-Al HaAvodah. From the Admor Rabbi Aharon [the
second] of Karlin and his son, Rabbi Asher [the
second] of Karlin. A compilation of Holy sayings from his father Rabbi Aharon Ha-Gadol
of Karlin and his son Rabbi Asher [the first]
from Stolin. Brody, 1875. Moshe Leib Harmelin
printing. Fine copy.
24 handwritten pages were added at the end of
the book. Hundreds of Hassidic sayings, copies
of letters [regarding the Sanz - Sadigora polemic] and more. (In some of the texts it seems
as if the writer wrote what he heard directly
from the Admors of Karlin and other Admors.
Needs further examination).
[6], 316, [5] pages, and additional 24 handwritten pages. 22x28 cm. Very good condition. Minor
moth holes to last pages. Fine antique leather
binding, ornamented, with slight damages, tears
and wear.
First edition.

and Purim Second Edition

Opening Price: $300

a Hassidic Manuscript

Opening Price: $500

55 |


"- .92

" . ,
. [] []

", . []
. . .1875
. 24
[ ,
( .]
" "
.) .
. "22X 28 . ' "24 .'] 5[ ,316 ,]6[
. .
, , ,

$500 :

,' , " ,1786
.Joseph Emanuel Diesbach
,' ,
, '
. ' "
, .
[ ,]4 , 19 ," . , ,

$250 :

94. Eretz Zvi

Eretz Zvi, Rabbi Zvi of Wadislow, Prague 1786,
Joseph Emanuel Diesbach printing.
Derashot Musar on different matters, from
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch of Wadislow, father of Rabbi
Simcha Bunim of Peshischa. Approbations
from the most prominent Rabbis of his generation, such as Rabbi Yechezkel Segal Landau,
Ba'al Ha-Noda Bi-Yehudah. Unclear signature
by previous owner on title page.
[4], 48, 15 leaves. 19 cm. Good condition, old
restoration of title page, old binding.

," [=].
[ ,]2; [ ,]4 35 ." . .
. .

$800 :

95. "Divrei Hayim" Responses by

the Admor Rabbi Hayim of Sanz

Sefer Divrei Hayim She'elot U-Teshuvot, by the

Admor Rabbi Hayim Halberstam of Sanz. Lvov,
1875. Avraham Yitzhak Menkish printing. First
edition. Parts I-II.
Stamp of previous owner in several places in
the book "Zvi Ha-Levi Weinfeld, Kosice.
[2], 134; [4], 120 leaves. 35 cm. Good condition.
On first pages are tears repaired by Sticking and
stains. Dry paper. Fine new cloth binding.
Opening Price: $800

.96 -"

Opening Price: $250

.95" " " "

. ," .1875 ,
. . -.
" ...
... ' . "

| 56 2009



" ,( 1865 ,") . .
' -" . ' (
) " - " ,
, " ,
" ; " " ,
; " " , "

(" -") " ,
, " , ,
. " .

.97 -

. ,
' ,' .371-379 " : ",
" "" , "" ," """ ,
" .
[ ,]3 ; [ ]1 ; [ ]1 24 ." . ,
. .
(' ,' ,

$280 :


96. Mishkenot Ha-Ro'im - Responsa

and Eulogies


"Le-Israel", Sha'ar Bat Rabim", Hadrat Kodesh

[3], 90 leaves; [1], 21 leaves; [1] 25 leaves. 24 cm.
Very good condition with few stains. New cardboard binding.
Very rare. The book was printed in parts, in
several hundred copies and was out of print
within a few years (Galicia Enc., part 2, page
Opening Price: $280

Sefer Mishkenot Ha-Ro'im, by Rabbi Yehiel

Michl Hibner, Av Beit Din Nizniow, Lemberg,
1865. Kugel Levin printing.
Part A - Responsa and Novellae. Part B (containing three different parts) - "Et Dodim", eulogies on Rabbi Mordechai Ze'ev of Levov, Rabbi
Gershon Ashkenazi Av Beit Din Kolomea,
Rabbi Yehiel Michl Av Beit Din Brody; "Et
Metso", Eulogies on Rabbi Avraham of Stratin
and his brother, Rabbi Eliezer of Azipala; and
"Et Shalom", a Eulogy on Rabby Shalom of
Firt book by Rabbi Yehiel Michel Hibner (18341907), Av Beit Din Nizniow, Stanislav region. A
Gaon, related to the Rabbis of Stratin, Przemisl,
Belz and Vizhnitz. Also went to Rabbi Israel of
Ruzhin and his sons and Rabbi Hayim of Sanz
and his sons. Eulogized many of the important
rabbinical figures of his time. About him see M.
Wunder in the Encyclopedia Galicia, Volume
2, pages 371-379. Wrote many books: "Nahalah

.1 , .
" . ," .1884
" "
" ".
,- ]1[ , 16 ." . .
.2 , ...
... ..."
. , "
.] ] ,"
( .)1910 .
22.2 ." . .
.3 ,
. " " "
. - .,
" .1912 . "'
" "'
,]1[ ;]1[ , ]1[ , 23 ." . ,
.4 ,
" . .1898 ( .

1889 .)1899 "
."--- 21.5 ." . , ()
.5 " " "
, .
" .1937
]1[ ,' 19 ." . .
.6 -
| 57


97. Hassidism Collection of


Collection of important Hassidic Books, most

of them are first editions printed in the late 19th
Century and early 20th Century.
1. Sefer Kol Torah,
Perush Al Megilat
Ester. Rabbi Shabtai Ish Lipshitz of Yolniza.
Approbations by Rabbi Yitzhak Isaac Weiss
Rosh Av Beit Din of Munkacs. Lemberg, 1884.
Signatures and previous owners' inscriptions
from 1910 of "Yekutiel Yehuda Bergfeld of
72, 65-67, [1] leaves. 16 cm. Good condition.
2. Sefer Dover Shalom, Hidushei Torah, talks
with tales and Hanhagot Tovot by the
Admor Rabbi Shalom Rokach of Belz. With
Sefer Ohel Yehoshua, by his son the Admor
Rabbi Yehoshua of Belz. Written by Rabbi
Avraham Hayim Simcha Bunem Michelsohn.
Przemishl [printed in Bilgoraj], 1910. First
96 pages. 22.2 cm. Good condition.

3. Sefer Yitav Panim, Tochechat Musar Ben

Kesse Le-Asor U-Moadim Ve-Shabbatot HaShanah. From author of the "Yitav Lev" the
Admor Rabbi Yekutiel Yehudah Teitelboim.
Part I-II. Hust, 1912. Second edition. Signatures
of "Ha-Kadosh Shmuel Steinberger from
Kredke" and dedication by his brother-in-law
"Ha-Kadosh Zvi Hirsch Spielman".
183, [1]; [1], 161, [1] leaves. 23 cm. Fair condition,
dry paper with cracks to edges.
4. Sefer Derekh Ha-Emunah U-Ma'aseh Rav,
tales by the Baal Shem Tov's disciples. Warsaw,
1898. Kleiman printing. (Unregistered edition
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia Cd has editions published by Kleinman only from 1889 and 1899).
Signatures of "Yekutiel Avraham ---".
57 leaves. 21.5 cm. Good condition, dry paper with
slight omission of text from top of some pages.
5. Osef Mikhtavim U-Devarim by Admor
Shalita of Gur. Warsaw, 1937. Facsimile of a
missive in his handwriting at beginning of the
103, [1] pages. 19 cm. Good condition.
6. Kuntres Kach Hu Darkah Shel Torah by
Rabbi Zvi Elimelekh Shapira Av Beit Din
Munkacs. Klozs, 1926.
[1], 16 pages. 15 cm. Good condition.
7. Kaftor Va-Perach, Luchot Erez Me'ulefet
Sapirim. Compilation of sayings and letters
from the Ba'al Shem Tov and his disciples.
Rabbi Isaac Rosenstein. Jerusalem, 1937. Only
edition. With approbations of the Admors
who were in Eretz Israel.
167, [1] pages. 21.5 cm. Good condition.
8. Seder Haggadah shel Pesach, with commentary by "Ba'al Ha-Hafla'ah". Kosice, 1947. Wika
[3], 6-44, [1] pages. 23.5 cm. Good condition
Ya'ari 2348, Otsar Ha-Haggadot 4071.

" ."
" "
, . ... "
.)1926 ("
. . "15 . ,]1[
. , .7
. "
. .)1937( ", .
. "
. . "21.5 .'] 1[ ,
." ", .8
. .)1947( ",Kosice
. "23.5 .'] 1[ ,6-44 ,]3[
.4071 ; 2348
. .

$200 :

Various sizes and conditions. 5 of the books have

original covers.

Opening Price: $200

2009 | 58

" - .99

" - ".98

" .- ,
.1863 ] [", .
" "
." ,
. .] 1[ , ]; : ["
. ,

. , ,
]" [
.1927 ", ."
,)"- ",12349 (
" (")
" " ( ,
". .)
. , ,
(" " )
" " .
. , . "27 .] 4[ , ,]3[

$500 :

99. Siduro Shel Shabbat with

Ink-Stamp of the Ba'al Shem Tov's

Beit Midrash, Yassy
Sefer Siduro Shel Shabbat, Parts 1 and 2. By
Admor Rabbi Hayim of Cernowitz, Lvov, 1863.
Israel Elimelech Shtand Printing.
Ownership inscription and ink-stamp Hotam
De-Beit Ha-Midrash Le-Ba'al Shem Mishes,
42 [should be 47]; 29, [1] leaves. fair condition.
Cardboard cover with leather spine, worn and
Opening Price: $500

, - .100
, , ,
. . '
." ".1946 ",
. ,
. .
. . "20 . ,' 116 ,]4[

$100 :
59 |


$100 :

98. Malbush Le-Shabbat Ve-Yom

Tov by the Admor Rabbi Berish of

Sefer Malbush Le-Shabbat Ve-Yom Tov, homilies by way of Hassidism on Sefer Devarim,
on the cantillation notes Zarka Sagol, and on
the holidays. By the Admor of Zidichov Rabbi
Yisachar Berish [Eichenstein] Av Beit Din
Kehilat Vertzky. Munkacs, 1927. Aharon Dov
Meisels printings.
The Admor Rabbi Yisachar Berish Eichenstein
(Otsar Ha-Rabanim 12349, 1848-1924), grandson and student of the Admor Rabbi Yitzhak
Isaac (Mahari"a) of Zidichov. Son-in-law of
Rabbi Menashe of Ropshitz. Served as Admor
in Zidichov, Vertzky, Oradea (Nagyvarad) and

Munkacs. His sons and son-in-law (Ha-"Hakal

Yitzhak" of Spinka) were leaders of Hassidic
communities in Galicia and Hungary. Ha"Minchat Elazar" of Munkacs said he was The
Tzadik of his generation and more than half the
world exists on his behalf.
[3], 68, [4] leaves. 27 cm. Good condition, moth
holes. New binding.
First Edition.
Opening Price: $100

" (
" , " " ,
.) ,
, , .] 15[ , ,]4[
. .
"- , , :
.80 '

$600 :

101. Humash Heichal Ha-Bracha

(Komarna) - Bamidbar

Humash Bamidbar Heichal Ha-Bracha commentary, according to mystic teachings of the

Ari and the Ba'al Shem Tov, by Admor Rabbi
Yitzhak Yehudah Yehiel Safron Av Beit Din
of Komarna. Includes Book of Ruth with the
Targum, Mesora, and commentary by Rabbi
Ovadia Mi-Bartenura. Lemberg, [1864'. Pessil
Balaban Printing.
Various owners' signatures.
The Heichal Ha-Bracha Humashim by the
Admor of Komarna are a fundamental work of
Hassidic and Kabalistic literature. Admors of
all courts expressed their special liking to them
(The house of Zidichov, the Divrei Hayim and
his descendants, the Rasha"b of Lubavitch and
more see enclosed material).
[4], 225, [15] leaves. Fair condition, moth holes,
stains and wear. No cover.
This is the first of the Kumarna Humashim
published. See additional volumes: B'reishit,
Sh'mot, Vayikra which belonged to Admor
Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar, item 80.
Opening Price: $600



100. Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov

- Bucharest, 1947

Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov, Zeyn Lebn,

Virkn un Lehre, by Ha-Rav Matityahu Yehezkel
Guttman. Volume one, Bucharest, 1946. Libro
The life, work and teachings of Rabbi Yisrael
Baal Shem Tov. In Yiddish, first booklet.
[4], 116 pages, printed soft cover. 20 cm. Very
good condition.
Opening Price: $100

) (.101
, , ,
" ," "
. " "
, .
. .]1864 ["
, " " "
2009 | 60

", - .102
", . ,
. .)1943(
. :
. "
, . . "20.2 .' ,]6[

$100 :


103. Last Will of the Admor of

102. Hayei Olam - Budapest, 1943

Last will of our Holy Rabbi Hayim Eliezer

Shapira. Munkacs, 1937.
Slightly different from the copy in National
Library, as registered in Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia
CD (item 171348) - as in this copy the name of
printer does not appear.
8 pages, 20 cm. Good condition, some of the pages
are partly detached.

Sefer Hayei Olam, Musar Ve-Hassidut. (Ethics

and Hassidism). Budapest, 1943. Meshulam
Katzburg printing.
At end of the book: Missive of Rabbi Mendel
from Riminov. Teaching missive from the
Admor Rabbi Ben Zion from Bobov on last
page. Color illustrated title page.
Advertisement for the book "Or Le-Yesharim"
is pasted on cover.
[6], 80 pages. 20.2 cm. Very good condition. Fine
original binding worn and with bumps.



104. Sha'ar Gan Eden - Sedilkov,


A wide commentary of the Kabbalah accordnig

to Ha-Ari, by Rabbi Ya'akov Kopel Lipshitz of
Mezritch. [Sedilkov], 1826.
Second edition, with approbation by Rabbi
Ephrayim (Wohl), Av Beit Din Sedilkov, son
in law of Rabbi Ya'akov Shimshon Shapira of
Shpitovka. It is known the Ba'al 'shem Tov regarded this book as very important.
[1], 71 leaves. 34 cm. Blue paper. Fair condition.
Holes, tears to margins of title page. Rebound.
Opening Price: $1000
61 |

Opening Price: $100

1826 , .104

Opening Price: $100

' " .103

' , "
.1826 , ",] [.
,) ' (,
' ,"
, .
. . . . "34 , 71 ,]1[
. .

.1937 ",
. , . "20 ,' 8

$1000 :

$100 :



.105 " - ,"

" . ," [ .]1788
: ( "
) , , " .
" ".
18.2 ." . , .

$500 :

105. Shulchan Aruch Ha-Ari

Lvov, 1788.

Shulhan Arukh Ha-Ari Lvov, 1788. Yehudah

Shlomo Yarush (Rapaport) Printing.
At the end of the book are printed: Nevu'at HaYeled (from the year 432 to the destruction of
the second Temple), Segulot and Prayers, and
Igeret Shabbat by Rabbi Avraham Ibn Ezra.
Previous owners' signature - "Shraga Feivel".
60 pages. 18.2 cm. Very good condition, dark
paper with foxing. New cloth binding
Opening Price: $500
| 62 2009

" ":
.1 . .
() ," ( .)1734 .
" "'
" " "".
, 14 ." . . .
. .
0130785 ( .
2157 "
.2 . [ ," ,]1865
" "
" ."----
[ ,]4 14 ." . , ,
. .
.3 , [ .-
?][ ,"? .]?1848 .
38 , 22 ." . ,
, . .

.4 " ,
" " .
(") . " "
"[ . ,][ ," .]1860
, - ,- 17 ." . ,
. .
.5 , " " "
" ," .[ ,"] .1855
.Johann Eckhardt und Sohn
" " "

( . " "
-) 18.5 ." . , .
. .

$300 :

tion. Some light foxing. Original leather binding,
with worn cloth spine.
5. Sefer Derekh Hochma, with Maamar Al
Ha-Hagadot and Maamar Ha-Ikarim by the
Ramhal. Cernowitz, [1855]. Johann Eckhardt
und Sohn printing.
Separate title pages to Maamar al Ha-Hagadot
and "Maamar Ha-Ikarim".
20 leaves. (Apparently, missing Maamar HaHohma printed in that printing, on pages 20-31).
;18.5 cm. Good condition; stains. Uncut sheets
Various conditions.

Opening Price: $300

106. Collection of Kabbalah

, . . "28.5 . ,]2[
.) (
.227 '


$200 :

107. Etz Hayim / Nahar Shalom /

Shaar Ruach Ha-Kodesh

Three important Kabbalah books, printed in

Jerusalem, 1866-1874.
1. Sefer Etz Hayim, by Rabeinu Haim Vital,
with addenda. Jerusalem (1866). Yisrael Bak
Previous Owner's signature on front page: HaKatan Shmuel Gross, maybe Rabbi Shmuel
Gross, author of Aleh Shmuel, Av Beit Din in
Rabesht and Kroli, (relative and and successor
of Admor Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, who moved to
Satmar), son-in-law of Admor Rabbi Yesha'ayah
of Kerstir - Otsar Ha-Rabbanim 19085; (see
Eleh Ezkerah, 5, pages 244-249). Killed in the
holocaust, Sivan1944.
2. Sefer Nahar Shalom by Rabeinu Shalom
Shar'abi, Jerusalem, 1867. Yisrael Bak printing.
Both books bound together,in a fine new
154 leaves; 37 leaves. 32.2 cm. Very good
Sh. Ha-Levi 135, 136. (in some copies 2 index
pages were added at the end of Nahar Shalom,
see Sh. Ha-Levi).
3. Shaar Ruach Ha-Kodesh, seventh part of
eight, by Rabeinu Haim Vital. Jerusalem, 1874.
Yitzhak Gashtzinani printing.
[2], 83 pages. 28.5 cm. Very good condition. Fine
new cover, cardboard covered with marble-paper
(slightly damaged).
Sh. Ha-Levi 227.
Opening Price: $200
63 |


/ / .107

:1866-1874 "-"
. , , .1
. ".)1866( , ",
." "' :
" ," "
( "
" ,)
; ( 19085 -
. ".)244-249 ' ,'
, , , .2
. ".)1867(
. . "32.2 . ;
2 ( .136 ,135 '
.) ' ,
, , .3
.)1874( ", .

Important collection of Kabbalah books by

Rabeinu Haim Vital and Rabbi Moshe Haim
Luzzato (Ha-Ramhal):
1. Shaarei Kedushah, by Rabeinu Haim Vital.
Constantinopol (Kushta), 1734. Yonah Ben
Ya'akov printing. At the end of the introduction is a signature of previous owner in antique
Ashkenazi handwriting "Ha-Katan Shlomo
Ben Itzik Segal".
35 leaves (leaf 16 missing); poor condition, tops of
pages cut. Wear to margins of title page and other
pages. Professionally restored with paper mounts;
new leather binding.
According to Yaari Kushta 350, and the Mif'al
Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 0130785, this is the
first edition. (Friedberg 2157, mistakenly registered the 1745 Amsterdam edition as an 1715
2. Shaarei Kedusha. Aram Tsova, [1865],
Eliahu Sasson printing.
Inscription in Oriental handwriting on title
page: Kodesh Le-Midrash Beit Ha-Nassi ---
[4], 48 pages. 14 cm. Fair condition; minor damp
staining; cutting of pages is not straight; tear with
omission at top of title page. New leather cover.
3. Razi'el Ha-Mal'ach, Safra de-Adam Kadma.
[Russia-Poland?], [1848?]. Many Kabbalistic illustrations. Handwritten corrections.
38 pages; title page and another page missing. 22
cm. Fair condition; thin paper with dirt marks,
creases and slight damage. New cover.
Matches edition registered in Mifal HaBibliographia, item 0175562.
4. Sefer Kala"h (135) Pitchei Hochma, Petichot
to Sefer Etz Hayim by the Ari, by Rabbi Moshe
Haim Luzzato (Ha-Ramhal). Extensively revised edition according to glosses of a "famous
Rabbi" [Johanneisburg, Prussia], [around 1860].
Hayim Aryeh printing.
6,8 - 26, 29-142 leaves. 17 cm. Very good condi-


109. Mitzraf La-Hochmah Warsaw, 1892

Sefer Mitzraf La-Hochmah, an argument regarding the Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism,
by Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Delmadigo. Warsaw,
A portrait of the author. Stamp of Rabbi Refa'el
Zilberman, Av Beit Din, Safed (1839-1918).
Signature of his grandson, Rabbi Ahraham
Leib Zilberman, also a Rabbi in Safed.
124 pages, 19 cm. Very goos condition. Loose
cardboard binding, torn spine.
Opening Price: $100


1892 , - .109


. ' ,
.1892 , ",
, .
, .)1839-1918( "
. ,
, . . "19 ,' 124

' [, ,
.] ", [,]
, , . . "24 .'

$100 :

Ta'amei He-Te'amim the cantillation notes

according to Kabbalah, [Rabbi Yitzhak HaCohen], [Jerusalem, 1920s].
2 leaves. 24 cm. Fair condition. Printed without title-page. Moth hole, stains and tears to

$100 :

108. Ta'amei He-Te'amim

Opening Price: $100

2009 | 64


110. Invitation by Admor Ha-

" " .110

Raya"tz of Lubavitch to his

Daughter's Wedding

Letter of invitation to the wedding of the daughter of Admor Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Schneersohn,
to Rabbi Menahem Ha-Cohen Horenstein in
Poland, 1932.
The invitation is on the Admor's stationery. The
first and last two lines are in the Rebbe's actual
handwriting, and the rest is in lithographic
print of the admor's handwriting.
Yosef Yitzhak Schneersohn (1880-1950, Otzar
Ha-Rabbanim 8887) was the sixth Admor of
Chabad-Lubavitch. He founded the Yeshivah
Tomchei Temimim together with his father, the
Admor Ha-Rasha"b. Became Admor in 1920.
Arrested by the communists, and released in
1927. From Russia he went to Poland, and in
1940 to Brooklyn. Renowned for his dedication and for hid teaching to his followers in
Communist Russia to keep the Mitzvas and
study Torah despite all hardships.
His daughter Sheina (Sheindel) and his sonin-law Rabbi Menahem Ha-Cohen Horenstein
were killed in Treblinka in 1942 see enclosed
One page, 23.5 cm. good condition, many moth
holes, with no omission in text.
Opening Price: $2000

65 | "


" "
' . ,
.]1932 ["
, "
2 , 2( "
. "
,"- ("
.- " ",)8887
. " "
" . " "
. "
. "

. ",1942
. , . "23.5

$2000 :

' .111
.)" ' (

. "
. ' ' ,"
. ". ."
' . ,
. ,

$600 :

111. Letter by Rabbi Yosef


112. Letter by Rabbi Yosef

Yitzhak Schneersohn Riga, 1932

Written in Riga in 1932 on stationery of the
Admor, addressed to Rabbi Yisrael Meisel (see
additional material). Blessing for the Rabbi and
his family for the new year. Typewritetn and
hand signed.
Good condition with few creases.
Opening Price: $600


' .112
", "
.)" ' (

$600 :

Yitzhak Schneersohn Brooklyn,

Written in Brooklyn in 1949 on stationery of
the Admor and addressed to Rabbi Yisrael
Meisel (see additional material). Typewritten
anf hand signed with two additional words in
The Raya"tz Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak Schneerson
Ben Rabbi Shalom Dov. Born 1880. Passed
away 1950. Wrote Sefer Ha-Ma'amarim, Likutei
Devarim, and other books. His son in law
is Rabbi Menachen Mendel Schneerson, the
Lubavicher Rebbe.
Good condition with few creases.
Opening Price: $600

2009 | 66

- .113

" " "." "
," '
, " " "
" " "
" .
. . . "21.5
. , ".

114. Letter on Hassidism by the

Lubavitch Rabbi

Letter of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn

the Admor of Lubavitch. Kislev 1977.
Letter deals with copyings of Chabad Hassidism
teachings by Admor Mohara"sh and strengthening studies of Hassidism teachings.
Single page, 28 cm. Good condition. Folding
lines and slight damage to margins. Stationery.
Typewritten. Correction and addition of several words in handwriting and signature of the
Opening Price: $550

$200 :



.)1977( ". "
." "
. , . . "28
. .
. "

$550 :

113. Letter of the Lubavitch


Blessing letter for a wedding by Rabbi

Menachem Mendel Schneersohn the Admor of
Lubavitch. 1984.
The Admor Rabbi Menachem Mendel
Schneersohn was born in 1902. His father
was Levi Yitzhak Schneersohn Av Beit Din of
Yekatrinoslav. Sixth generation descendent
of the Tzemach Tzedek. Since childhood his
genious talents and leadership were evident.
Married the daughter of the Admor Ha-Raya"tz
(Yosef Yitzhak Schneersohn) and since his
father-in-law's demise in 1950 led the Chabad
Lubavitch movement. Last Admor of the
Chabad Lubavitch movement.
Single page, 21.5 cm. Excellent condition.
Stationery. Typewritten. Correction in handwriting and signature of the Rabbi.
Opening Price: $200

67 | "

115. Interesting Letter from

Lubavitcher Rabbi to Rabbi Zevin

Never Printed


116. Copy of a Hassidic Article by

the Ba'al Ha-Tanya

Manuscript, "Ma'amar Mi-Ma'amrei Chabad"

by the old Admor Ba'al Ha-Tanya. [Russia /
Poland, circa 1820?].
Printed in Sidur "Tefilot Mi-Kol Ha-Shanah" at
the end of the Keri'at Shema section. May have
been written before the printing of the Sidur
in 1818. [It is different than the printed version
- see enclosed materials].
Margins have glosses in a different handwriting.
7 pages, 22.2 cm. Blue paper, good condition.
Minor moth damage.
Opening Price: $220

A long interesting letter from Rabbi Menahem

Mendel Schneersohn, the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Sent to Rabbi Shlomo Yosef Zevin. 1956.
The letter contains Divrei Torah, financial matters concerning the Chabad institutions, the
Talmudic Encyclopedia edited by Rabbi Zevin,
Rabbi Zevin's birthday, the danger of desecrating Shabbat in "Zim" ships, etc.
This letter depicts the deep friendship between
these two giants of the last generation, as well
as the Rabbi's involvement in various political
matters, and Rabbi Zevin's involvement in matters of the Chabad institutes and the Rabbi's
Portions of this interesting letter have been
printed in "Igrot Kodesh" but nearly half of the
letter was omitted.
Airmail missive. 30.3 cm. Very good condition.
Folding marks with light signs of wear; typewritten. A correction and addition of several words in
handwriting, and the Rabbi's signature



" " " ,"

.]?1820 ", [ .""
" '
" " ,"
- [ . "
.) " (
. . , . "22.2 ,' 7

." "
.)1956( ".
, :
, ,
. ""


. "
' " "
. ,"
. . "30.3 .
. ,
. "

$220 :

$1000 :

Opening Price: $1000

" ".116

2009 | 68

117. Manuscript Chabad

Copyings, Copying of Rabbi Asher

Elisha, Disciple of the Mahar"tza
of Dinov


.117 - " ,
" [ ,- ,
.1 " ".
.2 " "
("-") , "".
.3 " " ["
] " . .
" "
" " -
" "
" " " - .
292' 24 ." . . ,
. , .

$1000 :

Manuscript containing various Chabad copyings [Russia and Poland, 1820s].

1. Purim article "Va-Tema'en Ha-Malkah
2. Copyings from the book "Sha'ar Ha-Yihud
Ve-Ha-Rmunah" by Rabbi Aharon Ha-Levi of
Streshla (1766-1829) disciple of the Ba'al HaTanya. Different from the published version.
3. Copying of the book "Sha'ar Ha-Teshuvah
Ve-Ha-Tefilah" [by the Middle Rebbe], printed
in Shklov, 1815. Copied from a printed volume.
On title-page of " Sha'ar Ha-Teshuvah VeHa-Tefilah ", the name of the copier is signed
Asher Elisha of Dinov. This is probably Rabbi
Asher Elisha of Voritzky, the disciple and faithful messenger of Rabbi Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov,
author of "B'nei Yissahar", who was mentioned
in the latter's letter "Tamchin De'Oraita" from
1832. See enclosed material.
292 written pages. 24 cm. Bluish paper, good condition, restored damage on several pages. Nice,
slightly scuffed cover.
Opening Price: $1000

.118 - "
" " ,"
" " . '
" . ".
"" " , -
"" , " "" ,"
" " 942,.
" " "


("-") , .
"" .
" ."
("-") , "
" . ",
" .
368' , 21.5 .".
. .

$600 :

" | 69

118. Manuscript Copyings of

Articles by the Tzemach Tzedek,
from the writings of Rabbi Hillel
of Poricz


119. Antique copying of Chabad

articles by Admor Ba'al Ha-Tanya

A copying of 2 Hassidic article by the Admor
Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Ba'al Ha-Tanya
[circa 1800?].
These articles were written in his lifetime by
a disciple who heard his lessons. From these
writings his teachings were lated used for his
Admor Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi - (17461813, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 20161), studied with
the Magid of Mezritch - one of the greatest
figures in Hassidism and Torah. Founder of the
Chabad movement. Author of Likutei Amarim
- Tanya, Shulchan Aruch Ha-Rav and more.
4 pages. 18.5 cm. Poor condition, flaws with loss
to margins and corners.
Opening Price: $2500

" " " " , ' "
, [ "." "
" ,
' " ."
' .) ( ,
,"- (","
. ,)20161
. ".
. , - ,
, . "18.5 .' 4

Copyings of Chabad articles from 1846, by the

Tzemach Tzedek from writings of Rabbi Hillel
of Paritch, written in the late 19th century.
Admor Menahem Mendel Schneersohn, author
of "Tzemach Tzedek" (1789-1866) was among
the giants of Halachah and Hassidism in his
generation. He was a close disciple of his grandfather, Ba'al Ha-Tanya. He became Admor
following the passing of his father-in-law and
uncle, the middle Admor Rebbe Dov Ber, in
1828. The third Rebbe in the Chabad dynasty.
Rabbi Hillel of Paritch (1795-1864) was the
author of "Pelach Ha-Rimon". One of the mosy
famous Hassidim in Chabad - a disciple of the
middle Admor and the Tzemach Tzedek. He
served as Rabbi of Paritch and Bobroisk. His
biography appears in the preface written by
the Lubavitcher to "Pelah Ha-Rimon", Kehat
368 written pages; particularly nice and neat
handwriting. 21.5 cm. Good condition, new
Opening Price: $600

$2500 :
2009 | 70

120. Chabad 1898 discourses

- Lithographic Printing of

A volume of copyings of Chabad discourses

by the Admor Rashab (Shalom Dov Ber) of
Lubavitch. Contains part of the 1898 discourses.
Lithographic printing of a copying in nice scribe
handwriting. Russia-Poland [1920s-1930s].
The book of 1898 discourses was printed for
the first time only in 1984. Until then it existed
only in manuscripts and a few lithographic
131 leaves. 21.5 cm. Good condition, dry paper,
wear and stains, moth holes. Fine new leather


Opening Price: $500


.121 " -
.120 " " -
" " "
. " .
.- [
" ,
" ( ,)1984
21.5 ." . , ,
, . .

$500 :

" " "

" ( ,)1910" ( ) ' ' (
)" , " ,
, .
22 ," . , . .

$200 :

121. Chabad copyings - Stencil

"Holy writings of Admor Lubavitch of the year
1910" Stencil copying, including title page
and handwritten indexes. Previous owner's
134 leaves, 22 cm. Good condition, stains, old
cloth binding.
Opening Price: $200


.122 '
- ,"
, "
. ,".1866 ,
192 ,]2[ ;108 ,16 ,]8[ :' 31 ,".
, . -.

$150 :
" | 71

124. Kitzur Tanya - Jerusalem,


Kitzur Sefer Ha-Tanyah by Rabbi Shneur

Zalman of Liadi, from beginning to end. By
Rabbi Avraham Zvi Bardugo. Jerusalem, 1924.
[4], 100 pages. 21 cm.
Good condition. Stains to title page. No binding.
Opening Price: $100




122. Likutei Torah by Rabbi

123. Derech Emunah - Poltava,

Sefer Likutei Torah, Holilies in the way of

Chabad on Va-Yikra and Ba-Midmar and
Likutim to Sefer Shmot. Zhitomir, 1866.
Two parts in one volume: [8], 16, 108; [2], 192
pages. 31 cm. Good condition, water stains. Half
leather binding.

Sefer Derech Emunah by Rabbi Shneur

Zalman of Liadi and his grandson Rabbi
Menachem Mendel Schneersohn. Edited by
Rabbi Hayim Eliezer Bichovsky. Poltava, 1912.
First edition.
[2], 200 pages. 26 cm.
Good condition. Few water stains. Binsing missing, tears to margins of several pages.

Shneur Zalman of Liadi - Zhitomir,


Opening Price: $150


Opening Price: $150

.123 ,"

.124 ,"

, "
, ' '
. '
. ," .1912 , .
[ 200 ,]2' 26 ,".
. . ,

' ,
.' . ,",
[ 100 ,]4' 21 ,".
. . .

$150 :
| 72 2009

$100 :

.125 -"
" " . "
" , .
" " .,
" .1896 .
" "
" " ,
" ,
" " ---".
[ ,]3- [" ] ;]1[ , ,]48[ , 22 ." .
, . ,
( ) . '
. .
, ' .

$100 :

, ,

$120 :

126. Three Chabad Books - Fayid,

Suez Canal, 1974

Three books printed by Chabad Hassidim in

Fayid, on the western bank of the Suez Canal
during the Yom Kipur War.
1. Likutei Amarim - Tania, 78th edition, 444
2. Sidur Tefilat Hashem, Ar"i version, 22nd edition, 476 pages.
3. Tehilim - Ohel Yosef Yitzhak, including a
letter collection of the Raya"tz, 28th edition, 700
This is a complete set of all three books printed
by Chabad in Fayid. Printing took place during
the war, when IDF soldiers were already on the
western side of the Suez Canal, and Egyptian
forces were still on its eastern side. Printing took
place following the Rebbe's instruction to help
the soldiers by printing these books in "Eretz
Goshen". A van was launched, with printing
equipment, printers and a few Chabad prominent figures, among them the Rebbe's secretary
Rabbi Nisan Mindel who was in Israel at the
time. Printing took place in the Egyptian army
base at Fayid, which was conquered by the IDF,
after Arik Sharon gave his approvement, and
was executed in spite of great technical difficulties. Upon its completion the Chabad hassidim
burst into dancing with the soldiers and Rabbi
Mindel gave them a lesson in the Tania book.
All books are in excellent condition, leather bindings with name of book in gilded letters.
Opening Price: $120

73 | "


, - ".126
, "
.' 444 , , .1
, , ",' .2
.' 476
, .3
.' 700 , ,"
" "

." "

, "
. ,
, "


125. Sidur Torah Or and Sha'ar

Ha-Kolel Chabad

Sidur Torah Or and Sha'ar Ha-Kolel, Prayers for

the entire year according to Ha-Ari's version.
Laws and customs according to ruling of the
old Chabad Admor, Rabenu Shneur Zalman
of Liadi. Collected and organized by Rabbi
Avraham David Lavat, Av Beit Din of Nikolaiev.
Vilna, 1896. Rom printing.
"Sha'ar Ha-Kolel" is the first edition of the new
editing of "Sha'arei Tefilah", with many corrections and addenda.
Previous owner's signatures and ownership
inscriptions from 1900 in Satmar, by "Hayim
Bla"a Ha-Kadosh Morenu Rabbi Avraham
--- Mikala".
[3], 5-188 [should be 187], [1]; 49, [48], 77 leaves.
22 cm. Poor condition, few pages detached.
Wear, flaws and tears with omissions (with
old restoration). Part II is in better condition.
Original leather binding torn and roughly
2 Title pages, and another title page for Part II.
On Mi' fal Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 0312540, it is
noted they have not seen the first title page.
Opening Price: $100

Books printed in Slavita and Zhitomir,

Books printed in Russia and Poland

" ,
" ... ,"
" .
" ,
" "
" .
" "
("-" ,
.)15211 "
" ,


" ,

| 74 2009

" "...


"" " " ( ,
- ) ,
, , ,
," , ,

" , "

, ,
( "
) , ,
"-" ,


( ,
- )

127. Letter in honor of the ap-

pointment of Rabbi Moshe Shapira

to Rabbinate of Slavita
A letter received by Rabbi Moshe Shapira, Av
Beit Din Slavita, following his appointment to
the Slavita Rabbinate.
Rabbi Moshe Shapira, Av Beit Din Slavita (17601838, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 15211). Son of Admor
Rabbi Pinhas of Koretz (1728-1790) who was a
disciple and friend of the Ba'al Shem Tov, and
disciple of the Magid of Mezritch. Rabbi Moshe
served as Rabbi in Slavita around 1792, but
since he did not want to make a living of it he
established his well known printing house in
Slavita, and in this way could hold his position
without receiving benefits from it.
(It has been written that Rabbi Moshe's acceptance of Rabbinate and the establishment of
the printing house were initiated by his father
Rabbi Pinhas of Koretz but this document
refutes this, as it mentions the appointment of
Rabbi Moshe, son of "our teacher Rabbi Pinhas
May His Soul Rest In Peace In Heaven").
This letter also contains a hint to the refusal of
Rabbi Moshe to accept position of Admor, as it
reads "Hashem will give him the honor of being
counted with the Tzadikkim and Hassidim".
Rabbi Moshe managed the printing house
until the mid 1820s and then passed it on to his
sons Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Aba (1787-1864)
and Rabbi Pinhas (1790-1872). In this printing
house the first edition of the Tania was printed
75 | ,

by the old Admor of Liadi, (The Ba'al Ha-Tania

regarded this as a gesture of thanksgiving to
Rabbi Pinhas of Koretz, for drawing him close
to Rabbi Ha-Magid of Mezritch - see enclosed
materials), and also many Kabbalah, Musar and
Hassidut books, prayer books, Chumashim and
Mahzorim, Sha"s, Talmud Bavli, Arba'ah Turim
and Shulchan Aruch and more.
Books printed in the Slavita printing house are
sought after to this very day by the pure-minded
for the sanctity of the books and especially their
carefulness in the holy work done in purity and
for the sake of Mitzvah, from the casting of the
letters (done with the letters the Admor Rabbi
Moshe casted with his own hands), the precise
proofreading, the printing done in sanctity and
purity, and the binding.
Over the years, when Rabbi Moshe became
rich, he casted silver letters instead of the lead
ones, for the sake of Mitzvah and for the better
printing quality achieved by these letters, and
all in honor of the Holy Torah.
After the Slavita Libel case, (between 18351838), which developed into a libel claiming
the books were printed without proper censorship licenses, the authorities closed down the
printing house and tens of thousands of copies
of books printed in Slavita were burned (this is
one of the reasons for the rarity of the books
printed at the great printing house in Slavita
- see enclosed materials), and Rabbi Shmuel
Aba and Rabbi Pinhas were exiled to Siberia in
Their old father Rabbi Moshe died of broken
heart on 9th of Kislev 1838 (some claim it was in
1840 - see additional materials). Rabbi Shmuel
Aba and Rabbi Pinhas returned from Siberia in
1856, and Rabbi Shmuel Aba became Admor
until his demise in 1864.
The Shapira printing house was later re-established in Zhitomir in 1847 by Rabbi Moshe's
grandchildren - Rabbi Hanina Lipa and Rabbi
Yehoshua Heshel Shapira and was active until

. "
' : ' " (
.) - "
, "
." "
" "
, -
. "
, "
" " ,""
" "
" "
" " .

[" ]
, , . "31

$6000 :
On margins of the page there is a different
interesting writing from 1907, from the "Ner
Tamid" society, mentioning the name of Rabbi
Moshe Ben Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel, with a few
signatures. We don't know what was the Ner
Tamid society and who was Rabbi Moshe Ben
Rabbi Heshel but it is likely that he was the
son of Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, printer
from Zhitomir, who is named after his greatgrandfather Rabbi Moshe of Slavita.
Single page 31 cm. Good condition, stains, tear to
written part with no loss of text.
Opening Price: $6000

", .129

, .128

, ", . ' - .

" "
. , . "18 , 166 ,]2[
. 41-44

, , "
, .
.1826 ",
, " ' ,
. '
.1836 ,() "
. . "20 , 176 ,175 ,150 ,222 ,222
.21-24 .

$16,000 :

$8000 :

129. Tehilim Slavita, 1826

Sefer Tehilim with two commentaries: Metzudat
David and Metzudat Tzion. Printed by Rabbi
Moshe Shapira. Slavita, 1826.
There is a special Segulah connected with the
use of this book printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira
of Slavita, son of Rabbi Pinhas of Koretz.
[2], 166 leaves. 18 cm. Bluish paper, restored holes.
Pages 41-44 missing.
Opening Price: $16,000

128. Chumash - Slavita, 1826


Chumash with Rashi commentary, Onkelos

translation, Ba'al Ha-Turim and Siftei
Hachamim. Slavita, Shmuel Avraham Shapira
printing, 1825.
According to approbations, publisher of the
Chumash is Rabbi Moshe Shapira, son of the
Tzaddik Rabbi Pinhas of Koretz. On Sefer
Shmot the year is (mistakenly) 1836.
Includes 3 antique leather boxes.
222, 222, 150, 175, 176 leaves. 20 cm. Very good
condition. Bluish paper. In Sefer Ba-Midmar
pages 21-24 are missing. Oriental signatures of
previous owners.
Opening Price: $8000

2009 | 76

. . 125 . ":
, . 114 . ":

, ", ,
.' "

$750 :

130. Masechtot Slavita from the

Library of Rabbi Shmuel Heller of

Masechtot Baba-Batra, Sevahim and Minhot,
from the second edition of the Slavita Talmud,
(printed between1808-1813). Slavita 1811-1812.
Although Rabbi Moshe Shapira is not mentioned here, there is no doubt he is the printer
of these books.
Several signatures of previous owner: Shmuel
Heller, Rabbi of Safed, 1803-1884. Was famous
also as a successful physician. Several notes in
his handwriting.
2 volumes. 39 cm.
Masechet Baba-Batra: 1811. [1], 215 leaves. First
pages are bound in wrong order. Most of the book
is in very good condition, wide sheets. Few holes.
Flaws to first pages, some of them restored.
Mashechet Zevachim: 1812. 125 leaves. Good
Masechet Minhot: 1812. 114 leaves. Good condition, moth holes to last few pages.
Rabinovich, article on the printing of the Talmud,
Jerusalem 1952, page 129.
Opening Price: $750

77 | ,


, ,
, .1808-1813 ,"- "
.1811-1812 ,"-"

. ,
, :) (
.1803-1884 ,
. .
. "39 , 2
. 215 ,]1[ . ":
. . ,
. ,


131. Seder Ha-Yom - Slavita, 1793


.131 ,"
, ' ,
- . ,",

(") . - ' ,
' '
.' ,
. :
, ' ,' "-".
100 19 ," . . - , .

$600 :
| 78 2009

Sefer Seder Ha-Yom, a Kabbalistic commentary

on the prayers of the entire year, and Hanhagot
by way of Kabbalah, by Rabbi Moshe Even
Machir, Rosh Yeshivah in Ein Zeitun near
Safed. Slavita, 1793.
Printed in Rabbi Moshe Shapira's printing
house. Shapira's name is mentioned in the books
only from 1808, but he was its founder and
owner since its founding in 1791. This book was
brought to print by Rabbi Ya'akov Shim'on, son
of tzadik Rabbi Pinhas of Koretz and brother of
the printer Rabbi Moshe Shapira. Rabbi Ya'akov
Shim'on Shapira was Rabbi in Zaslav, which
was one of the first places to adopt Hassidism.
His sayings were quoted in the books of his
generation's Tzadikim. See: Encyclopedia for
Hassidism, letter Yod, pages 325-326.
100 leaves. 19 cm. Good condition. Water stains
and holes to title page. Pages 46-47 missing.

" , " ' "

" " ".
[ ,]62- 21 ." . ,
. 1" ",
. .

$380 :

Opening Price: $600


.132 ,

, "
, ' ".
" .,
" ( ,)1822 .
() ,
" '.
" "
, ".
" " "" , " ---"
. " ,
" " ' " " "


- , .134

132. Masekhet Megilah, in small

format - Slavita

"1824 [", . .1
. ,]1832
, 2- . ,
, , . . "24.5 .
. .
"1824 [", . .2
. ,]1832
. . "22.5 . .;
. , ,

$600 :

134. Chumash Or Ha-Hayim,

Slavita - Shmot and Dvarim

Chumashim with Rashi and Or Ha-Hayim

commentaries printed in Slavita.
1. Chumash Shmot. Slavita [1824 or 1832],
Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira print. Stamps
and signatures from Tiberias.
182, 23 leaves. Title and two first leaves missing,
last page might be missing as well. 24.5 cm. blue
paper. Fair condition, rough repairs, moth holes.
New binding slightly worn.
2. Chumash Dvarim. Slavita, [1824 or 1832],
Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira print. Stamps
and signatures from Tiberias.
132, 25 leaves. Title page and last page missing.
22.5 cm. Blue paper. Fair condition, rough repairs
with loss of text, moth holes. New binding slightly
Opening Price: $600
79 | ,


133. Seder Ma'amadot - Slavita,


Seder Ma'amadot, Mesudarot Le-Khol Yemei

Ha-Shavua He who recites them is guaranteed to have a place in heaven. Slavita, 1824,
Rabbi Shmuel Avraham Shapira son of the
Slavita Rabbi.
42 leaves (leaves 43-44 are missing). 16.3 cm.
Blue-green paper. Fair condition, stains and
slight wear, mainly to last pages. Rebound.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 0173964.
Opening Price: $500

Masekhet Megilah, with Rashi and Tosafot,

Torah Or and Etz Mishpat, and with glosses by
Rabbi Yesha'ayahu Berlin.
Hidushei Hilchot Maharsh"a at the end of the
Masechet. Slavita [1822], Rabbi Moshe Shapira
A small format edition for travelers. Each 2
pages are equivalent of one page in the regular
Gloss on leaf 16a.
An antique dedication donating of the book
to the Admor "Rabbi Shtoib, in honor of my
father, Yehudah Leib Ben Rabbi Yehezke'el".
Further signatures and ownership inscriptions
from different periods: "Aba Ben Rabbi Ze'ev
Wolf", "Ze'ev Ben Rabbi Aba --- of Kaidan"
etc. A large stamp of "Ha-Rav Yitzhak Isaac
Rosenboim Ben Ha-Rav Y. B. Rosenboim,
Admor of Straznitz and son in law of Rabbi
Meir Isaacsohn Admor of Ramz".
[62], 33-34 leaves. 21 cm. Fair condition, moth
holes and wear. A hole caused by burning, about
1 cm, with loss on leaf 25, page 2, and two holes
with no loss. New binding.
Opening Price: $380

", - .133
... ,
, .
" ,)1824( "
. . "16.3 .)- (
. ,

$500 :

- .-


$200 :

- .135
" , ,
.1862 ", .() "

. .
, . . "20.5 .' 143 ,]4[
. ,

$700 :

135. Birkat David - Tolna


, "1852 , ,]' " [
."? "
, , , . "22 .' 476 ,]2[


136. Or Zarua

Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah [part II],

Zhitomir, 1852, printed by the grandsons of the
Slavita Rabbi.
Dozens of scholarly handwritten glosses from
the time of printing, a Russian stamp "Shmuel
Leibovich Stuin (?)".
[2], 476, pages. 22 cm. Worn pages, few moth
holes, stains, damaged binding.

Sefer Or Zarua by Rabenu Yitzhak of Vienna.

Parts I-II Published from an antique parchment
manuscript. Zhitomir, 1862. Printed by grandchildren of the Slavita Rabbi - Rabbi Hanina
Lipa and Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel Shapira.
Part I: on Seder Zeraim, Nashim, Kodashim
Ve-Taharot, with responsa. Part II: on Seder
[2], 232 pages; 4, 184 pages. 37 cm. Quality paper.
Very good condition. Old cloth binding, scuffed at
edges, with leather spine.
Only Parts I and II were published in Zhitomir.
Parts III and IV, Al Seder Nezikin, were published at the Hirschenson printing in Jerusalem
between 1887-1890.

Opening Price: $250

Opening Price: $200

$250 :

137. Shulchan Aruch Zhitomir

- With Glosses

Birkat David, on the Torah and the Festivals,

by the Admor Rabbi David (Tversky) of Tolna.
Zhitomir, 1862. Rabbi Hanina Lipa and Rabbi
Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the
Slavita Rabbi printer.
Two title pages and two prefaces. Previous
owner's signatures.
[4], 143 pages. 20.5 cm. Wide margins. Fair condition, moth hole to margins of first pages. Dark
stains to first and last pages. Original binding
- cloth with leather spine ornamented with gilded
minting, wear to corners of binding.
Opening Price: $700

".- . ,
.1862 ", .

, , :'
. :' .
. . "37 .' 184 ,4 ;' 232 ,]2[
. .
2009 | 80

1825 , .139
" ,
. . ' ,
.1825 , ",
. 1825
. "8X14 , , 114
. .
. 109 . ,
. ,

$120 :


139. Eleh Ha-Mitzvot - Kapust,

- ".138


" "
,1862 , .
.- 4 ' .
, . . "12.5 ,'] 2[ ,30
.) ( . .

Sefer Eleh Ha-Mitzvot, Seder Taryag Mitzvot,

organized in order of their appearance in the
Torah, by Rabbi Moshe Hagiz. With addenda.
Kapust, 1825.
Two editions of this book were printed in
Kapust. This copy is from the first edition. The
book was printed to help the publisher raise
funds for his travel to Eretz Israel.
114 leaves, two title pages, 8x14 cm.
Good condition. On first title page is a pasting
for reinforcement of paper. Stains throughout,
tears and moth holes to last pages. Leaf 109 missing. Half leather binding with tears, loose and

$150 :

138. 1863 Calendar - Zhitomir

Calendar for 1862-3 for Jews residing in Russia
and Poland. Zhitomir 1862, printed by the
Shapira Brothers from Slavita. After 4 pages
there is an additional small page in handwriting. Blue paper.
30, [2] pages. 12.5 cm. Good condition. First page
detached, damaged spine. Creases and stains. No
binding (probably originally thus).

Opening Price: $120

81 | ,


Opening Price: $150

.140 1810 ,
, .
," .1810
104 21 ,".
: .1862 ,
. . .
. .


$120 :

$150 :

140. Tikunei Ha-Zohar - Kapust,


Tikunei Ha-Zohar Al Ha-Torah, for reading

every day from Rosh Hodesh Elul to Yom
Kipur. Kapust, 1810.
104 leaves. 21 cm.
Previous owner's signature - Ya'akov David
Averbach, 1862.
Fair condition. Title page has paper pasting for
reinforcement. Water stains. On a few pages on
the end of the book ends of the lines had been cut,
with loss of text. Cardboard binding with tears.
Rear board almost detached.
Opening Price: $150

.141 - ,"
, " .
," ( .)1810 .
" " :
" " ' "
" (?)
[ ,]1 ,]1[ , ,; ; 34 ." . ,
, . .
| 82 2009


.142 / " -

141. Seder Ha-Dorot - Kapust, 1810

Sefer Seder Ha-Dorot, by Rabbi Yehiel Heilprin,
Av Beit Din Minsk. Kapust, 1810. Brothers Yaffe
On title page is a previous owner's signature in
old Lithuanian handwriting " Eliezer Ben
M. Dover of Yeshenofke (Yashinovka?).
[1], 4, [1], 9,56; 89; 18 leaves. 34 cm. Thick paper,
very good condition, few stains. Non-original old
A variant. Order of the first 4 pages of the
;preface is different and printed on blue paper
pagination on this copy is different than usual.
See Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 0126710.
Opening Price: $120

, ( .
) ,"
, " .- [
? ," .]?1826
" .
" .-[ ,
? ," .]?1826
" ,1760
( . " ,
" " .)1793
"' " .
" , "
( . ' ,' .
' ' - )249 .

142. Hanhagot Adam / Shivchei

.- . "20.5 . 22 ; 34
, (
. .) " " 5
. ,

Sefer Hanhagot Adam, Dinim Ve-Hanhagot

Adam (by Rabbi Yehudah Leib Lipshitz), from
a secret scroll found in the archive of Rabbi
David Oppenheim, from the writings of HaAri. Russia - Poland [Ostraha? 1826?].
Bound together with: Sefer Shivchei Ha-Ari
Ve-Sefer Shivchei Eretz Israel. Description of
the journey of Rabbi Yosef Sofer to Eretz Israel.
Russia-Poland [Ostraha? 1826?].
Rabbi Yosef Sofer emigrated to Eretz Israel in
1760 and passed away in Peki'in. In his book he
describes the journey to Eretz Israel, life in Eretz
Israel and the Holy places (first printed "Edut
Bi-Yehosef", Frankfurt an der Oder 1793).
Previous owner's signature "Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf,
Dayan of Landshut. This is probably Rabbi Ze'ev
Wolf Schiff, father of Rabbi Yitzhak Hirsch
Schiff Av Beit Din Vielpoly (Encyclopedia
of Hassidism, volume 3, page 731. Galicia
Encyclopedia, volume 5, page 249 - see enclosed
34 leaves; 22 leaves. 20.6 cm. Blue green paper.
Original sheet margins (bound with no cutting
of margins, which is why some pages have 5 cm
margins and some with only 1.5 cm). Very good
condition, Original binding, slightly torn and
Two rare and unknown books. Not mentioned
in Ya'ari's list of books printed in Ostraha (Alei
Sefer, booklets A,B), They might be a single copy
variant (Unicum) of a primary printing with
no mention of printing place. Shivchei Ha-Ari
is registered in Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD item
0170591, and by M. Benayahu ("Shivchei HaAri", Areshet 3, 1961, page 152, number 10 by
the Gershom Scholem collection (The Gershom
Scholem Library Catalog, volume A, Jerusalem
1999, page 315, number 4224). See additional

, ' (
) (.)-
. ,
," ' (" ",0170591
) " ' (10 ' 152 ' , ",'
315 ' , ",' ,
. .)4224 '

Ha-Ari - Unknown Editions Impressive copy


", .143
. ", "
. ,]1784 , [",
. . . "18.5 .

. .
.]33[ 28 -


$150 :

143. Sefer Ha-Kavanot - Koretz,


Sefer Ha-Kavanot by Ha-Ari with Sefer Sha'ar

Ha-Kedushah by Rabbi Hayim Vital. Koretz
[1784]. Johann Anton Krieger printing.
96 leaves. 18.5 cm. Fair condition. Dark paper
with stains and moth holes. Last pages have restored damage, with hardly any damage to text.
New binding.
Winograd - Koretz 28 [33]. Of the Kabbalah
books printed in Koretz at the time of the study
Kabbalah spread in Russia and the spread of
Opening Price: $150
83 | ,

$200 :


Opening Price: $200

"- .145


" -
", ." " "
," "
, . . "29

$120 :



145. Certificate for Emissary

$150 :

from Jerusalem - for "Batei

Moshav Zekenim U-Zekenot"

144. Seder Ushpizin and Calendar

Certificate for an emissary from Jerusalem

to London - for "Batei Moshav Zekenim UZekenot". Jerusalem, 1902.
At head of page is photo of the old people,
residents of the "Moshav Zekenim", those who
are not ill or crippled and can not leave their
Signed on the certificate are three prominent
Rabbis from Jerusalem: Rabbi Yisrael Dov
Frumkin (son in law of famous printer Rabbi
Yisrael Bak), Rabbi Avraham Elkanah Zachs
and Yitzhak Isaac Ben Tovim from Jerusalerm
and Jaffa (was connected to Musar sages in
Single page 29 cm. Written on both sides. Good
condition, minor wear to folding lines.
Opening Price: $120

, ":""
.1896 ", , .
12 .
. , -
"" -
1856-( ,) (.
. ,) 1936
: . , "
' , ", ,-
.301-302 ,9
. . "40X48 ,

for 1896-7 - Jerusalem

"Le-Shanah Tovah": Seder Ushpizin and

Calendar for 1896-7, illustrated. Jerusalem,
Levi print, 1896.
Printed in gold and green. With 12 tiny illustrations of the Holy sites and synagogues in
Jerusalem, Safed and Tiberias. Handwritten
dedication to Mrs. Frecha Sliman David Sasson.
Frecha (Flora), wife of Soliman Sasson (18561936) was known for her generosity, righteousness and her erudition. Had wide knowledge of
the Tanach, Mishnah and Talmud.
See: Avraham Ben Ya'akov, Yehudei Bavel in the
Diaspora, Jerusalem 1885, page 9, 301-302.
Single page, 40x48 cm. Very good condition.

Opening Price: $150

2009 | 84

.] [":'
. "

$250 :


147. Tsava'ah Yekarah Jerusalem

Tsava'ah Yekarah by Rabbi Alexander Ziskind,
author of "Yesod Ve-Shoresh Ha-Avodah".
Jerusalem [after 1863]. Yisrael Bak printing.
20 leaves. 17 cm. Good condition, wear to corners.
New cloth binding.
Winograd & Rosenfeld CD records year as
1861. This is impossible because title page mentions Judith Montefiore as being deceased. She
died in 1863. Friedberg records 1865. Shoshana
Ha-Levi records [1864]. Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia
CD redords 1863.
Opening Price: $250

85 |

146. Tevu'ot Ha-Aretz by Rabbi

Yehosef Schwarz

Sefer Tevu'ot Ha-Aretz, (Part II of Sefer Divrei

Yosef). Rabbi Yehosef Schwarz. Jerusalem
1845. Yisrael Bak printing. With 2 additional
interior title pages, "Tots'ot Ha-Aretz", "Ma'ase
Previous owner's signature on cover: "Ha-Katan
Seckel Ha-Levi", (Rabbi Seckel Yitzhak Ha-Levi
Bamberger Av Beit Din Bad Kissingen and the
district - Otsar Ha-Rabanim 11312).
The books of the Rabbi, Kabbalist and researcher Yehosef Schwarz (born in 1804 in Germany,
arrived in Jerusalem in 1833, passed away in
1865) are used to this day as corner stones in
many researchs regarding Palestine, both in
the Halachic field and the scientific research of
Palestine's geography and history.
[2], 156; 1-22; 23-52, [3] leaves. Good condition,
paper glued to margins of title
page. Title page and last 2 pages are slightly
browned by time. Old cardboard cover with cloth
spine. Ex-libris and enclosed materials mounted
by previous owner.
Sh. Ha-Levi 31.
Opening Price: $250

.]1863 [ "."
. . , . "17 .
. "

." "
. ": . "


.) ( ' ,
. .1845 ", .
"," " ,
(," "'
.)11312 (,
) ". " ."

, ,
, .] 3[ ,-; - ; ,]2[
. .
. "
.31 '

$250 :

. "
." " "
. , . . "23 . ,]1[
. ( )
. ,
.84 '

$180 :

149. Shvilei David - Kol Kore

Neged Ruach Ha-Zman

Shvilei David - A public appeal against the spirit

of the [modern] time.: Musar words on Torah,
Rabbi David Yehudah Zilberstein, Jerusalem,
1863. Yisrael Bak printing.
The author Rabbi David Yehudah Leib
Zilberstein, one of the great Torah scholars of
Hungary. Born 1820 in Bonihad. Student of the
Maharam A"sh and Rabbi Koppel Harif. From
1859 to 1870 lived in Jerusalem. He served in
the Rabbinate of Uhely, Zenta, Kerestor, and in
Weitzen, and headed the Orthodox Rabbinical
movement in Hungary. Died in 1882. His son
was the famous Torah scholar, Rabbi Yesha'aya
Zilberstein, Av Beit Din of Weitzen, author of
Maasei La-Melech.
[1],31 leaves; 23 cm; wide margins; good condition, with a few stains. Some tears on index page
(with no omissions) reapired by paper sticking.
Original cardboard cover, worn.
Sh. Ha-Levi 84.
Opening Price: $180

148. Chemdah Genuzah

Teshuvot Ha-Geonim Jerusalem,

Sefer Chemdah Genuzah, Ve-Hu Teshuvot
Ha-Gaonim Mi-Ktav Yad Yashan Noshan.
Pamphlet I - novellae of Ha-Rashba (Shlomo
Ben Aderet) to Masechet Yevamot from his
Mahadura Batra, from a manuscript that was
never printed. Brought to print by Rabbi Ze'ev
Wolf Wolfensohn and Rabbi Shneur Zalman
Schneersohn. Jerusalem, [1863]. Yisrael Bak
Dedication at margins of title page in fine and
gentle handwriting, "From Moshe Yitzhak
[4], 38 leaves. 20.5 cm. Excellent condition.
Original cardboard cover, torn spine and wear to
Sh. Ha-Levi 82.
Rabbi Moshe Yitzhak Goldschmidt (18421900), representative of Kolel Ho"d (Holland
and Deutschland) in Jerusalem, of the founders of "Batei Machaseh" and "Meah She'arim"
neighborhoods and founder of "Sha'arei Tzedek"
Hospital, was very close to Rabbi Shmuel Salant.
See: "Shnot Dor Ve-Dor" I, pages 103-108; "MiDmuyot Yerushalayim", Glis, pages 140-143
and enclosed material.
Opening Price: $180

- .149
, -
", . .
. ".)1863(

" ". " .
." - ".
, , ,


- .148
", ' ,
' " " ' .
" "
[", ."
. ".]1863
" ,
, . . "20.5 . ,]4[
", " : .82 '
.78-65 ' ,; 90-81 ' ,"
,)"- ("
, " "
" " " " "
: , ,""
" " .- ' ,'" "
. - '

$180 :
2009 | 86

150. Kisse Eliyahu Jerusalem,



, .151
.]1869 , [", . "
" ' [] " " "
. ."
. , . "30
. " " ,152 '

$150 :

Kisse Eliyahu, Mussar Al Derech Ha-Sod,

[from Rabbi Eliyahu Many, Rabbi of Hebron].
Jerusalem, [1865]. [Yisrael Bak / Avraham
Rutenberg Printing?]. Various signatures by
previous owners.
The signature of the owners in the front cover:
What am I, Nissim Ani...
Rabbi Nisim Ben Rabbi Ezra Ani, from the
Kabbalists of Beit El, a close friend of the
author Rabbi Eliyahu Many from youth. Born
in Baghdad, emigrated to Jerusalem in 1857
and published Kabbalah books. He passed away
in 1900. See about him in the enclosed material
and his signatory comparisons.
[2], 88 leaves. 16.4 cm. Very good condition, slight
stains. Edges of pages colored. New binding.
Sh. Ha-Levi 112. Attributed to Rabbi Eliyahu
Many, by Re"i Schlesinger Beit Yosef Hadash
page 15.
This book has different title pages with typographical differences. In our cover page the
name of the printer, BHI HR, J, BACK is recorded. Whereas Shoshana Ha-Levi writes that
the first four pages were printed by Rutenberg.
[Apparently Rutenberg was forced to print the
book in the name of Israel Bak, since in 1865 he
still had not yet received a governmental license
to publish books. See Sh. Ha-Levi, page 35].
Opening Price: $150


", - .150
, [ , ,
[ .]1865 [", .]
. .]? / "
." ", " :
," " , "
, .
. ,"
" ,"
. , . "16.4 . ,]2[
. .
" " , .112 '
.5 " "
[ .
" , "

$150 :
87 |

.152 " " -,

" ,
" " .
" " (
) . ," ( .)1874
" "

" [= , , , , ,]
" " [= ,].
[ ,]5 22 ." . ,
. .
' .220

$100 :

152. Selihot L-Shovav"im Ta"t


151. Prayer for Donors

Jerusalem, 1869

Prayer before studying, for the sake of one's

supporters and benefactors while studying in
the Holy Land. Jerusalem, [1869]. Israel Bak
On bottom of page is a prayer after studying
]which was initiated by Ha-Rav Eli' [Gutmacher
Av Beit Din Greiditz. An illustration of a building on bottom of page.
Single page, 30 cm. Quality paper. Very good
Sh. Ha-Levi 152, using a copy from the
Mehlmann collection.
Opening Price: $180

| 88 2009

- Jerusalem, 1874

Selihot and Tefilot Le-Shovav"im Ta"t, according to the Jerusalem custom, for normal and
leap years.
Printed by Hishtadlut Ha-Mashgihim Shel
Ha-Havurah Ha-Kedoshah, Jerusalem, 1874.
Itzhak Ben Tzvi of Warsaw and his partner
Yaakov David Slatki printing.
Special prayers for the Tikun Shovav"im, arranged according to kabbalah for Mondays
and Thursdays of the Shovavim Tat parashiot [Shmot, Va-Era, Bo, Be-Shalah, Yitro,
Mishpatim and, in leap years, Terumah and
[5], 19 leavess. 22 cm. Very good condition, slight
damage to last page. Old cardboard cover.
Sh. Ha-Levi 220.
Opening Price: $100


.153 " -,
" - "
," .
' " . "
" .,
" ( .)1876 .
, ().
("-") , ,
, .
( ).
[ 20 ,]8' , 20.3 ." . ,
. .
' .278

$180 :

154. Ma'amrei Etz Ha-Da'at /

153. Piskei Halah Le-Ha-Rash"ba

Machazeh Avraham

2 Kabbala books printed in Jerusalem.

1. Machazeh Avraham, Divrei Ha-Zohar BeHochmot Ha-Partzuf, with Or Ha-Hamah
commentaries by Rabbi Avraham Azulai, with
60 illustrations. Jerusalem, [1880], Yoel Moshe
Salomon printing.
[2], 26 leaves. Green soft cover. Rear cover with an
illustration of Me'arat Ha-Machpelah. 21.5 cm.
Sh. Ha-Levi 347. Front and rear covers are very
2. Ma'amrei Etz Ha-Da'at, 5 essays from Sefer
Hayei Ha-Nefesh Essay of Sod Etz Ha-Da'at,
Sefer Gan Eden, Sefer Ha-Kavod, Pirkei
Heichalot im Otsar Ha-Hochmah. By Rabbi
Yesha'ayahu Ben Rabenu Yehosef Ha-Levi.
Printed by Rabbi Shlomo Musa [Musayof] from
his manuscripts, resident of Jerusalem born in
Bukhara. Jerusalem, 1891. Ma'arechet "Ha-Or"
[8], 16, 17-72, 74-116, [2] leaves. 17.7 cm. Very
good condition. Cloth binding with leather spine
somewhat worn at margins.
Opening Price: $150


, , .1
, ." " ,
, [ ".]1864 ["
. . . "21 . ,]4[
.104 '
, .2
, . " .-
. .]1886 ["

89 |

- Jerusalem, 1876 - with dedication

of the publisher Rabbi Natan


/ .154

, , .1
. ,'
. ,]1880 , [",
. ,]2[
. "21.5 .
.347 '
, .2
, , , -
" ' [] .
. ,
." ".)1891( ",
. . "17.7 .] 2[ ,- ,- , ,]8[
. ,

$150 :

Piskei Halah Le-Ha-Rashba. Includes piskei

dinim by Rabbi Yaakov Ben Tzahal. With an
article examining the custom of separating
halah abroad, by the publisher Rabbi Nahman
Natan Coronel. Jerusalem, 1876. Eliahu and
Moshe Hai Sasson printing.
On verso of title page is a handwritten dedication with signature (in Latin characters)
of Rabbi Nahman Natan Coronel to Rabbi
Dobersh Bernstein, Gaon Av Beit Din of The
Rabbi Nahman Natan Coronel (1810-1890),
born in Amsterdam, Gaon and Kabbalist,
childhood friend of Rabbi Yehosef Schwarz.
One of the great Torah scholars of Jerusalem.
Published books from antique manuscripts (see
enclosed material for more information).
[8], 20 pages, 25 leaves. 20.3 cm. Fair condition,
dry paper with tears and flaws to margins. Titel
pages and some other pages reinforced. New, colored cardboard cover.
Sh. Ha-levi 278


.156 - ,

[ ,]2 , 19 ." . ,
. .

, (") ,
, ,
. " .
" " , ".
.1 ' : ,"
" .[ ," ,]1882 "
[ ] [ ] .
- ( ) " :
.2 : ,"
" .[ ," ,]1882 ".
- ( ) " :
.3 : ," ,
" ' " "
- " -
' .[ ," .]1890 ,
. - ( ).
.4 : ," ,
" ," - ,
- ,
" , ' .[ ," .]1890 , .
- ( ).
, ; , ; , ; ,]2[ , .
, . ,
. . ' () ,
' .390

' .543
.3 , ,"
- . .[ ," ,]1884
" - .
" .
[ ,]2 25.5 ." . , . .
' .475

$180 :

155. Three Halachah Books

Halachah books and Hidushei Dinim printed
in Jerusalem.
1. Sha'arei Tsedek, Hochmat Adam, Halachot
Be-Mitzvot Ha-Tluyot Ba-Aretz, by Rabbi
Avraham Danzig Ba'al Ha-"Hayei Adam",
[1864]. [Yechiel Bril, Michl Ha-Cohen and Yoel
Moshe Solomon printing].
[4], 46 leaves. 21 cm. Very good condition. Leather
Sh. Ha-Levi 104.
2. Ozen Aharon, Hidushei Torah by Rabbi
Aharon Azriel in alphabetical order. On Sefer
Ar'a De-Rabanan by Morenu Harav Algazi.
Jerusalem, [1886]. Zuckerman printing.
[2], 6, 106 leaves. 19 cm. Good condition, tears
and restorations to title page. Cardboard and
leather cover.
Sh. Ha-Levi 543.
3. Torat Zevah, Hidushei Dinim Be-Halachot
Shechita, in alphabetical order. By Rabbi Hayim
David Hazan. Jerusalem, [1884], Aga"n printing
by Shmuel Ha-Levi Zuckerman.
Many pencil glosses in Oriental handwriting.
[2], 88 leaves. 25.5 cm. Fair condition, moth damages. New binding.
Sh. Ha-Levi 475.
Opening Price: $180
| 90 2009



$180 :

156. Ohel Moed I-IV, Books of

. , . "30

Rabbi Avraham Bick

. ' , .

$200 :

157. Calculation of Halukah

for Nisan 1888 Rare Page from

Heshbon Ha-Halukah Be-Hodesh Nisan
1888. Printed document filled in handwriting,
receipt for money from New York, with signatures of supervisors of the Kolels in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem 1880s.
Handwritten signatures of the supervisors and
Rabbis from communities of the Prushim and
Ziskind Shachor (Kolel Vilna), Israel Isar
--- (Slonim), Avraham Ya'akov Shovetski
(Zamot), Zvi Hirsch Trachtenberg (Reisin), [Y.
K. of Bialystok?], Mordechai Levi (Warsaw),
Samuel Moni Zilberman (Pinsk Chief supervisor of General committee, see enclosed
material), Avraham Elkanah Zachs (Holland /
Deutschland), Ha-Katan Nisan Back (Wohlin /
Jerusalem), Aharon ---Barg (Zhitomir), Mendel
Moineshter (Moldova), Hayyim ---- (Valachei),
Aharon Moshe Shapira (Karlin), Avraham
Eliezer Mintz Berg (Warsaw), [Bezalel?] Baruch
Reitzes (Chabad).
Single page. 30 cm. Good condition, with stains
and humidity stains. Wear without damage to
Rare. Bibliographically unknown and not recorded by Shoshana Ha-Levi.
Opening Price: $200

91 |



. "
, , "
.... .
... ... "
." "..
--- ,) (
,) (,)(
,]? [ ,) (
(,) (
,) ,
,) / ' (,) ("
,) (,) (---
,) (,) (----
]? [,) (
.) ("

Four books of Rabbi Avraham Bick, who was an

interesting and colorful figure, born in Moheliv
in Russia (1837), moved to Pressburg and from
there emigrated to Jerusalem, spent a few years
there and printed a few books. Returned to
Pressburg and founded a Printing House. Died
in 1902. These are 4 of his book series "Ohel
Moed". Bible.
1. Part I: Sefer Ohel Yosef, 123 entries with 168
explanations of the proper way to read certain
words in the Torah. Jerushalem, [1882], Aga"n
[Avraham Gagin] and his partner [Yoel Moshe
Salomon] printing. On printed soft cover (which
this copy lacks) it is printed: "Ohel Moed - first
part of my great book".
2. Part II: Sefer Pri Ha-Aretz, 161 entries with
169 explanations of the proper way to read
certain words in the Torah. Jerusalem, [1882],
Aga"n printing. On printed soft cover (which
this copy lacks) it is printed: "Ohel Moed second part of my great book".
3. Part III: Sefer Pri Ha-Aretz, 92 entries on
the proper way to read certain words in the
Torah, and 157 entries of addenda to the first 3
parts Pressburg, [1890]. Avraham Bick printing. Lacking printed soft cover.
4. Part IV: Sefer Beit Ya'akov, 129 entries on
the proper way to read certain words in the
Torah, 19 addenda and another 13 to previous
parts Pressburg, [1890]. Avraham Bick printing. Lacking printed soft cover.
26, 54 leaves; 8, 56 leaves; 5, 59 leaves; 8, [2], 56
leaves. 4 parts bound
together, without soft covers. Fair condition, with
slight damages. Leather binding.
Signature (cropped) of the author and his stamp
in part II.
Sh. Ha-Levi 390.
Opening Price: $180

.158 -
. - . "
. , '
" . ,"-"
( .)1889-1890 ' .
. ' .
[ ,]9 ]1[ ,; [ ,]5 15.5-16 ." . ,
. .
' .658

$100 :

158. Va-Titpalel Hannah With

Author's Dedication

Va-Titpalel Hannah. Part I-II. Prayers and

Piyutim according to the Kabbalah. Matters of
faith, ethics and rules, by Rabbi Farag Hayim
Chatan Rabbi Shlomo Yehezkel Yaudah.
Jerusalem, 1889-1890. Sh. Zuckerman and his
partners printing.
The first half of Part II consists of a commentray
on the Haggadah, Rules, Part of the Haggadah
and Prayers for Pesach night.
Title pages are in blue and gold ink. Signature
of previous owner on title page of Part I. Fine
dedication by the author glued on binding of
Part II.
[9], 128, [1] leaves; [5], 120 leaves. 15.5-16 cm.
Good condition, with few moth holes. Original
covers are somewhat worn and damaged.
Sh. Ha-Levi 658.
Opening Price: $100

| 92 2009


.1 , ,
" " ".
.[ ," .]1785
]1[ , 18.2 ." . .
.2 ,
"[ . ," 1858] .
[ ,]2 20.5 ." . . ,
, ' ' .23
.3 ,
( .


" ) .[ ,"
[ .]1878 ],
32' 15.7 ." . . .
' .311
.4 "
" . "
" " " " .
" . ,"
( .)1883 .
[ ,4 ,]2 ,- 16 ." . , ,
. .
' .439
.5 , .
," " "
. " ' "
" " " ".

"- " .160

" " " ,"
"- "
".' , .1
, , ."
.]1893 [", ." "
, " "
, "
, ,
. ",) ,(
. '
. "18.3 . .' 6 ,24 ,
77097 !
.1894 ",
", .2
[", . " ",
"" 2 ' . .]1894
."' "
, , . "21.2 .' 4
. !

$150 :

93 |

159. Six Books of Praise and

Customs of Eretz Israel

1. Sefer Shivchei Yerushalayim, Journeys in

Ertez Israel, Holy places and graves of Tzadikim,
according to Ha-Ari and Rabbi Hayim Vital.
First edition. Livorno, [1785]. Casillo and
Sa'adon printing.
47, [1] leaves. 18.2 cm. Very good condition. New
cover - cardboard and color paper.
2. Sefer Hibat Yerushalayim, details of Holy
cities and villages and Parashat Gdulat Eretz
Ha-Kodesh. [Konigsberg, circa 1858]. Forgery
of printer and printing place, in imitation of the
1st edition of the book, by Yisrael Bak printing,
Jerusalem, 1844.
[2], 60 leaves. 20.5 cm. Good condition. Original
cardboard cover, new spine.
About this forgery edition, see Sh. Ha-Levi no.
3. Kuntres Pri Etz Hadar, explains the qualities
of all sorts of Etrogim in Eretz Ha-Kodesh. (by
Rabbi Binyamin Beinish, Ben Ha-Rav Ha-Ga'on
Shmuel Salant, and his uncle Rabbi Yehuda Leib
Harav Ha-Tsadik Yosef Zundel). Jerusalem,
[1878]. [Yoel Moshe Salomon printing].
32 pages. 15.7 cm. Good condition, dry paper.
New binding.
Sh. Ha-Levi 311.
4. Sefer Ha-Takanot Ve-Haskamot UMinhagim Ha-Nohagim Po Ir Ha-Kodesh
Yerushalayim. Printed by Ha-Rabanim HaGa'onim Me-Achenu Ha-Sefaradim in 1842
in the Holy city of Jerusalem. Edition with addenda of new regulations by Ashkenazi Rabbis
approved by Sefaradi Rabbis. Jerusalem, 1883.
Yoel Moshe Salomon printing.
[2], 4, 69, 80-92 leaves. 16 cm. Fair condition, dry
paper, restorations to first and last pages. New
cloth binding.
Sh. Ha-Levi 439.
5. Hilula Raba, with Ya'alzu Hassidim. Seder
Tefilot on Kivrei Tsadikim in Eretz Israel,

. " .)1891( ",

. . . "18.5 .] 1[ ,

. .6
" ...
" . "
. .][
' " .
.)1893( ", . "
.'] 2[ ,82-5 ,]3 :["VI ,]4[
. .) (

$280 :

according to Rabbi Israel Ba'al Shem Tov

and Ha-Ari Ha-Kadosh. Published by Rabbi
Hayim Heikel Shapira, son of the Rabbi of
Rachmastrovka from Safed. Jerusalem, 1891. Y.
D. Frumkin printing.
39, [1] leaves. 18.5 cm. With soft cover. Good condition. New binding.
6. Sefer Kornin De'Nahor. On matters of the
Diaspora and inhabiting Eretz Israel and the
love of Eretz Israel and the new affection for it in
recent times [Zionism]. Written by Rabbi Aryeh
Leib Frumkin Ben Rabbi Shmuel. Jerusalem,
1893. Yitzhak Hirschensohn printing.
[4], VI [should be 2], 5-82, [3] pages. Advertisement
for books on rear soft cover (front one missing).
New binding.
Various sizes and conditions.
Opening Price: $280

160. Financial Reports - Sha'ar

Tzion Hospital in Jaffa, Talmud

Torah "Hayei Olam" in Jerusalem



- / .162

. " , , .1

. .)1902( ", .
,) (- '
' .
' . ",
. ,
. , . "17 . ,]1[
' , [=] , .2
", . ,
. .)1888(
. . ,)
, . "19 . . ,]4[
. , .
.629 '

$120 :


1902 , .161
: ,
. - ,
. .
.1902 , ",
55X65 . "22.5 ,] 1[ ,25 , 2
. ,

$100 :

161. Ha-Moded - Jerusalem, 1902

Ha-Moded pamphlet, for the measuring of the
Temple Mount according to Talmudic issues.
By Yitzhak Pesach Neiman. With a large map
of the Temple Mount. Jerusalem, 1902.
2 parts in one volume, 25, [1] leaves. 22.5 cm.
Map - 55x65 cm.
Good condition, on first pages paper reinforcements by tapings. Half leather binding.

1. Ha-Heshbon Ve-Ha-Mif'al, Sefer IV. By

Kehal Ad'at Benei Yisrael in Jaffa.
A detailing of the activities of "Sha'ar Tzion"
hospital in Jaffa, including a financial report,
with names of donors, patients and doctors.
With a poem of gratitude to Baron Rothschild
and letters from Rabbis and prominent figures
including Rabbi Shmuel Salant, Yosef Rivlin,
Yoel Moshe Salomon and others.
Color printed soft cover (blue, green and gold)
with Shanah Tovah greetings for 1893.
12, 24, 6 pages. Printed soft cover. 18.3 cm. Booklet
in very good condition. A tear to front cover, with
omission to upper part.
Very rare. Winograd & Rosenfeld CD item
77097 recorded a copy without cover, therefore
the year of printing as listed 1894 is a mistake.
Not registered in Mif'al Habibliografia CD.
2. Ha-Moreh
Hachnasah Ve-Hotsa'ah Le-Beit Ha-Talmud
Torah Hayei Olam, from Nissan 1890 till Adar
1894. Jerusalem, [1894]. Levi printing. On page
2 there is an illustration of "Beit Midrash at the
grave of Rabbi Meir Ba'al Ha-Nes".
4 pages. 21.2 cm. Poor condition, foxing, mold
and humidity staining with slight flaws to text.
Ultra rare! Unknown in bibliographies.
Opening Price: $150

Opening Price: $100

2009 | 94

163. Prayer Books Printed in

162. Pirkei Avot / Sefer Ha-


Collection of prayer books and Tikunim printed in Jerusalem.

1. Marpe La-Nefesh, Sefer Hemdat Yamim in
Hilchot Shabbat Published by Rabbi Ya'akov
Hay Burla. Jerusalem, [1873]. Gashzinani and
Maharidis (Slotki) printing.
At beginning of the book is a poem in ladino in
alphabetical order; "Seder Ha-Ma'aser" according to Jerusalem custom; Tikun for desecration
of the holy name and for nocturnal emission;
and others.
[2], 98 leaves. 19.5 cm. Good condition, mended
tears to title page. Non-original black cover with
cloth spine.
Sh. Ha-Levi 196.
2. Selichot Le-Yom Zayin Adar. According to
the custom of the Hevrah Kadisha in the Holy
City, Jerusalem. 1905. Y. N. Levi and partners
32 leaves. 15.8 cm. Good condition. New cardboard cover covered by color paper.
3. Techina Kriat Ha-Torah. Prayers in Yiddish
for Torah Reading, Prayer at the Western
Wall. From Rabbi Israel G. B. from Ivanitza.
Jerusalem 1885. Lunz printing.
26 leaves (leaves 2-3 are missing).14.5 cm. Fair
condition, tears to title page and few leaves without omission. New thin cardboard cover.
Sh. Ha-Levi 537. Rare (not on Mi'fal HaBibliografia CD).
4. Seder Adra Raba, Le-Leil Ha-Shavuot.
Publisher Yitzhak Nissim Mo. Rahamim.
Jerusalem, 1910. Moriah printing.
350 pages. Miniature 7.7 cm. With soft cover.
Uncut sheets. Good condition, loose.
Opening Price: $280

Kohelet With Commentary and

Arabic Translation


, . "19.5 . ,]2[
. , .

.196 '
. ' .2
" .)1905( "."
. . "15.8 .
. .3
". ,
. .)1885( ", .
, . "14.5 .)2-3 (
. .
( .537 '
" . , .4
. .)1910( ", .'
. . "7.7 .'
. , .

$280 :
95 |

2 Oriental translated books printed in

1. Masechet Avot, translated to Persian
language. Published by Ha-Achim Shaulof.
Jerusalem, 1902. Levi printing.
The Hebrew source with translation to JewishBukharian language, in Hebrew letters. The
translation is different from the translation of
Rabbi Shimon Hacham, Jerusalem 1907.
Possibly the translator is Rabbi Siman Tov
Melamed, a Jewish sage from Iran.
[1], 44 leaves. 17 cm. Good condition, paper is
somewhat dry and stained. New binding.
2. Sefer Ha-Kohelet, with Arabic translation
and with Shma Shlomo commentary, by HaRav Shlomo Tuina. Jerusalem, 1888 Hayim
Hirschensohn printing.
The Hebrew source with translation to Jewish
Arabic (non punctuated), page for page.
Commentary on margins.
[4], 82 leaves. With rare soft cover / title page. Fair
condition, with moth damages. Color cardboard
cover with cloth spine is somewhat damaged.
Sh. Ha-Levi 629.
Opening Price: $120

, .1
.]1873 [", .
.)" (
" "; "
' " "; "
"; " "; "


164. Five Musar and D'rush Books

Printed in Jerusalem

1. Sefer Tov Meod, Moral writings on the

day of death. From Rabbi Hayim Berish Ben
Rabbi Ya'akov Ha-Cohen. Jerusalem, [1889].
Gashzinani printing.
Signatures and stamps by previous owners.
[2], 2-48 leaves. 19 cm. Good condition, Binding
is somewhat old and worn.
Sh. Ha-Levi 662. According to her, first two
leaves were printed at the Zukerman printing.
2. Torat Hesed, Drushim Ve-Divrei Musar
Ve-Chidushei Torah. From Rabbi Ya'akov Ben
Yehudah Ben Yehudah [Zilberstein]. Jerusalem,
1899. No printer. Commentaries and corrections in author's handwriting (somewhat
[1], 72 leaves. 20 cm. Fair condition, dry paper
with tears. Old binding is worn.
About the book and its author see: Eliezer
Rivlin, Rabbi Ya'akov Ben Yehudah Ben
Yehudah, Sefer Zikaron Le-Yovel Ha-Shivim
shel Alexander Ziskind Rabinovich, Tel-Aviv,
1924, pages 106-112.
3. Gan Raveh, Shemot Rabanim, from Rabbi
Yitzhak Badhav. Jerusalem, 1909.
16 leaves. 13.5 cm. Fair condition, stains, tears
and moth damage. New paper cover.
4. Agadot Talmud Yerushalmi, with commentaries. Volume I. Masechet Brachot. Jerusalem,
[1899]. Frumkin printing.
[2], 44 leaves. 24 cm. Good condition. New
5. Sefer Ha-Yashar Le-Rabenu Tam. Tochachat
Musar. Jerusalem, [1864]. Yechiel Brile and
Michl Ha-Cohen and Rabbi Yoel Moshe
Salomon. With engravings of the Western Wall
and a printing press.

[1], 48 pages. 17 cm. Good condition. Fine leather
Sh. Ha-Levi 97.

Opening Price: $200

. , .1
.]1889 [", . "
. .
. , . "19 . - ,]2[
.662 '
. , .2
, .] [
". .)1899( "
.) (
. , . "20 . ,]1[
, :
.106-112 ' , ", ,
, . , , .3
.)1909( "
. , , . "13.5 .
' . , .4
. .]1899 [", .
. . . "24 . ,]2[
, . . .5
".]1864 ["
. . . "17 .' ,]1[
.97 '

$200 :

2009 | 96

Books printed in the Far East

165. Akedat Treblinke - Shanghai,

1946 , .165

Akedat Treblinke, Gedanken und Refleksen

(The Treblinka Akedah, Thoughts and
Reflexions). By Rabbi Simcha Elberg. Shanghai,
1946. Dedication by the author who later
became one of the most prominent Rabbis in
Rabbi Simcha Elberg was editor of "Ha-Pardes"
and chairman of the executive board of the
Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States
and Canada. Born in Warsaw, 1915. During
the years of the Holocaust he fled to Vilna
and from there arrived with the Mir Yeshivah
congregation in Shanghai, China. He came to
New York in 1947 and served as editor of HaPardes, the rabbinic law journal published by
the Union of Orthodox Rabbis. He also was the
author of multivolume books on rabbinic law
and Talmudical concepts as well as a historical bibliography of prewar Poland. He was on
the executive committee of Agudath Israel of
America. Passed away in 1995.
47 pages. Printed soft cover. 19 cm. Very good
condition. Cover slightly damaged with peeling of
3 letters of text.
Very rare. Not on Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD.

. ,
, .) (1946 , .
. "
" ". "
."" "
. "
," "
. "
" " ( "
"" "
. . "19 . ' 47
. 3 ,
. .

1946 - Author's Dedication

Opening Price: $180

97 |


$180 :

.166 -1948 ,

, , .
.1948 , .
66 ,'[ , 2 , ]19 .
" . .
. ( .

1948 1946-7

$150 :




166. Farfolgte Yidn - Shanghai,

1948 - Very Rare

Farfolgte Yidn (Homeless Jews), dertseilungen, Ya'akov Hersh Fishman. Shanghai, 1948.
Author's dedication.
Printed soft cover. 66 pages, [blank page, 2 additional pages]. 19 cm. Very good condition.
Very rare. Does not appear in any bibliographical records. (In all bibliographies there are no
Hebrew and Yiddish books from Shanghai from
1948, as by 1946-7 most of the Jewish Holocaust
survivors had left the city).
Opening Price: $150

" .167 "

, ,
" . ,"
( .)1943 " "
" 2 " -
| 98 2009

[ 193-3 ,]4' 25.5 ." . , , .

, .

$100 :

167. "Sfat Emet" Kodashim


Sefer Sfat Emet, Hidushei Masachtot from

Seder Kodashim, by the Admor Rabbi Yehudah
Aryeh Lev of Gur. Shanghai, 1943. Printing
committee "Mefitzei Or" at Yeshivat Hachmei
On page no. 2 - "Areshet Sfateinu" interesting
poetic foreword on the Holocaust of Polish Jews
and Yeshivat Lublin.
[4], 3-193 pages. 25.5 cm. Good condition, dry
paper, moth holes. Original cardboard and cloth
cover with some moth damage.
Opening Price: $100

" .168 " ,

" , "
, ("-") .

(" "),
" " : ';1932 ,
' ;1934 , , ,
, .

]2[ ,14' 22 ," , ; 16' 20.5 ," ,
; ]2[ ,10' ]1[ , 20.5 ,",

$100 :

- / .170
. " , .1
.)1885( ", ."
. . . "17.3 .'
" . .2
[.Bombay ." " ."
Bombay Hebrew Publishing .]1930 "
.and Printing Press
. . , ' 2 ' 2 ,' 4
, .

$150 :

, - .169

168. "Shiurei Da'at" from the Telz

.)25 " (, ", ,


3 pamphlets, "Shiurei Da'at" by Rabbi Yosef

Yehudah Leib Bloch, Rosh Yeshivah of Telz
(1859-1930). After his demise, his disciples
at the Telz Yeshivah published his lectures in
Halachah and his lectures in Hagut (cogitation)
in a series of booklets titled" Shiurei Da'at".
Here are 3 booklets of "Shiurei Da'at": Booklet
II, 1932; Booklet IV, 1934; and another booklet, unnumbered, published in 1946 by the
Yeshivah members who exiled to Shanghai in
China during the Holocaust.
Booklets are complete and very rare. The 3rd
booklet does not appear in the National Library
of Israel and is not registered on Mif'al HaBibliografia CD.
14, [2] pages, 22 cm, foxing; 16 pages, 20.5 cm,
very good condition; 10, [2] pages, [1] plate with a
photo, 20.5 cm, torn and detached.

$120 :

169. Mevaser Yisrael - Six Issues,

Shanghai, 1925-6

Mevaser Yisrael, Shanghai, 1925-6 (year 25).

Six issues published in Shanghai between
Elul 1925 and Shvat 1926. English language.
Very Good condition.
Opening Price: $120

Yeshivah, 1932-1946

Opening Price: $100

170. Tefilot / Ha-tarat Nedarim

- Bombay

1. Seder Hatarat Nedarim, according to

Bagdad custom. Printed by Shimon Itzhak
Yolkar, Bombay, 1885.
7 leaves. 17.3 cm. Excellent condition. Red cloth
cover. Authors signatures and stamps.
2. Prayers booklet, in Hebrew and English. El
Shmor Ha-Melech (G-d Save the King); Adon
Olam Asher Malach, Bombay, [1930s]. Bombay
Hebrew Publishing and Printing Press.
Prayers for the welfare of the British King.
4 pages; 2 in Hebrew, 2 in English. No title page.
Fair condition; reinforced and restored margins;
damage to one word in text. New soft cover; inscriptions in English by a veteran collector.
Bibliographically unknown.
Opening Price: $150
99 |



171. Hanukat Ha-Bayit Le-David

Calcutta / Pirkei Avot - Bombay


172. Intercalation chart Calcutta, 1893

Intercallation chart, Calcutta, 1893, Yehezkel

H. Soliman print.
Chart is for the years 1893-1905, with new
moons, zodiac signs and their illustrations.
(Gematria for each year). Two title pages - one
of them on cover.
[2], 28, 26, [blank], 26, [blank], 27, [blank], 25,
[blank], 25, [blank], 27, [blank], 25, [blank],
27, [blank], 25, [blank], 25, [blank], 27, [blank]
pages. 10.5 cm. Very good condition. Quality
paper. Green soft cover, damaged (no spine, with
tears to front cover).
Very rare, not on Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD.
Opening Price: $200

1. Sefer Hanukat Ha-Bayit Le-David, on matters concerning Hanukkah. Calcutta [1885],

Dweikh printing. Printed dedication by the
author with inserts of receiver's name in handwriting. The author is Rabbi Shlomo Tuina of
Calcutta (Baghdad 1857 Calcutta 1913).
Signature on page before title page, "Ha-Tsair
Ya'akov Moshe Hillel".
[2], [1], 223, [1], [V] pages. 15.5 cm. Good condition, with a few detached pages. Few small moth
holes on last pages. Original cardboard cover
with leather spine somewhat worn.
2. Perek Masechet Avot, with Arabic translation, punctuated, according to Baghdad
Custom. Bombay, 1887. Aharon Ya'akov Shmuel
103 pages. 16.5 cm. Fair condition. Dry paper.
Stains. Restored flaws to some pages and to last
page. Old cloth and leather binding. Rare.
Opening Price: $150


/ .171

,)1893( ", ,
, ,)1893-1905( " "
( .
.) ( .)
,25 ,] [' ,27 ,] [ ,' 26 ,] [ ,26 ,28 ,]2[
,] [' ,25 ,] [' ,27 ,] [' ,25 ,]['
] [' ,27 ,] [' ,25 ,] [' ,25 ,] [' ,27
, . . "10.5 .
.) , (
. ,

. , .1
. ,]1885 ["
.) ( " "
" ,
, . "15.5 .'] V], [1], 223, [1 ,]2[
. .
. , -
, , , .2
.)1887( ", .
. . . . "16.5 .'
. .

$200 :

$150 :

", .172

2009 | 100

173. The Jews of Cochin

The Jews - .173

of Cochin

The Jews of Cochin. By Rabbi Shemtov Gaguin,

"formerly Av Beit Din of the Spanish and
Portuguese Jews in England and Principal of
the Montefiore College, Ramsgate". Brighton,
[1953]. Zeltser & Sons printing.
History of the Jews in Cochin in India - the
lost ten tribes, Jewish travelers, black and white
Jews, The Yemen diaspora, Cochin customs.
Versions of prayers of India Jews. Interesting
Rabbi Shem Tov Gaguin, author of "Keter Shem
Tov", born in 1885 in Jerusalem, from 1920
lived in England, Chief Rabbi of the Spanish
Portuguese community in England. Passed
away in 1953.
[2], 80 pages. 22 cm. Very good condition. Light
blue cloth binding printed in blue letters, damaged and stained.
Opening Price: $120

101 |

. .
" "
.]1953 [", .
.Zeltser & Sons
" - , '
... . ,
, ...
." ,
"," " ,
, " ,
.1953 ".
. . "22 .' 80 ,]2[
. ,

$120 :

Books Printed in US and Britain




174. Ner Ha-Ma'arabi New-York

.174 - - ,
, . ,
. -
. ,
'-" .- ,".1895 ,
. .
22" . . .

$150 :
| 102 2009

Periodical, First Year, 1895

Ner Ha-Ma'arabi (The Western Light), A

Hebrew Literary Review, issued monthly by
the Society for the Advancement of Hebrew
Literature in America. First year, issues 1-12.
New-York, 1895.
Contains much information on the history of
East European Jews, who emmigrated to the
United States, and especially on the history of
the Orthodox Jewry in America. Has an English
title page.
22 cm. Very good condition. Cardboard binding.
Opening Price: $150

, ()
" "
. ," ( ,)1913
[ .' 137 " ,
" ,1917 ].
" " . .
, .

]2[ ,214' 23 ." . .
, .

. 136'.
' "( 60
" ' ,)308 '
. ' 137
' [ .136
" , ].
" "-
" ,


$150 :

175. Mishneh Zikaron -

Bibliographic Discovery

176. Three Books USA

1. Sefer Prachim Be-Halacha Ve-Agadah,
Moshe Aharon Tabenkin. New-York, 1923.
48 pages, 18.5 cm. Non-original hardcover. Exlibris. Very good condition.
2. Sidur Rinah U-Tefilah for Orthodox Jewish
Youth in America Prayers, Psalms and musical notes by Benj. Cohen, El Paso, Texas, 1920.
Do not appear in Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD
and in Winograd & Rosenfeld.
76 pages, 18.5 cm. Tears and staining to margins.
Soft cover is stained with tears.
3. Course for teachers in Jewish schools, Rabbi
Louis Grossmann, D.D., The Hebrew Union
College. Ohio, 1919. "A course of work for
teachers in Jewish schools". English language.
61 pages, 23 cm. Very good condition. Handwritten
signature on page before title page. Attached an
advertising page for another book by the same
publishing house.
Opening Price: $200


"- .176
. , .1
. ",-
. . . "18.5 ,' 48
Benj. ,- , -
.1920 , ,- ,Cohen
. . "18.5 ,' 76
, ' , - .3
A course .1919 , .The Hebrew union college
. .of work for teachers in Jewish schools
. " . . "23 ,' 61

$200 :
103 |

Sefer Mishneh Zikaron, by Rabbi Yehoshua

Heshel (Singer), Shatz and Magid Meisharim
in Buffalo, NY. Jerusalem, 1913, Shoehnbaum
and Weiss. [Pages 137-214 were printed in Saint
Louis after 1917, Moinester print].
Deals with the Bible and Shas, Customs and
matters concerning the population of Eretz
Israel, compilations of ideas, proverbs and tales.
Last page announces "due to the war, printing
in Jerusalem ceased and was finished at the
Moineshter printing house in Saint Louis,
Missouri in the US".
214, [2] pages. 23 cm. Excellent condition.
Original cardboard binding with cloth spine,
slightly damaged.
No bibliographic registration records the continuation of printing in Buffalo NY, and book
is recorded as having 136 pp. The Shoenbaum
and Weiss bibliography (Bi-She'arayich
Yerushalayim, page 308), records a copy with
missing end. Shape of letters from page 137 on is
somewhat different than that of previous pages.
[Title page might have also been reprinted in
the US].
Printing in the US was probably done between
1917-1919, as WWI fighting started in Palestine
in 1917, and on the other hand the first book
printed in the Moineshter printing house is
dated 1917.
Opening Price: $150

177. Six Books US, Nineteenth

19- , "- .177


Century Grammar and History

1. The history of the Jews from the Destruction
of Jerusalem to the 19th Century, Hannah
Adams. 2 volumes, Boston, 1812. Hannah
Adams was a Christian US author and she was
the first woman in the United States who made
literature her profession.
Volume I VI, 352 pages; Volume II 338, XII
pages. 18 cm.
The 2 volumes are in non-original soft cover, with
remains from original spine. Some tears and holes
with damages (restored) in first volume. Staining
to both volumes.
2. Grammar of the Hebrew language in 2
volumes Yitzhak Nordheimer. New-York,
1838. First volume only. The explanation text
is in English, many words in Hebrew, Arabic
and ancient Hebrew. 2 attached pages at end of
the book. Among pages of the book appears a
page with letters of the ABC in Hebrew and in a
foreign language in handwriting and names of
the letters in a foreign language.
XXXVI, 280, [2], [2] pages, 24.5 cm. Original
hard cardboard cover is damaged. Staining to
3. Hebrew grammar without punctuation,
John Smith. Boston, 1803. English language,
with words and tables in Hebrew. Intended to
ease study of the Holy Scriptures.
[2], 56, [2] pages, 22 cm. Cover is damaged, textblock is in very good condition.
4. History of the War of the Jews with the
Romans Josephus Flavius. Published by
Adams & Wilder, Massachusetts, 1803.
305, [1] pages, 17.5 cm. Leather binding is worn,
inscription on first pages and an Ex-libris, staining to pages.
5. Toene des Morgenlandes, a poetry book in
German language, by Rabbi Dr. Isidor Kalisch.
Detroit, Michigan, 1865.
[2], 80, [2] pages, 18.5 cm.


Non original bindingl. Ink staining with damages

to pages (tears).

Opening Price: $150

.1812 , , . ,19-
, ",
. "18 ,' XII ,338 - 2 '; VI, 352 - 1
. .) (
- .2
. .1838 ,- .
, ,
- .
" "
XXXVI ,280 ,]2[
- . "24.5 ,' ,
. , ,
.1803 , .' ' , .3
. ,
, . "22 ,'] 2[ ,56 ,]2[
,Adams & Wilder . - )
.1803 ,'
, - . "17.5 ,'] 1[ ,305
. ,-
. ' , , .5
.1865 ,' ,
. "18.5 ,'] 2[ ,80 ,]2[
.) (,- .

$150 :

2009 | 104

178. Seven Booklets of

Thanksgiving and Remembrance

- London London, 1892
Seven booklets printed by various congregations in England for days of thanksgiving and
remembrance. Prayers and Piyutim, in English
and Hebrew.
1. Rina U-Tefilah, for the appointment of
Rabbi Naftali Ha-Cohen Adler as chief Rabbi
of Britain. London, 1891.
11 pp. 21.5 cm. Very good condition. Worn and
with folding lines. Not in Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia
2. Seder Ha-Avodah, for the day of the inauguration of the new Sefaradi synagogue "Sha'ar
Ha-Shamayim". London, 1928.
15 pages + soft cover bearing another title page.
22 cm. Very good condition. With a questionnaire
form of the "Sha'ar Ha-Shamayim" synagogue.
Not in Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia.
3. Hinukh Ve-Siyum Ha-Sefer Torah, Kotzker
Beit Ha-Midrash Nosach Ha-Ari Zal De-HaRav Shlomo David Morgenstern of Kotzk.
[London], 1931. B. Weinberg print.
Yiddish and English.
3 pages. 21 cm, with a single page - 25 cm. Printed
in purple ink. Very good condition. Adhesive tape
on back side. Not in Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia.
4. Seder Hagigat Hanukat Ha-Bayit. Mosad
Ivri Le'umi Be-Ma'arav London. London, 1918.
3 pages. 21 cm. Very good condition. Not in Mif'al
5. Todah Ve-Kol Zimra Le-Hashem. Service of
praise and thanksgiving. To commemorate the
500th anniversary of the birth of Don Yitzhak
Abarbanel and his praise, at the Sefaradi synagogue "Sha'ar Ha-Shamayim". London, [1937].
University Press, Oxford.
[1], 17, 17, [1] pages. 21.4 cm. cover - 22 cm. Very
good condition.
6. Shir Ve-Zimra Le-Hashem. To com 105 |

...' '
.]1935 , [", ."
. .'] 1[ ,16 ; ,]1[

$200 :


memorate the 800th anniversary of the birth of

Rabenu Moshe Ben Maimon and his praise at
the Sefaradi synagogue "Sha'ar Ha-Shamayim".
London, [1935]. University Press, Oxford.
[1], 17, 17, [1] pages. Excellent condition. Original
soft cover.
7. Halel Ve-Hoda'a - Service of thanksgiving.
On the 25th anniversary of the rule of King
George V at the Sefaradi synagogue "Sha'ar HaShamayim". London, [1935].
[1], 16, 16, [1]. Excellent condition. Original soft
Opening Price: $200

. , .
. .1
.1891 ", .
. . "21.5 .' 11
. .
", .2
.1928 ", ." "
+ . "22 . + ' 15
. "
, .3
' , " "
. . .1931 .] [. "
" .
= " [
. . "25 - . "21 .' 3
( .
. .)
, .4
.1918 ", .
. . "21 ,' 3
Service of praise and - ' .5
... .thanksgiving
" " "
.]1937 , [". .
.University Press, Oxford
. "22 . "21.4 .'] 1[ ,17 ; ,]1[
,' .6
" " ...
, [", . "
)University Press, Oxford( .]1935
. .'] 1[ ,17 ; ,]1[
,Service of thanksgiving - .7

179. Five Eulogy Booklets


- London

Five eulogy booklets printed in London prayers and Piyutim, in Hebrew and English.
1. Tefilah and Tehinah Sefaradi style, on the
day of mourning of Rabbi Binyamin Artus.
London, 1879.
11 pages. 21.5 cm. Very good condition. Foxing.
Not in Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia.
2. Seder La-Misped al Ha-Rav Ha-Gaon
Natan Ben Adler Ha-Cohen. London, 1890.
7 pages. 21.5 cm. Very good condition. Folding
lines. Not in Mif'al Ha-bibliografia.
3. Seder La-Misped al Ha-Rav Ha-Gaon
Naftali Ben Adler Ha-Cohen. London, 1911.
7 pages. 21.5 cm. Very good condition. Tear to
folding line at back. Added is an entrance ticket
to the mourning assembly.
4. Seder Le-Misped al Avraham Ben
Rabbi Mordechai Bichler. London, 1939.
8 pages. 21.5 cm. Excellent condition.
5. Seder Le-Misped al Maran Rabbi Yitzhak
Isaac Ben Yoel Ha-Levi [Herzog], Chief Rabbi
of Eretz Israel. London, 1959.
12 pages. 24 cm. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $180


. ,
... " ... .1
.1879 ", . ...
. . . "21.5 .'
" " .2
.1890 ", .
. . . "21.5 .'
" ".3
.1911 ", .
. . . "21.5 .'
.1939 ", . "
. . "21.5 ,'
' " ... .5
", . ,] [
. . "24 .' 12

$180 :

2009 | 106

' '

Early Printed Books - Resh and Shin Years

, ", .180
. ,)1521( ", ,
." "
. " "
, . . "20 . -

$700 :

180. Tehilim Bomberg, 1521,


Tehilim, Venice, 1521, Bomberg printing.

This book of Psalms is part of the Hebrew Bible
printed in Venice in 1521 according to Venice
edition in 1518. The only difference in the
Tehilim of this edition is that each page has 2
Latin glosses at margins.
Bound with photocopied title page of Venice
Bible from 1521.
399-434 leaves. 20 cm. Very good condition.
Staining. New binding.
Opening Price: $700

107 | ' '

.181 -1517 ,
(") . " " "
, ' , ",
[ ]35 35 ," . , .
, .182163
" , ' ,' .8

. . .

, .105683

$150 :

$2200 :

181. Sefer Yirmiyahu Venice, 1517

Sefer Yirmiyahu with Aramaic translation
and Rabbi David Kimhi (Rada"k) commentary. From first edition of the Bible "Mikraot
Gedolot", Daniel Bomberg printing, Venice,
[35] leaves, 35 cm. Good condition, few holes.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 182163.
A. M. Haberman, Ha-Madpis Daniel Bomberg.
No. 8.
Opening Price: $2200

.182 " ,
1593 .,
".1593 ,
, ( .)17557
167-201 ,167 30 ,".
: .10 , ,
10 ( .)201 ,
( 16) . .-
| 108 2009


182. She'elot U-Teshuvot

Ha-Rashba Bologna, 1593

Important Signature
Sefer She'elot U-Teshuvot by Rabbi Shlomo Ben
Aderet. Bologna, 1593.
First edition. Very rare.
Signature of Tsalakh Ben Yosef Matsliakh, Rosh
Yeshivah and Rabbi of Baghdad, known as Ish
Mofet (Otsar Ha-Rabanim 17557).
167, 167-201 leaves, 30 cm.
Copy is incomplete: it begins with leaf no. 10.
At the end, in the indexes, 10 leaves are missing
)(after leaf no. 201). Index of subjects (16 leaves
is missing as well. Leaves are in good condition.
Many water stains, wide margins. Damages to
last leaves. Unbound.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item no. 105683.
Opening Price: $150

.183 1585 ,
" , -
, " .
' (")
" " .[ ," 1585 ,].
" " , (
( ) , . .
125-143 ,128 31 ," . :
,30 6 ,
. .
, .333965
, , ",
' '-".

$150 :

, , . "28.5 .
, .

$500 :


"- " ".185

", . "
. . ,]1607[
" .
. "
" " "
,)17314 ,"- ("
" ( " ,"" "
. " ,)
. " "
" .
"- "
, . "28.5 . .] 6[ ,; ;
, . ,

$600 :
109 | ' '


184. Sefer Ha-Arukh, Basel 1599

183. Masechet Pesachim Kushta,

Circa 1585 Glosses

Masechet Pesachim with Rashi commentary,

Tosafot and Piskei-Tosafot, Rabbi Asher and
Mishna commentary by the Rambam. At the
end of the volume are glosses by Rabbi Shlomo
Luria (Maharsha"l) from his book "Hochmat
Shlomo". Constantinopol, [circa 1585].
This Masechet is very rare. The Talmud edition
of Kushta is the first edition that was printed
with glosses of Ha-Maharshal from his book
"Hochmat Shlomo", which was printed a short
time before, in 1582.
Antique glosses next to newer glosses, one of
the newer glosses is signed "Tsaban". Signature
of previous owner.
128, 125-143 leaves, 31 cm. Copy is incomplete: it
begins with leaf no. 30, 6 leaves in the middle are
missing and probably another leaf is missing at
the end, poor condition. Unbound.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item no. 333965.
Rabinovitz, Ma'amar al Hadpasat Ha-Talmud
(Article on printing of the Talmud), Jerusalem
1965, Pages no. 70-73.
Opening Price: $150

Signature of Rabbi Moshe Lvov

Sefer Ha-Arukh of Rabbi Natan Ben Yechiel.

Basel, 1599. Konrad Waldkirch printing.
Antique signature on title page: "Ha-Katan
Moshe Lvov [1733?]". Probably Ha-Ga'on Rabbi
Moshe Lvov (1704-1758, Otsar Ha-Rabanim
14803), Av Beit Din of Leipnik, Frankfurt
an der Oder and Berlin, later Av Beit Din of
Nikolsburg and Rabbi of Maehren [Moravia].
See attached material.
267 leaves. 28.5 m. Fair condition, staining, moth
damages to first leaves. Antique leather binding
with wear of corners and a tear of spine.
Opening Price: $500

- ", .184

",) (. ,
. ,)1599(
."]?' "' ["
,"- ("
", " , ,)14803
" ,
. .

, . "14.5 .
. , .

$500 :

. ,15
, , . "27.5 .] [ .
. ,]? [.
. "

$200 :

186. Midrash Shmuel Ravta / Kad



187. Luach Ma'amrei Ein Yisrael

Venice, 1612

Luakh Ma'amrei Ein Yisrael, index for "Ein

Ya'akov" in alphabetical order, by Rabbi Eliezer
Rieti. Venice, 1612.
Previous owner's signatures in Hebrew and
Latin characters. Interesting ownership inscription on last page: "Ya'akov Ben Rabbi Yehuda
---", in ancient Italian handwriting.
44 pages. 14.5 cm. Good condition, professional
restoration, mainly to first and last page. Fine
new cardboard binding with leather spine.
Opening Price: $500

1. Midrash Shmuel Ravta, Venice, [1546].

Daniel Bomberg printing. Printed together
with Midrash Tehilim and Midrash Mishlei.
50-62 leaves. 30.5 cm. Very good condition, staining on edges of the pages. New binding.
2. Kad Ha-Kemach, by Rabenu Be-Hayei.
Venice, Kislev 1545. Marco Antonio Giustiniani
Signatures by previous owner from Yemen.
Inside the broken leather binding are ink
marks of antique handwritings from the 14-15th
Century, not examined.
83 leaves [one page is missing in the end]. 27.5
cm. Poor condition, staining, wear and flaws to
all pages, mainly to title page and to first pages.
Adorned leather spine [from Yemen?] is broken
and damaged. With antique handwritten inscriptions on inner binding.
Opening Price: $200

", .187
" " ",
.)1612( ", . ,-
,"--- " "

185. She'elot U-Teshuvot Ha-Rosh

Copy of the Admor Rabbi Tzvi
Kahane of Spinka

She'elot U-Teshuvot of Rabbenu Asher (Asher

ben Yechiel). Venice, 1607, Zanito Zaniti printing. Third proofread edition. Illustrated title
Antique signatures of previous owner. Stamps
of the Admor Rabbi Tzvi Kahane Av Beit Din
of Spinka.
The Admor Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Kahane, Av Beit
Din of Spinka (1884-1944, Otsar Ha-Rabanim
17314), son of the Admor Rabbi Nachman,
author of "Orchot Hayim", (Son-in-law of Ha"Imrei Yosef" from Spinka), and son-in-law of
the Admor Rabbi Baruch Rubin from Gherla.
He served in the Rabbinate and in Admorut
taking the place of his father from 1906. Killed
in the Holocaust, and all his writings were
lost. His sons: Admor Rabbi Nachman from
Krilsburg-Bnei Brak and Rabbi Yosef Meir, the
Admor from Spinka Jerusalem.
180; 2; 11, [6] leaves. Faulty pagination. 28.5
cm. Good condition, stains, a few pages slightly
restored. New binding, cloth with leather spine
and colored edges.
Opening Price: $600

/ .186
.]1546 [", , .1
. , . "30.5 . -
.)1545( ", . , .2
2009 | 110

1600- "- [, ,
. ,]1601
", '
." "...
, - , ,

. , ,

$180 :

188. Sefer Ha-Chinukh


189. Masechet Midot Holland,


Masechet Midot from Talmud Bavli in Latin,

Leiden, 1630.
Original version with Latin translation column
for column and commentary in Latin. 2 foldout
pages with sketch of the Temple and text in
Latin. Gilded edges.
[38] pages, [1] folded leaf, [2] pages, [1] folded leaf,
194 pages, [14] index pages, 20.5 cm.
Good condition, stained binding, front board
detached, spine torn.
Opening Price: $400

Second edition of Sefer Ha-Chinukh. Venice,

[1600-1601], Zoani Degarah printing.
Introduction by Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh from
Modena. At the end, a colophon dating to
printing in 1601.
Few cropped glosses in Sefaradi handwriting.
228 leaves, moth holes, a tear with some loss to
top of leaves no. 13-16, margins are cropped with
slight omission to references at margins, title page
is glued, old damaged binding.
Opening Price: $180

1630 , - .189
) (", ,

, .
. .
,' 194 ,] 1[ ,'] 2[ ,] 1[ ,'] 38[
. "20.5 ,] ' 14[
, , ,

$400 :
111 | ' '



Talmud and Halachah

190. Talmud Bavli, London


191. Talmud Bavli in German

Language Goldschimdt Berlin,

12 Volumes of Babylonian Talmud (Talmud
Bavli) with commentaries and German translation by Dr. Lazarus Goldschmidt. Berlin,
XIII, [3], 948; [8], 704; [6], 751; [6], 766; [6], 694;
[6], 803; [6], 866; [6], 798; [6], 756; [6], 753; [6],
762; [6], 868 pages.
Poor condition: tears, staining, water and moth
Opening Price: $100

Babylonian Talmud, Gemara in Yiddish,

London, 1922-1932.
I.: Berachot, B. Weinberg, 1922.
[2], 228 pages. Hardcover, many moth holes.
II.: Pe'ah, 1928.
[2], 86 pages. Torn cover, staining.
III.: Demai, Eretz Yisrael map with illustrations. 1929.
[2], 126, [2] pages, [1] foldout Map of Palestine,
54x40 cm. Hardcover, moth holes.
IV.: Kil'ayim, 130 diagrams and 85 illustrations. 1932.
[2], 160, [2] pages, 31 pages with illustrations.
Hardcover, few moth holes.
No additional volumes were printed.


, .190

, 12
.1930-1936 , ."
XIII , [3], 948; [8], 704; [6], 751; [6], 766; [6], 694; [6],
803; [6], 866; [6], 798; [6], 756; [6], 753; [6], 762; [6],
.' 868
.- - , , :

"- ", , ,
. ", . , :
. , .' 228 ,]2[
. ", :
. , .' 86 ,]2[
. , :
54X40 ,] 1[ ,'] 2[ ,126 ,]2[
. , ."
. 85 130 , :
, . ' 31 ,'] 2[ ,160 ,]2[

$100 :

$100 :

Opening Price: $100

- .191
30- , -

2009 | 112

, .192
" " ,
' " " , '
. " ,
.1820-1821 , ", .
. 35 ,]1[ ;29 ,]1[ ;52 ,]2[ :'
. "42 , 10 ;11 ;18 ;15 ;11 ;10 ,13 ;30 ;22 ,]1[ :'
. 33 ,]1[ :""
, ,
.308276 ,


193. Talmud Yerushalmi- Lunz,

Booklets III-IV

Talmud Yerushalmi, Seder Zeraim. Booklet

III, Masechet Pe'ah Ve-Demai. Jerusalem, 1911.
Lunz printing.
Booklet IV, Masechet Demai Ve-Kil'ayim.
Jerusalem 1914. Lunz printing.
Edition proofread from manuscripts. With
commentary, and remarks by Avraham Moshe
Lunz. Editorial staff included: Rabbi Avraham
Aharon Prag, Rabbi Hayim Yehoshua BenTsion Kosovski, Rabbi Yehiel Michel Pins,
Rabbi Aryeh Leib Gordon and more.
[1 soft cover], 5-49, 1-3 leaves, [1 sofr cover]; [1 soft
cover], 4-40 leaves, 1-11 leaves, [1 soft cover]. 38
cm. Fine paper, good condition. Uncut papers.
Published as separate booklets. Printing
started in 1907 and the 6th booklet was published in 1916. See, Cd of Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia
0308303. These copies have the original printed
soft covers.
Editing this edition was a mammoth project that
started in 1903. For a description of the editing
and printing of the book see: A. R. Malachi,
Talmud Yerushalmi Mi-Yerushalayim, Talpiot,
D, booklet III-IV, 1950, pages 759-769. (material attached).
Opening Price: $120
113 |


- , - .193
,' . ,
. .)1911( ", .
". ,'
. .)1914(
, .
, - ,
. ,
- ,] 1[ ; ] 1[ , - ,- ,] 1[
. , . "38 .] 1[ , - ,
." "

: ."
, , , ,"
.) ( .769-759 ' , ",-

$120 :

$200 :

192. Talmud Yerushalmi, Seder

Mo'ed Vienna, 1820-1821

Seder Mo'ed min Talmud Yerushalmi, including "Korban Ha-Edah" commentary by Rabbi
David Frankel, "Shlom Yerushalayim" novellae by Rabbi Nahum Treibich, and Hagahot
Hagr"a to Masechet Shekalim. Two parts in one
volume. Vienna, 1820-1821.
In this edition of Talnud Yerushalmi only Seder
Mo'ed was printed.
Part A: [2], 52; [1], 29; [1], 35 leaves.
Part B: [1], 22; 30; 13, 10; 11; 15; 18; 11; 18; 11; 10
leaves. 42 cm.
Some of the pages are bound not according to
Shlom Yerushalayim: [1], 33 leaves.
Very good condition, original leather binding,
slightly loose and torn at margins and spine.
The Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 308276.
Opening Price: $200

. . , ,
,- ,]1[ - ; - :]-[
. , . "25.5 .] 1[

$900 :

194. Shulchan Aruch - Gur

Aryeh. Mantua, 1722 - Complete

Set, Signatures


, - ".195

Latin title-page and introduction, the book itself

is in Hebrew with column for column Latin
translation and explanations by Humphridus
Prideaux. Includes the laws of giving charity to
the poor, and laws of converts.
Copper etching on title-page.
[32], 168 pages, 20.5 cm.Very good condition, inscription opposite title-page; the cover is stained
and slightly bent.

Shulchan Aruch with Likutei Rabbu Gur Aryeh

Ha-Levi. Complete set, four parts. Mantua
[1721-1723]. Yitzhak Ya're Ve-Ya'akov Haver tov
Printed after proof by Italian Rabbis, Rabbi
Avraham Yedidyah Ben Rabbi Shimshon
Basila, Rabbi Refael Hayim Mi-Itailah Ha-Rofe,
and Rabbi Aviad Sar Shalom Basile (brother of
the first) who also added remarks to the book.
Signatures, ownership inscriptions and a few
glosses by Rabbi Ibrahim Al Kassr and Rabbi
Yihye Ben Rabbi Sliman El Kapach (founder of
the Darda'im movement in Yemen).
Four parts in three volumes.
[part 1]: Orach Hayim. [3], 2-146 leaves. 24.5 cm.
Very good condition. Minor flaws and stains.
Yemenite leather binding slightly damaged.
[part 2]: Yore De'ah. [1], 148-288 leaves. 24.5
cm. Good condition, minor flaws, minor moth
damage, stains and water stains. Damaged
leather binding.
[part 3-4]: Even Ha-Ezer - 88 leaves; Hoshen HaMishpat - [1], 90-268, [1] leaves. 25.5 cm. Very
good condition, minor flaws. Leather binding
with minor flaws.
Very rare. A complete set is scarce.

Opening Price: $200

Opening Price: $900

, ,
. .
' , . "20.5 ,' 168 ,]32[

$200 :

195. Mishneh Torah, Rambam

- Oxford, 1679


", , - .194
, , . ,
.]1721-1723 ,"- [", .'
, ,
( )
, ,
" ' (,
.) ""
. "24.5 . - ,]3[ . :][
, . .
. "24.5 . - ,]1[ . :][
2009 | 114

. , "18-20

$180 :

196. Halacha Books Hilchot

Shechita Ve-Nidah


, ' , .197
, , . ' ,
. ' '
, , " "
, , . "22 ,

$120 :

197. Kehilat Ya'akov, Rabbi

Ya'akov Loberboim

Kehilat Ya'akov, Rabbi Ya'akov Loberboim.

Second Edition, Yosefov, David Sa'adia
Yesha'ayah Weiss Printing
Halachic novellae on the Even Ha-Ezer and
Orach Hayim, written by the author of Netivot
Ha-Mishpat, Havat Da'at and more.
38 leaves, 22 cm. Good condition, blue pages, old
cardboard cover.
Opening Price: $120
115 |

1. Moreh La-Zovchim, Hilchot Shechita

U-Bedikah, by Rabbi Yitzhak Dov Ha-Levi
Bamberger. Frth, 1863. Sommer printing.
First edition.
14, 190, [3] pages. 20.5 cm. Good condition, with
some foxing. Cover is torn. Previous owner's
2. Zivhei Tsedek, Hilchot Schechita U-Bedikah
Ve-Nikur Be-Lashon Ivri Gam Be-Lashon
Ashkenazi. By Rabbi Yitzhak [Baer] Ben Aryeh
Yosef Dov. Rdelheim, 1857. J. Lehrberger &
Comp printing. First edition. Hebrew text is
punctuated. The German translation in Hebrew
[4], 64 pages. Bound together with Moreh LeZovchim. Same condition.
3. Hupat Hatanim, Inyanei Kedushat HaNisu'in. Lemberg, 1865.
[59] pages. 18.5 cm. Fair condition, stains,
wear and moth holes. No binding. Ownership
4. Amirah Le-Beit Ya'akov, Ansprache an das
hous Jacob. Dinei Nidah, Hallah Ve-Hadlakah,
Le-Nashim. Rabbi Seligman Baer Bamberger.
Frankfurt am Main, 1879. German book in
Hebrew letters. Each page with green frame.
XXII, 65 pages. Front soft cover printed in
German language. 19.5 cm. Very good condition.
Thin cardboard cover.
Bibliographically unknown
Sizes: 18-20 cm, various conditions.

Opening Price: $180


- .196
, , .1
.)1863( ",) (.
. .
. , . "20.5 .'] 3[ , ,
. .
, .2
[] .
J. Lehrberger .1857 ", .
. . .& Comp
.) ("
. ". .' 64 ,]4[
1865 , . , .3
. , , . "18.5 .] 59[
. ".
. , .4
. , ,
.)1879( ", .
. (")
. "19.5 . .' XXII , 65
. .

" ,

Responsa, Novellae and Commentaries

, "
. ,"
, ' " .
[ ," .]1755 .
. " :
..." ,"--- " "
"" .' ".
[ ,]2 ]3[ , 31 ." . . .


199. Netiv Hayim , 1779

Sefer Netiv Hayim, notes and version corrections on the Shulchan Aruch Orach Hayim, by
Rabbi Netanel Weil, author of Korban Netanel,
Frth, 1779. First edition. Previous owner's
[1], 23 leaves, 20 cm. Good condition.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 131039.

$200 :

198. Korban Netan'el First


Korban Netan'el on the halachic rulings of the

Ro"sh for Seder Mo'ed and Seder Nashim. By
Rabbi Netan'el Weil, Rabbi of regions Drlach
and Baden, previously Rabbi of Schwarzwald
district. Karlsruhe, 1755. Held Printing.
Interesting illustrated title-page. Signatures
and ownership inscriptions: "Yisrael Hayim
---", "Rabbi Hertz Spitz Segal", "Rabbi Moshe
[2], 148, [3] leaves. 31 cm. Good condition, several stains. Restored damage on the last pages.
Antique, worn cardboard cover with worn
leather spine.
Opening Price: $200
| 116 2009

Opening Price: $150


.199 -1779 ,

.200 ,"

, ' , "
" . ," .1779 , .
[ 23 ,]1 20 ," . .
, .131039

' . ," .1792 ,
[ 116-130 ,]1[ ,116 ,]2 32 ,".
, . .
, .162204

$150 :

$600 :

", - .201
' ,
.1767 , ", .
.- .
. . . "25 ,] 1[ ,100 ,]2[

$200 :

201. Kli Yakar - Amstredam, 1767

Sefer Kli Yakar a commentary on the Torah
by Rabbi Shlomo Efraim Lunshitz. Amsterdam,
Several previous owners' signatures and handwritten remarks.
[2], 100, [1] leaves, 25 cm. Good condition, stained,
corners of some pages have been restored


Opening Price: $200


", - .202

200. Pri Hadash Amsterdam,

.1769 , ", .'
. . "25 , 24 ,]54 : [ 58 ,]2[
.- .


Sefer Pri Hadash a commentary of Shulchan

Aruch Yoreh De'ah, by Rabbi Hizkiyah di Silva.
Amstredam, 1792. This is one of the most
prominent commentators of the Shulchan
Aruch. Includes Spanish owners' signatures;
several glosses.
[2], 116, [1], 116-130 leaves, 32 cm.
Good condition; water stains. Old, worn and torn
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 162204.

$150 :

202. Ir Giborim Amsterdam, 1769

The book Ir Giborim sermons on the five
books of Torah, by Rabbi Shlomo Efraim
Luntshitz. Amsterdam, 1769.
[2], 58 [should be: 54], 24 leaves, 25 cm. Good
condition. The first page is slightly damaged,
water stains
Opening Price: $150
117 | ,"

Opening Price: $600


. . . "25 , 24 ,18 ,64 ,]1[ ;]1[ ,81 ,]1[

. .

$250 :

204. Ateret Rosh Amsterdam



Sefer Ateret Rosh novellae on the Masechet

Brachot and Seder Zra'im, by Rabbi Levi ben
Rabbi David of Koden. Two parts in one volume.
Amsterdam, 1766-1769. Includes charts and
geometrical diagrams.
[1], 81, [1], [1], 64, 18, 24 leaves, 25 cm. Good
condition, green paper, few stains, worn and torn
cardboard cover.
Opening Price: $250

", - .203
' , ,
.1773 , ", .
,1772 ,
1773 ,

. . . "25 , 24 ,]5[
.170573 ,
.2028 ' ,

$150 :

203. Amudei Shesh Amsterdam,


Sefer Amudei Shesh sermons by Rabbi Shlomo

Efraim Luntshitz, Amsterdam, 1773.
Actually first printed in Leiden in 1772; however it didn't sell. In 1773, in Amsterdam, the
Leiden title-page was replaced by a new one,
and several pages of introduction were also
added at the beginning of the book.
[5], 24 leaves, 25 cm. Good condition, several
stains, worn cover with tears.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, Listing 170573.
Winograd, Amsterdam no. 2028.
Opening Price: $150

, - .204



, ,
. . ' "
.1766-1769 ,"- ",

2009 | 118

.205 1817 ,
, ,
, ' " ,
' . ,".1817 ,
: (
[ 120 ,]2 35 ," . ,.

$100 :

" .
..." :
... ...
. ...
... ".
" " .
" "
" "" .'
[ ,]6 20.3 ." . . .
, ,

$180 :

205. Nahalat Azriel Horodna,


Novellae on the Bible and on Masachtot Hulim,

Avoda Zara, Nida, and Shvu'ot, by Rabbi Pinhas
ben Rabbi Azriel Ha-Levi, disciple of Rabbi
Yehonatan Eibeschutz. Horodna, 1817.
Author was born in Amsterdam and studied at
the Yeshivah of Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeschutz.
He quotes several times sayings he heard from
him. Later, he moved to Poland and served as
Rabbi there of several communities.
Owner's signature: Natan Natte Pekker (Rabbi
in Borisov and in New York).
[2],120 leaves, 35 cm. Good condition; stains.

Prague, 1756

She'elot U-Teshuvot Me'il Tzedaka. Prague,

1756. Yuda and his brother Lipman Bak
The author concealed his name, but the approbation by the Rabbis of Prague (the Noda
Bi-Yehuda and his rabbinical court) reveals
that he is the Ga'on Rabbi Yona Landsofer. The
reason for the anonymity is mentioned in the
authors introduction. He writes that many ignorant writers publish books with their names
on them, and so he agrees his writings will be
published only if his name will not be mentioned. At the end of the book is a pamphlet
of "Selections from the Books of Euclid with
illustrations and geometrical sketches.
Previous owners' signatures on the back cover
Natan Note ben Rabbi Aharon Katz from
Wetzlar in Frankfurt. Ha-Katan Moshe
Avraham [Broda?].
[6], 82 leaves. 20.3 cm. Very good condition.
Colored edges. Original leather binding, detached, spine missing. Scuffed in margins.
Opening Price: $180

.207" , ' ' '

Opening Price: $100

.206" - ,"
. , "
( .)1756 ".
" ."...
(" " )

206. Responsa Me'il Tzedakah


" , ' ' ' .- ,"-"
' :" ...
... " ...
.[ ," .]1893

[ ,]1 , 30.5 ." . . .
' :" ' " .
. . .
" .
" , | 119

. ,]1792
[] "
,)15475 , ( ",
(") "
. ,
, . "32.5 .] 1[ ,- , ,]1[
. . ,

) ' 1903( ", ."

, . "24.5X 35 . ,]2[
. .
, , ":'
, .
.) ' 1907( "
. . . "33.5 . ,]2[

$140 :

$150 :

208. Sha'arei Binah Ink-stamps

of Rabbi Yeheskel, Rabbi of

Sefer Sha'arei Bina a commentary on the

book Sha'arei Shvu'ot, assumed to be written by
the Ri"f. By Rabbi Yo'av Meltzheim ben Rabbi
Yirmiyahu Av Beit Din of Mattersdorf. Vienna,
1792, Yozef Hroshantzkya Print.
Various owners' signatures and other inscriptions. Various signatures of Rabbi Yehezkel
of Mezrich, son of Rabbi Ya'akov David of
Rabbi [Moshe] Yehezkel Biderman, Av Beit Din
of Wengrod, Vishograd (d. 1907, Otzar Harabbanim 15475) was the son of Rabbi Ya'akov
David, Rabbi of Koznitz and Vishograd, the
grandson of Rabbi Yisrael of Koznitz.
[1], 19, 19-89, [1] leaves. 32.5 cm. Good condition,
non professional restorations to title-page, signs
of wear. Red edges. Original, worn and damaged
Opening Price: $150


- .208
' "."
[",) (." " "

207. Ta'alumot Lev Responsa,

Parts II, III, IV London, 1892

Sefer Ta'alumot Lev, She'elot U-Teshuvot and

Piskei Dinim by Rabbi Eliyahu Hazan, Parts II,
III, IV. Livorno-Alexandria, 1893-1907.
Part II: She'elot U-Teshuvot from Even
Ha-Ezer Livorno, [1893]. Yisrael Kushta
[1], 76, 3 leaves. 30.5 cm. Very good condition.
New binding.
Part III: She'elot U-Teshuvot and novellae on
the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch, with
Kuntres Ma'alat Ha-Yuhasin, Igeret Shivukin,
Kuntres Ha-Shlichut, Kuntres Ha-Likutim
which contains response in short.Alexandria,
1903, Farag Hayim Mizrachi printing.
[2], 118 leaves. Wide margins 24.5x35 cm. good
condition, dry paper. Cardboard cover worn.
Part IV: She'elot U-Teshuvot, with Shmot HaGitin and Kuntres Zichron Eliyahu al Sefer
Mekach U-Mimkar Le-Rabenu Hai Ga'on.
Alexandria, 1907. Farag Hayim Mizrachi
[2], 127 leaves. 33.5 cm. Very good condition.
New binding.
Various sizes and conditions.

Opening Price: $140

2009 | 120

209. Beit Yehudah Ve-Yisrael and

Moda'ah Rabah Lemberg, 1867


210. Asaf Ha-Mazkir First

Edition Fine Copy

Sefer Asaf Ha-Mazkir, on the "Ein Ya'akov". By

Rabbi Zechariah Porto. Venice, [1675]. Bragadin
Illustrated title page. Previous owner's
Comments, remarks and references to the
books from which the source materials used in
"Ein Ya'akov" by Rabbi Ya'akov Even Chaviv are
[4], 300 pages. 21 cm. Wide margins, about 3-4
cm. Good condition. Few moth holes to margins
of last pages. Few stains. Bright parchment cover.
Opening Price: $200

121 | ,"

Two works by Rabbi Israel Lev, Rabbi of various

communities in Hungary:
1. Sefer Beit Yehudah Ve-Yisrael, containing
pilpulim on various issues. Lemberg, 1867.
[2], 52, [6] leaves, 23 cm.Good condition. The first
and last pages have holes. The last two pages are
mistakenly bound at the beginning. With critique
by Rabbi Yosef Sha'ul Natanson.The author
replied to these notes in the pamphlet Mod'a'ah
2. "Moda'ah Rabbah". Autobiography of Rabbi
Israel Loew. [Lemberg 1867]. The last page
contains the author's response to the critique
which Rabbi Natanson made to "Beit Yehudah
This booklet is very rare, not found in the
National Library.
[3] pages, 23 cm. Moth holes in the first and last
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listings 142834,


" " " " .209

1867 ,

. ." " ,
. .Bragadin .]1675 [",
, ,
" " '
. . "3-4 - . "21 . ,]4[
. .

, '
. , .
.] ["1867 ,
. . "23 ,] 6[ ,52 ,]2[
. ' .
." "
."... , " .
.]1867 , [. '

." "
. ,
. - . "23 ,] 3[
,142834 ,

$200 :

$100 :

Opening Price: $100


.212 1804 ,
' ,
. ," .1804
[ 38 ,24 ,]1 20 ," . . , .

$250 :

212. Minhat Ha-Omer Warsaw,



.211" " -
" ," ,
" " . (
) ," . ,
" " ( -
) . ," ( .)1913
[ ,]10; [ ,]2- ]1[ , 36.5 ." . .
. ,
( ,)Marghita
" .
" .

$100 :

211. Responsa by the Riza"tz

Shusburg - Margareten, 1913

She'e'lot U-Teshuvot by the Ria"tz Shusburg,

responsa and novellae. Part I Orach Hayim
and Yoreh De'ah. Rabbi Yehoshua Aharon
Tzvi (Weinberger), Av Beit Din Margareten
[Marghita, Romania] and the district. Page 101
"is a title page of the book "Binyan Yehoshua
(comments and corrections from the author's
grandson, Rabbi Mordechai Brisk). Margareten,
1913. The Yitzhak Issac Pollak Press.
[10], 100, [2], 102-117, [1] leaves. 36.5 cm. Very
good condition. Dry paper with minor foxing.
Cardboard and cloth binding, a bit scuffed.
This is the first book ever printed in Marghita
and the only book from the press of Rabbi
Y.I. Pollak. The other parts were printed 20
years later, at the printing press of Rabbi Tzvi
Opening Price: $100

| 122 2009

Sefer Minhat Ha-Omer Asirit Ha-Eifa homilies and halachic novellae by Rabbi Shimshom
Zelig Ha-Levi, Rabbi of various Polish communities. Warsaw, 1804.
[1], 24, 38 leaves, 20 cm. Good condition, few
stains, few holes. Non original cardboard cover.
Opening Price: $250

.213 - ,"
. .
. ," ( .)1927 .
" ...'
" " " " " .
" ,

" ' ".
"' " ,
" .
434' 26 ." . .
. .

$150 :

213. Meshech Hochmah - Riga,


Sefer Meshech Hochmah on the Torah by Rabbi

Meir Simchah Cohen of Dvinsk. Riga, 1927. Eli
Levin printing.
"Brought to print and published with supervision of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Duber Zak,
Av Beit Din Riga". First edition of the book
which was printed by the Rabbi of Riga, who
received the manuscript for printing from the
author prior to his passing away in Riga in
Previous owners' signature of Yesha'yahu
Goldschmidt, born in Dvinsk, who later served
as Av Beit Din in Tel Aviv.
434 pages. 26 cm. Good condition. Stains and
minor moth holes to margins. Oeiginal cloth
binding slightly torn.

123 | ,"

Opening Price: $150

214. Jerusalem Memoirs from 1868


Manuscript by Rabbi Elazar

Landa of Slonim, grandson of the
Vilna Gaon

"Seder Nesi'ati Le-Eretz Ha-Kodesh" an interesting journal written by Rabbi Elazar Landa
of Slonim, grandson of the Vilna Gaon, after
he arrived in the Holy Land. Jerusalem, 1868.
Written in his handwriting; part of a letter.
This letter reveals aspects of Jerusalem of those
days, most of which are unknown from other
sources, and offers a rare view of the history of
Rabbi Landa describes his arrival in Jerusalem,
and tearing his garments at the sight of the
Temple Mount and the holy sites lying in ruins.
"I was greeted by the important people of
Jerusalem such as Rabbi Shmuel Salant, Rabbi
Aharon Moshe of Slonim, Rabbi Meir Lutziner
of Minsk and Rabbi Daniel of Horodna, and
Rabbi Yoshe Buneh of Slonim".
He tells about his findings in Jerusalem; that he
visited the "Menahem Zion" synagogue, where
the customs of the Vilna Ga'on were followed,
and where he started to give a regular Torah
class; about the constant prayers at the Western
Wall ("like in Vilna, where there are people
praying all day, and G-d's Name is sanctified
every moment"); he also describes the journey
and the ports of entry to Eretz Israel, about the
Turkish bath, the mikveh, and the archeological findings in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Elazar Landa (1818-1874) was the son of
Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe of Slonim (1780-1849),
son of Rabbi Avraham, son of the Vilna Ga'on.
The name Landa comes from his mother's
family. He was involved in printing the writings of the Vilna Ga'on. He came to Eretz Israel
in 1868 and arrived in Jerusalem before Rosh
Hashana (as told in the letter). He remarried in
Jerusalem, his son, Rabbi Eliyahu Landa was

The Vilna Gaon

" - )1868(


. " .
". "
, ,
, . . "34.5
. .

$1200 :
orphaned at the age of six months (see about
him in item 460)
One leaf 34.5 cm. Written on both sides. Very
good condition, filing holes and few moth holes.
Opening Price: $1200

- "" "
, "
.]1868 [", .
" .
' ,
' ' ,
." '
" ." " " "
." "
... " ."
. , ,
, ."
,)"- ("
",)"- ("
2009 | 124

215. A Missive sent by Rabbi

. ", -

Israel of Shklov to the Ten Tribes

Amsterdam 1831. Signed by the
Rabbi of Wrzburg
A missive sent from the Ashkenazi Rabbis in
Eretz Israel to the "sons of Moshe Rabeinu
and the ten tribes" edited by "The Rabbi great
in both the hidden and revealed Torah, Rabbi
Isreal, author of Taklin Hadtin, leader of the
Prushim community in Safed". (Amsterdam
after 1830].
Printed by "Pkidei Ve-Amarkalei Arei HaKodesh She-Be-Amsterdam. This missive to
the ten tribes was sent by the messenger Rabbi
Baruch Ben Rabbi Shmuel, who was killed in
Signed by Rabbi Yitzhak Dov Ha-Levi
Bamberger, Av Beit Din of Wrzburg, Germany.
Author of Yad Ha-Levi, Melechet Shamayim,
Neti'a shel Simha" and other books. (1808-1879.
Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 11282). Among the Torah
giants in the generation of Rabbi Shimshon
Rafael Hirsch and the K'tav Sofer.
4 leaves. Printed without title-page. 19 cm, good
condition, color printed soft cover.
Regarding this historic letter, see: A Ya'ari,
Messengers from Israel to the Ten Tribes
Sinai, 6, 1940, pages 348-352.
Opening Price: $1000

125 | "


, " ,

, ," "
, [. " , "
.]1830 "

. ' "
," " . " " ,"
- (". ," " ,""
, .)11282 ."
."" "
. . "19 . .
, ' :
' , ", , -

$1000 :

216. Five Books of Torah

Dubrovna, 1804

Five Books of Torah with various commentaries,

including three "new" commentaries: "Aderet
Eliyahu" by the Vilna Ga'on, and two commentaries on the Mesorah: "Menorat Shlomo" and
"Minhat Kalil" by Rabbi Uri Shraga Feivush
ben Rabbi Shlomo Zalman, Rabbi of Dubrovna.
Two volumes, Dubrovna, 1804.
This is the first edition of the Vilna Ga'on's
commentary on the Torah and includes his
sons' introductions. Ink stamps: Yeshivat Torat
Hayim, Jerusalem (Old City).
Volume A: Bereshit, Shmot. [2], 68; 54, 16 leaves.
Volume B: Va-Yikra-Devarim. [1], 46; 51; 54
pages, both 41 cm.
Good condition; title pages and some of the pages
have minor damages and holes restored.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 398819.

217. Sifra Ditzni'uta Warsaw,

1820 London, 1892

Chapter of the Zohar with extensive commentary by Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna. Vilna and
Horodna, 1820.
Includes long introduction by Rabbi Haim of
Volozhin, the foremost disciple of the Vilna
Ga'on. This introduction is of particular importance to the Vilna Ga'on's biography.
[6], 59, [3] pages, 21 cm. Good condition; stains.
Some damage, no omission to text, corners are
creased and torn. Worn and torn cardboard
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 177999.
Winograd, Books of the Vilna Ga'on, no. 696.
Opening Price: $600

Opening Price: $4000


1820 , .217
' ,
.1820 , ", .
, ' '
. "
. , . "21 ,] 3[ ,59 ,]6[
. ,
.177999 ,
.696 ' " ,

$600 :

, .216
," " " :
," " " " :
", ' "
.1804 , ", , .
, "
: . "
.) ( ,
16 ,54 ;68 ,]2[ .- :'
. "41 , 54 ;51 ;46 ,]1[ .- :'
. ,
.308819 ,

$4000 :
2009 | 126

" .219

, .218

, " "
, -
' " .'
.1834 , ", .
, .
,)S. HIRSCH( "
,)' (" "
. . "22 , 31 ,]7[
.110348 ,
.862 ' " ,

, ,
' . ' ,
.1833 , ". "
- . . "17 ,] 2[ ,24 ,]2[
.- .
.110363 ,
.866 ' " ,

$600 :

218. Dikduk Eliyahu Vilna and

Horodna, 1833

$1200 :


219. Ayil Meshulash Stamp of

Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch

Sefer Ayil Meshulash, written by the Vilna

Ga'on, on geometry and algebra.
Edited by Rabbi Shmuel ben Rabbi Yosef of
Luknik. Vilna and Horodna, 1834. This is one
of the very few writings of the Vilna Ga'on that
were found in his own handwriting. Single edition; many diagrams.
On title page an ink stamp of Rabbi Shimshon
Rafael Hirsch (1808-1889).
[7], 31 pages, 22 cm. Very good condition.
Cardboard cover with tears.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 110348.
Winograd, Books of the Vilna Ga'on no. 862.

Opening Price: $600

Opening Price: $1200

127 | "

Dikduk Eliyahu rules of grammar, punctuation and cantillation notes, by Rabbi Eliyahu
of Vilna. Includes commentary by Rabbi Zvi
Hirsh Ben Rabbi Manahem Nahum. Vilna and
Horodna, 1833.
First edition; the editions which followed included only part of the book.
[2], 24 [2] leaves, 17 cm. Good condition; some
pages have restored moth holes. Half-leather
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 110363.
Winograd, Books of the Vilna Ga'on no. 866.

.682 ' " ,

. ' ", ", ",

$1000 :

220. Sefer Yetzira Horodna



1882 , - .221
, , ' ,'
. ', ' ,
.1882 , ",
' .
. ,'
. . . . "33 ,' 292 ,18 ,]2[

$180 :

221. Hut Ha-Meshulash Vilna,


"Hut Ha-Meshulash" Responsa by Rabbi Hayim

of Volozhin, written by his son-in-law Rabbi
Hillel Fried, Rabbi of Horodna, and by his
grandson, Rabbi Eliezer Yitzhak Fried, head of
the Volozhin Yeshivah. Vilna, 1882.
First edition. This is Rabbi Hayim of Volozhin's
only halachic work; Rabbi Hayim was the foremost disciple of the Vilna Ga'on.
[2], 18, 292 pages, 33 cm. Two title pages. Good
condition. Stained. New cardboard cover.
Opening Price: $180

Sefer Yetzira with five commentaries. In this

edition the commentary of the Vilna Ga'on was
first published. Printed by Rabbi Menachem
Mendel of Shklov, student of the Vilna Ga'on.
Horodna, 1806.
This is the first Kabbalistic writing of the Vilna
Ga'on ever printed. Rabbi Menachem Mendel
of Shklov later came to Eretz Israel and established the Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem.
On the margins of the first pages, there is one
word inscribed on each page, altogether reading "belongs to Rabbi Avraham Ashkenazi, son
of Mahara"m Ashkenazi"; this is probably
Rabbi Avraham Ashkenazi son of Rabbi Meir,
author of Birkat Avraham, Brit Avraham and
more see enclosed material.
12, [2], 16, [1], 19-40, [1], 41-42, [30] leaves, 21
Good condition, title-page is damaged at margins
no omission to text; restored. Some of the pages
bear few tiny moth holes. Half-leather cover.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 154971.
Winograd, Books of the Vilna Ga'on no. 682.
Yosef Avivi, Kabalat HaGr"a, Jerusalem 1993,
page 14.
Opening Price: $1000


- .220
.) ' ("
, ' -
.1806 , ", ."
' . "
- -
' " ..." ,)
' ," ..."
, , '
. ,
. "21 ,] 30[ ,41-42 ,]1[ ,19-40 ,]1[ ,16 ,]2[ ,12
, , .
. - .
.154971 ,
2009 | 128

", ,
. ' , ,)(
.1886 , ", . '
' , ' :
; 1896 , ", ,-
, ", ,- ' ,
. . . "22 ,' 90
.110354 ,

$150 :

222. Be'urei Agadot La-Talmud by


the Vilna Ga'on Warsaw, 1886


223. Aderet Eliyahu Al Ha-Torah

, .223

Aderet Eliyahu, commentary on the Torah by

Rabbi Eliyahu of Vilna. With two explanations
by his son Rabbi Avraham and the Kabbalist
Yitzhak Eisik Heber. Two parts in one volume.
Warsaw, 1887.
Revised and completed edition of Ha-Gra's
commentary on the Torah.
Part 1: 54; 32;90;128, [2] pages.
Part 2: 258, [2] pages. Title of part 2 missing.
Good condition, stains.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 176792.
Winograd, Books of the Vilna Ga'on, no. 4.

. ' ,
' '
, . .
.1887 ,"
. "
.'] 2[ ,128 ;90 ;32 ;54 :'
. ' .'] 2[ ,258 :'
. ,
.176792 ,
.4 ' " ,

- Warsaw, 1887

Opening Price: $200

129 | "

$200 :

Commentary on Agadot in Tractates Brachot,

Bava Kama, Megilla and more, by way of mysticism, by Rabi Eliyahu of Vilna. With commentary by his son Rabbi Menachem. Warsaw,
Bound with: Kuntres Rabbi Hayim Yonah, by
Rabbi Haim Yonah Te'omim Frankel, Piotrikov,
1896; and Shelshelet Ha-Kabala by Rabbi
Gedalyah Ibn Yihya, Warsaw, 1881.
90 pages, 22 cm. Good condition, non-original
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 110354.
Opening Price: $150


- !

, . ,
. . .] " ,30-[
. . "29 ,
27 ( .1409 ' " ,

$100 :


224. Igeret Ha-Kodesh Ha-Gra's

Ketiva Le-Mikra Ve-Peshareiha Lehivada!
Printed missive by Rabbi Pesach Ha-Cohen
Finfer regarding a written riddle that Ha-Gra
of Vilna left his sons to be opened 70 years after
his death. Rabbi Pesach tries to find the solution to the missive's contents. Jerusalem. [early
1930s]. P. Anav printing.
Printed page, 29 cm. Very good condition.
Winograd - Books of the Vilna Ga'on, no. 1409.
Opening Price: $100

2009 | 130

225. Le-Zecher Le-Yisrael Al

Pirke Avot - by the Founder of the

Volozhyn Yeshivah, with Rare
Pages Containing the Regulations
of the Yeshivah
Le-Zecher Le-Yisrael, on Pirke Avot and Shas
novellae. By Rabbi Yechiel Michl Ben Rabbi Zvi
Hirsch. Vilna and Horodna, 1833. Mehahem
Mann and Simcha Zimmel print. On verso of
title page is a censor's stamp and a handwritten
signature in Russian.
The author was a disciple of Rabbi Hayim of
Volozhyn, and was the founder of his Rabbi's
Yeshivah in Volozhyn where he taught for seven
years. Later he founded a Yeshivah in Minsk of
which he tells in the book's preface.
This copy has 4 additional rare pages,
"Mishmeret Le-Zichron Ha-Mitnadvim" which
were added to some of the copies. On these
pages are the regulations of the Yeshivah in
Minsk; a correspondence of Minsk Rabbis and
Rabbi Itzele of Volozhyn regarding the Minsk
Yeshivah; a letter by Rabbi Hillel of Horodna,
son in law of Rabbi Hayim of Volozhyn and
lists of donors to the Yeshivah from Lithuanian
[4], [4], 36 leaves. 21.5 cm. Fair condition.
Quality paper with stains and moth holes. Tears
to title page with no loss of text. Cardboard binding with marble paper and leather spine, slightly
Very rare, especially with the extra 4 pages,
which were recorded in the Mif'al Ha-bibliografia CD, item 0151216 from a private copy and
in the Winograd & Rosenfeld CD, item 39070
from a copy sold in auction.
Opening Price: $250

131 | "

, '

. ",
, ", . "
. .1833
. "
, '
, '
( ,
" " ,"
" "
, " .)""
" , 4
. ,"
' '
. . "21.5 . ; ,]4[ ,]4[
. .
. ,
, ,
. " 39070

$250 :



226. Letter by the Allepo Sages in

Buenos Aires to Rabbi Hayim Ozer

Original copy of letter sent in 1928 from

Rabbi Ya'akov Avraham Sithon, of the Rabbis
of the Allepo (Aram Tzova) congregation in
Argentina to Rabbi Hayim Ozer Grodzinsky in
Vilna. In the letter the writers detail an argument between the congregation's rabbis regarding the children's education in Hevrat Talmud
Torah "Yesodei Ha-Dat". They ask Rabbi Hayim
Ozer to rule between them.
A very important document on the history of
the community in Argentina and the history of
Jewish education in Aram Tzova.
The argument is on whether to keep the old
method which was used in Syria of studying the
Torah and its cantillations by way of repetition,
or use a new method of studying through understanding, and teaching Hebrew in Hebrew,
as taught in the Sefaradi Talmud Torahs in
Jerusalem, that belong to Agudat Israel, and by
the teachers sent from Jerusalem.


The senders also attached to their letter a copy

of a poignant letter by Rabbi Shaul David
Sithon, Chief Rabbi of Buenos Aires, in which
he states he disapproves of changing the teaching method.
4 leaves typewritten on carbon paper. 28.5 cm.
Fair condition. Thin paper with moth damage, loss
and tears to margins, professionally restored.
Rabbi Shaul David Sithon, author of Responsa
"Dvar Shaul" (Jerusalem, 1929). Born 1851 in
Aram Tzova. Arrived in Argentina in 1912.
Passed away 1930. His conservative attitudes
and rulings forbidding conversion to Judaism
in Argentina and avoiding accepting any converts to the community kept the Allepo congregation from the assimilation which affected all
other Jewish communities in Argentina.
For more on this argument see additional
Opening Price: $240

]1928[ "

,( )

" ." "

. ,

" "
" "

. ,
. "28.5 . 4
, .
. ,
" " "
". " ,)( "
. ",

( ",
.)- " " " '

$240 :
2009 | 132

.227 -

227. Public Appeal Regarding

" ,
" . ," (.)1923

" ..." : "
" [=] ' "

" , .
0200998 '
" , "
" , , " ' ,41-44
: ,
. " "" " .
, ".
3 , 32.5 ." . ,
. .

Public appeal regarding Shmitah, against solving the problems of Mitzvat Shmitah by selling
the land to non-Jews. London, 1923. Edition in
lithographic print.
This edition was printed in London 1923
and was sent to representatives of the First
Convention of Agudat Israel. In the third edition which was published in Jerusalem before
the Sh'mita of 1931, the author writes that there
were 200 copies of this first edition but they
were either not distributed, or simply lost.
A different edition was printed in Jerusalem
circa 1928 without the author's name, see
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 0200998.
Also see A. Shisha's article "Examination of
the Identity of the author of the Public Appeal
Regarding the Shmitah", Ha-Ma'ayan, Year 28,
pages 41-44, in which he reveals that the author
was Rabbi Shraga Meir Lazarovitz of London,
based on a note by of his good friend Rabbi Zvi
Hirsch Farber.
The author, Rabbi Shraga Feivel Lazarovitz was
born in Kelm, served as Rabbi of Hevrat Shas
in London from approx 1890. In his old age he
moved to Jerusalem where he passed away in
3 pages, lithographic print. 32.5 cm. Fair condition, worn folds and edges, stains.
Rare. A remnant from the 200 edition which wasnearly all lost. See enclosed material.

$250 :

Shmitah Lost Edition

Opening Price: $250


.228 , -
, .
"" .[ ,",
,]1922 .
" - -
, ...
" . " ,
" " ".
31X45 ," . .
" ( , ,)5919
" . ".
" ." .
" .
"( . " :" "
' ;147-151'
' .)355-358

$100 :
| 133


. "
.389 ' 2008 ,(
" "
] "1900[
" " ...

$100 :


229. Missive from Yeshivat Mir

Regarding Charity Boxes Polemic

Printed polemic missive. Letters to Rabbis and
prominent Jews in England. [Mir?], Rosh HaShana eve, 1900.
Letter from Rabbi Eliyahu Baruch (Kamai),
head of the Yeshivah, in which he tells about an
emissary from Palestine who came and broke
the charity boxes and took the money from
them. Another letter is from the Rabbi of the
city, Ha-Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu David Rabinovitch
Teomim (Ha-Aderet) who regards the acts of
these Palestine emissaries as theft.
Single page, 28.5 cm. Fair condition, folding marks. Small tears and wear to folds and
Many articles were written on the charity
boxes polemic between Yeshivat Mir and the
Gaba'im of the Rabbi Meir Ba'al Ha-Nes charity
organization. The latter claimed that only they
have the right to place charity boxes in overseas

228. Igeret Shalom Ve-Emet,

Reply to Anti-Zionists - Bardiov,

Igeret Shalom Ve-Emet, proclamation by Rabbi
Hayim Brody of Prague. Letter to "Ha-Mizrachi"
in Bardiov. Bardiov [1922]. Bleyer print.
A reply to the Anti-Zionists who are inciting
against Zionists and defamating them and the
Zionist Organisation.
Single page, 31x45 cm. Very good condition.
Rabbi Dr. Hayim Brody (Otzar Ha-Rabanim
5919), Chief Rabbi of Prague and president
of the Mizrachi in the Czech Republic. Born
in Ungvar in 1868. Son of the daughter of
Rabbi Shlomo Ganzfried, author of Kitzur
Shulchan Aruch. Famous researcher of antique
manuscripts and middle ages poetry. In 1934
emigrated to Jerusalem and was manager of the
Institute for the Research of Poetry, established
by Salman Schocken. Passed away in Jerusalem
in 1942.
Opening Price: $100



communities. (See in Kedem's Catalog No. 2,

November 2008, item no. 389 - Letter of Rabbi
Eliyahu Baruch Kamai sent in 1900 to Rabbi
Shmuel Salant. Rabbi Kamai writes against the
emissary (Shada"r), who "travels in England
and destroys charity boxes" the above letter
of Rabbi Shmuel Salant in this proclamation is
a continuation of the same correspondence).
Opening Price: $100

",]? [.
..." : ' ()
" "
." '
,) ' ("
... ....
" :" "
. , . "28.5
2009 | 134



" "

.1 ,
"-" .
. ,' " (.)1920
7 .' 22 ." . ,
.2 " ...
' " " . ,
" .( , ,20-" ).
2 ,' 27.5X40 ," . .
( ).
. .
" , " , .

" "
' ] .
" " " "
" " .[ ," .]1965
.1 " -
" "
." ...
" .2 " " "
" "...
.3 " ,
" .4 ,
' "
" .5 ' "...
"" . ( ) '
" ' ?."...
" .

$180 :
condition. Small tears to lower margins. Sticker
paper mounted on center of proclamation's second
page prior to printing (with printing on it).
Very rare. There are several versions of this
proclamation. Apparently this one is not
About this polemic see more in book "Da'at HaRabanim Milchemet Mitzvah", Warsaw 1920,
and enclosed material.

Opening Price: $180


230. Ha-Rav Kook Two

Publications regarding Women

Participating in Elections
2 Publications concerning the worldwide controversy regarding participation of women in
elections for the "Assefat Ha-Nivcharim" of the
Jewish population in Eretz Israel during early
period of the British Mandate.
1. "A general reply to many who ask me regarding participation of women in the elections for
the "Assefat Ha-Nivcharim"". Rabbi Avraham
Yitzhak Ha-Cohen Kook. Jerusalem, 1920.
Salomon printing.
Booklet, 7 pages. 22 cm. Fair condition, dry paper
with crumbling margins without damages to
2. Decision of the Council of the Rabbis of
Eretz Israel held in Jerusalem in Nisan 1920.
Proclamation containing a letter by Ha-Rav
Kook, and a list of the Rabbis who participated
in the general meeting of Palestine Rabbis.
Jerusalem, (early 1920s).
Proclamation, 2 pages. 27.5x40 cm. Very good

$150 :

231. Proclamations regarding

the Marriage of Rabbi Amram
Blau to a Proselyte Woman

Collection of proclamations and broadsides

regarding the marriage of Rabbi Amram Blau,
head of the Neturei Karta sect in Jerusalem,
with the proselyte Ruth Ben David [who was
| 135

.] -
, . "14 .] 33[
, .

- , ,
.3 ' ,2118 ' ,CB ,
,; 1750 ' ,342 ' , , -
.463 '

$100 :

232. Collection of Arguments

Polemic about Christianity and


1828 ,
, ,
.]1828 , ", [.
, :
. ,
, .106686 ,
536-540 ' , ",- ,' , "
.176 ' , .
- . , . "21 , 50 ,]4[

$200 :

Collection of arguments, "Igeret ogeret ".

[Breslau], [1844].
Soft cover with title page on it. On last page
"Words of the proofreader" who mentions the
publisher, "Melo Hofnayim" and one of those
who love me in Brody. [the Proofreader is
named Geiger, the publisher Melo Hofnayim
are Geiger and Avraham Ginzburg, and the
Brody person is Yehoshua Heschil Shor all of
them are famous Maskilim].
[33] leaves with cover. 14 cm. Good condition with
slight staining. Fine new cover with color paper,
leather spine and gold letters.
Editor's name, printing place and year according to Moses Steinschneider, CB, page 2118,
no. 3. Publisher's name according to Rozental,
Yode'a Sefer, page 342, no. 1750; Rust, page
Opening Price: $100

involved in the Yossele Shuchmacher affair].

This marriage was the cause of a unfortunate
argument which resulted in the breakaway of
the Neturei Karta from the "Eda Haredit" community of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, [1965].
1. Broadside "We vehemently protest against
those who because of their position regarding
Rabbi Blau who married the convert were about
to lose all the vestiges of their Judaism"
2. Announcement of the Admor of Stropkov,
who explained, in his Beit Midrash before the
reading of the Torah, that there was nothing
wrong with the action of Rabbi Amram Blau.
3. A comic broadside against "Don Yosef
Shameberger, Cardinal and chief inquisitor of
the Inquisition".
4. "An open letter to members of the Neturei
Karta sect in Jerusalem, who were opposed to
the match between the tzaddik Rabbi Amram
Blau and the modest and righteous woman
Ruth, the convert".
5. "An open letter to Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak
Kahn of Toldot Aharon 'why do you include
yourself among those who pursue Rabbi Blau?...
It is up to the Hassidim to decide to whom they
belong. From the Neturei Karta of America."
Various sizes and conditions.

Opening Price: $150

- .232

... ... " ,

[",] [."...
." ' " .-
, " , [ .
" " ,
2009 | 136


1891 , .234

- / .235

" , ,
.1905 ", ."
Gutachten Rabbinen aller Laender ueber
Exhumierung und Aschenurnen-Beisetzung
auf juedischen Friedhfen. Herausgegeben von
Oberrabbiner D. M. Lerner...
," " ,
8 . " , "
1[ .' 133 .' XXIV ,] ,[
, . "22.5 .' 8 ;]
. ,
. " "
" "
" " "
137 |

.1891 , ",
, . ,

. . "34 ,'] 4[
.333804 ,


233. Yeshu'ot Meshicho by Rabbi

Yitzhak Abarbanel Sudilkov,

Polemic booklet against the Rabbis and ritual

slaughterers in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 1891.
The main body of the pamphlet consist of two
letters written by an anonymous author, to
the Rabbis of Jerusalem. In his opinion, the
Ashkenazi slaughtering of animals in Jerusalem
was not being done according to Halachah.
Very rare!
[4] pages, 34 cm. Very good condition.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 333804.

Sefer Yeshu'ot Meshicho an essay regarding

the Messiah, reply and polemic against the
claims of the Christians. [Sudilkov, 1828]. First
edition. The actual place and date of printing
have been concealed due to the book's content
it could not be printed openly in Russia.
Numerous opinions have been expressed regarding the place of print: Karlsruhe, Tarnopol,
Ostraha. See a description of the book in the
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 106686.
Haim Lieberman, in his book Ohel Rachel, C,
NY, 1984, pages 536-540 determines that it was
printed in Sudilkov. Winograd, Ostraha no.
[4], 50 leaves, 21 cm. Good condition, water
stains. Unoriginal mock-leather cover.

Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $200

$100 :

234. Lamnatze'ah Al Yonat Elem

Jerusalem, 1891

236. Da'at Kedoschim / Psak

.)1904 " " ( "

" "
," " ,
, " :
." ...


1. Sefer Da'at Kedoschim. History of the

Eisenstadt, Bacharach, Ginzburg, Halperin,
Horovitz, Minz, Friedland, Kazenelboygen,
Rappaport and Rokach families. Peterburg
1897-1898. Bermann printing.
One of the most sought after books in Jewish
genealogy. Family geneologies, last wills, eulogies Title pages in Hebrew, Russian and
Another book is bound at the end, with separate title page:
2. Psak Ha-Herem, of Rabbi Ya'akov Pollak
against Rabbi Aviyah Mintz. By the copyist
Shmuel Wiener. Peterburg, 1897. Bermann
About the polemic against Rabbi Avraham Ben
Rabbi Yehudah Mintz, Av Beit Din of Padova,
for backing the excommunicated Emanuel
Nortzi of Ferrara in 1520 [With memories
of Rabbi Ya'akov Pollak and his stay in Prague,
Cracow and Lublin].
[6], 245, [1]; 80; 86, [1] pages. 20.3 cm. Good
condition, dry paper. Cardboard and cloth cover
somewhat worn.
Opening Price: $100

" , .237
" ,
" [] "."
, . " ,"
. . .1888 ,"
" "
" " "
," "
" "

$100 :

235. Chayei Olam / Kuntres Shtei


/ .236
, , , , , ,
, . , ,
. .1898-1897 ,"-"
, ,
.1659 ' " ",
, .2
, . ."
. .1897 "
" "
.]1520[ "
' . , ' . ,
[ .
, . "20.3 .'] 1[ ,86 ;80 ;]1[ ,245 ,]6[
. .

$100 :

Teshuvot - on a Polemic Regarding

Graves in Altona
Chayei Olam, Part I, tetters of prominent Rabbis
from our generation regarding exhumation of
the dead and burial of their ashes. From Rabbi
Meir Lerner, Av Beit Din of Altona. Berlin,
1905. Zvi Hirsch Itskovski printing.
"Gutachten Rabbinen aller Laender ueber
Exhumierung und Aschenurnen-beisetzung
auf juedischen Friedhofen. Herausgegeben von
Oberrabbiner D. M. Lerner..."
Attached at its end, "Kuntres Shtei Teshuvot",
published in Cracow in 1903 by Rabbi Lerner. 8
pages printed without title page. [Front soft cover,
title page], XXIV pages. 133 pages. [1 German
title page]; 8 pages. 22.5 cm. Excellent condition,
cardboard cover with cloth spine and corners,
slightly damaged.
In 1903 arose in Altona the problem of the
exhumation of graves for the purpose of roadbuilding. Rabbi Lerner published his pamphlet
"Shtei Teshuvot" on this matter and sent it to
many Rabbis. Rabbi Hanokh Ehrentre of
Munich printed against it a pamphlet called
"Heker Halacha" (Munich 1904).
The book "Chayei Olam" in which Rabbi Lerner
printed the Rabbi's answers, is a reply to the
polemic of the "Heker Halacha".
Opening Price: $100
2009 | 138

237. Petil Tchelet by the Admor

of Radzin



- " " .
", . . .
. ' ' .1935
24X17.5 . , "22X16 .'] 1[ ,111
. , ."

$100 :

238. Be-Dor Yored Polemic

within the Sefaradi Community in

Be-Dor Yored, collection of articles on questions of the time within the Sefaradi community in Jerusalem. Published by a group
of activists with the help and support of Y. N.
Mizrachi. Jerusalem, 1935. Refael Hayim HaCohen printing.
111, [1] pages. 22x16 cm, rectangular. Printed
on soft cover 24x17.5 cm. Very good condition,
creases to cover.
Opening Price: $100
139 |

Ma'amar Petil Tchelet, a second part of the

article "Sfunei Tmunei Hol". By the Admor of
Radzin Rabbi Gershon Hanoch [Leiner], "Ba'al
Ha-Tchelet", son of the Admor Rabbi Ya'akov
of Izbitza. Warsaw, 1888. Hayim Kelter print.
First edition.
The Tchelet Polemic which shook the Rabbinical
world started when Rabbi Gershon Hanoch
published in 1887 an article named "
"in which he announced he had found the
snail used for dyeing the "Tchelet" and from now
on all Jews must fulfill the Mitzvah of "Tchelet"
in the Tsitsit. This article caused a harsh polemic
in the Rabbinical world. Many Rabbis expressed
their objections in writing. Some of them doubted the identification snail he had found, while
others argued "We do not have the authority to
renew the Tchelet Mitzvah". Heading the objection were the greatest Rabbis of his time - Rabbi
Yitzhak Elchanan of Kovno, Rabbi Yehoshua of
Kutna and the "Beit Ha-Levi". In 1888 Rabbi
Gershon Hanoch published a second article on
the matter, entitled "Ptil Tchelet", in which he
argues with great proficiency with those who
doubted the identification of the snail he found,
and with those who objected to the renewal of
the Tchelet Mitzvah for halachic reasons. This
second article neither convince many of his opponents. Rabbi Gershon Hanoch pregared for
print a third article entitled "Ein Ha-Tchelet",
which was published in 1892, after his demise
in 1891.
88 leaves, [1 errata]. 18.5 cm. Good condition,
restored defects to margins of last page with no
damage to text. Brittle paper. New binding.
Opening Price: $120


, .

." "
", " ."
," "
," "
. " "
, . "18.5 .] 1[ ,

. . .

$120 :

239. Chart of Verb- Unknown
Title Page

Luchot Ha-Pe'alim Im Mishkalei Ha-Shemot

[by Yehudah Leib Ben Ze'ev]. Karlsruhe, 1837.
Front title page has blank frame without writing. Title page with writing appears on verso of
last page (as in foreign language books), while
the whole book is in Hebrew.
[1], 48, [1] pages. 22 cm. Very good condition.
Foregin language scribblings and signatures.
Original cardboard binding with leather spine.
Rubbing and minor bumps to cover.
Special copy! Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item
0177140, and the Winograd-Rosenfeld CD
record only [1], 48 pages, and don't mention the
two title pages.


[ ] . ," (.)1837
( , ),
[ ]1[ ,48 ,]1' 22 ." . .
. .
,0177140 [,]1
48' , .

$150 :
| 140 2009


Opening Price: $150

, ,
, " "
" "" [
"" ] .[ ," .]1881

. ,
. "
" "" .
[ I-IV, [5]-12; [2], [13]-34; [1], [13]-40,]1'[ , ].

21" . ,
. .


( .0144632 ).
"" ,
" " " , -
' " , " ' '; " ,
" " ' (' 177 )

$180 :

", - .241
" ,
.]1709 [", .
, , , . "13.3 .
. .

$100 :

241. Shevet Yehudah

Amsterdam, 1709

242. Sefer Tagin U-Midrash

Katzar Paris, 1866

"Sepher Taghin, Liber Coronularum", by Rabbi

Shem Tov Ben Avraham Even Gaon. And a
short homily by Rabbi Akiva about Ha-Tagin..
From a manuscript from the Yozsel Ginzburg
library, by Rabbi Sshneur Zaksh and Rabbi Dov
Beer Goldberg. Paris, 1866.
[3] leaves, 41, [1], 28, [1], 29-41, [1], 42-55, [1]
pages; [2] leaves; XXXI pages. 17 cm. Very good
condition. Old black binding. Title pages and half
title pages are in Hebrew and French.
Opening Price: $100

- / ".243
" , ".1
" [.
,) (.] "
. .)1936( "
, . "21.5 . ,''
141 |

Shevet Yehudah, written by Rabbi Shlomo ben

Virga. It tells of numerous terrible tragedies that
the Jews have been through all over the world.
Amsterdam, [1709]. Shlomo Proops Print.
64 leaves, 13.3 cm. Good condition, stains, wear
and tear particularly to margins, professional
reinforcement to margins of title page. Leather
binding slightly scuffed.

240. Etz Pri - by Rabbi Yisrael of


Ma'amar Etz Pri, for strengthening the support

of those studying the Torah, articles by Rabbi
Yisrael of Salant, Rabbi Yitzhak Elchanan and
Rabbi Alexander Moshe Lapidot, with a preface
by the Chafetz Chaim and article an introduction by the publisher [Rabbi Natan Zvi Finkel
- the "Grandfather" from Slabodka]. Vilna,
[1881]. Yehudah Leib Metz printers.
First edition of an important book which was
printed many times.
[1], I-IV, [5]-12; [2], [13]-34; [1], [13]-40 leaves,
[blank page]. 21 cm. Food condition, minor moth
holes, and moth damage to blank page at end.
New binding.
This edition has several versions. This copy
resembles the third version mentioned in the
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item 0144632. See
additional materials.
Opening Price: $180

Opening Price: $100

", - .242
Sepher Taghin, Liber .
, " .Coronularum
", ." ' " '
;] 2[ ;'] 1[ ,55-42 ,]1[ ,41-29 ,]1[ ,28 ,]1[ ,41 ,] 3[
. . . "17 .' XXXI

$100 :


243. Avedat Ha-Pera"ch / Moed

Kol Chai Eulogies and Yohrtzait

laws, Hungary


", - , .244
, ,
.]1777 [", . ."
." "
. . . "19.5 . ,]2[
. ,

$120 :

244. Tefteh Aruch, Eden Aruch

Metz, 1777

Sefer Tefteh Aruch and Sefer Eden Aruch,

Musar by way of a poem, by Mahara"m Zakut.
With Yiddish translation. Metz, [1777]. Getshlik
Speyer Segal printing.
With approbation of the "Sha'agat Aryeh".
Antique signatures and inscriptions by previous owners.
[2], 72 leaves. 19.5 cm. Good condition. Slight
foxing. Original cardboard cover with leather
spine damaged.
Opening Price: $120

1. Kuntres Avedat Ha-Pera"ch, eulogy for the

Admor of Kalov, Rabbi Pinchas Hayim Toib
of Razdal. By I"sh Shalom [His grandson is
Rabbi Shalom Ben Rabbi Yehudah Yechiel].
Margareten, 1936. Moskovitsch printing.
20 pages, without original cover. 21.5 cm. Fair
condition, dry paper with stains, flaws to margins, pages cut close to text. New cover.
2. Sefer Moed Kol Chai, Yohrtzait laws, their
rules and details. Rabbi Yosef Ha-Cohen
Schwartz Kisvarda, 1925. Avraham Yitzhak
Klein printing.
Approbations and Teshuvot from many Rabbis
of Hungary and Poland (among them: Rabbi
Mordechai Leib Winkler, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman
Ehrenreich, Rabbi Yesha'ayahu Zilberstein of
Weitzen, Rabbi Avraham Binyamin Kluger,
Rabbi Yosef Leib Sofer, Rabbi Natan Levin of
Reisha, Rabbi Zvi Yehezkel Michlson of Plonsk,
Rabbi Kopel Reich, father-in-law of the author,
Rabbi Eliezer Hayim Deitsch, etc).
At page 30-31 eulogy of author's father, Rabbi
Naftali Schwartz dated 1896.
7, [1], 40 pages. 22 cm. Fair condition, dry paper
with slight flaws to margins, on page 18 a cut to
edge of the text. New cover.

. , ,

. , .2
" ,
.)1925( ",Kisvarda ."

, , :(
, '
, , ,
, ,
.) ,
30-31 '
. "
, . "22 .' 40 ,]1[ ,7
. ' ,
. 2 "

$100 :

2 books in different condition.

Opening Price: $100

2009 | 142

- / .246
' " ,
' ,]1893 [". ,
, , ,
, ' ,
. ,]1894 ["
. "20 . : . ,]8[
, ,

$100 :

246. Mekor Hayim / Petah HaOhel - Aden


Sefer Mekor Hayim, Hilchot Trefot by Rabbi

Yichya Ben Rabbi Ya'akov Tsalakh of Sana'a,
Aden. [1893], Menachem Auatsh and his partners printing.
Bound with it is Petah Ha-Ohel, Hilchot Gitin,
Hilchot Kidushin and Ketubot copied from
book: Shoshanat Ha-Melech of Rabbi Shalom
Havshush, Rabbi Yichya Ben Yosef Amud from
Sana'a, Aden. [1894], Menachem Auatsh and
his partners printing.
[8], 137 leaves. Second book: 63 leaves. 20 cm.
Title page and first page are torn, moth holes,
antique Yemenite leather binding with leather
Opening Price: $100

143 |


- .245
[] " .
.V. Kuebler .)1907( ", .

. "22 .] 1[ ,] 1[ ,
. .

$100 :

245. Hochmat Tekufot UMazalot Astronomy

Sefer Hochmat Tekufot U-Mazalot, Sefer Ben

Ha-Shemashot Ve-Sefer Ha-Kochavim. Rabbi
Ze'ev Wolf (Gershtel), Rabbi of Yaritshov.
Lemberg, 1907. V. Kuebler printing.
On title page appear writings of Rabbi Zvi
Elimelech of Dinov regarding the study of
24, [1] leaves, [1] map of the stars and zodiac. 22
cm. Good condition. Original cover.
Opening Price: $100

248. Six Items - Ha-Rav Kook

1. Ha-Yeshivah Ha Merkazit Ha-Olamit
Bi-Yerushalayim, [192?], Jerusalem, [Weiss
12 pages. Detached soft cover, staining.
2. Report of Mercaz Ha-Rav, 1921, Jerusalem,
Solomon printing.
2, 8 pages. Good condition, staining. Pink soft
3. Kovetz Ma'amarim, published for the
Sheloshim of his passing away, [1936], Tel-Aviv,
Beit Dfus Leumi.
48 pages. Very good condition. On page 3 a portrait of Ha-Rav Kook.
4. Single page with an invitation for the farewell party for Rabbi Shimon Winograd, Rosh
Yeshivat Torat Hayim, in the presence of HaRav Kook, 1932.
Excellent condition.
5. Single page with congratulation for birth of
a son, and donation request for Ichud Talmudei
Ha-Torah, 1935.
Excellent condition.
6. Single page of the Ichud Ha-Ta"t regarding
regulation that each confederate will donate to
Ichud Ha-Ta"t, 1935.
Excellent condition.
Opening Price: $150

, , , .
. .]1908[ "
, , . "22 ,' 65 ,222
", , , .
. ,]1899[
,) " ( 11X14
,)1898 (

- .247


,]192?[ , .
.' 12 ,] [ ,
. ,
, ,)1921( ", .
.' 8 ,2 ,
. . ,
, , .
.' 48 , , ,]1936 ["
. 3 .
' .
. ", ,
, .
. ", "
" .
. ", ",

$150 :

" ,
,1943 ", , ' ,

" :
," ' -
, " .
.)' ,'(
. , . "20 .'

$100 :

247. Keter Torah Unfinished


Sefer Keter Torah, Taryag Mitzvot Ha-Remuzim

Be-Tevat Bereshit, Rabbi Yehoshua Weiss,
Marghita, 1943, Zvi Moshkovitch printing.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia Cd notes that at the end
of the book a not is attached, stating the printing
could not be completed as the manuscript was
lost and the writer murdered in the Holocaust.
This copy does not have this note. According
to the CD Rabbi Yehoshua Weiss was killed
in Ukraine when in a Hungarian labor camp.
Handwritten gloss on leaf no 14, maybe by the
author (see also pages no. 6 and 8).
48 pages. 20 cm. Very good condition, new cardboard binding.
Opening Price: $100

2009 | 144

, ," [,]1900
[] , .
, , .
. , ," [ ,]1897
26" , , ,
, .

$120 :


249. Three Books printed in


1. Kedushat Levi, Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev,

Berdichev 1908. Yisrael Razumovski printing.
222, 65 pages. 22 cm. Poor condition, moth holes,
adhesive tape and few tears.
2. Tikun Sofrim, Levi Yitzhak Sofer, Berdichev,
1899, Ya'akov Hayim Sheftel printing. Is not recorded by National Library of Israel (resembles
the Berdichev edition from 1898), bound at its
end - Kuntres Ot Emet,
Berdichev, 1900, Levi Yitzhak [Sofer], Ya'akov
Sheftil printing.
14x11 cm last page missing, cardboard cover
damaged, moth holes.
3. Talmud Bavli, Berdichev, 1897, Ya'akov
Sheftil printing.
26 cm, 4 volumes, 1 title page in the first volume,
old binding, good condition.
Opening Price: $120

.250 ,
15 ,1870-1931
.19- .
.1 ,
." .1870 ,
' ( " ").
[ 80 ,]1 14 ,".
" ." .1870 , :' ,
:' - , ,' ".
[ 39 ,]1 13 ,".
.3 ""
.".1905 ,
]1[ ,59 16 ,".
.4 '
." .1890 , ,
59 18 ,".
.5 , '
.".1892 ,
18 18 ,".
.6 , '
.".1892 ,
139-141 ,133-140 ,130 19 ," . .
' .".1892 ,
[ 5-150 ,]2 19 ,".
.8 ' .
".1892 ,
68 19 ,".
.9 , ,
.".1892 ,
[ 40 ,8 ,]2' 19 ,".
.10 ' "
.".1892 ,
44 19 ,".
.11 .".1910 ,

74-92 ,72 ,78 18 ," . 78 .

.12 ' .
".1913 ,
11 , 9-10 14 ,".
.13 .".1912 ,
209 14 ," . 210.
.14 - ".
".1923 ,
72' 17 ,".
. , " .
".1931 ,
92 14 ,".

$600 :

| 145

250. Fifteen Books - Printed in



"- ", .251

,"- ",
68 . ".1
.1867 , ".
. "
. "19 , 32 ,]6[
.1886 , ". ' ', .2
. "20 , 12-15 ,3-12 ,1 ,2 ,]1[
", .3
: .1740 , ". '
. () "
." " ." "
.4 '

15 books printed in Baghdad between 18701931, most of them from the 19th Century.
Prayer books and other books.
1. Mishmeret Ha-Kodesh Seder Le-Erev Rosh
Chodesh, Le-Leilot Ha-Shishi She-Ben Pesach
Ve-Shavuot etc. 1870. With introduction, probably by Rabbi Yosef Hayim of Baghdad (Ba'al
Ha-"Ben Ish Hai").
[1], 80 leaves, 14 cm.
2. Tikun Tefilah Tikunim and customs
collected from writings of Ha-Ari. 1870. The
author: Rabbi Yosef Hayim of Baghdad.
See: A. Ben-Ya'akov, Ha-Rav Yosef Hayim of
Baghdad, page 82.
[1], 39 leaves, 13 cm.
3. Shir Ha-Shirim with Aramaic translation
and Arabic "Sherakh" of the Aramaic translation. 1905.
59, [1] leaves, 16 cm.
4. Imrei Sasson Hanhagot Ve-Divrei Musar
by the Kabbalist Rabbi Sasson Ben Mordechai
Shendokh. 1890. 2 title pages, on second title
page the date: 1891.
59 leaves, 18 cm.
5. Tsel Ha-Ma'a lot Proverbs of wisdom and
ethics, by Rabbi Yehudah Horovitz. 1892.
18 leaves, 18 cm.
6. Kol Sasson Musar writings in rhymes, by
Rabbi Sasson Shendokh. 1892.
130, 133-140, 139-141 leaves, 19 cm. Last leaf is
7. Tehilah Le-David Perushim Le-Mizmor
Tehilim 145 by the Kabbalist, Rabbi Sasson
Shendokh. 1892.
[2], 5-150 leaves, 19 cm.
8. Mar'pe La-Etzem Musar writings by Rabbi
Yitzhak Farchi. 1892.
68 leaves, 19 cm.
9. Tsorchei Huppah U-Milah Blessings,
prayers, songs and customs for weddings and

for Brit Milah. Probably edited by the printer,

Shlomo Bechor Hutsin. 1892.
[2], 8, 40 pages. 19 cm.
10. Nachlat Avot Musar writings by Rabbi
Meir Ben Rabbi Eliyahu of Jerusalem. 1892.
44 leaves, 19 cm.
11. Kri'ei Moed Tikun Le-Leil Shavuot.
78, 72, 74-92 leaves, 18 cm. Leaf 78 of the first
part is missing.
12. Tefilat Beit Almin edited by Rabbi Yosef
Hayim of Baghdad. 1913.
11 leaves, Leaves 9-10 are missing, 14 cm.
13. Beit Tefilah Sidur Le-Chol Ve-LeShabbath. 1912.
209 leaves, 14 cm. Leaf 210 is missing.
14. Tikun Hatzot U-Selichot according to
Ha-Ari. 1923.
72 pages, 17 cm.
15. Sidur Minchat Yerushalayim Tefilot
Mincha Ve-Arvit Ke-Minhag Baghdad. Printed
in Livorno, for publisher in Baghdad. 1931.
92 leaves, 14 cm.
Most of the titles are in good condition, some of
them are as they came out of printing - before

Opening Price: $600

2009 | 146

251. Seven Books from Livorno



, - " " .252

,5- 4
. .1904 , .1869
. "18 ,' 16

$200 :

252. Regulations of Agudat

"Machzikei Ha-Torah" Vienna,

Regulations of Agudat "Mahazikei Ha-Torah"
for districts 4 and 5, established in 1869. Vienna,
1904. German language.
Statuten des Bethausvereines Machasike-Thora
fr den IV. und V. Bezirk. Wien, Gegrndet
16 pages, 18 cm.
Very good condition, original hardcover is slightly
twisted and stained.
Opening Price: $200
147 |

7 rare Books, from 1740-1886.

1. Igrot Ha-Rav Hid"a. Collection of 68 letters by Rabbi Hayim Yosef David Azulai. 1867.
Foreword with Hida's biography and a list of his
[6], 32 leaves, 19 cm.
2. Shuva Israel, by Rabbi Yehudah Garmon.
1886. Rebuke on different promiscuities in the
religious life in Tunis. Important for history of
Judaism in Tunis.
[1], 2, 1, 3-12, 12-15 leaves, 20 cm.
3. Kin'at Sofrim, commentary for Rambam's
Sefer Ha-Mitzvot by Rabbi Hananiya Kazis.
1740. Signature of previous owner: Israel Meir
(Freimann), Av Beit Din of Ostrova. Son-in-law
of Ba'al "Aruch Le-Ner". Published "Sefer VeHizhir". Bound with no. 4.
[4], 39, [1] leaves, 21 cm.
4. Hok Le-Yisrael, Hasagot Al Rabbi Hizkiyah
Di Silva's Sefer "Pri Hadash", by Rabbi Hananyah
Kazis. 1840.
[4], 4-8, [1], 9-23 leaves, 21 cm.
5. Mishmeret Ha-Taharah. Seder Limud LeErev Rosh Hodesh ("Yom Kippur Katan") edited
by Rabbi Hayim Yosef David Azulai. 1791.
8, 52, [2], 53-77 leaves, 17 cm.
6. Otsar Nehmad. Sidrei Kri'ah Ve-Limud LeYamim Nora'im, Mi-Yesodo Shel Sefer "Hemdat
Yamim". With additions of Rabbi Hayim Yosef
David Azulai. 1812. This copy is different from
the regular copies: regular copies have only 78
leaves. Here a "Tefilat Beit Almin" according to
the customs in Hebron has been added.
80 (actually: 81) leaves, 19 cm.
7. Beit Ha-Zikaron, Machzor Le-Rosh HaShanah. With rules and customs, edited by

. "21 ,] 1[ ,39 ,]4[

" " ' , .4
.1840 , ". ' ,
. "21 , 9-23 ,]1[ ,4-8 ,]4[
. .5
.(" ")
.1791 ,"
. "17 , 53-77 ,]2[ ,52 ,8
, . .6
." "
.1812 , "."
". 78 :
. "
. "19 ,) 81 : (80
. , .7
.1855 , ". '
. . "18 ,] 1[ ,46-129 ,48 ,]3[
. ,

$200 :
Rabbi Israel Kushta. 1855.
[3], 48, 46-129, [1] leaves, 18 cm. Title page is

253. Three Catalogs of Books

and Autographs



.1 ," .
[ ""],
.20- '
- ,
. " ,' ,
" ," .
[ ]2[ ,471-474 ,539-540 ,692-696 ,]35' .
. .
.2 '
. 5,000 ,
. .
]2[ ,118' . , .
.3 ' 76 ' ..
.1926 ,
- .
72' ]7[ , 22 ," . ,

$120 :
| 148 2009

1. 100 Hebrew autographs, Dr. Bernard

Wachstein. Booklet in German language
[Printout of the German monthly: "Menorah"],
with facsimiles of 100 autographs from the 16th
to the 20th Century. An article on Rabbi Elazar
Fleckeles with photos of his handwriting, his
gravestone and his portrait is attached at the
end. Includes autographs of Hatam Sofer, Rabbi
Pinchas Horowitz, Ha-Ramchal, Rabbi Akiva
Eger, etc.
[35], 692-696, 539-540, 471-474, [2] pages. Soft
cover, not original. Slight staining to pages of the
2. Catalog of Rabbi Emanuel Eckstein's library
from Cleveland. Includes short descriptions of
5000 books, most of them in Hebrew. Booklet
in English.
118, [2] pages. Stains, folds and caption in pencil
on cover.
3. Catalog no. 76 of Antiquariat J. Kauffmann.
Frankfurt am Main, 1926. Contains photos of
antique books' title pages and some advertisements. Booklet in German.
72 pages, [7] tables, 22 cm. Good condition, tears
to few pages and to cover.
Opening Price: $120

.254 -

" " ,
.1 " "... ," .1903
' 42 ,' 21.5 ,".
.2 " -
" () '


[ ,7-10 ,16 .]1905'-" ]1[ ,' 14 ,".
.3 " "...
.4 - .,
13.5X19.5" 26 ,26 .'.
.5 . ," .
31' 15 ,".

.6 - '
, . . .
, ," " .1932"
20' 34 ,".
. . ,

254. Eleven Books and Booklets

Irgun Knesset Yisrael


", -
Tempio Israelitio Trieste -
.1908 ",
, ,
. .
. ,
. "16X19.5
, . "24 ,] 9[ ,'] 2[
. ,

$120 :

149 |

Eleven "Knesset Israel" items, including items

connected to neighborhood of Kneset Israel in
1. Booklet "Gvul Olam ", Jerusalem, 1903.
8, 42 pages, 21.5 cm.
2. Booklet in Hebrew and Yiddish "Takanot
Ve-Hukei Ha-Hevra Ha-Adirah Knesset Israel"
(Regulations and laws) and a letter (printed)
from Rabbis Shmuel Salant and Eliyahu David
Rabinovitch Teomim. [1905].
16, 7-10, 1-11, [1] pages, 14 cm.
3. Printed page "To the directors of the General
Committee of Knesset Israel" for receiving
a scholarship as help for the Holydays. 1929.
9.5x13.5 cm.
4. Book with photographs and explanations
Knesset Israel. Yiddish, English and some
Hebrew. Photographs of buildings and 2 photographs of Ha-Rav Kook.
13.5x19.5 cm. 26, 26 pages.
5. Open letter to our brothers in the Diaspora.
Jerusalem, 1930. Yiddish and Hebrew.
31 pages, 15 cm.
Does not appear in Bibliography of the Hebrew
Book and in Winograd & Rosenfeld.
6. Zum Folk Israel Was Dertseilen Di Zkenim
Fun Yerushalayim, A. Ts. Brezin. Published
by the General Committee of Knesset Israel,
Jerusalem, 1932. "Newspaper" in Yiddish, published by Knesset Israel.
20 pages, 34 cm.
7. Colored certificate of membership in the
General Committee of Knesset Israel for charity of Rabbi Meir Ba'al Ha-Ness. Jerusalem.
Hebrew, Yiddish and English.
29.5x40 cm.
8. Souvenir from the General Committee of
Knesset Israel for charity of Rabbi Meir Ba'al
Ha-Nes. Photographs of Rabbis, Holy places
and sites in Palestine, Jerusalem.

, .
. ,-
. "9.5X13.5 ,'] 1[ ,48 ,]1[
. , . ",
. "14 ,)' 4(
, " .10
.1958 ",
. "22 ,'] 3[ ,9-332 ,9 ,]4[
. ", , , "
,'] 32[ .
. "15

$100 :
[1], 48, [1] pages, 9.5x13.5 cm.
9. The General Committee of Knesset Israel for
charity of Rabbi Meir Ba'al Ha-Ness folded
page with copy of a printed letter from Rabbi
Isser Yehudah Unterman, 1965. In Hebrew,
English and Yiddish.
Folded single page (4 pages), 14 cm.
10. Book "Musar Ha-Yesod, Tamtzit Mitoch
Toldot Va'ad Ha-Kelali Knesset Israel
Yerushalayim". Edited by Eliezer Horovitz,
[4], 9, 9-332, [3] pages, 22 cm.
11. Gemilut Hasadim Otsar Ha-Hesed Keren
Shmuel Be-Ir Ha-Kodesh Yerushalayim,
Solomon printing, Jerusalem, no printing year.
Hazkarat Neshamot according to months of
the year and with a picture of Ha-Rav Kook.
[32] pages, 15 cm.
Various conditions.

Opening Price: $100

256. Rabbi Nachman of Breslav

255. Album with Photos for inauguration of The Great Synagogue

Trieste, 1908

Ma'aseh Be-Rabbi Betlirsh, Rabbi Nachman

of Breslav. Portfolio with signed lithographs
by Zvi Grundman, introduction by Yehudah
Copy no. 28 from an edition of 200 copies with
artist's signature, dedicated to Shmuel Yosef
Agnon Nobel Prize winner.
Second half of 1960s.
[1] introduction page, [6] large folded sheets, [1]
color lithograph (unsigned).
Opened pages 49x68, folded pages 39x49 cm,
lithographs 25.5x36 cm.
Cardboard case in cloth binding, 50.5 cm.
Good condition, staining to cover and to some

Le-Zecher Binyan Beit Elohim Tempio

Israelitio Trieste, 1908. Album with 9 illustrations for inauguration of the Great Synagogue
in Trieste.
Illustrations are very exact and describe the
new Synagogue, its architectural plan, its internal and external parts, design of the Holy
Ark, etc, printed on quality paper and glued
on cardboard. Last illustration is in color. Title
page is printed in red and black color, in Italian.
Size of illustrations: 16x19.5 cm.
[2] pages, [9] tables, 24 cm. Good condition, caption on cover is faded, staining to inner cover.

Ma'aseh Be-Rabbi Betlirsh

Numbered Edition

Opening Price: $100


' - ' .25

' -
. ' , '
200 28 ' .
.60- .
]1[ ,] 6[ ,] 1[
.) (
, "34X49 - ,49X68 -
. "25.5X 36
. "50.5 , -
. ,

Opening Price: $120

$100 :

2009 | 150

- .257





" " "-
: ,
. , , ,
, ,1940-1960
. .

$200 :

151 |

257. Collection of Documents

and Photographs Agudat

Agudat "Achvah" Secret religious association, whose purpose was mutual assistance and
observance of mitzvat "Ve-Ahavtah Le-Reakha
Established in 1895 in Jerusalem, later other
branches were opened in Jaffa, Tel-Aviv, Safed,
Tiberias, Hebron, Petach-Tikvah, Haifa, NewYork and London.
Collection includes:
1. 10 large portrait photographs of members
of Agudat "Achvah": David Tubi Moussaieff;
Yerucham Fischel Kaufman; Zvi Rabinovitz;
Eliezer Rivlin; Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe Asiskovitz;
Rabbi Baruch Binyamin Ze'ev Perlman; Israel
Meir Chedrovski; Eliyahu Aharon Kahane (one
of the founders of Tel-Aviv), Ha-Rav Efraim

, - " "
." "
,1895 "
- , , , ,- ,
. - , ,
- .1
(); :""
; ; ; '
; ' ;
'; [ "];
. ,
' .2
, .3
, .4
. .

$400 :
Zalman Meisel; and another portrait without
a name.
2. 6 notebooks and a number of binders in
handwriting with protocols and financial
3. Collection of letters from Rabbis and prominent figures on various matters, and a collection
of invitations for meetings and conferences.
4. Sefer Ha-Achvah with photographs of the
members, booklets and printed pages.
Various conditions, most items in fair to poor

Opening Price: $400

." ...
. ' 32

$150 :

259. Passport of Rabbi Aharon



260. Rabbi of Alesk - Printed


The year and place of print are missing. Perhaps

Lvov, 1923.
The well-known Rabbi of Alesk, Rabbi Aharon
Menachem Mendel Eichenstein (1861-1823)
was the son of the Admor of Ziditchov Rabbi
Sender Lipa, and son-in-law and successor of
Admor Yitzhak Ben Rabbi Henich of Alesk.
Known as a miracle worker, and as one who
gave all of his money to charity. In 1904 he was
made Av Beit Din of Alesk, and admor of the
followers of his father-in-law. In the First World
War he moved to Lvov, where he died in 1923.
See more about him in enclosed material.
Printed photo. 15.5 cm, good condition, creases
and stains, the upper part has pin holes.
Opening Price: $100

" .261
[ "- . "

Passport of Rabbi Aharon Teitelbaum, 18911950. Born in Jerusalem and studied at Etz
Hayim Yeshivah.
In 1909 appointed by Rabbi Shaul Hayim HaLevi Horovitz as Moreh Tsedek of the Achvah
neighborhood. In 1911 he was ordained for
teaching by Rabbi Hayim Berlin and Rabbi
Avraham Yitzhak Ha-Cohen Kuek.
Passport, 32 pages, includes a photograph and
signature of the Rabbi.

258. Archive of Photographs

Ha-Noar Ha-Agudati

Archive of about 130 photographs of the

youth movement of Agudat Israel "Ha-Noar
Ha-Agudati" and also Talmud Torah She'erit
Yisrael in Petach Tikvah, during journeys in
Eretz Israel: Bnei Brak, Jerusalem, Ein Gedi,
Sodom, etc. Most of the photographs are from
1940-1960, with landscapes, movement members and Rabbis.
Various sizes and conditions. Includes negatives
of some of the photographs.
Opening Price: $200

Opening Price: $50

- .260
.")" " (" "
.] - ? ",?[

" ,)"- ("
" ,
, ,
" " ".
. " . "
- . " "
, , . "15.5 .

$100 :


."- ",
. ,
" " '
' " , "."
. '
, " "
... "

2009 | 152

262. Picture of Rabbi Zecharia

. .]?1930s
,"-" ("
" . .)1730
, ."
. , . "17.3 .

Shapira, Av Beit Din of Dorog and

Varnov, Disciple of the Divrei
Rabbi Zecharia Shapira (1819-1893, Otzar HaRabbanim 5885) was Rabbi in the Hungarian
communities of Dorog and Varnov. (He is
signed at the Mihalovitz conference of 1866).
Disciple of the Divrei Hayim of Sanz, who recommended the Dorog community to appoint
him as Rabbi. There are responsa addressed to
him in the Maharam Shik Responsa and the
Beit Yitzhak Responsa. His novellae are printed
in Even Nezer, Varnov 1930. See enclosed
Old phototograph which is a copy of an antique
photograph, pasted to cardboard on which the
name is written. The picture is 13.5 cm. The cardboard is 16.3 cm. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $200

$150 :


", .262
" " ,
' " - ""
." " "
,"- ("
(. , " , ,)5885
".) "
. " ,"
. " " "
.) " " ( "
16.3 . "13.5 .
. ."
153 |

$200 :


261. Rabbi Aharon of Belz in His

Youth - Printed Photo

Picture of the Admor from Belz. [1930?]. Name

and place of print are missing.
Rabbi Aharon Rokach of Belz (1878-1957,
Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 1730). He became Admor
in 1927. He survived the Holocaust but lost his
family, and came to Eretz Israel with his brother, Rabbi of Bilguria, where they re-established
the Hassidic court of Belz.
Printed photo. 17.3 cm, good condition, creased
and scuffed.
Opening Price: $150

: , ,
." , ,"
, , "15X 23 , "9X13

$100 :

263. Photo of Rabbi - Tzadok



- .265
[ ?]
" ,
.] 1905 , [.""
'" " " " "
" , ' "
."'' " "
. . . "13.5X9
. .

$200 :

265. Postcard in memory of The

Admor of Gur, Baal Ha-Sfat Emet

Colorful landscape [of the Gur cemetery?] with
borders and captions in Hebrew, commemorating the death of the Admor of Gur, Baal HaSfat Emet.[ Poland, around 1905].
Ha-Rav Ha-Tzadik Ha-Kadosh Ha-Gaon,
author of the Sfat Emet, Moreinu Ha-Rav
Rabbi Yehudah Aryeh Ben Rabbi Avraham
Mordechai ztzl, born 1847, and died 5th Shvat
1905, in Gra Kalwaria.
Postcard 13.5x9 cm. Poor condition, with cracks
and creases; missing parts completed in handwriting; stains on verso. Unused.

Photo of a Jerusalem Jew, pasted on cardboard,

undersigned "photographer, Tzadok Bassan,
The picture is 9x13 cm, pasted on cardboard 15x23 cm; has stains and damage on corners.
Opening Price: $100

264. Picture of Rabbi Shmuel


Picture of Rabbi Shmuel Salant, chief Rabbi of

Ashkenazi community in Jerusalem. Jerusalem,
1903. Lith A. L. Monsohn.
Lithography of photograph in his old age, with
long essay about his life. The appointment of
the Aderet as Rabbi in Jerusalem is mentioned
35 cm. Fair-poor condition, badly stained,
damage to middle and margins of page.
Rare, Not found on Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD.
Opening Price: $120

, "
. .)1903( ", ." "
." " " "
, , . "35
. ,

$120 :

Opening Price: $200

2009 | 154

Pesach Haggadahs, Purim and Humor

266. Haggadah "Pesach Me'uvin"

1841 , " " .266

Calcutta, 1841

.1841 ",) (.
."' "

. . . "20 , 49 ,]3[
. . .

Haggadah shel Pesach with laws of the Pesach

Seder, by Rabbi Hayim Benbenishti, translated
into Jewish-Arabic by the printer Eliezer Araki.
Calcutta, India, 1841.
Rabbi Hayim Benbenishti is author of "Knesset
Ha-Gedolah". The printer Eliezer Araki was a
Yemenite Jew who emigrated to India and there
established a prominent printing press.
This is the first Haggadah ever published in
Calcutta, and the third book ever published
[3], 49 leaves, 20 cm. Good condition. Wide margins, blue paper, stains, owners' signatures.
Otzar Ha-haggadot 841.

$1000 :

Opening Price: $1000


155 | ,

70535 '

$300 :


268. Pesach Haggadah Amsterdam, 1770

Seder Haggadah Le-Pesach, with Yiddish, illustrated by woodcuts. Amsterdam [1770]. Leib
Zusmansh print.
28 leaves, faulty pagination. 15.5 cm. Good
condition. Stains and wine stains. Worn antique
cardboard binding.
Very rare Haggadah. Wiener 120. Ya'ari
165. Otzar 255. ( Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD,
item 0184828 states they have not seen this
Haggadah. Ya'ari hasn't seen it as well - see
additional materials). On the Winograd and
Rosenfeld CD, item 70535 is a Haggadah with
no printer's name from Amsterdam 1770 which
appeared in auction and is probably a different
Opening Price: $300

267. Haggadah - Ostraha, 1819

Pesach Haggadah, Ostraha, [1819], Aharon
Madpis print.
With commentaries - Maharam Alsheikh,
Gevurot Ha-Shem (by Maharal), Olelot Efraim,
commentary of Abravanel on pome "As Rov
Nissim", and commentary on Had Gadya including Dinei Bedikat Hametz, Dinei Ta'anit
Bechorot, Dinei Lishat Matzot, Dinei Hag'ala
and Dinei Seder Shel Pesach. Illustrated with
woodcuts based on copper etchings from the
1781Amsterdam Haggadah.
Piyutim "Adir Hu", Ehad Mi Yode'a" and "Had
Gadya" have Ivri-Teitsch translation.
This printing has a variant edition with
"Hagr"a" commentaries on the last three pages,
and omitting names of printing press workers
which appear on last page of this copy. This
copy is probably from the second edition, in
which the Hagr"a commentaries and his name
on title page had been purposely omitted.
Faulty pagination: [1], 25, 27-36, [2], 41-52 leaves.
24 cm. Large words on title page are in red ink.
Poor condition, with 2 leaves missing (10-11).
Restored damage with loss to title page and a few
pages. New cardboard binding.
Rare edition. Ya'ari 419. Otzar 591. [See also
Otzar 590].
Opening Price: $250

1770 , - .268
. ,
. .]1770 [",
. . "15.5 . ,
. .
.165 .120 .
( .255
, 0184828


", - .267
,]1819 [", ,
,) ' (", "
" ' " ,
, ,
". .
. "
" " " " " "
, ": [

, "

. "24 . - ,]2[ ,- , ,]1[ :
2 , .
.) , (
. .
[ .591 .419 .

$250 :
2009 | 156

, .270
. , ,
[", . .
. ,]1722
, ' ..." '
..." [ = .
.] ... ,
. , ,
. , . "19.5 .

, , ,
. ,]1783 ["
' , '
. '

. , . "24 ,
.204 ,306

$180 :

269. Haggadah Arba Yesodot


$3500 :

270. Birkat Ha-Mazon with

Illustrations (Grace after Meals)

Amsterdam, 1722
Birkat Ha-Mazon, Ke-Minhag Ashkenaz UPolin. With Haggadah of Pesach. Woodcut illustrations. Amsterdam, [1722]. Shlomo Proops
Birkat Ha-Mazon with songs for Shabbat,
prayers and blessings for the holidays, for wedding, for Brith Milah and for cemeteries. Seder
Haggadah Shel Pesach.
71 leaves. 19.5 cm. Fair condition, thin paper
with dark stains of browning by time. Tears and
wear with slight damage to text. Pages are professionally restored and rebound in cardboard cover
with parchment spine.
Otsar Ha-Haggadot 144.
Opening Price: $3500
157 | ,

Pesach "Four Fundamentals" Haggadah

in Yiddish, Amsterdam, [1783], printed by
Yochanan Levi Rofeh, his brother-in-law
Baruch, and his brother.
Includes approbations from Rabbi Shaul
Lowenstam of Amsterdam, Rabbi Shaul HaLevi of the Hague, and Rabbi Aryeh Leib
In this Haggadah, as in the Hebrew version,
only the first two Yesodot were printed.
54 leaves, 24 cm. Wine stains, damaged cover.
Otzar Ha-haggadot 306, Ya'ari 204.
Opening Price: $180


.271 ,
, , .
. .[ ,"
.]1723 .
, , , .
- . "
" , . .
18.5 ." . , , .
. ( ).
( .145
93" .)77


272. Purim Tractate Fine


$1800 :

271. Birkat Ha-Mazon with

)Illustrations (Grace after Meals

Amsterdam, 1723
Birkat Ha-Mazon, Ke-Minhag Ashkenaz UPolin. With Haggadah of Pesach. Woodcut
illustrations. Amsterdam, 1723. Yitzhak Ben
Ya'akov De-Cordova printing.
Birkat Ha-Mazon with songs for Shabbat,
prayers and blessings for holidays, for wedding, for Brith Milah and for cemeteries. Seder
Haggadah Shel Pesach. Printed according to
Proops's edition Amsterdam 1722, with the
same illustrations. With previous owner's
71 leaves. 18.5 cm. Fair condition, quality paper,
stains. Tear and some damages to text of title
page. Page 4 is missing. New fine binding in red
cardboard box.
Otsar Ha-Haggadot 145. (Maybe this Haggadah
mentioned at Ya'ari 93 quoting Wiener 77).
Opening Price: $1800
| 158 2009


.272 -
, .
." .)1930( ,

( ).
[ ,]1' 19 ." . . .
" , ' ' .136-144

$200 :

Masechet Purim, Lilmod Ve-Lehegot bo be-kol

Purim ve-Purim. By Kalonymus Ben Rabbi
Kalonymus. 1930. Fine copy in scribe writing on thick and flexible paper (resembling
[1], 10 leaves. 19 cm. Very good condition. Slight
restoration to one page. Original cardboard cover
with new spine made of cloth tape.
Opening Price: $200

- , ' "
.? , .18-
" ":
, .
' 11 ' "
, " " ,
14' 11X15 ," . - , .

$250 :

... " ...
." ...
, . "15 .' 4 ,] 1[
. .
. .

... , ,
"... ,
. , . "35

$150 :

$200 :

273. Songs for Purim Day

Handwritten booklet of liturgical songs for
Purim, by Rabbi David ben Rabbi Avraham
Meladola. Amsterdam ?, 18th century. The first
section is a comic "Minha for Purim", comprised of Purim-spirited liturgical poems and
songs to be sung during the Minha prayer, and
more. Based on the format of the High Holiday
prayers. The name of the author is hinted at in
verse 11. He was apparently Rabbi David ben
R' Avraham Meladola of Livorno, author of
anthology of songs "Seder Z'manim", printed in
Firenze in 1736.
14 pages, 11x15 cm, half-leather cover, stained
Opening Price: $250


275. Hashkavah Le-Khamin - A


Hashkavah Le-Khamin, a humorous parody on

a Shabbat Cholent which got burned. [Livorno?},
Tale of an old and dignified man who waited on
Shabbat Kodesh to eat the Cholent with all his
family and when it was brought, it was burned.
he then opened his mouth and said a Hashkava
prayer to the Cholent.
[1 blank leaf], 4 pages. 15 cm. Good condition,
quality paper with stains and creases. New cardboard binding.
Very rare. Place and time of printing unclear.
See in Mifal Ha-Bibliografia CD item 0319745
and in Winograd & Rosenfeld item 64701.
Opening Price: $200
159 | ,

274. Seder Tna'im Le-Haman


A Purim-spirited Tna'im-marriage certificate,

in manuscript form, in which the "groom"
Haman and his "bride" Zeresh are described in
derogatory terms and curses, based on the style
of the blessings and praises in a real T'na'im
cerrificate. The handwriting indicates that is
was written in Austro-Hungary in the beginning of the 19th century.
Single page, 35 cm. Very good condition; slight
wear to folding line.
Opening Price: $150

- .275
.]?1750-1800[ ,]?"- [",]? [.


, ,
.) ( "19 -
, ,"
, , ,
, ... ,
, ... ,
, ...

1881 , '.278
" .
." ' ... ..."
.1881 ,] [",'
"" ,
;338 ' , ",' , , " : .
' , ",
. , . "16 , 20
. .
.307985 ,

$200 :

278. Sefer Ha-Tikun, Cernowitz,



, ,
.) 1858( "
. . "14 ,' 32
.11084 ,

$100 :


"Sefer Ha-Tikun", parody against Hassidim in

style of the Shulchan Aruch. "Elicidates all laws
of rectification of the Hassidim of Poland and
Habad compiled and written by the Hassid
Rabbi Leibishl". Cernowitz, 1881.
The author's identity is unknown. It is probably Shlomo Leib Friedman, the well-known
author of the fake "Jerusalemite Tractate of
Kodashim". See: J. J. Cohen, Areshet, 3, 1961,
page 338; Catalogue of Gershom Scholem
Library, Jerusalem 1999, no. 11075.
Very rare.
20 leaves, 16 cm. Good condition, slightly dark
paper. Restored tear to title-page. Unoriginal
cardboard cover.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 307985.
Opening Price: $200


277. Masechet Aniyut Vilna,


"Tractate Aniyut, of the Resh-Alma Talmud",

includes Rash"ya and Tosafot, found in the city
of Gozel (theft), a city full of poors and paupers.
Vilna, 1878.
Parody. Author: Isaac Meir Dick of Vilna.
Pinhas Kahn and Avraham Ya'ari determine
that this was not printed in Vilna, and was
probably printed in Konigsberg, circa 1858,
based on the font.
32 pages, 14 cm. Very good condition.
Bibliography Institute CD, listing 11084.
Opening Price: $100


- .276
, , ,
. ' ' ,] ["1883
. , . "21 ,' 56

$100 :

276. Seder Haggadah LaMelamdim - Comic

Haggadah for teachers comic Haggadah,

Levi Reuven Zimlin, Odessa 1883, P. A. Zelini
Second edition; was printed again with many
corrections by Efraim Deinard Publishing.
56 pages, 21 cm. Good condition, printed soft cover.
Does not appear in Winograd & Rosenfeld.
Opening Price: $100

1878 , - .277
. , ,'
.1878 ,] [",
2009 | 160

279. Neta Sha'ashu'im Dedication

- .279

Neta Sha'ashu'im Responsa on the four parts

of the Shulchan Aruch. By Rabbi Zvi Hirsh
[Kara] Rabbi of Buczacz. Published by his
son Rabbi Yechiel. Zholkiev, 1829. Meir Ze'ev
Hoffer Print.
On title-page there is an inscription in old
handwriting: "My uncle requested of me to send
this book to the great Rabbi Pesach, dayan in
the Cosantin community, and he should send it
to the holy Rabbi of Kaminka". Leaf 22 b has a
(cut) gloss in the same handwriting.
It is unclear whether the writer is the son Rabbi
Yechiel, who published the book, or the son-inlaw the Rabbi of Buczacz, who was close to the
Rabbi of Kaminka, or a different author.
Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Kara, Av Beit Din in Buczacz
and one of the outstanding scholars of his generation (174-1814, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 17447)
was the father-in-law of Admor Avraham David
Wahrman, Rabbi of Buczacz, who wrote Birkat
David, Eshel Avraham, and Da'at Kdoshim, and
many of his father-in-law's novellae are quoted
in his works.
"The holy Rabbi of Kaminka" was probably
Rabbi Shmuel Ben Rabbi David of Kaminka the
First (Disciple of the Ba'al Shem Tov, d. 1831,
Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 19731). However it could
also be Rabbi Shmuel, grandson of Rabbi Zvi
of Kaminka (disciple of Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of
Berdichev and the Rav of Apta), who died in
84 leaves. 36 cm, very good condition, old nonoriginal binding.

. " ' ",

. .[] " "
. .1829 ",
" : "
" ' "
," '
) ' (."
. "
. ,
,)17447 ,"-("
," " " " ,""
," ( "
.)19731 ,"
. . . "36 .

to Rabbi of Kaminka

161 |

Opening Price: $1800

$1800 :

280. Beit Avraham With

Dedication by the Admor of

Slonim, Rabbi Shalom Noah


281. Imrei Binah Author's


The book Imrei Binah, containing the Jewish

calendar as well calculations regarding the new
moon, through the year 2240. By Rabbi Netanel
Seligman Wiedersheim, Rabbi in Metz. Metz,
Dedication in author's handwriting. The preface
contains an in-depth elucidation of the fundamentals of the Hebrew calendar. Includes two
large foldout pages with astronomical charts
and diagrams, in Hebrew and French.
[1], 76 pages, 20 cm. Green paper, very good condition, cardboard cover, missing spine.
Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, listing 130594.
Opening Price: $400

Kuntres Beit Avraham, booklet 4, containing articles on the High Holidays, by Admor
Avraham of Slonim. Jerusalem, 1953. Printed
by Beit Avraham Yeshivah.
Dedication by the Rosh Yeshivah, Admor
Shalom Noah Berzovsky. 1953.
Admor Shalom Noah Berzovsky (1911-2000)
was born in Baranowitz, where he learned
at the Slonim Yeshivah under Rabbi Moshe
Meidner. He was renowned from youth on as
a giant in Torah. His father-in-law was Admor
Avraham Weinberg of Slonim, Jerusalem. He
came to Eretz Israel in 1936 and founded the
Beit Avraham Yeshivah. Became Admor in
1981, and was member of both Mo'etzet G'dolei
Ha-Torah and the Hinukh Atzma'i board of
directors. He wrote the book Netivot Shalom.
48, [2] pages. Very good condition, original
cardboard cover, contained in a cloth-covered
cardboard box.


"- .280

, ,
, ' ,2240
.1821 , ", .
: , .
. ,
. , . "20 ,' 76 ,]1[
. ,
.130594 ,

, ,' ,
, ." " ' "
. .)1953( "
" ,
. ".
,)"- ("
. .
." " . "
," "
. . .'] 2[ ,

$400 :

$350 :

Opening Price: $350


2009 | 162

, .282

.)941 (
, "

. ,
. " " "
. . "26X 36 .] 1[ ,- ,]2[ , ,]5[

. , ,
.1882 ", .
, - ,
. , , ,
.) ("
. "17.5 . -; - ; , ,]2[
. .
. ,

$120 :

283. Kikayon De-Yonah Fine

Copy with dedication

Kikayon De-Yonah, novellae on the Sha"s.

Published by the Yeshivah in Neutra. [Vienna],
1934. Steinman printing.
Fine edition, very wide margins. Previous
owner's signature on title page: "Ha-Kadosh
Mordechai Litsch Segal Rosenboim, 1938". On
page before title page appears a blessing poem
in rhymes and acronym in handwriting, from
his brother-in-law Eliyahu Katz from Neutra,
for wedding with his sister, Feigele in 1937.
Rabbi Mordechai Litsch Rosenboim (Otsar HaRabanim 14025 killed in the Holocaust), son
of Rabbi Aryeh Leib Av Beit Din of Talia (Otsar
Ha-Rabanim 3426), married to daughter of
Rabbi Avraham Aharon Katz Av Beit Din of
Neutra (Otsar Ha-Rabanim 941).
His brother-in-law, writer of the blessing poem
is Rabbi Eliyahu Katz, from rabbis of Neutra,
after the Holocaust he was Rabbi of Pressburg
and Chief Rabbi of Slovakia, arrived in Palestine
and became Chief Rabbi of Be'er Sheva. Ba'al
She'elot U-Teshuvot "Be'er Eliyahu" and author
of many books and articles.
[5], 100, [2], 102-218, [1] leaves. 26x36 cm. Very
good condition. Original cardboard and cloth
Opening Price: $120
163 |

$150 :

282. Yoru Mishpateikha Le-

Ya'akov Calcutta, 1882 Author's


- .283

. . ",
. .)1934( ",][
. ,
"' " "
" .""
, ,
- 14025 (
" ( ,)
" " ,)3426

Yoru Mishpateikha Le-Ya'akov, Musar VeKabbala, Dinim U-Tefilot. Rabbi Ya'akov Sukari
of Damascus. Calcutta, 1882. Dweikh printing.
Kabbalah, Likutei Musar about Sabbath desecration, obligation of prayer in public, cantor's
job, charity, etc. Tales (from Baal Shem Tov and
Rabbi of Apta, etc). With summary of Sefer
Moadei Regel and various prayers.
On half title page a fine handwritten dedication and signature of the author.
[2], 9, 134 leaves; 135-140; 141-143 leaves. 17.5
cm. Very good condition. Small moth hole to last
Original binding - cardboard with color paper,
leather spine, somewhat worn.
Opening Price: $150

- .284

, ,
.]' [ . "
. .)1894( ", .
. 3 '
",) ",(
" " .
. ",
, . "20 . .' 6
. .
. .

285. Va-Yikra Yitzhak


Sefer Va-Yikra Yitzhak, on the Torah and

homilies, parts I-II. Rabbi Rahamim Nissim
Yitzhak Palagi. Izmir, [1905]. Printed by Haim
Avraham Di Shigura.
On verso of title page is a poetic dedication
[perhaps in authors handwriting]. Under the
dedication is the Gregorian date.
Rabbi Rahamim Nissim Yitzhak, author of
Yafeh La-Lev, was born in 1814 to his father
Rabbi Hayim Palagi. Amongst the leading sages
of Izmir, he published 18 books on Halachah
and Agadah. The dedication is apparently from
his very last days, as the date that is recorded [by
the recipient?] 27.2.07, and Rabbi Rahamim
passed away on 4 Nissan 5677 (19.3.1907).
[2], 42, 40 leaves. 30.3 cm. Good condition, dry
paper, slightly torn in a few of the margins. New
Opening Price: $150


$100 :

- .285
.- , ,
" - [", . '
. .]1905 "
:]? ["
," "
, , ,
" ". ' " ,
"," "
, . '
. 18
' ,"27.2.07" ?]
.)19.3.1907( "
, , . "30.3 . ; ,]2[
. .
" ', "18
.- ' , " - "

$150 :

284. Tokpo Shel Nes - Dedication

of the author Rabbi Haviv David

Sefer Tokpo Shel Nes, about Rabbi Meir Baal

Ha-Nes, and the Iyar 14th celebration in Tiberias.
[vol.1]. Rabbi Haviv David Sithon. Jerusalem,
1894. Levi printing.
Dedication by the author on page 3, with fine
Oriental signature.
The author, Rabbi Haviv Haim David Sithon,
born in Tiberias, 1827 (according to Ya'ari,
1837), one of the great sages and emmisary
of Tiberias. At the end of his life, he founded
Yeshivat Elia'hu Ha-Navi in Haifa, where he
died and was buried, in 1907.
6 pages. 86 leaves. 20 cm. Fair condition, dry
paper with tears and damage to margins. Title
page reinforced; title page dark, with staining.
New cardboard cover.
Opening Price: $100
2009 | 164

."" "

. ,
( ," "
.)"" "
. , . "22 .

$150 :

287. Tikun Moshe - Dedication of

Rabbi Yisrael Hayim Broin, Av Beit

Din Razowitz
Sefer Tikun Moshe, fifth part, Derushim for
Yamim Noraim and Sukkot by Rabbi Moshe
Ha-Levi Pollak, Av Beit Din Bonihad. Paks,
1899. Rosenboim printing.
On verso of title page is a long dedication by
Rabbi Yisrael Menahem Broin, Av Beit Din
Razowitz, to his student.
Rabbi Yisrael Menahem Broin (1861-1905),
son in law of Rabbi Amram Grunwald, father
of the author of "Arugot Ha-Bosem". Studied
with Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke Klein, Av Beit
Din Selish, author of "Tsror Ha-Hayim". Served
as Rabbi of his town over fifty years, and was
one of the oldest Rabbis in Hungary before the
Holocaust. Murdered in the Holocaust at age
His son in law is the Admor of Papa, Rabbi
Ya'akv Yehezkiyah Grunwald, author of "VaYaged Ya'akov" (son of his brother in law Rabbi
Moshe Ben Amram Grunwald, Av Beit Din
Chust, author of "Arugot Ha-Bosem").
192 leaves. 22 cm. Good condition, dry paper.
Original binding slightly worn.
Opening Price: $150

165 |

286. Livnei Binyamin Dedication

by Author Rabbi Avraham Shmuel

The book Livnei Binyamin, containing Torah

novellae and dialectics, by Rabbi Avraham
Shmuel Diskin Av Beit Din of Wolkowisk.
(Brother of Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin.)
Warsaw, 1869. Argelbrand Print.
Interesting dedication by author to his nephew
in honor of his bar mitzvah. Ink-stamp: "CH. B.
Leaf 17 b has a handwritten gloss.
The author, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Diskin
(1821-1887, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 140) served
as Rabbi of Plonsk and Wolkowisk. Torah correspondence between him and his brother was
published in Responsa Mahari"l Diskin.
[3], 6-76 leaves. 32.5 cm. Good condition, signs
of wear. Contains many ink-stamp, and inscriptions. Slightly damaged cardboard-cloth cover.
Bound together with the book Heikhalei Shen:
Responsa of Rabbi Shalom Duber of Mezritch.
Warsaw, 1868. Argelbrand Print.
[1], 101 leaves. Condition as above.
Opening Price: $300

- .287
, ,
. " ,
. .)1899( ",

" " "
" " "


- .286

, ,
.1869 ", .)( "
, "
."' ,

. ' "
- ("
,)1409 ,"
" . .
." " "
. , . "32.5 . - ,]3[

. .
.1868 ) (", .
. ". ,]1[

$300 :

.2 , " , ,
. ," .
.3 " . .
," .
" " ".
.4 , ".
," .

$150 :

.289 -


288. Even Ha-Azel / Degel

Yehudah / Ein Tarshish / Hukat

Ha-Pesach - with dedications


.288 / / /

() ,
.1 ," , " .,
" .
| 166 2009


A collection of books with dedications, given to

Rabbi Menahem Meir Tsioni (Shmoshkowitz),
important Tel Aviv Rabbi and important
1. Even Ha-Azel, Part 5, on the Rambam
Kodashim. Jerusalem, 1941. On the cover
a dedication by author Rabbi Isar Zalman
Meltzer with his signature.
2. Sefer Degel Yehudah, novellae in Shas,
Bavli and Yerishalmi, part 1. Jerusalem 1947.
Dedication by author Rabbi Meir Yehudah
3. Sefer Ein Tarshish, part 3. By Rabbi Yehoshua
Zelik Tarshish. Jerusalem, 1938. Dedication by
author's son, signed Rabbi Peretz Zalman Segal
4. Sefer Hukat Ha-Pesach, on Hilchot Korban
Pesach according to the Rambam. Jerusalem,
1946. Dedication of author Rabbi Yehudah
Gershoni (Grudner).
Various sizes and conditions.

Opening Price: $150

, .
.[ ," .]1816
" ,'
("-" , ,)12816
" " . .
" " "
. " "
" " "
" "
" , " "
"" , ,
, ""
. .
, 32.5 ." . , .

- ", - .290


. , .1
. .)1956( ",
" , , .2
.)1940( ", .
, ", ", .3
, . ,
. .)1985( "
. " ,' ' , .4-5

.)1970-1977( "- ", .
, , .6
". .
", .
. .)1973(
' . , ".7
.]1956 [", .'
. .
. ,

$100 :
167 |

. " ",
. " " " [= ]
. .]1868 [",
" 4
. .""
, ( "
", ,)6485
." " "
' " " ( "
. .)-'
, . "29.5 .] 1[ , ,]3[
, , .

' ,
.257-258 ' '

$800 :

289. Lachmei Todah - Important

self dedication

Sefer Nohach Ha-Shulchan, Responsa and

Novellae on the Shulchan Aruch. By Rabbi
Hayim Mordechai Levton Av Beit Din Aram
Tzova. Izmir, [1868]. Aharon Yehoshua Di
Shigura printing.
On the page before title page a 4 line dedication
"from me the author". Author passed away a
year after book's publishing.
Rabbi Hayim Mordechai Levton, (Passed away
1869, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 6485), is one of the
most prominent sages of Aram Tzova. This
book is mentioned many times in books of
[3], 142, [1] leaves. 29.5 cm. Good condition.
Quality paper with moth damage. Original cover,
color paper with leather spine, slightly worn and

Sefer Lachmei Todah, second part of Sefer

Mahane Levi. Novellae of Halachot and
Agadot. Homilies special Shabbats and eulogies. By Rabbi Zvi Hirsch H-Levi Ish Horovitz,
Rabbi of Frankfurt am Main. Offenbach, [1816].
Avraham Spitz Segal printing.
Various ownership signatures and stamps.
Above title is a self dedication by author's
grandson who writes he got the book as a gift
from his grandfather, the author.
Rabbi Meir Ha-Levi Ish Horovitz, Av Beit
Din Levertov and Lvov (1790-1841, Otzar HaRabanim 12816), Ben Rabbi Shmuel Shmelke
and grandson on the author of "Mahane
Levi". The "Hatam Sofer" in his approbation to
"Netivot L-Shabat" wrote he was a Gaon, son of
Holy Ones, and a fabulous personality.
Published the book "Netivot Le-Shabat" by his
grandfather Ba'al Ha-Hafla'ah. Was involved
along with his son in law Rabbi Manis of Dubna
and Ra"z Margaliot, in the publishing of the
book "Panim Yafot" by the Ba'al Ha-Hafla'ah,
in which, according to the sages of Hassidism,
the items he wrote in the name of the Magid
of Mezritch were omitted. See additional
10, 258 leaves. 32.5 cm. Good condition, stains
and water stains. Original leather binding torn
with remnants of leather spine.
Comparison of the handwriting and the signature is according to Galicia Encyplopedia part
2, 257-258.

Opening Price: $200

Opening Price: $800

$200 :

290. Sefer Nohach Ha-Shulchan

- Izmir, 1868 - Author's Dedication

291. A collection of books with

author's dedications



" " ' ","" "

. .
. ,

$200 :


- .293

. , ,
"." " '
.) (,-
.]1937-1933[ "- ",] [.
" :
' "
." ' "- "
.' '
" "
,)18739 ,"- ("
, ,
" ,

292. Kerem Hemed - Author's


Kerem Hemed, Part I, Responsa on the four parts

of the Shulchan Aruch, with Rulings of the Fez
Rabbis. By Rabbi Avraham Ankawa. Livorno,
[1869], Eliyahu Ben Amzaleg printing.
Previous owners' inscriptions. On title page a
signed dedication by author.
Rabbi Avraham Ankawa (1810-1880, Otzar
Ha-Rabanim 207), Dayan and Rabbi in Sali
and Algiers. Wrote many well known books:
"Zachor Le-Avraham", "Zevachim Shlemim",
"Taharat Ha-Kesef" etc.
211 leaves. Very good condition. Cardboard and
color paper binding with leather spine, slightly
Opening Price: $200

1. Na'e Doresh, by Rabbi Shim'on Va'aknin of

Tiberias. Jerusalem, 1956. Two dedications by
2. Degel Reuven, part II, by Rabbi Reuven
Katz, Chief Rabbi of Petah Tikva and head of
the Yeshivah. Jerusalem, 1940. Signed dedication by author.
3. Ohalei Yehudah, novellae and responsa,
part I, by Rabbi Menachem Yehudah Ha-Levi
Ushpizai, Chied Rabbi of Ramat Gan, Ramat
Gan, 1985. Author's signed dedication.
4-5. Dvarot Eliyahu, parts I-II, responsa and
novellae, by Rabbi Eliyahu Abirzal, Rabbi of
Geulim, Jerusalem and Rabbi of Yeshivat Tzuf
Dvash. Jerusalem, 1970-1977. Dedications of
author and his signature in each volume.
6. Otzar Ha-Perushim Yalkut Elazar, Mishnat
ELazar, Pardes Beit Hillel. On Masechet Beitza.
By Rabbi Elazar Klein, Av Beit Din Hitachadut
Kehilot Ha-Yere'im, Be'er Sheva. Jerusalem,
1973. Signed dedication by author.
7. Der Rambam, Folkstimleche Monografie.
Fun L.Sh. Kreditor. London [1956]. Di Yidishe
Shtime printing. Signed dedication by author.
Good condition, various sizes.

Opening Price: $100

- .292
, " ' ",' ,
,]1869 [", . .
,?"-? ("
. ',)207
", " " :
2009 | 168

- .294

, , " ,
. '
, , , ,
. .
.]1906[ ",] [. "
' " :
"; ' "
' "; , "
, " " "
,"- ("
. , .)15098
. " " ' :
. . "19 . ,- ,'

$150 :

294. Tabur Ha-Aretz - with

Dedication by Author Rabbi Moshe

Sefer Tabur Ha-Aretz, on Tiberias, its praise
and virtues, its synagogues and the history of
its sages, Rabbis and Yeshivahs, Hamei Tveria,
The Sea of Galillee, its wall, Miriam's Well and
the tombs of the sages in it. By Rabbi Moshe
Kliers. Published by Or Torah Yeshivah in
Tiberias. [Jerusalem], [1906].
Copies of missives by the sages of Hassidism:
Missive of Rabbi Yisrael Ben Rabbi Peretz
Politzker from 1778; Missives of Rabbi
Menachem Mendel Ben Rabbi Moshe of Vitebsk
from 1781, 1785. Missives of Rabbi Avraham
Ben Rabbi Alexander Katz Kalisker from 1788,
169 |

" ""
: ."
. ". ."
") - ("
"" " "
") " -("
. "26.5 .' - , ; , ,][
. , .

$120 :

293. Korbani Lachmi - with Self

Dedication from the Gaon of

Sefer Korbani Lachmi and Sefer Yeini Im

Helbi on various matters. By Rabbi Shlomo
Fischer "Ben Rabbi Ohliav". Rabbi of Alba Yulia
(Carlsberg). Published by the author's son, Rabbi
Aharon Fischer. [Jerusalem], 193301937. Most
of the book was printed by Yavne printing.
On page before title page a self dedication: "Sent
to me from author's son Aharon Fischer from
Jerusalem Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich".
An interesting gloss on page 10.
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich, Av Beit
Din Shamloya (1863-1940, Otzar Ha-Rabanim
18739). A teaching genius, Kabbalist and Hassid,
of the greatest Orthodox Rabbis in Hungary,
disciple of the Admor "Kedushat Yom Tov" of
Sighet, and a close friend and admirer of his
son, Admor Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar.
Of his books: Lechem Shlomo response, Tiyul
Ba-Pardes, Even Shlomo, Rachamei Ha-Av.

Rabbi Aharon Fischer (1896-1941), a Ga'on and

Kabbalist, the only one to sit in during the dialog
of his Rabbi the "Saba Kadisha" Rabbi Elfandari
with the "Minhat Eliezer" of Munkacz. His son
is Rabbi Yisrael Ya'akov Fischer (1925-2003),
Rosh Av Beit Din Ha-Edah Ha-Haredit, and
Rabbi of Zichron Moshe in Jerusalem.
[portrait missing], 48, 242; 128, 2-7 pages. 26.5
cm. Very good condition. Cloth binding with
leather spine, colored edges.
Opening Price: $120

. '
. " ,
, , , "30 , ; ; ,]2[
. ,

$200 :

296. La-Menatse'ach Le-David

- Dedication of Rabbi David Pardo

La-Nenatse'ach Le-David, commentary on the
Shas, by Rabbi David Pardo, Saloniki [1765],
Printed by the partners Refa'el Ya'uda Kalai and
Mordechai Nachman.
On title page there is a dedication by the author,
Rabbi David Pardo. A Kabbalist Rabbi, he
served as Rabbi in the community of Sarajevo,
and in 1782 came to Eretz Israel.
[2] 36; 34; 24 leaves. 30 cm. Very good condition,
wide margins, title page might have been taken
from another copy. Rebound.

295. Likutei Amarim - Author's


Likutei Amarim by Rabbi Refael Katzin, Izmir

[1855], [Ashkenazi brothers' printing].
An argument with the Christians to prove
the truthfulness of the Jewish religion. With
Ladino translation. Includes approbation by
Rabbi Hayim Palagi.
On title page a long dedication by the author
(14 lines).
Rabbi Refael Katzin Ben Rabbi Eliyahu, Rabbi
in Bagdad, returned in his last days to Aram
Tzova where he passed away in 1871 or 1875.
111 pages. 15 cm. Good condition, old binding.

Dedication and signature of author Rabbi Moshe

Kliers, Rabbi of Tiberias and Rosh Yeshivat Or
Torah (1874-1934, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 15098). A
Slonim Hassid. Of his books: "Torat Ha-Aretz".
11 pages, 3-4, 109 leaves. 19 cm. Good condition.
Original binding torn.
Opening Price: $150

Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $200


- .295


' .296


' , " ,
,]1765 , [", ,

,]1855 , [", , ' ,

, ,
.' '
.) 14(
, ,' '
1875( "
. , . "15 ,'"

$100 :
2009 | 170

298. Drush Ve-Hidushei Rabbi

, .297

Akiva Eger - Dedication and


Drush Ve-Hidushei Rabbi Akiva Eger. Book II

and III. Warsaw [1895].
On title page year is 1892, but according to censor's license the book was printed only in 1895.
In this edition the first part was not printed
- only parts II and III.
Stamps and signature of Rabbi Ya'akov Meir
Ben Rabbi Yosef Hayim Sonnenfeld.
A long dedication for Bar Mitzvah by Eliyahu
Mordechai Sonnenfeld to his friend Refael
Eliyahu Yitzhak (Katzenelboigen) in his handwriting and signed by his father Rabbi Yosef
Hayim Sonnenfeld (Rabbi of Jerusalem).
Stamp from 1907 of Rabbi Avraham Moshe
Ha-Levi Katzenelboigen, and an inscription
signed by Rabbi Aharon Shlomo Ha-Levi
Katzenelboigen, who exchanged this book with
his brother for other books.
Katzenelboigen and his sons were known
for their genius and public activities. Rabbi
Avraham Moshe was Rosh Yeshivah in the Old
City, while his brother Rabbi Aharon Shlomo
Katzenelboigen was a prominent figure in the
Neturei Karta movement. ( The third brother
Rabbi Ya'akov Yerucham belonged to Agudat
188; 125 pages. 31 cm. Damage to title page
(tear with no omission in the middle of Rabbi
Sonnenfeld's signature) and first pages. Damaged
Cardboard binding.
Opening Price: $200

,' "
.1911 , ", .
, -
. "23 ,] 1[ ,116 ,]2[
. . ,

$100 :

297. Torat Hacham - Jerusalem,


Author's Dedication

,) (

, " " "

( ." "
, ""
.)" "
( , . "31 .' 125 ;188
. )

$200 :
171 |

Responsa and novellae on various issues. By

Yosef Ben Rabbi Mordechai Yadid Ha-Levi,
Rabbi for Aram Tzova Jews in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, 1911.
Author's dedication in handwriting to David
Haimoff, a prominent figure among Bucharian
Jewry in Jerusalem.
[2], 116, [1] leaves. 23 cm.
Goos condition, few tiny holes. Edges of binding
Opening Price: $100


. .
.]1895 , [",
,1892 , "
1895 .1895
.'-' ()

299. Sefer Ha-Mikneh -

- .299

Dedication and Signatures

Sefer Ha-Mikneh, dialectics on various issues
in the Talmud regarding property, by Rabbi
Zusman Eliezer Sofer. Part I: Pressburg, 1877;
Part III: Paks, 1884.
Part I belonged to Rabbi Hayim Meshulam
Koifman Oterman, a prominent Polish Rabbi
of his time (1860-1924). Wrote many books.
Stamps of the Rabbi and inscriptions probably
done by him in his youth. In addition a stamp
M. Ch. Stern, Praga.
In part III, on title page, a dedication, slightly
chopped, by the author in his handwriting.
Rabbi Eliezer Zusman Sofer (1830-1903), a
genius, Rabbi in Halas and Paks. Author of
Yalkut Eliezer, Damesek Eliezer and more.
Part I: 16, [2], 274 [should be 272] pages; Part III:
8, 220, [1], 220-254 pages, 33 cm.
Very good condition. Minor staining and tears to
title pages. Part I has restored binding, Part III
Opening Price: $300

:' . ' ,
.1884 , ":'; 1877 , "
, ' '
. . ,
.M CH STERN, Praga
( ) , ,'
,)"-' ("
, ."
,]1[ ,220 ,8 :'] '; 272 ["274 ,]2[ ,16 :'
. "33 ,' 220-254
' . .
. ' ,

$300 :

2009 | 172


.300 - ,"
" ,
, ,
" " . (),
[" .]1714 .
" -.
" " "
," ,' "
5-7 "( ."
"( ,"-".
, ("
= ) . ,
" "
. " "
" ,
( ," "
" ") .
, "
( ." "
[ ,]3 30 ." . . ,
. .

$3000 :

300. Sefer Bnei Ya'akov - Kushta,

1714 - Signature of the Malbim and

Sefer Bnei Ya'akov, commentary on Sefer HaItur and responsa, by Rabbi Ya'akov Sasson,
brought to print by Rabbi Hayim Kimhi, Ben
Rabbi Yitzhak. Kushta [1714]. Yonah Ben
Ya'akov of Zalzich printing.
On title page stamp of the Malbim in bluegreen color. On second page is the signature of
the Malbim.
Several handwritten remarks of 5-7 words (in
Batei Kehunah responsa).
Rabbi Meir Leib Malbim (1809-1880, Otzar
Ha-Rabanim 13090). Born in Volotshisk near
Husiatin, to his father Rabbi Yechiel Michl
(Malbim is Meir Leib Ben Yechiel Michl).
Famous for his writings of the bible which were
printed in hundreds of editions and is to this
day a milestone in the study of the Bible and
Jewish perception.
[3], 243 leaves. 30 cm. Thick paper and wide margins. Good condition, minor moth damage. Old
worn binding.
Opening Price: $3000


.301 -
, "
" " , .
" " .[ ,"] ,1835
" : "
[?]"" . " .
"' '" .
" '
" .
" " .
, ,
" , ".
[ ,]1 ,- ,]1[ ,- ,- ]1[ ,( .
) 17 ." . . , .

$750 :
| 173

.) " "
" "
309-311 ' , :
. - .
. . . "18 .] 148[
" :
." "

" .)"( "

( "
.) "
. ,
. "
: ( ","
- '


$2500 :

302. Shvilei Emunah - with

Signatures of Rabbi Manish

Margaliot Av Beit Din Matziov
and his son Rabbi Efraim

Shulchan Aruch Hukei Da'at, including all the

rules from Yoreh De'ah in alphabetical order,
written by Moshe Yekutial, known as Kofman
Cohen, son in law of the "Magen Avraham".
Sodilkov, 1835, Yitzhak Madpis printing.
Owners signatures: Zvi Hirsch BenYa'akon
Shimshon Stavisk from [Bahslov?]; Meir
Ya'akov". On page before title page there is a
pencil signature "Ha-Katan Yesha'ayah" and a
stamp of one of the decendants of Admor Rabbi
Yesha'ayahu Steiner of Krestir.
Rabbi Yesha'ayahu of Krestir (1752-1822, "Otzar
Ha-Rabanim 11765), disciple of Rabbi Zvi
Hirsch of Liska author of "Ach Pri Tvu'ah".
[1], 78, 76-78, [1] 79-80, 85-98, [1] leaves. (last
page missing). 17 cm. Blue paper. Fair condition,
severe moth damage. Original binding damaged.
Opening Price: $750

- .302
, "

Sefer Shvilei Emunah, by Rabbi Meir Aldobi,

[Russia-Poland], [circa 1821]. (Year estimated
by writing in title page).
Signatures on title page by Rabbi Menachem
Manish of Matziov and Rabbi Efraim Margaliot.
Other owners signatures.
Rabbi Menachem Manish Margaliot, Av Beit
Din of Matziov near Dubna (Otzar Ha-Rabanim
13350). Son of Rabbi Hayim Mordechai author
of "Sha'arei Teshuvah" on the Shulchan Aruch
(brother of the "Beit Efraim"), Son in law of
Admor Rabbi Ya'akov Aryeh Shapira of Kvali.
[148] leaves. 18 cm. Very good condition. Blue
paper. Fine new leather binding.
Enclosed: Report from examination of expert
Rabbi Yitzhak Yesha'ayah Weiss, editor of
Opening Price: $2500

301. Shulchan Aruch Hukei Da'at

- Signatures


- [. ,
( .] 1821 , [",]
" :

.) "
." "' ' ' ,
." "'
.)13350 (
" "

2009 | 174

303. Sefer Amudei Golah, with

signatures of Rabbi Avraham of



.303 ,

( ,") .
.[ ,"
.]1820 .
" " "" .

" ,

, "
" ("-" , .)560
, .
[ ,]4- , , , ,- 19 ." . . ,
( ) .

$2000 :

Sefer Amudei Golah, Sefer Mitzvot Katan. With

commentary by Rabbi Yehoshua Zeitlesh of
Shklov. Kapust [1820]. Yisrael Yaffe printing.
Antique square stamp of Rabbi Avraham Landa
Av Beit Din Czeshanov. Enclosed is a confirmation by expert Rabbi Yitzhak Yesha'ayah
Weiss on the identification of the stamp and
Rabbi Avraham of Czeshanov, author of
"Zechuta De-Avraham" (1789-1875, O"tzar
Ha-Rabanim 560). Father of Rabbi Berish of
Biale and father of the dynasties of Admors of
[4], 2-6, 93, 51, 40, 39-58 leaves. 19 cm. Blue paper.
Good condition, few moth holes (with damage to
text). Fine new leather binding.
Opening Price: $2000

.304 "
" "
, , " (.)1954
" ."16 ,
" - ("-
" ,1963 ,)4066
" " ." "
," "
. "
" " .
" .
" ".
" ,


. ,
220' 19.5 ," . , ,

$3000 :

304. Sidur of the Admor of Seret

"Vizhnitz, The "Mekor Baruch

Sidur "Or M-Tzion", Sefaradi custom, Jerusalem

1954. Levin Epstein publishing.
On first and last endpapers, there are signatures
of "Baruch Hager, Haifa, Bilu 16". On page
before title page there are names of people to
pray for.
Admor Rabbi Baruch Hager of Seret Vizhnitz
(1895-1963, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 4066), fourth
son of the "Ahavat Yisrael" of Vizhnitz. Admor
since 1936. In 1947 came to Haifa where he established his Beit Midrash and a large community. A member of Moetzet Gedolei Ha-Torah,
and a prominent figure of the Independent
Education and Agudat Yisrael.
220pages, 19.5 cm. Good condition, worn, taped
hinges, worn original cardboard binding, and on
it another fine leather binding.
Opening Price: $3000
| 175

." "
, .' 3-140
' " (
.) 5 2 , - .1880
. . . "18.5

$1000 :

305. Tehilim of Admor Eliezer

Biderman of Lelov


Sefer Tehilim, with Eretz Hayim commentary

[Warsaw? 1880?].
Stamps of Admor Rabbi Alter Ben Rabbi Eliezer
Admor Rabbi Alter Biderman (1862-1933), born
in Jerusalem to his father Rabbi Elazar Mendel
of Lelov and was named "Avraham Bezalel
Natan Nate", but he is called "Alter". In 1894
went to Poland and lead a court of Hassidim
in Sosnovitz and was called "Der Eretz Israel
3-140 pages. Title page, first and last pages missing. Starts at the beginning of psalm 3, and ends
in 150. (This is probably the Warsaw 1880 edition,
and so there are 2 pages missing from the beginning and 5 in the end). 18.5 cm. Fair condition.
Used copy with minor damage and restorations.
Fine new leather binding. In a cloth covered cardboard box.
Opening Price: $1000


" .305

",? [, ,
' " " " '
." "
") - (","
" ." ","
2009 | 176

, , ,
( ) ." .1753 .
, " " .
[ " ?] "
[ ,]2 ]3[ , 30 ." . . .
. (
) .
( " ,
,)15912 ( " ,
("-" , ).
: 2008 ;249
. "" ' ' .396
" "
' "

" .
" :


" " .
" " . [

) " " ,
" " ,

$800 :

306. Divrei Shlomo - Signed copy

of Admor Rabbi Duber Friedman of

Sefer Divrei Shlomo, Drushim Al Ha-Torah, In
Halachah and Agadah, by Rabbi Shlomo Shalem
of Sofia. Frankfurt an der Oder (Amsterdam
letters) 1753.
Stamps of Admor Nahum Duber Friedman
of Sadegura - a stamp with his name, and a
stamp of "Minhat Shay". On half title page an
inscription (probably in his handwriting) of
[2], 108, [3] leaves. 30 cm. Good condition, stains,
title page has slight damage with tapings. Fine
binding (learher spine and gilded minting), worn
and damaged.
Rabbi Nahum Duber Friedman (passed away
1883, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 15912), Ben Rabbi
Shalom Yosef (passed away 1851, son of Rabbi
Yisrael of Ruzhin) and son on law of his uncle
Rabbi Avraham Ya'akov of Sadegura (1820-1883,
also a son of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin). On Rabbi
Nahum Dubers well known and importsnt
library see Kedem Catalog from November
2008, item 249, and enclosed article.
Opening Price: $800

.307" " "

," ' .[ ,"
.]1791 ' . " "
, " ".
[ ,]2 28 ." . . .
. ,

( " , ,)15912
.306 -

$350 :


307. She'elot U-Teshuvot Ra"Y

Migash - stamps of Admor Rabbi

Nahum Duber Friedman of
She'elot U-Teshuvot, Ra"y Ha-Levi Ben Migash.
Saloniki, [1791]. Israelije printing. Printed
by the Hebron emissary Rabbi Yosef Eliyah
Stamps of Admor Rabbi Hahum Duber
Friedman of Sadegura - staqmp of his name
and stamp "Kinyan Kaspi".
[2], 36 leaves. 28 cm. Fine copy. Excellent condition. Colored edges. Fine antique leather binding
with minting, complete with slight scuffing.
On the important library of Rabbi Nahum
Duber Friedman see previous item.
Opening Price: $350
| 177

" "- .309

", " .)1960(
." " ,
.)"-" ("
, "
. ," "
." " ,
, , . "34.3

$120 :

309. Shtar Ketuba Signed by

the Admor from Nadvorna, Rabbi

Hayim Mordechai Rosenboim
Shtar Ketuba of the Rabbinate in Petach Tikvah
from 1960. Signed by Ha-Rav Ha-Mesader
Kidushin, the Admor from Nadvorna, Rabbi
Hayim Mordechai Rosenboim, Ha-"Ma'amar
Rabbi Hayim Mordechai Rosenboim (19041978). Firstborn son of Rabbi Itamar, the
Admor from Nadvorna, was Admor in Europe,
and later in Jaffa and Bnei Brak. Established
the Nadvorna Yeshivah, which is called after
him, "Ma'amar Mordechai". Of the prominent
Admorim of the generation after the Holocaust.
Was the first of the Nadvorna dynasty to emigrate to Eretz Israel.
Single page. 34.3 cm. Good condition, filing holes,
a stain and a minor tears to top margins
Opening Price: $120

- .308
" "


308. Zohar Hadash Signatures

of Rabbi Israel Beer, Disciple of
"Ha-Hozeh Mi-Lublin" and Rabbi
Moshe Gelernter

Sefer Zohar Hadash, second printing by Rabbi

Ya'akov Ben Rabbi Naftali Hirtz from Brod.
Zholkiev, [1804], Avraham Yehudah Leib
Signature on title page "belongs to me HaKatan Moshe Gelernter". On page before title
page ownership inscriptions and signatures of
his father Rabbi Yisrael Dov Beer, Ben Rabbi
Avraham Yosef and on top of the page another
signature "Ya'akov --- ---".
Rabbi Yisrael Dov Beer the Admor of
Yashanitze, author of "Ravid Ha-Zahav" (18071867), a disciple of "Ha-Hozeh Mi-Lublin", and
of Rabbi Naftali of Ropshitz. A disciple of Rabbi
Zvi Ha-"Ateret Zvi" of Ziditshov, Rabbi Mendel
of Rimanov and Rabbi Shimon of Jaroslaw.
His son Rabbi Moshe, father-in-law of Rabbi
Sander Lipa Eichenstein, son of Mahari"a from
Ziditshov. His descendants became Admors of
Ziditshov and Spinka. (See item 98, "Clothing
for Shabbat and Yom Tov" by his grandson
the Admor Rabbi Berish of Vertzky).
142, [2] leaves. 21.7 cm. Fair condition. Moth

" " ",

"," " "
, ."
. ,]1804 ["
' " '
." "

."----- --- "
",)"- " " ("
. ,"
" "
"," '
" ,
.) ,""
, "
" " ,
",98 ( ."
.) ""
. . "21.7 .] 2[ ,

$800 :

damages and a tear with some damages to margins of title page. Cardboard cover and cloth spine
with moth damages.

Opening Price: $800

2009 | 178

- , .310



311. Perush Rabenu Hanan'el Al

Masechet Pesachim - with Stamp
of Admor of Ruzhin

Perush Rabenu Hanan'el Al Masechet Pesachim,

from a manuscript. Hevrat Shomrei Torah publishing by Yechiel Brill. Paris, [1868].
Stamps in Hebrew and Polish of Admor Rabbi
Menachem Mendel Guterman of Radzimin.
Rabbi [Aharon] Menachem Mendel of Radzimin
(1860-1934, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 1834), of the
most prominent Admorim in Poland was involved in the establishment of Bnei Brak.
Yechiel Brill, one of the first printers of
Jerusalem in the 19th century, and publisher of
the "Ha-Levanon" newspaper, moved to Paris
after the Ottoman authorities closed "HaLevanon" in 1864.
[7], 232 pages. 20.5 cm. Good condition, few moth
holes. Old worn binding.
Opening Price: $200

179 |

.1873 ", .
] , . [= WIEN
( .-
. . "23 .' 124 ,]4[


$100 :

" . " ",
", . "
" ,
,"- [] ("
, " ,)1834
" "" ,19-
" "
. , . "20.5 .' ,]7[

$200 :

310. Beit Shlomo, Mishlei

Important Stamp

Sefer Beit Shlomo, Perush Nifla AL Mishlei

Be-Derech Parde"s, by Rabbi Eliezer Lipman
from Brod. Warsaw, 1873. Nathan Schriftgieser
Stamps in Latin charachters: "N. Friedmann,
Rabbiner, Wien", probably a stamp of one of the
Admorim of Beit Ruzhin, who lived in Vienna
during World War I. Rabbi Nachum Mordechai
from Tshorkov or Rabbi Menachem Nachum
from Itskani-Shtepenesht or Rabbi Menachem
Nachum from Boyan-Chernowitz. (It's possible
to try and verify by the address on the stamp).
[4], 124 pages. 23 cm. Good condition. Cardboard
cover in fair condition.
Opening Price: $100

312. Shulchan Aruch Ha-Rav -

Copy of the Admor Rabbi Yehudah

Leib Twerski of Hornisteipel


.312" - "

, , ,
. ," .1874 . -
" ( ' .)474-458
" " "
" " " .

"" "".
("-") ,
" , " "
. " ".
" , , , ,
. .
[ 474 ,]5' 20.3 ." . .

$300 :
| 180 2009

Shulchan Aruch by the Rabbi of Liadi, Orach

Hayim, part II, Hilchot Shabat. Brody, 1874.
Printed according to the Zhitomir edition 1869
(except for pages 474-458).
Stamp on title page "Yehudah Leib Twersky
Ben Ha-Rav Mordechai Dov of
Horonstayplia". On the page before title page
there are two more stamps of his in which his
father is mentioned.
The Admor of Hornisteipel, Rabbi Yehudah
Leib Twerski (1868-1951), son of Kabbalist
Rabbi Mordechai Dov, Admor of Hornisteipel,
and grandson of the "Divrei Hayim" of Sanz.
His father was son of the daughter of Rabbi
Ya'akov Yisrael Twerski of Tsherkes. Became
Admor in 1903. Admor in Hornisteipel, Kiev,
Antwerp, Tel Aviv and Chicago. Published his
father's books.
[5], 474 pages. 20.3 cm. Good condition. Old
binding torn at spine.
Opening Price: $300

" " "

("-" , ,)17314
" " " ( "
" , " "),
" .
" " . .
" " ( ") ,
" , ,

" . " " ()
" ...
" "
, "
" " .
' : ,]2[ .; ( . 6 )28 .
" . , .
. , .
' : ,]2[ . , , 28 ." . ,
. ,

$300 :

.313 -
, " "" , " ",
" " " .
," .1863 .
" ,
" [ ?]
" " -".


313. Humashim Be'er Mayim Hayim

. " ".
, , (" , "
) ,

",)6013 ,"-("
. "
." "
, . "38 . .;
. .
. ,

- Stamps of Admorim of Spinka

$700 :

314. Pnei Yehoshua - Copy of

Rabbi of Nadrazin

Sefer Pnei Yehoshua, part III, on Bava Kama

and Bava Metzi'a. Lemberg [1809]. Uri Zvi
Rabin Stein printing.
On title page are signatures of Admor Rabbi
Hayim Ben Harav Mi-Nadrazin, and stamps
of his father Rabbi Ya'akov Yehudah Ben Natan
On endpapers various signatures and inscriptions (some of them drafts for letters).
Admor Rabbi Ya'akov Yehudah Tennenboim
of Nadrazin (passed away 1886, Otzar HaRabanim 10083).
His son, who took hi place, Rabbi Hayim
Tennenboim (1861-1931, Otzar Ha-Rabanim
8013), became Admor in 1927. Author of
"Ra'ayonei Torah".
65; 53 leaves. Faulty pagination. 38 cm. Good
condition, wear. Slight moth damage to last pages.
Original leather binding with tears and damage.
Opening Price: $700

181 |


"- .314

, ,
.]1809 [", .
" "
,"" " "
." " " "
" (
." " .)10083 ,"

Humash Bereshit and Humash Ba-Midbar,

with "Or Hayim", "Homat Anach" by HaHid"a, and "Be'er Mayim Hayim" by the
Admor Rabbi Hayim of Chernowitz. Lemberg,
1863. Avraham Yitzhak Menkish and Shlomo
Sprecher printing.
Two title pages. On both certain words are in
red ink.
In Humash Bereshit is a stamp of the Admor
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kahana, Av Beit Din Spinka,
in Humash Ba-Midbar ownership inscription
and a chopped signature in handwriting [Rabbi
Zvi Hirsch Kahana?] and a stamp of Rabbi
Nachman Kahana.
The Admor Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kahana, Av Beit
Din Spinka (1884-1944, Otzar Ha-Rabanim
17314), son of Admor Rabi Nachman author of
"Orchot Hayim" (son in law of the "Imrei Yosef
of Spinka, and descendent of the author of
"Kuntres Ha-Sfekot"), son in law of Ha-Admor
Baruch Rubin of Gherla. Served as Rabbi
and Admor after his father. Murdered in the
Holocaust. All his writings were lost.
His son Rabbi Nachman Kahana (passed away
1977), Admor of Spinka - Bnei Brak.
Another son of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch is Rabbi Yosef
Meir Kahana, Admor of Spinka - Jerusalem.
Part I: Bereshit. [2], 342; 9 leaves. 96 leaves
missing in the end). 28 cm. Fair condition, moth
damage mainly to margins of first pages. Stains.
Non original cloth binding, worn and with no
Part IV: Ba-Midbar. [2], 198, 7, 4 leaves. 28 cm.
Good condition, moth holes and minor foxing.
Non original cloth binding, slightly worn.
Opening Price: $300

.315 - "

, -,
, .[ ,"-"].1910-1911 ,
, .1901
, .1911

" "
" " " "
"" . "
" ' '
" " " "" .
" "
" " " ".
" , .
" "
( ) ," (
) .
'- . ,".
( ' ,' )
" " .
. "
" . .
" " " " " " -
( "-") .
,"( . ' ,' ).
; [ ]2 ; [ ]1 22.5 ." . ,
, . .

$200 :


315. Sha'ar Bat Rabim - with signatures of the Nadvorna Admorim

from Sighet

Sefer Sha'ar Bat Rabim, on the Torah and Five

Scrolls - Bereshit, Shmot, Va-Yikra. Warsaw,
Part I, Bereshit, second edition with additions,
1901. Part II, Shmot, sixt edition with many additions, 1911. Part III, Va-Yikra, sixth edition
with many additions, 1910.
Ownership inscriptions and more from the
Admor Rabbi Yitzhak Rosenboim. Further inscriptions in his father's handwriting "belongs
to my dear son". More signatures of Rabbi
Yitzhak and a draft for a letter by the father to
Rabbi Yosef Leib Av Beit Din Rupshitz.
Handwritten remark by Rabbi Yitzhak on leaf
Rabbi Ya'akov Yissaschar Beer Rosenboim
Admor of Slatpina and Sighet. Murdered in the
His son Rabbi Yitzhak Rosenboim, Admor in
Sighet. Murdered in the Holocaust.
113 leaves; [2], 122 leaves; [1], 95 leaves. 22.5 cm.
Good condition, dry paper, few stains. Old cardboard and cloth binding, worn,
Opening Price: $200

| 182 2009


.316 - "

, .
. " ' [ . -
,] . ,".1883 ,
" ,
" ( ",
' ,' ) ,
. " ".
, .
, .
" " .
" " , ".
" - ,
( " , ' ,' ).
[ ] : . , [ . ] : . ,
[ . ] : ,]1[ . , .
31" . . , .

$200 :

") .15900 (
" "
.) ",( "
. . .
. .

$120 :

317. Torat Ha-Bayit by Ha-

Rashb"a - Signatures and Glosses




.1810 ] [", ,
(" ," " .
: .] " [
" ."''
183 |

Torat Ha-Bayit Ha-Aroch by Harashba, Vienna,

[1811]. Georg Hroshantzkia print.
Stamp and signature of Rabbi "Feivel Schlesinger,
Rabbi in Topolcany and the region", stamp
of his son Rabbi "Nahum Schlesinger Rabbi
in Topolcany and the Region" and a previous
owner's signature, older and faded "Ha-Katan
Ve-Ha-Tsa'ir Yosef [?]". Throughout the book
are dozens of short glosses with references.
Rabbi Kalev Feivel Schlesinger (1828-1911),
of the prominent disciples of the "Ktav Sofer",
author of "Torat Bar Nash" (Otzar Ha-Rabanim
12433). Son in law of Rabbi Aharon Yosef
Shmuel Ha-Levi Segal (Otzar Ha-Rabanim
1811). His son, Rabbi Nahum Schlesinger
(Otzar ha-Rabanim 15900, died 1918) was appointed to his father's position in his father's
lifetime after his retirement from Rabbinate.
Of his manuscripts the books "Hazon Nahum"
were published, on matters of Agadah and the
Torah. (Bnei Brak 1991-1998).
122 leaves. Good condition. Wear and water
stains to margins of a few of the pages. Creases
and an ink stain to title page. New binding.
Opening Price: $120

316. Beit Efrayim - Copy of Admor

of Kauszyn, Rabbi Meir Shalom

Sefer Beit Efraim, responsa. By Rabbi Efraim

Zalman Margaliot. Second edition by Rabbi
Aharon Walden. [Parts I, II, IV]. Warsaw,
Signatures, stamps and ownership inscriptions
of Rabbi Rair Shalom Rabinowitz, Admor of
Kauszyn, signatures of his son Rabbi Shmuel
Mordechai of Palinitz and other signatures and
Admor Rabbi Meir Shalom Rabinowitz (passed
away 1903), son of Rabbi Yehoshua Asher
Rabinowitz of Porisov. Descendent of "HaYehudi Ha-Kadosh".
His son, Admor of Kaluszyn Palinitz, Rabbi
Shmuel Mordechai (passed away 1939).
[Part I]: Orah Hayim: 5, 116 leaves. [Part II]:
Yore De'ah: 4, 109 leaves. [Part IV]: Hoshen HaMishpat: [1], 4, 109 Leaves.
31 cm. Fair condition. Dry paper with minor
damage. No binding.
Opening Price: $200

" .317

.]1811 , [", , "

" "
"; "
" ";
."]?[ "'
,) "- ("
" " (," "
.)1811 " (

" " "" .

( , ,)17179
" "
. ,
" " " ,
" ( , ).
" ,
. . "( .
: , ,
" ,' -; ).
"( , ,)6336
" ' "
" " [ "
" "] .
" " ".
" "
." " .
" ( ,)1944
(. ).
35 ." . . .

$180 :

318. Halachot Gedolot - Rabbi

Hirsch Oppenheim's copy

Halachot Gedolot, Vienna, 1810. Georg

Hroshnotskia print. Approbation by the Hatam
Sofer. Published by the Pressburg community
A cut-off dedication on title page to Rabbi
Zvi Hirsch Ben Rabbi David Av Beit Din
Tome[shvar]. At the end of the book is an ownership inscription of his son "Rabbi Yehudah
Ben Rabbi Zvi Hirsh Op'" who received the
book from his father. Many stamps of Rabbi
"Hatim Yudah Broin, Av Beit Din of Iklad.
Icludes a page with Torah novellae on the
Halachot Gedolot which was once bound in
with the book.
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Oppenheim (Otzar HaRabanim 17179), born 1893 to his father Rabbi
David Oppenheim, Av Beit Din Olmosh and
Temesvar. Since 1821 replaces his father in the
Rabbinate of Temesvar. A prominent fighter
against reform, who published in 1829 a book
"Einei Ha-Da'at" with poignant objections to a
book by Aharon Choriner, initiator of reform
in Hungary. Passed away in 1859.
)Rabbi Yudah Broin (Otzar Ha-Rabanim 6336
born 1896, son of Rabbi Yisrael Menahem
Broin, Av Beit Din Brezowitz. From 1925 Rabbi
and Av Beit Din Iklad, in which he opened a
Yeshivah. Murdered in Auschwitz in 1944 with
his whole congregation and family. See additional materials.
106 leaves. 35 cm. Light green paper. Good condition. Slight moth damage to first and last pages
and binding. Cardboard binding with cloth spine
and corners.
Opening Price: $180


.319 - ,"
, .
. [" .]1865
" . .
" "
( . ,)15466 ".
" " ."-" .
" " " ".
' .116
' 62803
" " . 32 ." . ,
. .
' . .

$100 :
| 184 2009

320. Ateret Tzvi Important

319. Shvilei David Yehudah


Sefer Ateret Tzvi Al Hoshen Mishpat. By

Rabbi Zvi Ben Rabbi Azriel of Vilna. Yesnitz,
1722. Yisrael Ben Avraham printing.
On title page are antique ownership inscriptions and signatures. "Avraham Lamnitz" [=
Rabbi in Halitsch].
On verso of last page chopped handwritten ownership writing from 18th century of
Mordechai --- ---- Spitz". [= Nikolsburg].
Perhaps it's the famous Rabbi Shmuel Yosef
Ben Rabbi Rafael Cohen, (died in 1849) disciple of the "Machatzit Ha-Shekel" and Dayan
in Nikolsburg at Beit Din of Mordecai Ben
Abraham Banet (Mahara"m Banet) See
enclosed material, with photocopy of a manuscript identified as his handwriting.
It might also be Mahara"sh Zlz, Rabbi Shmuel
Ben Rabbi Moshe Leib from Zlz, Rosh Beit
Din in Nikolsburg. Born in 1802 in Nikolsburg,
and from 1850 Rosh Av Beit Din of Nikolsburg
until his demise in 1859.
[2], 167 pages. 30.3 cm. Fair condition. Staining.
Some damages to last pages with restorations
in antique handwriting. Good binding, non
Opening Price: $300

- Jerusalem, 1865 - Stamps of the

Dayan of Papa

- .320
.1722 ", .
..." .
- " " "
, " " [= .".] "," " " ' "
" ' "-- ---" :"
." " ' ' ' "--- ---

( ") " " ,
- "
. ,
, "
". " "
" " ",
. "
. . . "30.3 .] 2[
. "

$300 :

185 |

Sefer Shvilei David Yehudah, Hoshen Mishpat

U-Shtarot. Rabbi David Yehudah Zilbertein.
Jerusalem [1865].
Yisrael Bak printing. Ilustration of Jerusalem
on title page.
Hebrew and Latin signatures of Rabbi Moshe
Yosef Hofman, and stamps of his Beit Midrash
in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Moshe Yosef Hofman, Ha-Dayan MiPapa, one of the greatest Torah scholars of
Hungary and Jerusalem. (Otzer Ha-Rabbanim
15466). Born 1843. 1882, Dayan of Papa. 19091928, lived in Jerusalem. Authored Mei Beer
and Mayim Hayim.
See previous item for more about the author.
Sh. Ha-Levi 116. Title page is different from
the copy in Sh. Ha-Levi, and in the Winograd
& Rosenfeld CD, item 62803, the name of the
book is listed with a letter added, as Shvilei
David and Yehudah - see accompanying
100 leaves, 32 cm. Fair condition, wear and water
stains to margins of first and last pages. Minor
moth holes. Tear with omission to margins of
page 2. Special new binding with paper cover.
Opening Price: $100

[ " ] ,
( ") .
[ ,]1; ,; ]1[ , . , ,
23.5X 37" . .

$400 :

321. Tiv Gitin and Yad Efraim

- Signatures iof Rabbi Akiva
Wertheimer - Breslau


.321 -
, , "
" "
, [ .],
" .1822 .
"" ,
" " ".
-( , ",
)16779 ,"
, ,"
" -

| 186 2009

Sefer Tiv Gitin and Sefer Yad Efraim, on Sidrei

Gitin by the "Beit Shmuel" with glosses and
commentary of Shulchan Aruch Even Ha-Ezer
and Hoshen Mishpat, by Rabbi Efraim Zalman
Margaliot of Brod. [Zolkiev] 1822. Meir Hofer
Previous owner's signature on title page of
Rabbi Akiva Wertheimer.
Rabbi Akiva Wertheimer-Breslau (passed
away 1838, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 16779) one of
the prominent sages of Germany, Av Beit Din
Luebeck, Moisling and Altona, and Av Beit Din
of the entire Schleswig Holstein state. Since
1823 replaced Rabbi Mendel Hirsch Frankfurter [grandfather of Rabbi Shimshon Rafael
Hirsch] in the Altona Rabbinate and was the
first Rabbi to be appointed Rosh Av Beit Din of
Altona alone (after the separation of the AWH
communities). See enclosed materials.
[1], 43, 43, 10; 2, [1] leaves. Fine copy, thick paper,
wide maragins. 23.5x37 cm. Very good condition.
Old cardboard binding with new cloth spine.
Opening Price: $400


.322 -
" ".
, " , -
. ,"-" .1868-1871
" : " ,
" ' ) .
," ,
" " .
" " " .
" .
' : ,]2[ . . ' :,
" , , , . 30.5 ." . .
. , .

$100 :

322. Pnei Yehoshua - Signature of

Rabbi Binyamin Ulman, son of the
"Yeri'ot Shlomo"

Sefer Pnei Yehoshua, novellae on the Shas, parts

I, II. Warsaw, 1868-1871. Argelbrand printing.
Ownership inscription on title page of Rabbi
Binyamin Ulman.
Rabbi Binyamin Ulman of Zolkiev (18471931), born to his father Rabbi Shlomo Zalman
Ulman. Published his father's book "Yeri'ot
Shlomo" on Shas issues.
Part I: [2], 136 leaves. Part II: 87 leaves. 30.5 cm.
Good condition. Minor tears. Nerw binding, colored edges.
A bibliographically unknown edition of which
a facsimile edition was made in 1876-1877.


, - " .324
. ,
.]1712 "- [",
' ": ,
[ ." "
, "
].1845 "." "
, . "26 .) , ( . ,]2[
. , .
,- ,
"" ( ) "" ( "
" .) ,
. ".""

$200 :
187 |

323. Hidushei Rabbi Akiva Eger

- Signature of the Dayan from Papa

Rabbi Moshe Yosef Hoffman
Hidushei Rabbi Akiva Eger, third book.
Collection of novellae on Masechet Bava Metzia,
Gitin, Ktubot and other scattered homilies.
Warsaw, 1876. Hayim Kelter printing.
Signature on top of title page: "Ha-Katan Moshe
Yosef, Ben Mahara"m Hoffman Dayan".
Rabbi Moshe Yosef Hoffman, the "Dayan from
Papa" (1843-1928, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 15466).
Studied with Mahari"a Asad and the "Ktav
Sofer". 1909-1926 in Jerusalem. Author of "Mei
Be'er", "Mayim Hayim".
[1], 3-67 leaves. 29.5 cm. Poor condition, tears
with omissions. Cardboard binding.
Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $100

- .323

. ,
, , '
. .1876 ] [", .
"' " :
," "
,"- (".
"." " " ,)15466
"." - "."
." " ,"
. , . "29.5 . 67-3 ,]1[

$100 :

324. Yad Eliyahu ResponsaAmsterdam, 1712

She'elot U-Teshuvot Yad Eliyahu, by Rabbi

Elihayu Ben Rabbi Shmuel. Amsterdam [1712].
Moshe Diash and Shimon Shemesh printing.
Antique owner's signatures on title page, two
signatures of Rabbi Natan Shapira, Av Beit Din
Mschechvil [might be Rabbi Natan Shapira
Av Beit Din Chechwitz and Tokaj in Hungary,
author of book Tlalei Shanah, passed away
[2], 98 leaves (with addition of leaves 99,100).
26 cm. Fair condition, moth damage and paper
reinforcements. Part of pages' tops damaged by
cutting. Old worn binding with leather spine.
A variant. In some of the copies pages 99-100
were added containing omissions and indexes
(by Rambam order and weekly portions). In the
omissions page there is mention of a book printed
in 1713, while this book is dated 1712.
Opening Price: $200

.325 -

, ' . -.
," ( .)1799 .Joseph Rossmann
" :'
' ----
("-" , .)2938 "
" " " " "
, .
. .
" ".
:" " "
, , ."...
| 188 2009

" " ,
[ ,]1; [ ,]1 ,- ,- ,- ,- ]5[ ,23 .
" . , ,
. .

$180 :

.326 -


325. Binah Le-Itim - Signature of

Rabbi Elazar Moshe of Pinsk

Sefer Binah Le-Itim, homilies of Rabbi Azariah

Pigo. Parts I-II. Brunn, 1799. Joseph Rossmann
Owner's signatures on top of title page by Elazar
Moshe Ha-Levi Ish Horovitz.
Rabbi Elazar Moshe Ish Horovitz Av Beit Din
Pinsk (1818-1890, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 2938).
Author of "Ohel Moshe" and "Hagahot VeHidushim Le-Hare"m Horovitz". Served as
Rabbi of Pinsk some 50 years. See enclosed material. His son in law is Rabbi Baruch Epstein,
author of "Torah Temimah".
[1], 62; [1], 2, 2-22, 22-32, 32-35, 39-86, [5] leaves.
23 cm. Good condition, few mothm holes, stains
and restorations to title page. Old cardboard and
cloth binding.
Opening Price: $180

"" ,
.[ ," .]1737
" [
]" : "
" " ,
, ".
" " ."----
" ("-" ,
,)17927 "
" ".
" " ," " ,
" ."
" ,
" :
, "
("-" , ,)10246
( )3157
[ ,]5 20.5 ." . ,
. .

$180 :

327. Orach Mishor - Important


Sefer Orach Mishor, on Masechet Nazir, by

Rabbi Yohanan Kremnitzer. Berlin [1723].
Natan Neumark printing.
Important signatures:
1. Rabbi Yehudah Leib Halberstadt, disciple of
the "Pnei Yehoshua", a Dayan in Frth and one
of the heads of the Yeshivah alongside Rabbi
Wolf Hamburg. Passed away 1831. See enclosed
2. Nathan Schnaittach (Otzar Ha-Rabanim
16366), disciple of Rabbi Wolf of Hamburg and
a Dayan in his Beit Din in Frth. In his elderly
years emigrated to Jerusalem. His brother is
Riba"m Schnaittach. His son is Rabbi Moshe
Yauda Schnaittach of Jerusalem.
3. Antique signature: Avraham Segal Ben Av
Beit Din ---.
4. Yohanan Hirsch Ben Ha-Rav Mahara"m
Schlank (1815-1884). Disciple of the "Hatam
Sofer". Emigrated to Jerusalem amd was one
of the founders of the public institutions in
Jerusalem alongside Ram"y Schnaittach. See
enclosed material.
[2], 44; 8; 6 leaves. 31 cm. Good condition, minor
moth damage and stains. Antique wooden binding of which cover has peeled.

,)16366 (
. .
. "
. .
"' ": .3
."--- ---- "
" " ' " .4
," " - )"-("
. "

. "
,- " " '
, . "31 . ; ; ,]2[
. .
. ",
. "

$220 :

- Copy of Rabbi Shaul Av Beit Din


Sefer Hista'arut Melech Ha-Negev Im Melech

Ha-Tsafon, on the war between good and evil,
by Rabbi Ya'akov London of Lissa (Leschno).
Amsterdam, [1737]. Avraham Atias printing.
Inscription in Rashi letters [probably by his
son Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe Loewnstam] stating
the book belongs to Rabbi Shaul Av Beit Din
Amsterdam. Other onwers' inscriptions.
Rabbi Shaul Av Beit Din Amsterdam (17171790, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 17927), Ben Rabbi
Aryeh Leib Av Beit Din Amsterdam, son in law
of the "Hacham Tzvi".
A prominent figure in the times of the "Noda
Bi-Yehudah", the "Pnei Yehoshua", Rabbi
Yehonatan Eibeschutz and Ha-Gr"a of Vilna.
His sons are Rabbi Ya'akov Mosh Lowenstam
Av Beit Din Amsterdam (1740-1815, Otzar HaRabanim 10246) and Rabbi Leib, of Amsterdam
(Otzar Ha-Rabanim 3157), son in law of his
great uncle the Ya'avetz.
[5], 68 leaves. 20.5 cm. Good condition, damage
and restorations to title page and last page. Cloth
Opening Price: $180

Opening Price: $220

- .327

189 |

326. Hista'arut Melech Ha-Negev

, ,
. .]1723 [", .
... ".1
. .
. . "
- " ,' " .2

.328 - ,"

.329" -

" " .[ ," .]1814
[ ].
" ( .)13088

[ ,]2[ ," :] .- 20.3 .".
. , ,
. .

," " " .

" , ' " ,
.[ ," .]1816
" .1 " " "
" - "
" " ( " , ,)10439
" " "
" .2 ' " " ",
' " " -
" "
" " "" .
" ,
. "
"( ,
" ).
" .3 ,
"" ," "
" . "
" " .
[ ,]1 32.2 ." . .
, . .


$100 :

328. Ba'al Ha-Turim - Polonnoye,

1814 - Signatures

Commentray on the Torah by Rabbeinu Ya'akov

Ba'al Ha-Turim, with "Itur Bikurim". Polonnoye
[1814]. [Yosef Ben Tzvi Ha-Cohen printing].
On title page there is an ownership inscription from 1857 signed by Rabbi Meir Issaschar
Rabinovitz, Av Beit Din Kliev (Otzar HaRabanim 13088).
On other pages a stamp of his son Rabbi Shmuel
Mordechai Rabinovitz, Rabbi in Petrovke
(Otzar Ha-Rabanim 19601).
Other owners stamps and signatures.
[2], 90 [should be 88] leaves. Faulty pagination.
20.3 cm. Blue paper. Fair condition, restored
damage with loss to tile page and other pages.
New binding.

$300 :

Opening Price: $100

| 190 2009

",)19898 ,"-" ("

. " ","
. "
" . ", ","
. ",
, . "34 . ,]V], [1[ ,]2[
. ,)(


$120 :

330. Yalkut Ha-Gershoni -

Signature of Rabbi Shimon Sofer

of Erlau


' - .331

' ,
",]1903[ ", ,

' "
: , ",
. ,
, , . "25 ,

$100 :
191 |

Sefer Yalkut Ha-Gershoni, part I. By Rabbi

Gerson Shtern. Paks, 1894. Meir Segal
Rosenbaum printing.
Pencil signatures - Shimon Ben Ha-Rav Ash"k
Sofer, Av Beit Din Erlau (Eger).
Rabbi Shimshon Sofer, author of "Hit'orerut
Teshuvah" (1850-1944, Otzar Ha-Rabanim
19898). Son of the Ktav Sofer, Av Beit Din Erloy
from 1881. Was murdered in the Holocaust at
the age of 94. His son is the old Admor of Erlau,
Rabbi Yohanan Sofer.
[2], [1], [V], 54 leaves. 34 cm. Fair condition,
minor moth damage (mostly to binding), dry
paper with slight tears. Original cardboard binding damaged.
Opening Price: $120

329. Tif'eret Tzvi Responsa Important Signatures

Sefer Tif'eret Tzvi, response on Orach Hayim

and Yoreh De'ah. By Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch, Av Beit
Din Brod, Glogau, and the three communities
of Altona, Hamburg and Wandsbeck. Warsaw,
[1816]. Tzvi Hirsch Ben Natan printing.
Important signatures and ownership inscriptions, each one repeated several times. Pawn
bills from different times on the book.
1. Itzik Auerbach Ben Rabbi Hayim Av Beit Din
Luntschitz, aithor of "Divrei Hayim" (passed
away 1846, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 10439). Father
of Meir Auerbach author of "Imrei Binah"
and son of Rabbi Hayim Auerbach, author of
"Divrei Mishpat".
2. Rabbi Iasaschar Dov of Piotrkov. This is
probably Rabbi Dov Beer, Av Beit Din Piotrkov
who passed away in 1830.
3. Rabbi Meir Avraham Dobrizinsky of
Alexander. Of the disciples of the Admor
"Yismach Moshe" of Alexander. Remarks and
glosses in several handwritings.
[1], 80 leaves. 32.2 cm. Some of title in red ink.
Fair condition, moth holes. No binding.
This book has a few variants - see Mif'al HaBibliografia CD, litem 0160373.
Opening Price: $300

- .330

.' ' ,- " ,
. " ' " '
. " .)1894( ",
' , " :
." " " , " "

, ,]1[ ;]1[ ,- ,- ,- ,- ,- ,- ,]2[

, . "21 , ,]1[ ;-

$150 :

"- .332
, , ,
. ",]1782 ["
" "
." " "
. ,
, . "20 , (" ) - ,]2[
. ,

$200 :

332. Mishpetei Shavu'ot - Stamps

of Ha-Natzi"v


333. Yad Ha-Ketanah - Signature

of Rabbi Hayim Zalman

Yad Ha-Ketanah, I-III, [Lemberg], 1868, S.L.

Kugel, Lewin et Comp printing.
On first title page and page before title page signatures of Rabbi Hayim Zalman Moshkovitz
including his stamp (Otzar Ha-Rabanim 6318).
Also an additional in his handwriting, from
the estate of Rabbi Aharon Fried, probably
Rabbi Aharon Fried son in law of Rabbi Elazar
Rokach (Otzar Ha-Rabanim 1677). Another
owner's signature of Moshe Feigel.
[2], 1-6, 11-17, 1-49, 60-83, 88-91, 94-133, [1]; [1],
38, 41-100; [1], 83 leaves, 21 cm. Few tears, with
few omissions, damaged binding.
Opening Price: $150

Mishpetei Shavu'ot, Rav Hai Gaon. Second

edition, Hamburg [1782]. Moshe Bon Segal
On title page three stamps of Ha-Natzi"v
"Naftali Zvi Yehudah Berlin, Rosh Metivta,
Volozhin". Two glosses of references, perhaps in
his hand writing.
[2], 1-46 (should be 48) leaves, 20 cm. Title page
pasted and damaged, tears and moth holes, new

331. Ya'anu Be-Kol - Signature of

Rabbi Nate Shlomo Schlissel

Kuntres Ya'anu Be-Kol Ha-Nikra Kol Tefilah,

Rabbi Yosef Ha-Cohen Schwarz. Paks, 1903.
Meir Segal Rosenboim printing.
The Ya'anu Be-Kol pamphlet was printed as
part of Sha'ar Naftali book which contains
three books. This is only the pamphlet which
contains fifty response from Rabbis regarding
loud voice parying.
On title page is a signature and stamp of Rabbi
Nate Shlomo Schlissel, Rosh Av Beit Din
Munkacz, who was murdered in the Holocaust
in 1944, author of "Neta Sha'ashu'im", "Derech
Nesher" and others.
26 leaves. 25 cm. No binding. First and last page
detached, few tears.
Opening Price: $100

Opening Price: $200

' - .333

S. L. ,]1868[ ",] [,-

.Kugel, Lewin et Comp
.)6318 ( ," "
, ' ,
' '
' .)1677 (

2009 | 192




- , :
. ' - '
.1792 , ",
- 116 .
. . '
." " ,1794
, - . . "20 , 117 ,]2[

$200 :

336. Sha'arei Tsedek - Author's

' , ,
.1928 , ", .

. , :
. ' ,
,114-306 ,112 ;]2[ ,4-342 ,]1[ ,4 ,]2[ : 2
, . . "31 ,'] 2[
. , .


. '
, , "- ",' '
! ,
. "30 , 204 ,]1[ ,7 ,]3[
, . ,

$300 :

335. Hilchot Yom Tov - Livorno,

Gloss and signature

1794 - Signature of Rabbi Hayim


Sha'arei Tsedek: Teshuvot Ha-Geonim, printed

from manuscript from the collection of
Rabbi Hayim Moda'i by his son Rabbi Nissim
Saloniki, 1792.
First edition. On leaf 116 a handwritten remark
by Rabbi Hayim Modai, signed by him. Rabbi
in Safed and Izmir. Passed away in Safed in
1794. Author of Hayim Le-Olam".
[2], 117 leaves. 20 cm. Very good condition. Book
plate and stamps. Restored cardboard binding.

Sefer Hilchot Yom Tov, Kolel Hilchot Bechorot

Ve-Chalah, by Rabbi Moshe Ben Rabbi
Nachman (Ramba"n), and wide commentary
by Rabbi Yom Tov Elgazi. Livorno, 1794.
First edition of Hilchot Ha-Ramba"n. Previous
owner signature of Rabbi Hayim Palagi.
Rabbi Hayim Palagi, 1788-1868, Rabbi in Izmir.
Wrote ninety five books!
[3], 7, [1], 204 leaves. 30 cm.
Part of the signature is faded. Many pages have
holes. Stains, tears to corners of binding.

Opening Price: $200

Opening Price: $300

193 |

$100 :

334. Sha'arei Yosher - Important


Sefer Sha'arei Yosher, by Rabbi Shimon Yehudah

Shkop. Warsaw, 1928.
First edition of one of the fundamental books
of the Yeshivahs of our generation.
Previous owner's signatures: Zvi Yehudah
Olsvang, brother in law of the writer.Rabbi in
the US, and in his elderly days at the Slobodka
Yeshivah in Bnei Brak.
2 parts in one volume: [2], 4,[1], 4-342, [2]; 112,
114-306, [2] pages, 31 cm. Good condition. Stains,
tears to margins of a few pages. Cardboard binding with tears in its edges, missing spine.
Opening Price: $100

1794 , .335
' '
' ,
" (") '
.1794 , ", .
' : . "

- " .337

." " " ",
. , . "30.5 . ,]4[
. .

", . . "
. .)1715(
,"" ( "
, ". " ,18-
.)" "
. , . "27.5 .


$600 :

338. Pri Hadash - Maha"ri Elgazi


Sefer Pri Hadash, on Shulchan Aruch, Orach

Hayim. Amsterdam, [1730]. Yitzhak Tiemplo
Ownership inscription and signature on title
page, in handwriting of Maha"ri Elgazi.
Kabbalist Rabbi Yisrael Ya'akov Elgazi (16801756, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 12226), born in
Izmir to his father Rabbi Yom Tov. Came to
Jerusalem before 1737. One of the heads of the
Beit El Kabbalist Yeshivah at the time of Rabbi
Gedalyah Hayon and the Rasha"sh. From 1755
served as Rishon Le-Tzion and Chief Rabbi of
Jerusalem. Of his books: Shalmei Tsibur, Shema
Ya'akov, Ar'ah De-Rabanan and others. Author
of the book "Hemdat Yamim".
Of his disciples are the Hid"a and his own son
Maha"rit Elgazi.
Signatures of his son the Maha"rit Algazi.
On page before title page: ownership inscription
in Ladino and an Oriental Rabbinical signature
"Nissim Ashkenazi".
[4], 60 leaves. 30,5 cm. Fair condition, moth
damage and stains. Title page and other pages
detached and damaged with omission. The copy
is probably made of two partial copies combined.
No binding.
Opening Price: $600

$300 :

" - .338
, . ,
. .]1730 ["
" :"
' --- "
." " " " " "
,"- ("
. ".
"." " "
, : .
. , ,
" " " "
" "
"," "," "": "

337. Rashb"a Hulin - Signature of

Rabbi Hayim Yosef Benbenishti

Hidushei Rashb"a. On Masechet Hulin.

Amsterdam, 1715. Netan'el Fo'ah printing.
Oriental Rabbinical signature of Rabbi Hayim
Yosef Benbenishti (one of the sages of Jerusalem
at the time of the Hid"a, mid 18th century, his
writings in homiletics and response are at the
Ben Zvi Institute in Jerusalem).
62 leaves. 27.5 cm. Very good condition. Stains.
New binding.
Differs slightly from Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD,
item 0105647.
Opening Price: $300

2009 | 194

.339" " -


" " ' . ," ( .)1781

" .
( " " ,"-
") . "
[ ,]1 ,- ]2[ , 34 ." . . .
, ( .
, ).

$250 :

339. She'elot U-Teshuvot

Ha-Radba"z Signature of
Rabbi Ya'akov Hayim Sofer, and
Comments on Notes by Ha-Rav
She'elot U-Teshuvot Ha-Radba"z Part III. Frth,
Signatures by previous owners on title page, and
above them signature of Rabbi Ya'akov Hayim
Sofer (probably author of "Kaf Ha-Hayim",
1870-1939). Later this book belonged to the
famous Kabbalist, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, who
added many remarks, and as he usually did, he
did not write in the book itself bat rather added
his remarks in small notes.
[1], 58, 41-46, [2] leaves. 34 cm. Good condition.
Minor moth damage. Color paper binding with
leather spine worn and damaged. (Probably cover
was made by Ha-Rav Kaduri, see next item).
Opening Price: $250


" .340 " ,

" -
, " .
["] .[ ,"] .1756
.Anton Santini e lompagni
. "


16' , , 29.5 ." . .

19- () ,
, " .

, " " " " .

, .

$400 :
| 195

341. Kevutzat Ha-Hashmatot

- Stamp of the "Sdei Hemed"

Kevutzat Ha-Hashmatot, Hesronot Ha-Shas

- parts of thre Talmud eliminated out by the
Christian censorship. [Konigsberg], [after1861].
On title page there is an old stamp Rabbi
Hayim Hizkiyahu Medini, autrhor of Sdei
Hemed (1835-1905, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 6323),
served as Rabbi in Constantinopol, Krasobzar
and Hebron. Published a gigantic Encyclopedia
"Sdei Hemed" of 18 volumes, and many other
Of his great library close to nothing survived
as it was burned along with the four Sefaradi
synagogues in the Old City of Jerusalem.
[1], 51 leaves. 17 cm. Good cobndition, stains.
Old, worn and torn binding.
Opening Price: $100

"- .341
- ",
[,] [. "
.]1861 "
." ' " "
" "
,)6323 ,"-("
. " ,
, " " "

. , . "17 . ,]1[

$100 :

340. "Sha'ar Yosef", First Book

by The Hid"a With Signature of

Ha-Rav Kaduri
Sefer Sha'ar Yosef, Al Masechet Horayot Ve
She'elot Ve-Teshuvot. By Rabbi Hayim Yosef
David Azulai. Livorno, 1756. Anton Santini e
lompagni printing.
First edition. First book of the Hid"a ever printed. Essay from his youth, when he was only 17
years old.
At beginning of the book is an introduction in
Spanish and approval for printing by the heads
of the Livorno community.
Signature by previous owner on title page
and signature of the famous Kabbalist Rabbi
Yitzchak Kaduri on page before title page.
Binding and caption on it were also made by
Rabbi Yitzchak Kaduri.
16 pages, 120, 40 leaves. 29.5 cm. Very good condition. Cardboard binding with color paper and
leather spine.
The Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri was born
at the end of the 19th Century in Baghdad (Iraq),
studied Torah and Kabbalah from the Sages of
Bavel and Jerusalem. Arrived in Jerusalem in
1922. In his first years in Jerusalem he made
a living binding books and manuscripts. He
studied at the Yeshivahs Porat Yosef and Beit
El. Over the years his greatness in mysticism
became well known and many came to seek his
advice, blessings and amulets. Died in 2006,
over 100 years old.
Opening Price: $400

2009 | 196

342. Chafetz Chaim with Gloss in
the Author's Handwriting

The book Chafetz Chaim on the laws of the

prohibitions of slander and evil speech, based
on the Talmud and poskim. Vilna, 1873. First
The first book written by Rabbi Yisrael Meir
Ha-Cohen of Radin, anonymously printed. The
Russian abbreviation of the author's name is
written on the margin of title-page.
On page 46 there appears a four-word correction in the author's handwriting. [Faded ink.]
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Ha-Cohen of Radin (18371933, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 12262), was widely
known by the title of his first book, the "Chafetz
Chaim". He was the Dean of the Radin Yeshivah
and author of many halakhic and ethical works:
Mishna Brura, Shmirat Ha-Lashon, "Ahavat
Hessed" and dozens of additional works.
5, [1], 8-81, [4] pages. (5 pages are missing at the
end.) 21.5 cm. Moth holes and stains; original,
worn cover, with missing spine. Some pages are

. ,
. .1873 ] [",
. ,
4 46 '
.] [ .
,)12262 ,"- ("
," " ,
" " " " ,"
. "21.5 .) 5 (.] 4[ ,- ,]1[ ,
. , . ,

$1800 :

Opening Price: $1800


197 |

343. Shita Mekubetzet,

Amsterdam 1721 With Glosses by

the Rabbi of Shamloya


"- .344
, ."- ' ,
. .)1875( "
. . "39.5 . - ,]2[
. ,

$120 :

344. Tur Yoreh De'ah With

Handwritten Glosses

Tur Yoreh De'ah, Part One Chapters 1-158.

Warsaw, 1875. Argelbrand Print.
Dozens of long glosses in small pretty handwriting, some in pencil and some in ink.
[2], 5-256 leaves. Good condition, untidy corrections on the title-page, original, damaged leather
cover with new spine.

Sefer Asefat Zkenim, Shita Mekubetzet Bava

Metzia. Rabbi Bezalel Ashkenazi. Published
by Yona Ashkenazi, printer from Constantine,
living in Amsterdam [1721]. Yosef Dayan ben
Akiva Baer Printing. First Edition. Various
owners' signatures. Includes signatures and inkstamps of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich,
Gaon Av Beit Din of Shamloya as well as many
glosses and corrections in his handwriting.
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich, Av Beit Din
of Tshaba and Shamloya (1863-1944, Otzar
Ha-Rabanim 18739) was the grandson of Rabbi
Avraham Yehudah Schwartz, author of Kol
Aryeh, Av Beit Din in Mad. He was a pious
Kabbalist, among Hungary's leading Orthodox
Rabbis and halakhic authorities, a close Hasid
of the Kedushat Yom Tov of Sighet, and a close
friend and admirer of the Admor's son, Rabbi
Yoel of Satmar. Among his books: Responsa
Lechem Mishneh, Tiyul Ba-Pardes, Rachmei
Ha-Av and more. See enclosed material.
221 pages. 38 cm. Very good condition, Antique,
torn leather cover.
The printer writes on the title-page that he is
only printing 500 copies.
Regarding the introduction by the printer from
Constantine, and his interesting biography,
see A. Ya'ari Three Generations of Ashkenazi
Printers in Constantine, Kiryat Sefer, 14, 19371938, page 243; and in his book "The Hebrew
Printing in Constantine", pages 42-43.
Opening Price: $600

", .343
. ,
, .
.]1721 [",
. .
. "
" "
,"- ("
, ." "
" " ""
. "
, , " :

, ,
" " .
. .
. . "38 .
" :
' ,
, ,
,; 243 ' ,"- ", ,
.43-42 ' ,

$600 :

Opening Price: $120

2009 | 198


345. Responsa of the Mahar"i of

Trani, Part Two Signatures and

Responsa of the Mahar"i of Trani, part two,
on the "Four Turim". Frth, [1768]. Second
Signed by Rabbi Shmuel Heller, (1786-1884,
Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 19134), who served as
Rabbi of Safed for 60 years.
Ownership inscription and signature of Rabbi
Hayim Sithon (1871-1916, Otzar Ha-Rabanim
6100). Rabbi of Safed, author of the book Eretz
Ha-Hayim; his son Rabbi Menashe Sithon was
Rabbi of the Aram-Tsova community of Safed.
Handwritten signature of Rabbi Avraham
Shlomo ben Rabbi S. M., Rabbi in Jerusalem.
Also bears ink-stamp of Rabbi Aharon
Menahem Mendel Ha-Cohen (1866-1928,
Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 1836), Ashkenazi Rabbi of
Glosses and corrections in handwriting ofRabbi
Sithon and in other Ashkenazi handwritings.
[1], 145, [2] pages. 33 cm. Good condition, slight
damage. Old binding with leather spine and slight
199 |

Opening Price: $200

" " .345

. , ," "
.]1768 [",
. .
,"- (",
.) 19134
- ("
, .)6100 ,"
," " "
- (".
.) 1836 ,"

. , . "33 .] 2[ , ,]1[

$200 :

347. Levush Ha-Tchelet with

- , .346

Glosses from Time of Printing

Levush Ha-Tchelet on Orach Hayim. Levush

Ha-khur, on laws of Shabbat. Includes the book
Elya Zuta, by Rabbi Eliyah of Tiktin. Prague,
1701. Printed by grandsons of Moshe Katz.
Various antique owners' signatures, some of
which are faded. Many handwritten glosses
and notes from period of print.
Part One: Levush Ha-Tchelet [on Tur Orach
Hayim, chapters 1-241]. [2], 108 leaves.
Part Two: Levush Ha-khur [on Tur Orach Hayim,
Chapters 242-697]. [Two pages less than listed
in the bibliography], 109-396 leaves. Incorrect
20 cm. Poor condition, worn, several pages are
torn and damaged. Creases and stains. Old, worn
and torn leather cover.
Opening Price: $250

. " . ,
.]1752 , [",
.".M.H.W " '
. ",
. ] : ]; ; ; [": ; ; ; [",]2[
( .
.) . ,0136246
. , . "32
. .

$450 :


- .348
" , ,
.]"- ", [.
. []
.]? """ [ "
" ,
. "
. "20.5 .][ , - ,][
. ,

$400 :

346. Pnei Yehoshu'a, First Edition,


with Handwritten Glosses

- .347

. , . ",
, . " ,
. ".)1701( "
. ,
.]- , [ :'
. ,]2[
.]- , [ :'
. - ,] 2 [
. , . . "20
. .

Sefer Pnei Yehoshua, in small format. By Rabbi

Ya'akov Yoshua. Frankfurt am Main, [1752].
David Ya'akov Kronau Print.
Antique ink-stamp "Meir ben Rabbi Zvi
Witkesh, M. H. W".
Contains several long scholarly glosses, from
18th century, whose author sharply opposes the
opinions of the Pnei Yehoshua.
[2], 52; 66; 50; 37 [should be 36]; 29; 26; 31 [should
be 12] leaves. Incorrect paagination. (According
to Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, there are two titlepages, this copy has only one.)
32 cm. Fair condition, signs of wear and wax
drippings, moisture stains and moth damages.
Old worn cover.
Opening Price: $450

$250 :

2009 | 200

348. Mishnayot Mo'ed with


Mishnayot, Seder Mo'ed, with Bartenura commentary and Tosfot Yom Tov. [Amsterdam,
[Cut-off] glosses in antique oriental handwriting. The first gloss is signed by its author,
"HD"A" [perhaps the Hid"a?]. A study schedule
for finishing all of Mishnayot every month, by
learning 18 chapters a day, is marked inside.
[Title-page missing], 1-171 leaves, [last page is
missing]. 20.5 cm. Good condition, stained and
slightly worn. Old cover with several tears and


. ,
. "
. .1876 ",
." ",
. , , . "27.5 .' 136

$100 :

350. Shulchan Ha-Ma'arechet on

Tractate Gittin with Glosses

Sefer Shulchan Ha-Ma'arechet, on the laws of

writing ritual divorce documents "Gittin". By
Rabbi Yitzhak Natowitz of Simferopol. Warsaw,
1876. Yitzhak Goldman Printing.
Ink-stamp of owner, Rabbi Zusha Melamed, of
Brashkov. Glosses and notes, one of which is
signed "Zusya".
136 pages, 27.5 cm. Good condition, dry paper,
stains. New cover.
Opening Price: $100
201 |

Opening Price: $400


349. Tiyul Ba-Pardes with


Sefer Tiyul Ba-Pardes, Part One. Commentaries

on the Bible, Talmud and Midrash according to
"Pardes", by Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich,
Rabbi of Shamloya. Shamloya, [1939]. Heimlich
In the margins there are dozens of scholarly glosses [cut-off but mostly decipherable].
Judging by the handwriting, they were probably written by Rabbi David Sperber (18751962, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 5075), member of
Mo'etzet Gedolei Ha-Torah. Author of Afarkesta
De'aniya Responsa, Mikhtam Le-David on the
Torah, and compositions on all parts of the
[2], 147, 5 leaves. Good condition, dry paper.
Original slightly worn and damaged cover.
Opening Price: $100

- .349
".' ,
" " " [
] "
[",) (.
. .]1939

.] ,[
" ,
) "5075 ,"- ("
" . ,
, ",
. , . , ,]2[

$100 :

- "- .351

, ,
" .
.]1726[ ", . "
. "
... ... ...
, . "20.5 .)- ( . - ,
, .
. .

352. Shulchan Aruch Glosses

Yoreh De'ah part of Shulchan Aruch,
Amsterdam, [1754]. Printed by Yosef and
Ya'akov Proops.
Signed by owner "Yehoshua ben Meir HaCohen, Wissak, Lithuania". The next page bears
a rubbed-out signature ending "Dessau".
Dozens of glosses in small pretty handwriting, partially cut-off, mostly on laws of ritual
slaughter and kosher meat. Three handwritten
leaves added at end of book, with alphabetical
index of the laws.
[4], 264, 263-299, 100-152 leaves. 17 cm. Good
condition, moth damages on first and last pages,
restored tear on title-page not causing omission
of text, old leather cover with many moth holes.
Opening Price: $150

$200 :


,]1754 , [", , ",
" , "
." ..." ,"
, ,
. " "
- . . "17 . - ,- , ,]4[
. - ,

$150 :

351. Toldot Ya'akov F

Antique Glosses

rth, 1726

The book Toldot Ya'akov commentaries on the

Torah, according to the weekly portions. Based
on halachah and Talmud. Written by Rabbi
Ya'akov Eilinburg of Cracow. Frth, 1726.
In the introduction, the author complains
about "enemies who claim that the work is not
Commentaries and glosses in antique
44, 46-55 leaves. (Leaves 54-55 are missing). 20.5
cm. Good condition, slightly damaged by time;
hidden moth damages. Cardboard and cloth
cover, slightly worn.
Only edition. Rare.
Opening Price: $200

2009 | 202

.354 " -
, .
(") .,
[" .]1785 .
() ," [
" ,
! - .
[ ,]2 , 28.5 ." . . .

.353 - ,
, . ' "
. ,".1722 ,
" ... -.
[ 167 ,]2 33 ," . .
, .
. .

$150 :

353. Ateret Zvi Jessnitz, Glosses

The book Ateret Zvi a commentary of the
Hoshen Mishpat part of Shulchan Aruch, including responsz. By Rabbi Zvi son of Rabbi
Azriel of Vilna. Jessnitz, 1722.
First edition, title-page bears owner's signature
"Yehudah Leib son of Mohara"l" includes
handwritten scholarly glosses.
[2], 167 leaves, 33 cm. Good condition; margins
;of first leaves are damaged no damage to text
small holes in first leaves. Cardboard cover.

$500 :


354. Mahzik Brachah by the Hida

.355 "

The book Mahzik Bracha additions and supplements to the work "Birkei Yosef". By Rabbi
Haim Yosef David Azulai (the Hid"a). Livorno,
[1785]. Castillo and Eliezer Sa'adon Print.
Several (cut-off) handwritten glosses in antique
oriental handwriting [almost certainly additions by the Hid"a himself, in his own handwriting See content of gloss on page 99.
Ownership stamps from Algeria.
[2], 136, 114 leaves. Fair condition, moth damages
and holes, red cover with red leather spine, with
damages and tear at top of spine.

" " . . 1855

["] . . . .
" ...
" ,
... . ".
( ).

" .
' " ( ."...

,' ' 59-60 ).
" ("-") ,
, (
[ ,]1- , ]2[ , 24 ." . . .
. .

with Glosses

Opening Price: $500

$800 :

Opening Price: $150

| 203

, - , .
," ( ,)1874 3 ..
, "
" ' ".
[ ,]4 ]1[ ,; [ ,]1 ; (
) . . .
. .
. "
- . "
" . " ( .
' '

$250 :

355. Torat Hayim - with Glosses

356. Shulchan Aruch Even Ha-

Sefer "Torat Hayim" by Rabbi Hayim of Kossov.

Lvov, 1855. P. Grossman print. First edition.
Latin characters ink stamps of Rabbi Mendel
Hager, Admor of Zabludov on title page. Last
pages have glosses on Kabbalistic matters in
Rabbi Mendel's handwriting. Handwriting
is identical to that which appears in the
Encyclopedia Galicia, Volume 2, pages 59-60
- see additional material.
Rabbi Mendel Hager, (1840-1910), only son of
Rabbi Ya'akov of Zablatov, son of Rabbi David
of Zabludov (brother of author Rabbi Hayim
of Kossov - one of the founders of the Vizhnitz
[1], 5-39, 7, [2] leaves. 24 cm. Wide margins. Very
good condition. Stains and foxing. New cardboard

Shulchan Aruch Even Ha-Ezer, parts 1 and 2,

Seder Gittin Ve-Halitza. Vilna 1874. Rom print.
3 title pages.
Dozens of erudite glosses, stamps of Rabbi
"Mendel Maizelsh Zloczew".
[4], 207, [1] leaves. [1], 148 leaves. 46 leaves (missing pages to end of Seder Gittin Ve-Halitza).
Good condition. Many of glosses are slightly cut.
Old black cloth binding.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Dov Maizelsh (18451899). A Sadegura Hassid. Born in Strij. Son in
law of Rabbi Moshe Schwadron of Zloczew. In
1883 appointed Rosh Bein Din in Zloczew.

by Rabbi Mendel Hager

Opening Price: $800

| 204 2009

Ezer with Glosses

Opening Price: $250


.357 "

," . ," ( .)1715

. . " "
. " "
" ..." "
" , """ "
"" . "
" [= ] " ---" --
" . " "". 19.5 ." . . ,
, .
.2 - . .
( , ,)2200
("-") , , .
" "
." " " ( '
" ') , ,"
, ."
" '
" ' "" . "

$300 :

358. Zchour Le-Avraham With

Many Glosses

Zchor Le-Avraham by Rabbi Avraham Alkela.

Al Orach Hayim Ve-Yoreh De'ah. Corrected
second edition with many additions from
author's manuscripts. Saloniki, 1818. Bezalel
Ashkenazi printing.
Previous owner's signature on title page and
in other places in the book - "Yitzhak Ben
Rabbi Ya'akov Ha-Levi". Over 100 important
glosses in clear and fine Sefaradi handwriting.
Many glosses mention the books "Kol Eliyahu"
(Livorno 1792), "Shemen Ha-Mor" (Livorno
1793) and others.
[2], 263 leaves. [Actually there are more pages
book was printed page for page from the Saloniki
1798 first edition, however the additions and the
"Kuntres Acharon" which in the first edition were
printed at the end of Part II were given in this
edition in their proper place inside the book, and
the pages were numbered 35a and 35b, 38a and
38b-e, 180a and 180b, 114a-c].
20.5 cm. Thick paper with margins. Good condition, with stains and tears to some pages. Original
cardboard cover with leather spine - damaged.
Opening Price: $220

- .359

, .1
", . " ,
. .)1910(

,]1[ , ,]1[ ,] '; 3[ ,9 ,]2[ ,] 1[
. . . "21 .' VI ,
205 |


357. Rashi's Likutei Ha-Pardes

- Signed Glosses

. ,
.]1818 [", ."
" " (,)" " ( "
- [ . ,]2[
", "
: ,
.]- ,' ' ,- ,' '
, . . "20.5
. , .

$220 :

Likutei Ha-Pardes by Rashi. Amsterdam,

1715. Shlomo Proops print. Second edition.
With "Refu'ot Ha-Geviyah" by Rabbi Yehudah
Alharizi, and "She'elot U-Teshuvot" by the publisher Rabbi Yisaschar Ber Ben Rabbi Pesach
Cohen from Slutzk. These two addenda are in
this edition only.
Handwritten Halachic glosses signed "Na"e"
- "Neum Eliyahu Ha-Tsarfati Si"t".On title page
there is an ownership inscription by him. Also
a previous owner signature "Daniel Ben Katan
32 leaves. 19.5 cm. A few of the glosses are slightly
cut. Good condition, minor foxing, minor moth
holes to first pages. Paper glued to page 2. No
cover. Rare book.
Rabbi Eliyahu Ha-Tsarfati (Otzar Ha-Rabanim
2200), 1715-1805, Rabbi of Fes, and a prominent
Moroccan sage. Disciple of the holy "Or HaHayim" and Rabbi Yehudah Ben Atar the first.
Ha-Hida mentions him, in his own lifetime
in "Shem Ha-Gedolim", and it is well known
Ha-Hida rarely mentions Rabbis from his own
period in his book. Passed away 91 years old
in 1805.
Opening Price: $300

, .2
".' ,
.1907 ", ."
. "21 . - ,' ,- ,]1[ ,] 1[
. . ,
, ,
,") "
." "

$100 :

360. Yad Yosef U-Revid Ha-Zahav

Proof copy

Sefer Yad Yosef U-Revid Ha-Zahav, Al Shulchan

Aruch Hilchot Shabbat Ve-Eruvin. Likutei
Dinim Ve-Hidushim. By Rabbi Yosef Yuspa
Rozenburg. Pressburg, 1863. Sieber Heinrich's
successors printing.
Many handwritten glosses and corrections of
printing errors, on some of the pages the printing appear only on one side of the page. This is
an interesting volume with the primari proof in
handwriting of the author or the proofreader.
Author was from the Great Rabbis of Hungary
(Otsar Ha-Rabanim 8847).
Stamp of the library of the famous Gaon Rabbi
Gershon Litsch Segal Rosenboim Av Beit Din
Tallya, author of She'elot U-Teshuvot "Meshiv
Devarim". (Otsar Ha-Rabanim 4444), born
in Pressburg in 1837 and circumcised by
the"Hatam Sofer". Died in 1901.
[2], 131, 30 leaves. Some pages missing. Good condition. Cardboard cover worn and detached.
Opening Price: $120


359. Two Books By Ha-Rav Kook

- .360
. .
Sieber .1863 ", .
.)8847 (
" ", " "
",)4444 ( ."
. "." " "
. . . ; ,]2[

$120 :

- Signatures and Glosses by Rabbi

Yitzhak Arieli
1. Shabbat Ha-Aretz, Hilchot Shevi'it, by Rabby
Avraham Yitzhak Ha-Cohen Kook. Jerusalem,
1910, Levi printing.
Printing date is on the rare cover.
[1 cover], [2], 9, [3], pages. 39, [1], 55, [1], 17
leaves, VI pages. 21 cm. Good condition. Stain to
2. Etz Hadar, on the advantage of using Eretz
Iaraeli Etrogim. Booklet I. By Rabbi Avraham
Yitzhak Ha-Cohen Kook. Jerusalem, 1907.
Published by Shmuel Ha-Cohen, brother of the
[1 cover], [1], 2-10, 15 pages, 17-62 leaves. 21 cm.
Good condition, dry paper. Stain to margins.
The two books are bound together, with signatures, self dedications and stamps of Rabbi
Yitzhak Arieli, author of "Einayim Le-Mishpat",
disciple of Ha-Rav Kook and founder of Yeshivat
"Merkaz Ha-Rav". Many handwritten glosses by
him in the books.
Opening Price: $100

2009 | 206

- / .361
" ,
, [", . ,
"".Alvise Bragadin .]1704
." "
. ,
. ".
Alvise .]1704 , [", .
. ,
, . "25.5 .] 9[ , ,]4[ ;] 1[ ,
. [] .

362. Machzor for Yom Kippur,

Saloniki With Handwritten

Machzor for Yom Kippur. According to Ha-Ari

and Sefer Hemdat Yamim, with Seder Otsar
Nechmad. [Saloniki, 1779 or 1793]. Many
glosses with completion of additional prayers
and missing versions, customs and laws,
Kabbalistic intentions.
Glosses in 2 different Oriental handwritings.
[1], 230, 233-237, [1], 238. Title page and pages 23 are missing [Glosses probably in completeness].
19.5 cm. Wide margins, fair condition. Stains to
first and last pages. Pages in middle are in good
condition. New leather binding.
It's possible that this Machzor is from the 1779
edition, listed on Cd of Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia
as 0172492 or from the 1793 edition, listed as
0172523. The additional page before page no.
238 is not listed in neither of the editions.
Opening Price: $100

207 |


$150 :

- , .362
, " " " .
.] " ", [.

. , ,
- . ,]1[ ,- , ,]1[
, . "19.5 .][
. .
. .
.0172523 "


$100 :

361. Korban Hagigah / Halachot

Ktanot - Glosses

Sefer Korban Hagigah, Derashot Be-Halachah

Ve-Agadah Le-Mahara"m Galanti, published
by his grandson, Rabbi Moses Hagiz. Venice,
[1704]. Alvise Bragadin printing. Previous
owner's signatures "---Moshe Hadad---".
Sefer Halachot Ktanot, Leket Ha-Kemach.
Part I and II of responsa. Researches by Rabbi
Ya'akov Hagiz. Published by his son, Rabbi
Moses Hagiz with his addendum of She'elot
U-Teshuvot Leket Ha-Kemach. Venice, [1704].
Alvise Bragadin printing.
Comments and critique in antique Italian
55, [1] pages; [4], 71, [9] pages. 25.5 cm. Poor
condition, heavy moth damages. Cardboard and
cloth cover (from Tunis) damaged.
Opening Price: $150

363. Machaneh Efraim Kushta,

364. Tur Even Ha-Ezer,

Sefer Machaneh Efraim, responsa and novellae

on Seder Ha-Rambam. By Rabbi Efraim Navon.
Kushta, [1728]. Yonah Ben Ya'akov printing.
First edition.
Important glosses in antique Sefaradi
Rabbinical handwriting. Signature by previous
owner from later period on leaf 84.
[3], 22, 106, 48 leaves. 31 cm. Very good condition. Some wear and damage to title page and
to first pages. Old cardboard and leather cover
somewhat worn.

'Tur Even Ha-Ezer, Dyhernfurth [1795]. Owners

inscriptions. Foreign language inscription from
A few long glosses and scholarly remarks, in old
handwriting, which resembles Rabbinical writing from Hungary of the 18th century.
[1], 218, [4] leaves. 37.5 cm. Good condition.
Stains and wax remnants. Brown edges. Original
leather binding with flaws.

1728 With Glosses

Opening Price: $400


.363 - ," -

.364 , "

Dyhernfurth, 1795 - With Glosses

Opening Price: $180

.365 /

.1 , .
' "
" . " "
. ," .1907
.2 , " .,
["] .1879 "
" " .
( .)6281
" .

( " " '
" ) . " .
.3 ," ,
. " ( .)1927 .

," ".
. ()[ ."
.]1728 .
- .
[ ,]3; ; 31 ." . .

.[ ," .]1795 .
"' ---" " ".
" ---" " " .
.1834 "

. " ["
" " " ," ," ," ,"].
[ ,]1 ]4[ , 37.5 ." . . .
. ,.

3 24 ." .

$400 :

$180 :

$100 :

| 208 2009

.366" / /


365. Zera Hayim / Tanya Rabati

with signature and handwritten

glosses by Rabbi Hayim Dov Gross
of Munkacs
Three books bound together:
1. Sefer Zera Hayim, by Rabbi Hayim Broda.
Kuntres Teshuvot by Rabbi Heshel of Cracow,
and his grandson author of "Tif'eret Le-Moshe".
With Kuntres "Pri Hayim" by Rabbi Heller
Pinsker. Pitrokov, 1907.
2. Sefer Tanya Rabati, with commentary of
Maharsha"h. Warsaw [1879]. Signature and
stamp of Rabbi Hayim Dov Gross of Munkacs.
At the end of the book are sa few pages with
writings by him.
Rabbi Hayim Dov Gross (Otzar Ha-Rabanim
6281). In his old age was Rosh Yeshivah in
Munkacs. Was known for his wide knowledge
of genealogy. Passed away in 1938 in Munkacs.
3. Sefer Nit'ei Eitan Tlitai, responsa and novellae. By Rabbi Avraham Zakheim. Jerusalem
1927. Title page missing.


.1-2 " ,
" . " .
- . ,"-" (1905-
.)1910 .
.3 " , " ,
. ," ( .)1910
.4 , ,
" . "
. () ," .1904
" "
" - " .
" .
- ("-" ,
,)17480 " " " ".

" " ( , ,) .
. " . '
,' ' ' .532
, ; ; ; [ ,]2 33.5 ." . ,
, .

$500 :

3 books bound together in a new binding. 24 cm.

Various conditions.

Opening Price: $100

| 209

- .367

366. Teshurat Shay Responsa

/ Erech Shay / Or Lefa'aro Signature and remarks by Rabbi

Zvi Elimelech Shapira

, ",
,)1793( ", .
,"- (",
," " ," " .)11261
". ," ,""
.92-98 '"
. , , . "20 .] 1[ , ,]5[

$180 :

367. Sefer Michlol - Signatures

and Glosses

Sefer Michlol, Kelalei Dikduk of Rada"k, with

reasons added by Rabbi Eliyah Ashkenazi and
addenda by the publisher Rabbi Moshe HaCohen Hechim. Frth, 1793, Itzik Zirndorf
Many signatures of previous owners, among
them that of Rabbi Yitzhak Eliyahu Landa, the
Maggid of Vilna (1781-1877, Otzar Ha-Rabanim
11261). Author of "Beirurei Ha-Midot", "Ma'aneh
Eliyahu", "Mahal U-Melitzah", "Patshegen HaDat" and more.
A few long glosses in handwriting.
[5], 218, [1] leaves. 20 cm. Thick paper, good
condition, stains. Cardboard and leather binding
worn and damaged.


Four books bound together:

1-2. Sefer She'elot U-Teshuvot Teshurat Shay,
of the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch. By
Rabbi Shlomo Yehudah Tabak of Sighet. Parts
I-II. Marmorosh-Sighet, 1905-1910. Avraham
Kaufman printing.
3. Sefer Erech Shay, Shas novellae, by Rabbi
Shlomo Yehudah Tabak. Marmorosh Sighet,
1910. Avraham Kaufman printing.
4. Sefer or Lefa'aro. By Rabbi Refael Segal
Tsimetboim. Bardiov, 1904. Bleier printing.
Signature and stamp of Rabbi Zvi Elimelech
Shapira (1906-1942, Otzar Ha-Rabanim
17480), grandson of the "Bnei Yisaschar" and
the "Noam Elimelech". While in Krenitz edited
and published a volume of novellae "Tetse
Yorah". Served as Rosh Yeshivah in Munkacs.
Murdered in the Holocaust.
2, 224 leaves; 102 leaves; 108 leaves; [2], 78
leaves. 33.5 cm. Good condition, dry paper with
stains. Bound in cloth binding with leather spine.
Opening Price: $500

Opening Price: $180

2009 | 210



, ,
a. b. c

| 211

368. Letter - Rabbi Moshe Zakut

Bill regarding financial matters of the Mantova community, signed by
Rabbi Yitzhak Arobash and Rabbi Yosef Shalit Rikiti. At the end of the
bill there is a confirmation letter from the Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Zakut
(Reme"z) in whose presence the bill makers have signed. Mantova, 1674.
Rabbi Yitzhak Arobash, a Moroccan sage, published in Italy his books
"Zivchei Tzedek" (Venice, 1662) and "Emet Ve-Emunah" (Venice, 1672).
Both books have poems praising the book and the author by Rabbi Moshe
Rabbi Yosef Shalit Rikiti, born in Mantova and lived in Safed. Was emissary of Safed in Italy between 1674-1676. In "Igrot Ha-Reme"z" there
is a recommendation of him as emissary. Printed in Mantova in 1676
"Hochmat Ha-Mishkan". See enclosed materials.
Ha-Reme"z - Rabbi Moshe Zakut (1612-1698, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 14676),
Gaon and Kabbalist. Born in Amsterdam and studied with Rabbi Shaul
Morteira. Studied in Poland with Rabbi Yitzhak of Pozna, and Rabbi
Elchanan of Vilna. His main knowledge in "Kabbalah he acquired from
Kabbalist Rabbi Binyamin Ha-Levi, disciple of Ha-Ari.
The Hid"a writes that the Reme"z had a Maggid from heaven, and Ha-Rav
Gur Aryeh of Mantova testified he heard the angel speak through him.
Served as Rabbi in Venice with Rabbi Azariah Pigo. From 1673 Rabbi in
Mantova. Until his demise in Sukkot 1697 - birth year of the Ba'al Shem
Tov. Wrote many books, many Piyutim and set the order of many prayers
and Tikunim according to the Kabbalah which are used to this day. See
more about him in the enclosed material.
The bill and testimony are in Italian writing. The testimony and signature of Rabbi Moshe Zakut are in Oriental Rashi writing. Inscription in
Italian writing on verso.
It is very rare to find Rabbi Moshe Zakut's handwriting. (On many of the
Reme"z manuscripts there are doubts if they are in his own handwriting
or a copy. This letter can clarify these questions).
2 written pages, a blank page and inscription on verso. 30 cm. Good condition, wear to margins. Small tear to center of the page. Slight staining.
folding lines. Tears in folding lines of blank page.
Opening Price: $30,000

.)1674( ", . ,) ("
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$30,000 :

2009 | 212

.369 " "

" " " "
. " " , ,"
" " ,
" .
, ,
("-" , .)6243 "
" " , "
" " . " ".
, .
" , , , ' ,
[ . : ].
29.5" . 8 . . .

$5000 :

369. Letter by Admor Rabbi Hayim Elazar Shapira,

Av Beit Din Munkacs


Letter by Admor Rabbi Hayim Elazar Shapira, author of "Minhat Elazar",

Av Beit Din Munkacs and the region. Receipt for donation for Kolelot
Munkacz for the residents of the Holy Land. Munkacs, 1933.
In the letter, written to a close Rabbinical friend he mentions his many
bothers and preparations for his daughter's wedding.
Rabbi Hayim Elazar Shapira (1872-1937, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 6243). Son of
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Av Beit Din Munkacs, author of "Darchei Teshuvah".
One page, 29.5 cm. 8 lines. Handwritten. Excellent condition.
Opening Price: $5000

| 213

.370 "
" . , "
" ."--- () , " (.)1927
" (" - " ,1933
.)12025 , ,
." .
. .
" ," "
. ,
23" . .

$4000 :

370. Letter by Admor Rabbi Yisrael of Tchortkov

Letter form the Admor of Tchortkov. Scribe handwriting with his signature. Vienna, 1927.
Rabbi Yisrael Friedman, Admor of Tchortkov (1854-1933, Otzar HaRabanim 12025). Grandson of Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin. A prominent
Rabbi of the Ruzhin house. Co-founder of Agudat Yisrael and president
of Moetzet Gedolei Ha-Torah. In WWI his court in Tchortkov, Galicia
was destroyed and he moved to Vienna.
One page, 23 cm. Excellent condition.
Opening Price: $4000


| 214 2009

371. Letter by Rabbi Yehudah

Greenwald Av Beit Din of Satmar

Letter in German by Rabbi Yehudah Greenwald
Av Beit Din of Satmar and the region. [1916].
Rabbi Yehudah Greenwald, author of "Zichron
Yehudah" (1845-1920, Otsar Ha-Rabanim
6899). Son-in-law of Rabbi Yozef Sofer, son
of Ha-"Hatam Sofer". Served as Av Beit Din
in Bonihad, Sorani and in Satmar. Disciple
of the "Ktav Sofer", and a prominent Rabbi in
One page, 21.5 cm. Fair condition. Tears and wear
to folding line and margins without any damages
to text. Red stains (probably from wax stamp).

372. Letter by the Admor Rabbi

Avraham Elimelech Perlov of

A letter from Rabbi Avraham Elimelech Perlov

(1891-1943), Admor of Karlin. [1930s]. The
most famous of the six sons of the Admor
"Ha-Yenuka" Rabbi Yisrael of Stolin (The
Frankfurter), who passed away in 1922 and was
buried in Frankfurt. After his father's demise, in
order to prevent disagreements with his brother
Rabbi Moshe of Stolin, he moved to Karlin and
established his own court there. Was murdered
in the Holocaust along with all his offspring.
One page, 17.5 cm. Fair condition. Tears and
slight omission to text. Pasted on preservation
Opening Price: $300

Opening Price: $800

" .372

, ",
.] [ "."
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" ""
. "
. ",
. . . "17.5

$300 :



.]1916 [".
- " " ("
.)6899 ."
" .""
," " .
. . "21.5
( .

$800 :
215 |


" ,
" " "
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, " " " "
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" , ,
"" (
' ) . ,'
" ( .)1939 " ",

, ..." :

" ' " .
, '
" ' " "".
19.5" , . ,

$500 :


.374 "
" - "


373. Letter of the Rabanit

of Grodzinsk, mother of Rabbi

Kalonymus of Piasetzna
Letter in Yiddish from the Rabanit Hannah
Brachah Shapira, wifr of the Admor Rabbi
ELimelech of Grodzinsk, mother of Rabbi
Kalonymus Shapira, the Admor of Piasetzna,
author of "Hovat Ha-Talmidim".
The Rabanit Hannah Bracha was widowed in
1892, and like her mother before her kept receiving Kvitlach, and used to wear Arba Kanfot.
Her son left in his will found after the Holocaust
along with his manuscripts a memorial passage
for his mother.
One page, 19.5 cm, written on both sides. Good
condition, folding lines and filing holes.
Opening Price: $500

| 216 2009

" " ",
" "
" " "
" ".
" .
' .
" , " ,

, ,
" ,
" ".
21X15" . .
. . , .

$200 :

" .375
- "
.--- ,
" "
",)" "-" ("
. " " .
, , ","
". "
."" "
. . 4 "

$500 :



. "
" ":
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, " " ,
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); "
" " " ;
.- "
, 10 "

$300 :

375. Letters by Ha-Admor Rabbi

Mordechai Shalom Yosef Friedman

of Sadegura-Przemyszl
Letter by Ha-Admor Rabbi Mordechai Shalom
Yosef Friedman of Sadegura-Przemyszl, and 3
other letters in his name, that were written by
Rabbi Shmuel Abrahamovitz, Rabbi Yitzhak
Weinreb and Rabbi Levi ---. Letters were sent
to Rabbi Aharon Efraim Fischel Herling.
Ha-Admor Rabbi Mordechai Shalom Yosef
Friedman, Ba'al "Knesset Mordechai" (18971979) of the Ruzhin house. Son of Ha-"Kedushat
Aharon" of Sadegura. He was Admor almost seventy years, since 1913, in Sadegura, Przemyszl,
and Tel-Aviv from 1939. Co-founder of "Agudat
Yisrael" and a member of "Moetzet Gedolei
4 letters in very good condition in various sizes.
Opening Price: $500

217 |

374. Letter by Admor Rabbi

Avraham Yitzhak Kahan "Toldot

Letter of recommendation for charity, for
Hachnasat Kalah of an orphaned bride, by the
Admor Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Kahan, author
of "Divrei Emunah", son in law and disciple of
the Admor Rabbi Aharon Rata (Roth), author of
"Shomrei Emunim" and "Taharat Ha-Kodesh",
after whom the "Toldot Aharon" Hassidic dynasty is named.
Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Kahan, studied in
the Satmar Yeshivha of The Admor Rabbi
Yoel Teitelbaum. There he became close to his
father-in-law and his disciples. After his fatherin-law's demise he was appointed Admor, in a
new Hassidic dynasty that became prominent
in the world of Hassidism in Jerusalem. Died
in 1997, and a new Hassidic dynasty "Toldot
Avraham Yitzhak" is named after him.
21x15 cm. Typewritten. Date and signature in
author's handwriting. Ink stamp. Fair condition,
with wear and minor tears to folding lines. Tiny
holes from typewriter.
Opening Price: $200


" .
" " "
" " ."
. "
, . . 4 , 3
.) "28-32.5(

$300 :

377. Three Letters from the

Admor of Munkacs, Rabbi Baruch


" .378

" .

, -"
") " - ("
".)12429 (
. " ." "
(," " "
) - "
" ."
. . " '
, . 22 . "26.5

$180 :

2 letters from Rabbi Baruch Yehoshua

Yerachmiel Rabinovich, Admor of Munkacs
and Rabbi of Holon and Petach Tikvah. The letters deal with the building of Beit Ha-Midrash
and the institutions in Petach Tikvah.
Rabbi Baruch Yehoshua Yerachmiel Rabinovich,
(1915-1998) was an interesting figure of a Rabbi
who was professor and Admor. He was born
in Poland in 1913 to the Admor Rabbi Natan
David Rabinovich (1868-1930). In 1933 he married the only daughter of Ha-Minhat Elazar
of Munkacs. His wedding was one of the grandest and most celebrated Hassidic weddings in
Hungary. He was Av Beit Din of Munkacs,
and during the Holocaust period was deported
from Munkacs. After many troubles managed
to get to Eretz Israel. In 1945 after his first wife
died he moved to San Paulo, Brazil, together
with his second wife. Rabbi Baruch returned to
Israel in 1963 to become Chief Rabbi of Holon.
After 15 years he moved to Petach Tikvah
where he headed a Beit Midrash and wrote his
books Binat Nevonim and Divrei Nevonim.
His sons from his first wife are the famous
Admorim of Munkacs and Dinov in the USA.
3 letters, 4 large leaves. Signed in his handwriting.
Good condition, various sizes (28-32.5 cm).
Opening Price: $300

376. Collection of Letters from

Admorim and from their Beadles

Letter collection sent to the Ga'on Rabbi Aharon
Efraim Fischel Herling from Batei Admorim.
Writers of the letters: Rabbi Yisrael Ya'akov
Ben Ha-Admor Rabbi Shalom Moshkowitz of
Shatz-London. (In one of the letters appears an
addendum, probably in the handwriting of the
Admor himself); Ha-Admor from Biala, Rabbi
Ben Zion Rabinowitz Av Beit Din Lugano;
Rabbi Ya'akov Rozenfeld Mi-Beit Ha-Admor
Rabbi Mordechai Hager of Vizhnitz-Monsey.
Altogether 10 letters and postcards, in very good
condition in various sizes.
Opening Price: $300


", . .
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, " "


" (
" " " " )

" .

2009 | 218


379. Bill for sale of Hametz,

signed by the Admor of Gur,
author of "Beit Yisrael"

Bills of authorization for sale of Hametz by the

Bada"tz, handwritten, with various signatures.
One of the authorizations is by Rabbi Yisrael
Alter, selling the Hametz of Yeshivat Sfat Emet
in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, 1943. In a previous
page appears the signature of his brother in law
Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Ha-Cohen Levin.
Rabbi Yisrael Alter (1895-1977), son of the
"Imrei Emet", Admor of Gur. In 1940 survived
the Holocaust and came to Eretz Yisrael with
his father, but his wife and sons remained
in Poland and were murdered by the Nazis.
Admor since 1948.
4 pages. 22 cm. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $1200

219 |


", .379
" "
, " "
.)1943( ", .

,)"- ("
, ." " "
" " .
. " ,
. " "
." " .
. . "22 .' 4

$1200 :

378. Letter by Admor of Slonim

Tel Aviv Regarding Saving of
Relatives from the Holocaust

Letter from the Admor of Slonim, Rabbi

Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Weinberg sent to
Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Ha-Cohen Levin. 1943.
Letter deals with saving from the Holocaust of
his relatives in Poland, from the family of his
uncle Rabbi Gedil Wiedenfeld of Warsaw.
The Admor of Slonim - Tel Aviv, Rabbi
Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Weinberg (18981978), so of the Admor Rabbi Yisaschar Dov
(Otzar Ha-Rabanim 12429). Grandson and disciple of the Mahara"sh of Slonim. Admor since
1928. In 1935 came to Eretz Israel. See enclosed
One page 26.5 cm. 22 lines. Very good condition,
filing holes and folding lines.
Opening Price: $180

.380 "

," ,
" . ." ()1970
("-") . ."
" . "
. , (
" ") - .
22.7 ," . ,
. .




$100 :

380. Letter by the Admor Rabbi

Moshe Mordechai Heshel of


Letter of greetings for a marriage, from Rabbi

Moshe Mordechai Heshel, Admor of Kopicznitz.
New York, 1970.
Admor Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Heshel of
Kopicznitz (1924-1976), son of Rabbi Avraham
Yehoshua Heshel of Kopicznitz (1888-1967).
Born in Vienna. Admor in Borough Park since
1967. Died in young age. Letters from him are
very rare.
One page, 22.7 cm. Typewritten, signed. Very
good condition.
Opening Price: $100

.381 "

" . , " (.)1956
" ("-
") . . "
. .
" "
. "
" . " ,
" . " " .
" . " "
" - ".
27.8 ," . ,

$250 :

381. Letter by the Admor Rabbi

Shmuel Eliyahu of Modzitz

Letter with greetings for marriage, from Rabbi

Shmuel Eliyahu Taub from Modzitz. Tel Aviv,
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Taub from Modzitz
(1905-1984). Grandson of Rabbi Yisrael of
Modzitz. In 1936 came to Eretz Israel and established his Beit Midrash in Tel Aviv. After
his father's demise became Admor. Established
Yeshivat "Imrei Shaul" in Bnei Brak. Member of
Mo'etzet Gedolei Ha-Torah since 1973.
One page 27.8 cm. Fair condition, wear to folding
lines with no damage to text.
Opening Price: $250

.382 "

. ," (.)1960

| 220 2009

."" " "

, "33 5 . "12.5 , "7

$400 :

383. Letter from Rabbi Yitzhak

Twerski, Admor of Skvira

A letter written by Rabbi Yitzhak Twerski,

Admor of Skvira, to his sons. Bronx, 1936.
Handwritten, not signed.
Rabbi Yitzhak Twerski (1886-1978, Otzar HaRabanim 10677). Son od Admor Rabbi Moshe
Dan of Skvira. Since 1926 in the US. Secretary
of the Admorim association in the US. Came
to Eretz Israel and established his Beit Midrash
in Tel Aviv.
28 cm. Good condition, minor tears and wear to
folding lines.
Opening Price: $300


384. Letter and articles by

Opening Price: $400

221 |

$150 :

382. Letter by the Admor of

Cheshinov, Rabbi Shalom Yehezkel

Shraga Halberstam
Letter from Admor Rabbi Shalom Yehezkel
Shraga Halberstam of Cheshinov. New York,
Rabbi Shalom Yehezkel Shraga Rubin
Halberstam (1913-1986), grandson of the
"Divrei Hayim" from Sanz and Rabbi Naftali of
One page, 28 cm. Good condition, minor tear to
margins with no omission in text.
Opening Price: $150

Admor Rabbi Baruch Shalom

Handwritten letter by the Kabbalist Rabbi
Baruch Shalom Ashlag, author of "Birkat
Shalom", and typewritten articles, with a reply
to a letter from the editor of "Shema'atin", Rabbi
Eliezer Ben Shlomo. 1964.
Kabbalist Admor Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (1907-1992), son of the Kabbalist
Admor Mohari"l Ashlag "Ba'al Ha-Sulam".
Edited many of his father's writings and published many books on Kabbalah.
Letter - 7 handwritten lines, 12.5 cm. 5 pages 33
cm, typewritten.

- ("-
,) ' ,' ,"
, ." "

. ,
, . "28


" .384

," "
,"' "
)1964( ".""
-" ("


, " ,
.) ( .)1936( ", .
,"- ("
, " .)10677
". .
". " "."
. , . "28

$300 :

.385 "
" ' ,
' ," -
" ( ,)1950
" 14 , , .
21X 27" . , .
" (
' ,' ) , ".
" " , ,

$150 :


385. Letter by the Admor of


Letter by the Admor Rabbi Ya'akov David

Baruch Kalisch of Worka, son of Rabbi
Avraham Moshe of Palnitza (Plontch), Admor
of Palnitza Worka in the US.
Letter is from 1950, from Brooklyn, on stationery
of the Admor, 14 lines in handwriting with his
signature. 21x27 cm. Good condition, small tear
with no omission.
Rabbi Ya'akov David Baruch Kalisch replaced
his father since 1938. In the Holocaust years
managed to escape to London and from there
to the US. In 1986 came to Eretz Israel to reestablish the Worka Hassidic court but passed
away a few months after his arrival.
Opening Price: $150

| 222 2009


,[ , "].

" "
" . "
," "."...
("-" ,
.)10821 '
" " " " . .

' ".
" " . "
. "
, "
(" ") " "
" . " .


" : " ",

" "" , "" , " .
" ' .311-318
2' 21 ." . 48 . ,

$1200 :

386. Letter by Rabbi Yitzhak

Meltzan Regarding the Time of



387. Psak Din of Rabbi Yehudah

Leib Margaliot, author of "Pri

Psak Din signed by Rabbi Yehudah Leib

Margaliot. Frankfurt an der Oder, 1809. Psak
Din regarding inheritance where he clarifies
the rights of orphans under 20 years of age in
their father's estate.
Rabbi Yehudah Leib Margaliot (1747-1811,
Otzar Ha-Rabanim 7348). A prominent Rabbi
of his generation. Served as Rabbi in numerous
well known cities, among them Frankfurt an
der Oder.
Wrote many books on Halachah, Musar and
22x13 cm. Very good condition.
See comparison of his signature in enclosed
Opening Price: $3000

" "
. "
. ",

,"- ("
" . .)7348
, " " ." "
. "
. ,
: , ,
( ,) (" "
,) ( ",)"
,) ( ",)(" "
. ,) (" "
. . "22X13

$3000 :
223 |

A letter from Rabbi Yitzhak Meltzan of Kelm

and Jerusalem, sent to Rabbi Shraga Meir
Lazarovitz, who was born in Kelm and served as
Rabbi in London and Jerusalem (in the 1910s).
An interesting letter concerning distribution of
charity funds under the auspices of Rabbi Zvi
Pesach Frank of Jerusalem. In the letter, Rabbi
Meltzan also writes about the time of the final
redemption, and about the very idea of trying
to predict the time of the redemption.
Rabbi Yitzhak Meltzan (1854-1916, Otzar HaRabbanim 10821) was born in Slutzk, to his
father Rabbi Shmuel, who wrote the book "Even
Shlema", which contains teachings of the Vilna
Gaon. He himself was a great scholar, proficient
in all parts of the Torah. He was a disciple of
Rabbi Yisrael of Salant, who once remarked that
"when Reb Yitzhak is present, written volumes of
the Talmud are unnecessary" In 1891, Rabbbi
Yitzhak was appointed as Rabbinic Judge in
the city Kelm. He also served as Talmudic instructor in the Radin Yeshivah. He transcribed
both written and hidden teachings of the Vilna
Gaon, and was involved in bringing Kabbalistic
works, as well as one of the Vilna Gaon's works
(Imrei No'am) to print, together with Rabbi A.
L. Lipkin, Rabbi of Kratinga, and with Rabbi S.
M. Leizerovitz.
In 1906, he moved to Jerusalem. He authored
works of halachah and Jewish ethics: "Siddur
Ha-Gra Ishei Yisrael", "Azharat Shabbat",
"Shvitat Ha-Shabbat", "Si'ah Yitzhak" and
more. See more about him in the book Tnu'at
Ha-Musar, Part 2, pages 311-318.
2 pages. 21 cm. Approx 48 lines. Good condition,
thin paper with small tears to folding lines - not
causing omission to text.
Opening Price: $1200

, ,
()[ ." .]1855
( , "
" ).
, (
" , )17017" "
" ".
( ,492" ).
4' 21 ." . . ,

$500 :

388. Letter by Rabbi Meir Hirsch

Goldziher, Av Beit Din Losoncz

Letter on finantial matters by Rabbi Meir Hirsh

Goldziher, Rabbi of Losoncz in Hungary, to
Rabbi Pinhas Leib, Dayan in Budapest. [1855].
On verso is another letter to Rabbi Pinhas Leib
from Rabbi Yosef Mordechai Cohen.
Recipient of letter, Rabbi Pinhas Leib Freidiger
(passed away 1858. Otzar Ha-Rabanim 17017),
Av Beit Din in Izsak and Rosh Beit Din in
4 pages. 21 cm. Good condition. Slight damages,
folsing lines, and remnants of wax seal.
Opening Price: $500


.389 "
" "

, []
" "
" . "
"' "
"" . ' "
"' ".
" ' ,
() ,
" ( ,)1741 " " "
" ( )1746 .
29.5" . ,

$1500 :
| 224 2009


389. Document from the com-

munity of Gaya, Moravia, from

1746, signed by author of the"Pnei
Yitzhak Zuta" and hi son Rabbi
Zeev Wolf
Document regarding sale of seats, from the
community of Gaya, Moravia, 1746, signed by
the heads of the community and the Av Beit
Din, Rabbi Yitshak of Yanov, author of the
"Pnei Yitzhak Zuta". Addenda from 1764, with
signature of his son, Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf.
It has been thought that Rabbi Yotzhak passed
away in 1741 or 1743. This document proves he
was alive in 1746. See enclosed material.
One page, 29.5 cm. Good condition, minor restored damage to text of left side of page.
Opening Price: $1500

" ,

( ") ,
, ,
( ) . ,"
4 :
, "
' "
" " ...

" " .
" " ...
( ",
)12200 ,
"-" . "
"" , " .
" '
. .
("-" ,
,)17891 " ,
, " "
." "
" ,

390. Responsum regarding

Agunot by Rabbi Yesha'ayah

Azulai, son of the Hid"a, with approbation of Rabbi Yisrael Hayim
Refael Segri


" , . "
6' 27 ." . . ,
() .

$1000 :

Responsa and testimonies regarding Agunot

from Ancona, by Rabbi Yesha'ayah Azulai
(Son of the Hid"a), oriental Italian writing,
with a few handwritten corrections by Rabbi
Yesha'ayah (who wrote in Jerusalem Sefaradi
writing). Ancona, 1810.
On margins of the responsum, are 4 lines of approbation by Rabbi Rabbi Yisrael Hayim Refael
Segri, Eretz Israel emissary.
Rabbi Yisrael Hayim Refael Segri (passed away
1833, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 12200) Kabbalist, of
the greatest sages of Jerusalem, emissary of the
sages of Tiberias to Europe between 1808-1811.
Author of "Ateret Yisrael", "Tif'eret Yisrael". See
enclosed material.
Rabbi Refael Yesha'ayah Azulai (1743-1826,
Otzar Ha-Rabanim 17891). Eldest son of the
Hid"a, disciple of his father and of the Sages
of Jerusalem. In the 1780s went to Europe as
emissary of Tiberias, married in Amsterdam
the daughter of Rabbi Shlomo Shalem, Rabbi
of the Sefaradi community of Amsterdam. In
1788 became Av Beit Din of Ancona, where he
served for 40 years. The Hid"a sent missives
and letters to this son of his, of which 50 were
6 pages. 27 cm. Good condition, minor moth
damage and restored wear to margins.
Opening Price: $1000

| 225


( " " ",
,)1964( ") ' "
- ""
" ,
. . . "32.5
.- "" ' ' ,

$150 :

392. Historical Letter from

Rabbi Yehezkel Avramsky and

Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin
Letter of Rabbi Yehezkel Avramsky and Rabbi
Zalman Sorotzkin (heads of "Moetzet Gedolei
Ha-Torah" and "Ha-Hinukh Ha-Atzmai") from
1964, regarding establishment of the "Metivtot"
small Yeshivot for Sefaradi students, by Rabbi
Shalom Ha-Cohen Schawdaron and Rabbi
Yisrael Grossman.
Single page, 32.5 cm. Good condition. Thin paper.
Typewritten and signed by authors.
About establishment of the "Metivtot" and the
public polemic it arose, see "Yeshurun" anthology no. 20, pages 333-344.
Opening Price: $150



391. Letter by Rabbi Yitzhak


Letter by Rabbi Yitzhak Hutner author of

"Pahad Yitzhak", to engineer of Municipality
of Jerusalem, regarding approval to establish a
new neighborhood and community for a group
consisting of mostly new immigrants. 1975.
Typewritten letter on Yeshivat Rabenu Hayim
Berlin's stationery, with his signature in marker
pen. 28 cm. Excellent condition.
Rabbi Yitzhak Hunter was born in Warsaw,
studied in the Slabodka Yeshivah in Hebron
and abroad. While he was still a young man he
published the book "Torat Ha-Nazir". For many
years he was head of Yeshivat "Metivta Rabenu
Hayim Berlin" in New York. Was a prominent
figure in the "Moetzet Gedolei Ha-Torah" in the
US. Well known for his teachings on Halachah
and his articles which were published in the
"Pahad Yitzhak" series of books. Passed away
in 1980.


," "
.)1975( " "

. . "28 . ,
". "
" ."
" " . "
" "
." "
.1980 "

$180 :

Opening Price: $180

2009 | 226

, .393

" "
" " ",)"-("
, ""
. ,
. , . 22 . "19.5

$180 :




" "
. .
.)1927( "
. . . "19.5
. ,

,)1925( "
. "
, "" "
, ,
" ,
. , . "10.3X6

$100 :

$120 :

395. Letter of Rabbi Hayim Ozer


Long letter on financial support for "Rameyles"

Yeshivah in Vilna. By Rabbi Hayim Ozer
Grodzanski of Vilna. 1927.
Scribe handwriting. Stamps in purple color of
signature and stamp of Rabbi Hayim Ozer.
Single page, 19.5 cm. Stationery. Written on both
sides. Very good condition, folding marks.
Opening Price: $100

394. Letter of Rabbi Yehudah

Leib Tsirelson

Letter from 1925, from Rabbi Yehudah Leib

Tsirelson Av Beit Din of Kishinev and member
of Mo'etzet Gedolei Ha-Torah. On business
card "Av Beit Din Kishinev".
Letter was sent to Mr. Netanel Lerner.
Card 10.3x6 cm. Good condition, staining and a
Opening Price: $120

227 |

393. Letter by Rabbi Aryeh Levin,

on Happiness in Hachnasat Sefer

Interesting letter from "Jerusalem Tzaddik"

Rabbi Aryeh Levin (1885-1969) from 1949.
A letter of blessing with addition of a scholarly idea of the importance of happiness on
Hachnasat Sefer Torah.
Letter is written in the "square" handwriting in
which Rabbi Aryeh Levin used to write blessing
Apparently the letter was never sent, as on verso
there is a draft of another scholar idea of his.
19.5 cm. 22 lines. Good condition, few foxing
Opening Price: $180

. .

$300 :

396. Letter of Keren Ha-Shmitah,



.396 ,"
" .
, , ,
. " (.)1944
" " ("-
" , .)1983 " " ,
( ."-" . .)12971
" ".
'( ."-
" . .)8988 '
") . .
" " "
" .
27" . .
| 228 2009

Letter of Keren Ha-Shmitah 1945. Signatures

of management Rabbis, Rabbi Isser Zalman
Meltzer, Rabbi Meir Karelitz, Rabbi Yosef
Kahanman and Rabbi Shmuel Kipnis. 1944.
Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer, author of "Even
Ha-Ezel" (1870-1954. Otsar Ha-Rabanim 1983).
Served as Av Beit Din of Slutsk, Rosh Yeshivah
of Klatsk and Rosh Yeshivah of the Etz Hayim
Yeshivah in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Meir Karelitz was Av Beit Din of
Lachovitch and one of the heads of Mo'etzet
Gedolei Ha-Torah. (1877-1955. Otsar HaRabanim 12971). Brother of Ha-"Hazon Ish".
Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahanman was Rabbi
of Ponevezh. (1886-1969. Otsar Ha-Rabanim
8988). Founder of Ponevezh Yeshivahs in
Lithuania and in Bnei Brak.
Rabbi Shmuel Kipnis was Rabbi of Avrutch
(1883-1979). Studied with Rabbi Shmeriya
Noah Schneersohn of Bobroisk. Founder and
head of "Otsar Ha-Poskim" and "Hitachduth
Ha-Rabanim Plitei Russia" in Jerusalem.
Single page. 27 cm. Stationery. Typewritten with
signatures in handwriting. Good condition. Torn
filing holes, and slight damage to margins.
Opening Price: $300


, "
. " .

. " ".
27" . .
[!] . .
, .

$350 :

. . " 33 . "22.2

$200 :


.)1952( ",
.2 . .1 :
. "
.) ( . "27.5 2


398. Letter of Rabbi Dov Beer

Dushinsky Av Beit Din of Nameszto

2 letters from Rabbi Shmuel Ha-Levi Wosner

Shalita, Rabbi of Zichron Meir and Rosh
Yeshivah of Yeshivat Hachmei Lublin. Letters
were sent to Rabbi Aharon Efraim Fischel
Herling, 1952.
Contents of the letters: 1. Blessing for a wedding. 2. Interesting letter regarding matters of
Yeshivat Hachamei Lublin in Bnei Brak.
2 leaves, 27.5 cm. 2 different stationeries. Very
good condition.

Interesting and long letter of Rabbi Dov

Beer Dushinsky Av Beit Din of Nameszto in
Hungary, to Rabbi Hayim Fleischman Av Beit
Din of Zsambek. 1901.
Rabbi Dov Beer Dushinsky (1837-1922. Otsar
ha-Rabanim 4523), was an important disciple of Ha-"Ktav Sofer". His descendants Rabbi
Yechiel Michl Av Beit Din of Rakospalota and
Rabbi Ya'akov Kopel Av Beit Din of Kastel and
later from London. See about him enclosed
Rabbi Ya'akov Hayim Fleischman Av Beit Din
and Rosh Yeshivah of Zsambek near Budapest.
(Died in 1908. Otsar Ha-Rabanim 6402). Pupil
of Mahar"i Asad.
Single page. 22.2 cm. About 33 lines in fine handwriting. Good condition. Slight ink staining and
staining by time.

Opening Price: $160

Opening Price: $200

$160 :

399. Letters from Rabbi Shmuel

Ha-Levi Wosner

229 |

397. Letter of Rabbi Eliezer

Yehudah Finkel

Letter from Mir Yeshivah in Poland, by Rosh

Yeshivah, Rabbi Eliezer Yehudah Finkel about
donation for the Yeshivah, Sivan 1929.
Rabbi Eliezer Yehudah Finkel was Rosh
Yeshivah of Mir, son of the Grandfather of
Slabodka. Born in 1879. Son-in-law of Rabbi
Eliyahu Baruch Kamai and his replacement
in Mir Yeshivah. After the Holocaust he established Mir Yeshivah in Jerusalem. Died in
Single page. 27 cm. Stationery. Typewritten with
his full signature [Very rare!]. Good condition.
Folding marks, glue on top of the page on verso
side and slight damage to margins.
Opening Price: $350


.)1901( "."
."- ("
," " ,)4523
." ""
- ." "
" ,
," " " , "
," " ' "
. "
. ( ".
. " .)6402
" " " "

400. Letters by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch



. "-" ( .)1952-1955
: ,
, .
,1879-1966 .)17400 ,
. " "
. " .
" : " " " " " .
. 5 , 20.5" . .

$240 :
| 230 2009

6 Interesting letters by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Ferber

from London. From 1952-1955. Letters were
sent to Rabbi Aharon Efraim Fischel Herling.
Contents of the letters: Divrei Torah, Rabbinical
matters and community matters in England,
books and authors.
Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Ferber (1879-1966, Otsar HaRabanim 17400) born in Slabodka, studied in
the prestigious Slabodka Yeshivah, as well as
under such Talmudic and Musar giants as Rabbi
Yitzhak Elchanan Spektor, Rabbi Yitzchak
Blazer and Rabbi Naftali Amsterdam, disciples
of Rabbi Yisrael of Salant. He came to England
in 1910, where he founded "Va'ad Ha-Rabanim
Ha-Haredim" in London. Among his books:
" Kerem Ha-Tzvi", "Hikrei Halachot", "Siach
Tzvi" etc. See about him in enclosed material.
5 Postcards, and a single page 20.5 cm. Very good
Opening Price: $240

, -
. "-" (.)1951-1952

. " :
" "...
" " "
, ".
[] "


("-" , .)6762
" " , .
. " "
. " , .
: -" , , ,
" 13 . .

$240 :

402. Letters from Rabbis of

401. Letters by Rabbi Tuviah

5 Letters by Rabbis of Yeshivat "Merkaz HaRav". Jerusalem, 1950-1952.

Letters from Rabbi Zvi Yehudah Kook, Rabbi
Shalom Natan Ra'anan Kook and Rabbi Ya'akov
Moshe Harlap. Letters were sent to Rabbi
Aharon Efraim Fischel Herling. Contents:
confirmation of studies, blessing for wedding,
matters of fundraising for the Yeshivah in
Altogether 5 fine leaves with titles, various sizes
and conditions.

13 Letters sent to Rabbi Aharon Efraim Fischel

Herling, from Rabbi Tuviah Yehudah Tavyumi
from Tel-Aviv. 1951-1952.
The letters deal mainly with distribution of
Rabbi Tavyumi's books in England. In one of
the letters he asks Herling to send his regards to
Admor of Shatz, and tells of a visit he was paid
by the Gur Admor and aconversation they had
on the Shatz Rabbi.
One of the letters written, in Rabbi Tavyumi's
mission, by Rabbi Shmuel Zanwill Zarsky from
Rabbi Tuviah Yehudah Tavyumi (Gutentag) Av
Beit Din Suchaczin in Poland (1882-1953, Otsar
Ha-Rabanim 6762). Disciple of the "Eglei Tal".
A Gur and Sochaczew Hassid. Close friend the
"Beit Yisrael" from Gur. Came to Palestine in
1936, and served as a Rabbi at the Rabbinate in
Among his books: Eretz Tova She'elot UTeshuvot, Tal Yisrael, Tal Orot, Ateret Tuviah,
Altogether 13 letters and missives. Various sizes
and conditions.

Yeshivat Merkaz Ha-Rav


Opening Price: $150

", .403


403. Letters of Rabbi Moshe

Swift, Rosh Av Beit Din of London

3 Letters from the Rabbi Moshe Swift Rosh Av
Beit Din of London from 1964.
Rabbi Moshe Swift (1907-1984) born in
Liverpool, studied in Ponevezh Yeshivah in
Lithunia and in Mir Yeshivah in Poland. Served
at the Rabbinate in London, in Johannesburg,
South Africa and at Rabbinic Court of Hagr"i
Abramski in London as a member of Rabbinic
3 Letters. 20 cm. Good condition.
Opening Price: $120
231 |

.)1964( "- ".
,)"- ("
' ,
" , .
" " "
" " ".
." " "
. . "20 . 3

$120 :

Yehudah Tavyumi (Gutentag)

Opening Price: $240

, ." "
.)1950-1952( "-"
. "
: .
, ,
. , 5 "

$150 :

. .) (
" " "
. " "
. 12 "

$180 :


405. Letters of Rabbi Avraham

Moshe Beaba"d Ha-Ga'on of Jaffa

12 letters sent to Rabbi Aharon Efraim Fischel
Herling, by Rabbi Avraham Moshe Beaba"d,
from Giv'at Aliya in Jaffa.
Contents of the letters: blessings, comments in
Divrei Torah on the Shas and Divrei Hassidut.
Rabbi Avraham Moshe Beaba"d (1900-1980).
Son-in-law of Rabbi Eliezer Nisan Horovitz of
Safed (Dzikov). From Vizhnitz family. Brotherin-law of the Admor Ha-"Mekor Baruch" from
Sert-Vizhnitz and founder of "Yachel Yisrael"
Yeshivah in Haifa.
Altogether 12 missives in various conditions.
Opening Price: $180

404. Collection of Rabbinical

Ordinations from Rabbis of

Collection of Rabbinical Ordination documents and Rabbinical approvals that were

given to Rabbi Aharon Efraim Fischel Herling,
by different Rabbis in Bukovina (Romania)
from 1944-1946. Writers of the letters: Rabbi
Hayim Mordechai Roller Av Beit Din of Neamt
author of "Be'er Hayim Mordechai" (1868-1947,
Otsar Ha-Rabanim 6487); Rabbi Israel Hornik
Rabbi of Draditz and formerly in Wikow (18791945, Otsar Ha-Rabanim 11890); Ha-Ga'on
Rabbi Moshe David Ostereicher Av Beit Din
of Tshimpa (1887-1954, Otsar Ha-Rabanim
15358); Rabbi Moshe Yosef Rubin Av Beit Din
of Kehilat Kimpolung (Bukovina) member of
Mo'etzet Gedolei Ha-Torah and president of
Agudat Ha-Rabanim in Romania (Association
of Rabbis in Romania) (1890?-1963); Beit Dina
Raba of Czernowitz, signed by Rabbi Eliyahu
Schulsinger Dayan U-Moreh Tsedek, Rabbi
Shiye--- Dayan.
Altogether 6 documents in various sizes and
conditions (fair conditions, torn and repaired by
Opening Price: $300

, ",
, :
.)"- " ("



.)1944-1946( "- ".)(
,"-" " " ("
); 6487
,"- ("
); "11890
); 15358 ,"- ("
" ()

"); -?("
. --- , ' "
, (6 "

$300 :
2009 | 232

.)1925( ", . .2
: ,
, ...
, " . "23.5
, .""
," " "

$300 :

407. Two Letters from Ha-Rav


2 important letters written by Ha-Rav Kook,

while he held a senior position in Rabbinate of
Jaffa and in Chief Rabbinate of Eretz Yisrael in
1. Response regarding Hilchot Hametz in
Pesach. Jaffa, 1910.
Letter to Rabbi Shem Tov Gaguin, (Rosh Av Beit
Din Sefaradim in London). Written in Rashi
script since the receiver was from Hachmei HaSefaradim. Unsigned, end of the 2nd page cut,
but it seems that the response is complete.
2 leaves, 27.7 cm. Stationery. Fair condition, tears
to folds and staining. Half of second page is cut.
2. Letter to Rabbis of Safed. Jerusalem, 1925.
Interesting letter about solution of conflicts in
Safed community.
Single page 23.5 cm. Stationery. Good condition,
filing holes, folding marks and foxing.
These 2 letters do not appear in "Igrot
HaRa'ayah", and were probably not printed yet.
Opening Price: $300

233 |

406. Piskei Din from Rabbi

Yisrael Abba Zitron, Av Beit Din in

Petach Tikvah
Piskei Din and agreements of compromise and
arbitration, from Rabbi Yisrael Abba Zitron, Av
Beit Din in the Moshavah Petach Tikvah from
Interesting historical material on history of the
settlement and the Moshavot in Eretz Israel,
Dinei Torah on monthly rents and workers'
salaries, Dinei Nezikin (a calf burned in a fire)
and more.
Rabbi Yisrael Abba Zitron [Kitroni], (1881-1927,
Otsar Ha-Rabanim 120102). Son-in-law of the
Rogatchov Ga'on, Rabbi Yosef Rosen. Born in
Kreizberg. First Rabbi of Petach Tikvah. Sefer
Ha-Achuza of Petach Tikvah, which managed
oall the property of the Moshavah was managed by him, and he was proud of the fact that
it was conducted according to Dinei Torah of
the Hoshen Mishpat.
10 leaves, 20.5 cm. Single page, 26.3 cm (signed by
him). Various conditions (fair).
Opening Price: $150

" .407
" ,
", . .1
(" " ,
" .)
, , .
" " " . "27.7 , 2
. , ."


, "
.)1914-1915( "-"

, ,
. ( )
- (",] [
.)12102 ,"
", .
. .
. " "," "
.) " ( 26.3 . "20.5 10
.) (

$150 :

, 3
. "
.40- 30-
. , ,""'

. ". "
." "
' 2 , "22.5 3 , 1
. . . "19.5

$200 :

409. Letters from the Rabanit

Dessler, Wife of the "Michtav

Three letters from Rabanit Bluma Dessler, sent

to a relative Mr. A. A. Skulski of London.
The letters were written in the 30s and 40s in
Yiddish, and are of interesting content. They
concern her husband, Rabbi "Eliyahu Leizer",
the Shidduch of her daughter, and more.
Rabbanit Bluma Dessler was the second daughter of Rabbi Nahum Ze'ev of Kelm and the
granddaughter of the "Grandfather of Kelm".
Married Rabbi Dessler in 1920, and died in
1 postcard, one 3-page latter 22.5 cm., and
one 2-page letter 19.5 cm. Stamped envelopes
included. Very good condition.

" .408
. 2

.]"" [=
, 4
.19 -
. . "21 .)- ' (4 ;' 4

$750 :

408. Manuscript of Geviyat Edut

and Dinei Edut

2 handwritten pages. First part is Geviyat Edut

al Kidushin that was done in darkness in the
presence of 2 witnesses with a "Grivne" coin [=
coin that used in Russia].
Second part contains 4 pages, from response
about Dinei Ne'emanut Edim.
Ashkenazi manuscript from Poland-Russia,
probably late 19th Century.
4 pages; 4 pages (13-16). 21 cm. Good condition.


Opening Price: $750

Opening Price: $200


2009 | 234

410. Letter from the Kabalist

Rabbi Aharon Shlomo Mahari"l,

Author of "To'ameiha Hayim


" " "
" " , "
" (.)1921

" ...
( ,
,)1884 .
"" .
" ,
" " .
" " ' (
) .
" ( .)1938 .
21" 18 . . ,

$500 :

Letter from the Lithuanian-Jerusalemite

Kabbalist Rabbi Aharon Shlomo Mahari"l,
Author of "To'ameiha Hayim Zachu", sent
to Rabbi Shraga Meir Lazarowitz, who was
born in Kelm and served as Rabbi in London.
Jerusalem 1921.
The letter contains writer's blessings for recovery and good health, and also concerns sending
funds to Eretz Israel. The writer requests that
the money be sent directly.
The holy kabalist Rabbi Shlomo Aharon
Mahari"l (Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 1884) was born
in Zagare, Lithuania. Disciple of the renowned
kabbalist, the Ba'al Ha-leshem. He came to
Jerusalem in 1909, and was one of the leading
kabbalists in Jerusalem and Rosh Yeshivah
of the Sha'ar Ha-Shamayim Yeshivah. He authored the three parts of "To'ameiha Hayim
Zachu", which is a commentary on the book Etz
Hayim, by Rabbi Hayim Vital, as well as many
other books. Died in Jerusalem, 1938. See more
about him in enclosed material.
One page, 21 cm. 18 lines. Good condition, light
wear to folding marks; two filing holes not causing omission to text. Purple English and Hebrew
Opening Price: $500

.411 "
, "
, , "


( " ") "
" ("-
" , .)3330
" (" ")
" . "
" "
" " " " ,
" ." :
, , "
" .
22 , , .

$800 :
| 235

412. Draft of Inscription for

411. Letter from Rabbi Aryeh Leib

Lipkin, Rabbi of Kratinga, Nephew
of Rabbi Yisrael of Salant

Handwritten draft of inscription for tombstone

which was erected over grave of Rabbi Re'uven
Dov Dessler, head of Kelm Yeshivah and father
of the "Michtav Me-Eliyahu".
Enclosed, a newspaper clipping from 1935 announcing Rabbi Dessler's funeral.
Rabbi Re'uven Dov Dessler (1863-1935, Otzar
Ha-Rabbanim 17735), was among foremost
of students of Rabbi Simkha Zissel Ziv, the
"Grandfather of Kelm". Son-in-law of Rabbi
Eliyahu Eliezer of Vilna who was son-in-law of
Rabbi Yisrael of Salant; Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer
was also father-in-law of Rabbi Hayim Ozer
Grodzansky of Vilna. Rabbi Re'uven Dov
served as Rosh Yeshivah of Beit Ha-Talmud
Torah in Kelm from the year 1918. In 1931 he
moved to London, where he lived at the home
of his only son Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer, author of
Michtav Me-Eliyahu.
When he died in London in 1935, no tombstone
was erected over his grave in following the Kelm
tradition. Over 20 years later, in the year 1960,
a relative from London, Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer
Skulski, decided to erect a tombstone, and
before us is the draft of the inscription in his
handwriting. (Tombstones were also erected
over the grave of his son Rabbi Dessler in B'nei
Brak, and his daughter-in-law Rabbanit Bluma
Dessler's grave in Jerusalem, on instruction of
the Steipler, see the book Mehanech Le-Dorot,
Pages 323-325, 461, 483 enclosed.)
4 leaves, 23 cm, very good condition.

Letter from the kabbalistic Rabbi Aryeh Leib

Lipkin of Kratinga, sent to Rabbi Shraga Meir
Lazarowitz, who was born in Kelm and served
as Rabbi in London, 1898.
The letter deals with the publication of the
Vilna Ga'on's writings on B'rakhot (Sefer Imrei
No'am), and about Rabbi Y. Meltzan of Kelm
who was involved in its publication.
Rabbi Aryeh Leib Lipkin, Rabbi of Papelan
and Kratinga (1840-1903, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim
3330) was the son of Rabbi Yisrael of Salant's
brother, Rabbi Yedidyah Lipman Lipkin, and
son-in-law of Rabbi Yisrael's other brother
Rabbi Yitzhak Lipkin of Zagare. He was Rabbi
Yisrael's close disciple.
He was a great scholar and among the leading
kabbalists in Lithuania. He wrote many books
of his own and also published he Vilna Ga'on's
writings (Imrei No'am) together with Rabbi
Lazarowitz. He himself wrote Klalei Hatchalat
Ha-Hochmah, which is a guide for learning
the wisdom of the Ari, based on the Ramha"l
and the Vilna Ga'on; it was his wish that it be
published anonymously. See more about him in
enclosed material.
Postcard, 22 lines, very good condition.

Tombstone of Rabbi Re'uven Dov


Opening Price: $150


, "

." "
" " :
,"- ("
", ,)17735
" .
" . " "
." "
, "
, .
' , "
, ,
(. "

," " "
' 461 ' 323-325 ' " "
.) - .483
. , "23 , 4

Opening Price: $800

$150 :
2009 | 236

23" . ,

$250 :

413. Letter from Rabbi Yehoshua

Leib Diskin, written by his
Assistant Rabbi Yitzhak Shlomo


.413 "
"" "
" " "" ,"
. ,
" (.)1896
"" [=] "
, ".
" [
" ].
" ("-" ,
,)7763 " ,

- ("-
") . ,
" " ,
" " - .
, , "

Letter written as instructed by Rabbi Yehoshua

Leib Diskin, by his assistant Rabbi Yitzhak
Shlomo Blau. Jerusalem, 1896.
The letter deals with matters of charity distribution, request of donation for the Diskin
Orphanage, and for Pidyon. Also response to
halachic question which had been posed to
Rabbi Diskin.
On margin appear three words in a different
handwriting [possibly that of Rabbi Diskin
The Brisker Rabbi, Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin
(1819-1898, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 7763) came to
Jerusalem in 1878, and from then until the day
of his passing, Rabbi Yitzhak Shlomo Blau was
his disciple and trusted assistant in all matters
of the community as well as personal matters.
The Hungarian-Jerusalemite scholar Rabbi
Yitzhak Shlomo Blau (1857-1943) was author of
Melo Ha-Omer on laws of Hallah, and among
founders of both Diskin Orphanage and Ohel
Moshe Yeshivah. He was father of Rabbi Moshe
Blau, leader of Jerusalem Agudat Israel, and of
Rabbi Amram Blau, leader of Neturei Karta
sect. See enclosed material, about him and his
responsibilities in the home and institutions of
Rabbi Diskin.
One page, 23 cm. Fair condition, heavily stained
by time; slightly worn on folding marks.
Opening Price: $250


" "
" " . ,
[ ," .]1823
" () ,
" " ("-") ." "
) ,
. ( ")" .

" ".
18.5" . .

$300 :
| 237

415. Letter from Rabbi Hirsh

414. Letter from Rabbi David

Miledulo of Livorno, Author of
"Mizmor Le-Todah"

Levitan, Disciple of Rabbi Yisrael

of Salant; Founder of Slabodka
Letter from Rabbi Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Hirsh)
Levitan of Slabodka and Jerusalem. Sent
to Rabbi Shraga Meir Lazarowitz, who was
born in Kelm and served as Rabbi in London,
Jerusalem, 1913.
Fascinating letter concerning the Segulah of
sleeping in Eliyahu's cave in order to heal illnesses, particularly madness. Also regarding
transfer of charity funds.
The great scholar Rabbi Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi
Hirsh) Levitan (1840-1916) was born in Kovna.
Disciple of Rabbi Ya'akov Yosef and Rabbi
Yisrael of Salant. In 1863 he founded "Rabbi
Hershel's Yeshivah" in Slabodka, the core from
which the great Slabodka Yeshivah was founded
later, in 1880, by Rabbi Natan Zvi Hirsh Finkel.
After emigrating to Jerusalem in 1892, he
founded a Yeshivah in Giv'at Sha'ul and initiated Torah classes there. Despite his old age, he
would run about from place to place in the city
on his donkey in order to give classes. See more
about him in T'nuat Ha-Musar, Part Two, pages
Postcard 9x13.8 cm. Very good condition, poststamped 1913.
Opening Price: $400


Letter regarding halachic rulings, from Rabbi

David ben Rabbi Rafael Miledulo, author of
Mizmor Le-Todah. Sent to Rabbi David Zakut
Modina, Livorno, [1823].
Rabbi David ben Rabbi Rafael Miledulo (the
second) of Livorno, author of Mizmor LeTodah, was Rabbi of the Sefaradic community
of London.
Recipient of letter, Rabbi David Zakut Modina
(1778-1865, see enclosed material) was Rabbi
of Modina and among Italy's foremost Rabbis.
Author of Zekher Le-David (Livorno 1897).
His father was Rabbi Mazal Tov Modina, the
great disciple of Rabbi Yishmael Ha-Cohen of
Modina, author of Zera Emet.
18.5 cm. Thin high quality paper. On verso, an
address and remnants of wax seal.
Opening Price: $300


. .)1840-1916 ,"-("
" .
," " '
, ,"
. "
, ,

.330-343 '"
. . "9X13.8

$400 :

, .415

( )
" .
] [", ,
" :
, ,
(' )
2009 | 238

417. Last Will of Rabbi Shraga


Meir Lazarowitz, Written to his

Community in London
Last will sent by Rabbi Shraga Meir Lazarowitz
to members of his "Hevrat Shas" community
in London, Jerusalem, 1925. Typewritten and
signed in his handwriting.
Rabbi Shraga Meir Lazarowitz was born in
Kelm, and served as Rabbi of Hevrat Shas community in London from approx 1890. In his old
age he emigrated to Jerusalem, where he died in
1929. When living in Jerusalem, he sent a long
last will to his London community, in which
he writes "it is my request that one of you read
these words [to everyone], in Yiddish, in the
study hall before my departure I requested
that you appoint a new Rabbi, great in Torah
and in Fear of Heaven, and you promised you
would, but you have not yet fulfilled the promise they do not wish to have a Rabbi who is a
greater scholar than they"
Rabbi Shraga Meir was close to the Lithuanian
giants of Musar and Kabbalah: Rabbi Leib
Hasid of Kelm, Rabbi Shlomo Elyashuv "Ba'al
Ha-Leshem", Rabbi Aharon Shmuel Maharil
author of "To'ameiha Hayim Zachu", Rabbi
Yitzhak Meltzan and Rabbi Aryeh Leib Lipkin
of Kartinga author of Klalei Hatchalat HaHochma (together, they published the Vilna
Ga'on's book "Imrei No'am"). After Rabbi A. L.
Lipkin's passing, Rabi Shraga Meir published
the former's book "Hidushei Agadot Mahara'al"
together with his composition "Shraga
Opening Price: $200

. ,
, .
.1972 , ",
,)"- ("
. , , :
. . ,

$300 :

416. Torah Letter from Rabbi

Shlomo Zalman Auerbach

"] ' [=
... ... ...
"... ...

, :
"" "
("."" "
.) " " "
" "" "
' " "
" ,
" " " .
. - .

$200 :
239 |

Letter of response concerning laws of the

Sabbatical year, and new year's blessings. From
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach. Sha'arei
Hesed, Jerusalem, 1972.
Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (1910-1994)
was among the world's leading halachic authorities in our generation. Rosh Yeshivah of
Kol Torah Yeshivah and author of Ma'adanei
Eretz, Minkhat Shlomo, Me'orei Or and more.
Postcard written on both sides. Very good
Opening Price: $300


. ", . " ""
. ,
. " "" "
. ",



' ", .1
.)1915( ".
" " :
.---- ,( )
, . .2
.]1898 [".
.) ," (
.)1960( "

.)1918( ".
" ' ,
, "
." "
,"- ("
, , .)16028
.)"- ("
) ( , . "27.5

$100 :

419. Letters from Rabbis of

418. Written Attestation of


1. Letter from Rabbis of Tiberias, to Mr. Y.

Tahon, president of Va'ad Eretz Israel, Jaffa.
1915. Undersigned: Rabbi Ya'akov Ha-Cohen
Skali, Rabbi of Sefaradic community (signature
and ink-stamp), Rabbi Ya'akov Hai Zrihan, and
Rabbi Shmu'el ---. Illustrated ink-stamps of the
Batei Din and Kollelim.
2. Letter from Rabbi Hayim Alhadif. Official
stationery, ink-stamp and ink-stamp of signature. [1898]
3. Receipt in Judeo-Arabic from the "Drauza
Shmiran" synagogue (perhaps from Persia, or
the Maghreb). 1960.
Various sizes and conditions.

Opening Price: $100

$100 :


Virtue by Rabbi Nissim Danon, the

Hacham Bashi


Letter in Hebrew and French from Rabbi

Nissim Danon, Hacham Bashi in Jerusalem.
1918. Contents: attestation of virtue of the
minor Avraham Ben Rabbi Yisrael Mordechai
Tanenbaum, of Jerusalem; written to Turkish
The Hakham Bashi, Rabbi Nissim Danon (18671930, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 16028), chief Rabbi
in Rodus, Beirut, Izmir, Safed, and Jerusalem.
His tenure in Jerusalem was temporary only
until end of Ottoman rule (1915-1917).
One leaf, 27.5 cm. Fair condition, many tears (full
text is present).
Opening Price: $100

2009 | 240

." " " " "

. , "27 , 9

$150 :

420. Response Regarding

Kiddushin Al T'nai from Rabbi

Bentzion Hai Uziel


" .421
, " ' ,
- (":
, ,)"- (",)"
, , ,

, . . "29
. .

$300 :

421. Emissary Letter from Rabbis

of Tiberias

Letter of appeal for charity to "Kupat Rabbi

Meir Ba'al Ha-nes", sent with Rabbi Ya'akov Ibn
Samon, who served as emissary of the Tiberias
community, to Rabbi Mordechai Ma'atok
Hakham Bashi in Sidon.
241 |

Long letter of response from Rabbi Bentzion

Hai Uziel to Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe Toledano,
Content of letter: response to Rabbi Toledano's
proposal that it might be possible to marry conditionally as a solution for Agunot women.
Throughout the years there have been many
attempts to solve the Agunot problem. In
1930, Rabbi Hayim Ozer of Vilna encouraged
the publication of book entitled "Ein T'nai BaNisu'in", which contains letters of great Rabbis
from around the world opposing this sort of
plan, on the basis of the sacredness of a Jewish
marriage. In 1935, the book "Le-Dor Acharon"
was published by the Rabbinic Association of
USA and Canada regarding this issue.
Typewritten on official stationery, with many
signatures and corrections in his handwriting.
Rabi Bentzion Hai Uziel was born in 1881 in
Jerusalem, to Rabbi Yosef Rafael, of an established Jerusalem Rabbinic family, descending
from the Hikrei Lev. In 1910 he was appointed
Chief Rabbi of Sefaradi community in Jaffa. In
1921 - Rabbi of Salonika, 1923 Chief Rabbi of
Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, 1939 representative in London
of the Jewish community of Eretz Israel; in the
same year, he was appointed Chief Rabbi and
Rishon Le-Tzion of Eretz Israel. Died in 1953.
He authored Mishpatei Uziel, Mikhmanei
Uziel, Ha-Shofet Ve-Ha-Mishpat, and more.
9 leaves, 27 cm, very good condition.
Opening Price: $150



.)1935( ",

, ".
," "

. "
" "
. " " ,"

" ." "
" . " .
" .
". " ".

422. Loan Certificate, Yeshivat

Ponevezh - Signed by Rabbi


- ' " "
, . 28 , , "26

$100 :

423. Halachic Response by Rabbi

Hayim Mordechai Zvi, a prominent

Kushta Rabbi
A Halachic response in Dinei Mamonot. By
Rabbi Hayim Mordechai Zvi, Dayan in Kushta.
Sent to one of the members of his Beit Din.
1895. Handwritten and signed.
Rabbi Hayim Mordechai Zvi (1838-1908). See
enclosed material.
One page, 26 cm., written on both sides, about 28
lines. Very good condition, slight wear to folding
Opening Price: $100

Loan certificate, Ponevezh Yeshivah, for 100

Lirot. Tel Aviv, 1952. Luria printing.
The loan certificate and the four checks for
cashing of the loan hand signed by The Rabbi
of Ponevezh, Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahanman.
Picture of the Yeshivah in Giv'at Zichron Meir,
Bnei Brak. With the phrase "and in Har Zion
there will be a remainder and it was holy",
which was told to Rabbi of Ponevezh by the
Chafetz Chaim when he spoke to him in 1933
on what was about to happen to the Jewish
People in WWII.
Rabbi of Ponevezh - Rabbi Yosef Shlomo
Kahanman (1886-1969) studied at the Telz
Yeshivah and with the Chafetz Chaim in
Radin. Served as Rabbi in Widze and Ponevezh.
Of the founders of Agudat Yisrael and Va'ad
Ha-Yeshivot. Member of Mo'etset Gedolei HaTorah since 1923 and close to Chafetz Chaim
and Rabbi Hayim Ozer Grodzanski.
In the middle of the Holocaust years, in which
he lost most of his family and students, he reestablished the Yeshivah in Bnei Brak.
A double page, separated to certificate and checks.
25 cm. Color printing, excellent condition.
Opening Price: $500


, . ,
. .
. .)1895( "
",)"- ("
,' " (
.)' "

Signed and stamped by Tiberias leading

Sefaradic rabbis: Rabbi Aharon Alkhadif (18351809), Rabbi David Reina (1845-1910), Rabbi
David Abo, Rabbi Machluf Ha-Cohen, Rabbi
David Assudri, Rabbi Baruch Toledano, Rabbi
Haviv Hayim David Sithon.
Includes colorful illustrated ink-stamps of the
Batei Din and Kollelim.
One page, 29 cm. Printed and written in gold.
Good condition, worn and torn with light omissions at folding marks. Filing holes.
Opening Price: $300

- ' .422

. "100 ",'
. .1952 , ",
. "
" .
, ' " ,"
)"- ("- '
" .
. ,
, "
. ,
. "25 ,
. .

$500 :
2009 | 242

" ." (.)1877
, .
. .
("-") ,
, ,
("-") , " " " .
" " " ,
" " .
" .
20.5" . .


$800 :

424. Letter from Sir Moshe


Letter sent from Sir Moshe Montefiore, probably to Rabbi Zusman Sofer, Rosh Av Beit Din
Budapest. 1877.
Letter is in German, page is ornamented by
frame. On top of page is the montefiore coat of
arms, which is also on the envelope. Signed by
Montefiore on both letter and envelope.
Sir Moshe Montefiore (1785-1885), English
lord, rich and generous, helped various communities of the Jewish People in both political
and financial ways.
Rabbi Hayim Zusman Sofer, Rosh Av Beit
Din Budapest (1822-1886), author of "Mahane
Hayim" responsa. Born in Pressburg and circumcised by the Hatam Sofer. Considered one
of the foremost students of the Hatam Sofer in
his old age and was also Av Beit Din Munkacs.
20.5 cm. Very good condition.


." .1934
" ' "" (),
" ( ,
" , ,)5144
" " .
" " .
" , " "
- . .
" . " "
" ,
.14.5X9 .

$200 :

Opening Price: $800

| 243

426. Letter of Kabbalist Rabbi

Moshe Yair Weinstock, on the war

of the Kabbalists against Hitler
Letter by Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock
to his Kabblist disciple Rabbi Yehudah Ze'ev
Leibowitz. 1967.
In this letter, written after the 6 Day War, Rabbi
Yair reminisces the time of the miraculous
saving of the Eretz Israel Jewry from the Nazi
army commanded by Rommel who advanced
as far as Egypt. This is a testimony of the
prayers and actions taken by the Kabbalists and
Jerusalem Rabbi Moshe Yair Weinstock (18991982), disciple of the Kabbalists and Admors of
Jerusalem, disciple of Mohari"l Ashlag "Ba'al
Ha-Sulam". Wrote many books.
One page, 28 cm. Written on both sides. With
captions in handwriting of his disciple Rabbi
Yehudah Ze'ev. Good condition.
More on the ostracization of Hitler by the
Kabbalists see item 517.

. , ..."
' .
. " "
."... "
- ("
, " ,)"
" "" (
, .)
" . . "28
. ."
, "

$100 :

Opening Price: $100

" " .427

.)"- (".""
" " ,
" ( ",
. .)
. ,
" .
." " :

425. Letter from Rabbi David

Yehudah Zilberstein of Vitzen

Letter from Rabbi David Yehudah Zilberstein,
Rabbi of Vitzen. 1934.
Good wishes on occasion of wedding of Rabbi
Naftali Freidiger, author writes the word "Our
Rabbi" in bold letters to express that he considers him his Rabbi.
Postcard; with his name printed in Hebrew and
Hungarian. Written in his handwriting on both
Rabbi David Yehudah Zilberstein (killed in the
holocaust in 1944, Otzar Ha-Rabbanim 5144)
was son of the Rabbi of Vitzen, Rabbi Yesha'ayah,
author of Ma'aseh La-melekh. Disciple of
Rabbi Shaul Broch and Rabbi Mordechai Leib
Winkler, author of Levushei Mordechai.
When yet a very young man, in 1905, he published the book Yad David, which merited
hearty approbations by leading Torah scholars
of the generation. See enclosed material. In
1915 he became Rabbi in Helishtaba, and in
1928 assistant Rabbi to his father in Vitzen,
until the latter's death in 1930, at which time
Rabbi David Yehudah succeeded him.
Postcard 14.5x9. Excellent condition.
Opening Price: $200



.)1967 (
," "

. "
2009 | 244

, , .1
. ," "
. ,
, " .2
. ". .3
. .

$300 :

428. Documents regarding the

Warsaw Kollel

Documents regarding the Warsaw Kollel in

1. Letter from Rabbi Yisrael Zeev Mintzberg.
[circa 1932]. Rabbi Yisrael Ze'ev Mintzberg
(1872-1962, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 12176). Born
in Poland, grandson of Rabbi David and Rabbi
Moshe of Lelov and grandson of Ha-Yehudi
Ha-Kadosh from Peshischa. Rosh Av Beit Din
for the Hassidic community, Rabbi of the Old
City of Jerusalem and Rabbi in Katamon. Of the
heads of Yeshivat "Hayei Olam" and the trustees
of Kollel Warsaw and Ha-Va'ad Ha-Kelali".
2. Protocol of the management meeting of
Kollel Warsaw. 1914. The meeting adjurned
due to the request of Rabbi David Biderman,
along with the board of the Kollel. Signed (in
copy) by Rabbi David Biderman (Admor of
Lelov), David Leib Cohen, Yitzhak Oyerbach,
Moshe Zvi Mintzberg, David Weingarten, Beer
2 pages, in good condition. Filing holes.

Opening Price: $200

245 |

427. Three letters from the



.] [" . .1
- ("
, .)12176 ,"
, " .
," " .
." "
. .2
.)1914( "
"" "
,) (" :) (
, , ,
. ,
. . 2 "

$200 :

"Tzadik of Ra'ananah" Rabbi

Yitzhak Huberman

Three letters from Rabbi Yitzhak Ha-Cohen

Huberman, "The Tzadik from Ra'ananah"
(1896-1977). Born in Poland, studied with
Rabbi Ya'akov Mordechai in Bilguria, the "Shem
Mi-Shmuel" of Sochotshov, and Rabbi Glikson.
After the Holocaust served for 6 years as Rabbi
in Wetzler, Germany. Came to Eretz Israel and
settled in Ra'ananah.
Three interesting letters:
1. Halachic question, from the period he served
as Rabbi in Wetzler, to Rabbi Henkin from the
US. Handwritten with signature and stamp.
2. Letter regarding copying of an article by the
Middle Rebbe [ probably sent to the Lubavicher
Rebbe in Brooklyn]. Handwritten and signed
with his name, and his father and mother's.
3. Letter regarding charity fundraisings. 1971.
Letter not in his hand writing.
Fair to good condition. Various sizes.

Opening Price: $300

,)9060 ,
, "
" .
. "
"" , " .
23" . . .

$1500 :


[ ,"].
, ,
( :" ,
" ," ," ,
") , , .

" .
, ,
" " . .
[ " ,
, " ".
" . ,
" " "
("-" ,
| 246 2009

429. Plan for unification of the

sections in Agudat Yisrael - by
Rabbi Yehezke'el Sarna

A proposition for the renewal of the structure

of Agudat Yisrael by Rabbi Yehezke'el Sarna,
Rosh Yeshivat Hebron. Jerusalem, [1954].
Document is in his handwriting, with a stamp
of Mo'etset Gedolei Ha-Torah and stamp of
Shlomo Zalman Moses, secretary of Mo'etset
Gedolei Ha-Torah, who testifies in handwriting
that this plan was handwritten by Rabbi Sarna.
A plan for organizing the sections and uniting
them, managing of funds, and decision making.
The role of the convention and that of Mo'etset
Gedolei Ha-Torah. This plan was probably written towards the fourth convention which took
place in Jerusalem in 1954. This convention
dealt a lot with these questions. See enclosed
Rabbi Yehezke'el Sarna (1889-1969, Otzar HaRabanim 9060), a disciple of the Grandfather
from Slabodka, son in law of Rabbi Moshe
Mordechai Epstein, founder and head of
Yeshivat Knesset Yisrael in Hebron and
Jerusalem. Of the heads of Mo'etset Gedolei
One page, 23 cm. Written on both sides. Very
good condition.
Opening Price: $1500

, .
, " (.)1962

" .
("-") ,
"" " ,
" . : , .
" " ".
" ,
28X18" . .

$400 :

430. Letter from Rabbi Hayim


Letter from Rabbi Hayim Shmuelevitz, head of

the Mir Yeshivah. Jerusalem, 1962.
In the letter Rabbi Hayim annonces the engagement of his son Rabbi Refael with the daughter
of Rabbi Farbstein, granddaughter of Ha-Rav
Rabbi Hayim Shmuelevich (1902-1979), grandson of the Grandfather from Novardok and son
in law of Rabbi Finkel, served for many years as
head of the Mir Yeshivah in Jerusalem.
His son Rabbi Refael is today one of the heads
of the Mir Yeshivah.
Air missive 28x18 cm. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $400

431. Letter by Ha-Gaon Rabbi

Nahum Partzovitz

Letter from Rabbi Nahum Partzovitz, Of the

heads of the Mir Yeshivah. Jerusalem, 1973.
Rabbi Nahum Partzovitz (1923-1987), studied
with the Birkat Shmuel and at the Mir Yeshivah,
son in law of Rabbi Hayim Shmuelevitz.
10 cm. 7 lines in handwriting and his signature.
Very Good condition.
Opening Price: $280




, .
, " (.)1973
("-") ,
" " ,
. .
10" . 7 " .

$280 :

, ,
" ." .1938
("-" ,
)19962 , 13
, ,
. 24"
, ,
" " " ,
" [ ,
] . " " " . "
" : " " " "

" " (' ' .)4
: ?

. ""

" ("-") , ,
, , .
" " ,
11X14.5" 8 . " .
, .

$1700 :

432. Letter by Rabbi Shimon


Letter by Rabbi Shimon Yehudah Ha-Cohen

Shkop, Rosh Yeshivat Grodna, sent to his student, Rabbi Isser Yehudah Unterman, Av Beit
Din Liverpool. 1938.
Rabbi Shimon Yehudah Ha-Cohen Shkop
(1860-1940, Otzar Ha-rabanim 19962), born in
Toretz, at the age of 13 arrived at the Volozhin
Yeshivah, where he got very close to Rabbi
Hayim Soloveichik. At the age of 24 - a Rosh
Metivta at the Telz Yeshivah, where he taught
many his method of study which became very
popular in the world of Torah to this day. One
of his students in that time was Rabbi Elchanan
Wasserman. In 1903 Av Beit Din of Melecz. In
1920 was called to become Rosh Yeshivat Sha'ar
Ha-Torah in Grodna.
His student Rabbi Isser Yehudah Unterman
(1886-1976), Rabbi in Lithuania, Liverpool, Tel
Aviv and Chief Rabbi of Israel.
Postcard 11x14.5 cm. 8 lines in handwriting and
signature. Good condition, folding lines.
Opening Price: $1700

| 247



' ." (.)1978
("-") ,
, '
. "
' . '.

" " " ".
27.4 ," . 15
. .

$550 :


433. Letter by Rabbi Shmuel


Letter by Rabbi Shmuel Rozovsky, of the

Ponevezh Yeshivah. 1978.
Rabbi Shmuel Rozovsky (1913-1979), son of
Rabbi Michl David, Rabbi in Grodna. Son in law
of Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank, Rabbi of Jerusalem.
Studied in the Grodna Yeshivah, with Rabbi
Shkop, in the Mir Yeshivah in Poland, and in
the Lomzha Yeshivah in Petach Tikvah.
Stationery, 27.4 cm. 15 lines in handwriting and
signature. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $550


, , ,"

| 248 2009


" " ." (.)1897

("-" , .)1143 "
." " ("-
") ." " ("-") "
("-") . .
, " "
, ' '
, .
" ("-")
" " ,
, . :
' ,' - .
' ' .56
37" . , 2--
( ) - .

$150 :

434. Request for Support for

.]1923[ ".) (
,"- ("
- " .)19278
" ."

the Establishment of a weaving Factory in Safed - by Rabbi

Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Rubin

$350 :

435. Confirmations of

Ordination from Hungary

Letters of Rabbinical ordination, given to
Rabbis from the Margaliot Yaffe-Schlesinger
family of Hungary.
1. Letter of ordination, in Hungarian to Rabbi
Isidor Schlesinger of "Beit Din Tzedek
Budapest". Signed by Chief Rabbi Kopel Reich.
1891. On verso is an ordination from Rabbi
Schreiber, Chief Rabbi in Puzhin.
Rabbi Ya'akov Kopel Reich (1838-1929, Otzar
Ha-Rabanim 10321) Disciple of the "Ktav Sofer",
a prominent figure among Hungarian Rabbis.
2. A Hebrew ordination letter to Rabbi Yisrael
David Margaliot Yaffe Schlesinger, son of Rabbi
Mordechai (of Budapest). By Rabbi Avraham
[Kornfeld?] Rabbi of [Makov?]. 1893.
3. Confirmation letter of ordination, in
Hungarian, to Rabbi Isidor Schlesinger by
Rabbi Yesha'ayah Zilberstein, Av Beit Din
Vitzen. 1891.
Rabbi Yesha'ayah Zilberstein, (1859-1930,
Otzar Ha-Rabanim 11703), author of "ma'asei
La-Melech", Av Beit Din Vitzen, a prominent
Hungarian Rabbi.
4. Torat Ha-Hora'ah, an ordination letter
in Hebrew, to Rabbi Gavriel Margaliot
Yaffe Schlesinger from the people of Salank
249 |


, .435
. ,-
, , .1
- "
. ,"
' .1891 "
. '
,"- ("
,") " 10321
, .2
(, "
[?] .)
.)1893( ".]? " [
, , .3
.1891 .
,"- ("
, " ," " ,)11703
, , .4

A letter with request for support for the establishment of a weaving factory in Safed.
For weaving of Talitot, maps and clothes by
Tuviah Unger and Alter Stein. On the margins
there is a letter from Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua
Heshel Rubin, Rosh Av Beit Din for the AustroHungarian community in Safed. 1897.
Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel Rubin (18351919, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 1143). Son of the
Admor Rabbi Elimelech of Sokolov. Av Beit
Din Sokolov for 19 years (1851-1870). Av Beit
Din Jaslo for 19 years (1870-1889) and Rosh Av
Beit Din Safed for the Kollels of Galicia, Austria
and Marmorosh for 19 years (1890-1909).
Wrote a book on the Zohar, and when he visited his Rabbi and in law the "Divrei Hayim"
of Sanz, he walked with him for three hours in
the garden, and gave him 3 resons why not to
print it. Upon his return he tore the book. See
enclosed material.
Founder of the factory, Rabbi Tuviah Unger
might be a relative of Rabbi Moshe Unger
(1820-1895), the great son in law of the "Divrei
Hayim" of Sanz, who came to Safed in his old
One page, 37 cm. Fair condition. Torn in half
at vertical folding line, and almost detached in
horizontal folding line.
Opening Price: $150

(Hungary). By Rabbi Shmuel Margaliot Yaffe

Schlesinger, Av Beit Din Zlote Morovtze
(Slovenska). 1923.
Rabbi Shmuel Margaliot Yaffe Schlesinger
(1881-1938, Otzar Harabanim 19278). Av Beit
Din Zlote Morovtze.


.) - , ( ' .
. . 7 . , 5

Various sizes and conditions.

$200 :

437. References for Lessons in

Opening Price: $350


, " .436

the Handwriting of Rabbi Hayim

References for lessons in the handwriting of
Rabbi Hayim Shmuelevich, head of the Mir
Rabbi Hayim Shmuelevich (1902-1979), grandson of the Rabbi of Novhardok and son on law
of the Gara"y Finkel, served for many years as
the head of the Mir Yehivah.
Lessons of Rabbi Hayim Shmuelevich drew
many listeners from all the Batei Midrash
in Jerusalem. In spite of his Genius, he never
gave a lesson without a thorough preparation.
Therefore he used to write all the references in
a specific structure - usually in 6 lines and with
an equal number of words.
5 pages, various sizes. 7 lines on each page. Very
good condition.
Opening Price: $200


" ,
.)1906( "." "
( )

" "
" ,
.)1896( ".
,"- ("
" . " .)10664
"," " " .
. , . "16

$400 :



. ,
,)"- ("
,"" "
. , : . "
." " "

' .

436. Approbation by Rabbi

Yitzhak Hayut, Av Beit Din Brody,

son of the Mahara"tz Hayut
Approbation for printing of book by author of
"Merkevet Ha-Mishneh" on Shulchan Aruch
Even Ha-Ever, by Rabbi Yitzhak Hayut, Av Beit
Din Brody and the region. 1896.
Rabbi Yitzhak Hayut (1842-1901, Otzar HaRabanim 10664). Son of the Mahara"tz Hayut.
Av Beit Din Brody and a prominent Galicia
Rabbi. Author of responsa "Sede Yitzhak and
"Siach Yitzhak" on Masechet Makot.
One page, 16 cm. Fair condition, very dry paper.
Opening Price: $400
2009 | 250


: "

("-" , ,)2651
, .
" " " . " "
" , " " .
" ".
21" . . ,
, .

$600 :

438. A Halachic Response from

the Gaon of Bonihad, Rabbi
Eliezer Deitsch


A halachic response from the Gaon of Bonihad,

Rabbi Eliezer Deitsch, author of "Tevu'ot HaSadeh". 1906.
The response is regarding Hoshen Mishpat.
Rabbi Eliezer Deitsch (1850-1915, Otzar HaRabanim 2651) of the greatset Poskim of
his generation and the most well known of
Hungarian sages.
One page, 21 cm. Densely written on both sides.
Fair condition, tears and wear, glue damage on
middle of page. All the text is readable.

. "
[][ .][ ," ].
" "" ( ,
, .
" " ".

"[ . " ,
" , "
" , ,
, .
2' 29" , . , ,

$500 :

439. A Long Response by Rabbi

Shlomo Lieben to Mahar"i Katz

A long response on Shas issues from Rabbi
Shlomo Lieben to Rabbi Yuda Katz Tevli[sh].
[Prague], [circa 1850].
Rabbi Shlomo Lieben, of the famous Lieben
family of Prague. The Katz Tebles family was
also a famous family from Prague in the same
2 pages, 29 cm, densely written. Good condition,
thin paper, with slight ink damage and tears.

Opening Price: $600


Opening Price: $500

| 251

, : ,
, , ,
: .
, . . "46
. ,

$600 :

441. Recommendation Letter for

440. Segulot for fertility, handwritten by Rabbi Hayim Berlin

Segulot for fertility, handwritten by Rabbi

Hayim Berlin (1832-1913, Otzar Ha-Rabanim
5925), son of Ha-Natzi"v of Volozhin, Served
as Rabbi in Moscow, Volozhin, Kobrin,
Elizavetgrad and Jerusalem.
One page, 17.8 cm. Good condition, slight tears in
folding lines.
Opening Price: $1000

Collection of Charity Morocco

London, 1892
Letter of recommendation given to Rabbi
Ya'akov Haviv Toledano when his daughter
reached marriageable age, and he went from
town to town to raise funds for her wedding
needs. Maknas, 1895.
Letter contains list of Rabbi Haviv's ancestors,
with praises and titles of honor for each and
every one of the Toledano sages. (Rabbi Haviv
son of Rabbi Baruch son of Rabbi Ya'akov son of
Rabbi Baruch son of Rabbi Moshe son of Rabbi
Baruch son of Rabbi Yosef son of Rabbi Daniel
son of Rabbi Yosef).
Undersigned are the rabbis of Maknas: Rabbi
Ya'akov Birdugo, Rabbi Shmuel Toledano,
Rabbi Avraham Ben Hasin, Rabbi Rafael David
Berdugo, Rabbi Hayim Mashash, as well as
rabbis of Taza: Rabbi Avraham ben Sussan and
Rabbi Avraham Martziano.
46 cm. Good condition. Original paper reinforcements in which the omissions were corrected in
handwriting in Rabbi Haviv Toledano's period.
Opening Price: $600



- .441
.)1895( , ", .

( - .
" " " " "
.)" "


.]1880c ? [".
,"- ("
, " ',)5925
. , , ',
, ,
, [ " " ' .

. , . "17.8

$1000 :
2009 | 252

442. Halachic Response by Rabbi

Meir Hirsh Meizlish, Rabbi of



() . ,".--
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" "
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2' 25 ," . , .

$500 :

Long halachic response from Rabbi Meir Hirsh

(Tzvi) Meizlish. Banowitz, 1930s.
The letter is addressed to "My great Rabbi and
teacher ---", and writer notes that he had also
written to Rabbi of Verbau that same night.
Rabbi Meir Zvi Meizlish (Otzar Ha-Rabanim
13104) was son of Rabbi Moshe Meizlish of
Sered. His mother was the niece of the Ba'al
Hafla'a and of Rabbi Shmelka of Nikelsburg,
and was raised in the home of Rabbi Shmelka of
Nikelsburg. In 1801, Rabbi Meizlish was forced
to escape from Poland to Hungary, due to talebearing, and there he became Rabbi of Serdhal
and Rechnitz. Died in 1926. (See about him:
Ishim Bi-T'shuvot Ha-Hatam Sofer, page 288).
Received rabbinic ordination from the Hatam
Sofer, who regarded him highly (See Igrot
Sofrim, Letter 19 enclosed photograph).
Served as Rabbi in Banowitz and as Av Beit Din
in Ilowa.
Two pages, 25 cm. Very good condition, slight
wear at edges. Folding marks.

, ,
( "
" ") .
, ( ",
)17017" " ,

" "( .
,492" ).
22.5" . .

$450 :

Opening Price: $500

.443 "

." (.)1845
() , .
, , ,


443. Letter from Rabbi Shimon

Ha-Cohen Weiss, Av Beit Din in

Interesting Letter from Rabbi Shimon HaCohen Weiss, Av Beit Din in Lashantz, Tagar
and the district. 1845.
The letter was sent to his teacher Rabbi
| 253

, ' ()
, " ,"
. ". ",
. . "28X 20

$400 :


Letter from Rabbi Yosef

Cahanman and Rabbi Asher
Kalman Baron


' .445

' ."
) " 12254 (
. "
. , . "26X 21

$150 :

Letter from 1925, written on official stationery

of Ponevezh Yeshivah, from period when it was
still in Ponevezh.
The letter is addressed to the Merkaz Ha-Rav
Yeshivah, and contains request to send emigration visa for a student learning in Ponevezh.
The letter bears Hebrew and Lithuanian
Ponevezh ink-stamp.
11 lines, in handwriting and with signature of
dean, Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Cahanman, "The
Rabbi of Ponevezh". Born in 1886, served as
Rabbi in Vidzh and Ponevezh. In the holocaust
years, during which he lost most of his familyand students, he re-established the Yeshivah in
Bnei Brak. Died in 1969.
Also signed at bottom by Rabbi Asher Kalman
(Kalonymus) Baron, teacher and spiritual
guide in the Yeshivah, who was born in 1891
and killed in the Holocaust, together with his
entire family, in 1941.
20x28 cm. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $400

Pinhas Leib of the Oven Yashan community

(Budapest); in it he writes about his rabbinate
and sermons. He thanks his Rabbi for his advice
and help concerning the rabbinate. At the end
of the letter, he sends regards to his friends,
Rabbi Meir Leib, Rabbi Gavriel, Rabbi Yehudah
Wahrman, Rabbi Zekl, Rabbi Yehoshua Leib
and Rabbi Avraham Yarmuth.
The address is written in back in Hebrew and
Rabbi Shimon Ha-Cohen Weiss was Rabbi of
Lashantz, Hungary (there is a response to him
in Mar'eh Moshe, by Rabbi Moshe First, letter
26, from 1845). See more about him in enclosed
Recipient of letter, Rabbi Pinhas Leib Freidiger
(died 1858, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 17017), Rabbi of
Izshak and Av Beit Din in Oven Yashen, was
son of the Zichron Yitzhak and father of Rabbi
Moshe Freidiger, head of Budapest community, author of Moshe Yedaber. (See item 492
Zichron Yitzhak Manuscript.)
22.5 cm. Very good condition. Folding marks from
sending the letter, and remains of wax stamp.
Opening Price: $450

' ' .444

)1925( "
.' '


' 11
, " .' ,
, .' '
.1969 ".
2009 | 254

445. Certificate from Rabbi

Yisrael Yitzhak He-Levi Reisman


446. Rabbi Menahem Mendel Zak

Two Letters

447. Rabbi Yosef Hayim

Sonnenfeld Document with his

Attestation of Marriage, granted by Ashkenazi
City Committee, to a couple married in 1926.
Signed by officiating Rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Hayim
24x37 cm.
Fair condition. Folding marks, stains and tears
at edges.
Opening Price: $300

Two letters from Rabbi Menahem Mendel Zak

(1871-1943), Rabbi in Kandau, Mithau and
Briga, also Rabbi of Kollel in Latvia.
The "Or Same'ach" entrusted his monumental
work "Meshech Hochma" to Rabbi Zak before
his passing, and Rabbi Zak published it.
1. 21x11 cm. Kashrut certificate, 8 lines in his
handwriting, signature and ink stamp, good
2. 26x20 cm. Written on both sides, on the Rabbi's
official stationery from his period in Briga. Most
of the letter is in German; there are four lines at
end in Hebrew, and the Rabbi's signature and
ink-stamp. Good condition.
Opening Price: $350


" " "

.1926 "
. :
. "24X 37
. ,- .

$300 :

255 |

Certificate granted to the young man Yitzhak

Meir Rota, who was successfully tested on four
chapters of tractate Bava Kama and three chapters of tractate Bava Metzia. Undersigned is
Rabbi Yisrael Yitzhak Ha-Levi Reisman (Otzar
H-Rabanim 12254), dayan in the Eda Haredit
Rabbinic court in Jerusalem. Underneath, there
are signatures of five treasurers of the Shomrei
Ha-Homot Kollel, and an added two lines written by Rabbi Pinhas Tzvi Sheinberger, spiritual
guide in Shomrei Ha-homot School.
26x21 cm. Brown paper; faded but readable
Opening Price: $150

- ".446
,) "- ' " ("
, ,
" "

, 8 , . "21X11 .
. ,
, " 26X 20 .
. . ,

$350 :

, ,
"- ".
, '
.) (
, ,
, , ,
. ,
. , . 150

$1450 :


449. Collection of Letters and

448. Collection of Three

Large varied and fascinating collection of letters and documents from important rabbis and
community figures. From years 1840-2000.
Partial list of rabbis who wrote or signed letters:
Rabbi Nahum Etrog (a long response), Rabbi
Yitzhak Kossovsky of Johannesburg (brotherin-law of Rabbi Hayim Ozer of Vilna), Rabbi
Mordechai Shulman, Rabbi Isser Zalman
Melzter, Rabbi Natan Gestetner, Rabbi Pinhas
Epstein, Rabbi Yehezkel Sarna, Rabbi Eliyahu
Aharon Milkovsky, Rabbi Beinish Finkel, and
many others.
Approx. 150 items. Mostly in good condition;
various sizes.

Large collection of 300 letters, written by rabbis

and prominent community figures, mostly
from years 1950-1990. Includes letters from
Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Shalom Friedman of
Sadegura, Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapira, Rabbi
Shalom Yehezkel Shraga Halberstam, Rabbi
Elimelekh bar Shaul, and many others.
Most items are in very good condition.


Hundred Rabbinic Letters

Opening Price: $2000


' : . " ",
' ,
, ' ,

$2000 :

Opening Price: $1450

2009 | 256


" ;
( );
. -"
. 10 "

, , , .
, :
, ,
, ", ,
, ,
. ,
. . 25 "

$180 :

451. Collection of Letters from

Eretz Israel Rabbis

Collection of letters sent to Rabbi Aharon

Efraim Fischel Herling by different Rabbis in
Eretz Israel.
Senders of the letters: Rabbi Yesha'ayahu Ze'ev
Winograd (of Yeshivat "Etz Hayim"); Rabbi
Yehudah Gefen (Oisibel) Rabbi in Haifa and
Kfar Ata and pupil of Maharam Shapira of
Lublin; Rabbi Shmuel Tanchum Ha-Levi
Rubinstein Rabbi of Giv'atayim; Rabbi Yitzhak
Flekser (Rosh Yeshivat Gur); Rabbi Shmuel
Aharon Shadrovitzki Rabbi of Bialistok; Rabbi
Naftali Shmerler the Admor of PrzemyslAcre,
son-in-law of Rabbi Meir of Shatz.
Altogether 10 fine letters with interesting contents. Various sizes and conditions.

$200 :

450. Letter Collection on

Rabbinate Matters

Opening Price: $180


"- :
"; " ;
" ; ;
; "
'; ;
257 |



. ,
" "); ()

Interesting collection of letters and documents

from different Rabbis. In matters of Rabbinate,
Halachah, budgets of institutions and
Yeshivahs, foundation of prizes for authors, appointings and dismissals of Rabbis, slaughterers
(Shochatim) and Rashei Ha-Moatza Ha-Datit
(heads of the religious council) etc.
Letters and documents from the Rabbis: Rabbi
Baruch Shimon Solomon, Rabbi Yehoshua
Arenberg, Rabbi Yehoshua Moshe Aharonsohn,
Rabbi Ya'akov Landa, Rabbi Katriel Fischel
Tchorsch, Rabbi Aharon Katz, Rabbi Avraham
Kahana Shapira, Rabbi Simcha Kook, Rabbi
Elchanan Sorotzkin, Rabbi Efraim Grinblat
and many other Rabbis.
Altogether 25 documents. Various sizes and
Opening Price: $200

453. Collection of Beit Din

452. Collection of Letters from

Collection of documents: Piskei Beit Din with

approvals for divorce and bachelorhood certificates, cerificate of proselytization, Ketubbah
and marriage certificates. Signed by different
Rabbis (Some of them are Chief Rabbis in different places in Eretz Israel, and some of them
are famous rabbinical judges). Some of the documents are with passport photos, stamped with
stamps of the Rabbis. Among the Rabbis: Rabbi
Zvi Pesach Frank, Rabbi Ya'akov Landa, Rabbi
Isser Yehuda Unterman, Rabbi Baruch Markus,
Rabbi Eliyahu Mishkovski, Rabbi Elimelekh
Bar-Shaul, Rabbi Reuven Katz, Rabbi Yitzhak
Abuchatzira (Lod, the "Baba Chaki", brother of
the Baba Sali) and many other rabbis.
Altogether 37 documents in various conditions
(most of them in good condition) and sizes.

Collection of letters sent to Rabbi Aharon

Efraim Fischel Herling by different Rabbis in
Senders of the letters: Rabbi Shmuel Yosef
Rabinov Ha"Divrei Shir"; Rabbi Zalman
Yosef Alon Av Beit Din of Dublin; Rabbi Ze'ev
Gotlieb Av Beit Din of Glasgow, Rabbi Ze'ev
Cohen Rosh Yeshivah of Gateshead; Rabbi
Yitzhak Dukov; Rabbi David Schneebalg Rosh
Av Beit Din Machzikei Ha-Dat in Manchaster;
Rabbi Elisha Rozenfeld; Rabbi Avraham Moshe
Av Beit Din of Sunderland; Rabbi Mordechai
Shikovitzki; Rabbi Israel Yakobovich Chief
Rabbi in Ireland; Rabbi Bezalel Rokov Av Beit
Din of Gateshead.
Altogether 30 documents, 28 of them are letters,
various sizes and conditions, most of them in very
good condition.

Documents Signed by Eretz

Israel Rabbis

Opening Price: $360

Rabbis in England

" " ; ;
. "
, 28 , 30 "
. ,

$360 :

Opening Price: $360

"- .453


". ,
.) ,
, :
, , ,
, ,
" " , (,"
." ")
. ) ( , 37 "

$360 :

2009 | 258


- .455

" - .454

. , ,
, "
", .
: " .) ( "
: . '
, ,
. . "42

, 102
" (
, :
, ,
, , ",
, (,
. )
.) ( , 102 "

$500 :

455. Emissary Letter on

Parchment - for Building of

Synagogue in Jerusalem
Letter of appeal for assistance in building
synagogue in Shevet Tzedek neighborhood
in Jerusalem, for the immigrant community
of Sigdor Kurdim, Iraq. Calligraphic writing
on parchment, signed by treasurers, with
recommendations and signatures of Rabbis.
Jerusalem, 1933. The undersigned Rabbis include Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Ha-Cohen Kook
(Chief Rabbi of Eretz Israel), and members of
Sefaradic rabbinic court: Rabbi Yosef M. HaLevi and Rabbi Yehudah Ha-Cohen Shako.
Rabbis of Tiberias: Rabbi Ya'akov Hai Zrihan,
Rabbi Meir Va'aknin, Rabbi Makhlouf Shitrit.
One page, 42 cm. Very good condition.
Handwriting and ink stamps are slightly faded
Opening Price: $500
259 |

$480 :

454. Bachelorhood Certificates

Signed by Eretz Israel Rabbis

Collection of 102 Certificates of approval for

marriage and bachelorhood certificates signed
by different Rabbis (most of them are Chief
Rabbis of cities in Eretz Israel), with passport
photos carrying stamps on the certificates.
Among the Rabbis: Rabbi Zvi Pesach Frank,
Rabbi Isser Yehudah Unterman, Rabbi
Yehoshua Kaniel, Rabbi Elimelekh Bar-Shaul,
Rabbi Reuven Katz, Rabbi Zvi Markovitz,
Rabbi Nathan Zvi Fridmann, Rabbi Avraham
Abuchatzira (Ramla, son of Rabbi Yitzhak and
son-in-law of the Baba Sali) and many other
Altogether 102 documents in various conditions
(most of them in good condition) and sizes.
Opening Price: $480

456. Recommendation for charity, manuscript on parchment

- Jerusalem, 1926

Recommendation in the form af an emissary

certificate for giving charity to a Jerusalem
sage, Moshe Ben Shushan. Jerusalem, 1926.
Signed by Rabbis Shimon Ashriki (1860-1839,
Rosh Av Beit Din of the Sefaradi community in
Jerusalem), Rabbi Shmuel Azran (Av Beit Din
Ha-Ma'araviyim in Jerusalem), Rabbi Amran
Aburabi'a (Chief Rabbi in Petach Tikvah),
Rabbi Eliyahu Ya'akov La'agimi (member of the
Beit Din Ma'araviyim).
Page consisnts of further recommendations
(faded). On left side a recommendation by
Rabbi Yosef Gigi.
Parchment sheet 48 cm. Good condition, folding
lines, recommendation on lower part faded.
Opening Price: $850

, .456
.)1926( ", ,
, , , ..."
" ", ,
, , ' "
" "
"... " "
,"- (":
,)" " ,
.) ( "
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, , . "48

$850 :

2009 | 260


| 261

.457 -
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147' . ( .
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. ""
, " " . " "
, .
" " , (
) , " "
" ( ,)65 ,
" 1870 ,944
1600 - . " 1881 "
, " .156
1900 , " "" .
1965 ' Joseph Onderwyzer
"( "Mavoch) , []
"" . .
, ,
, " , " " .
"" .' 76 ,
| 262 2009

, "
, . ,
" " ,
.' 86 ,
( . ,
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, 60 .64' 86
" " " . "
( 80' ,)119 "
" .' " .1851
" - " ,
" 200- ( ) 19.5 ." . , .

457. Zera Yitzhak - Toldot Avraham

Manuscript by Yitzhak Ha-Levi of Lemgo, author of "Toldot Yitzhak" and
manuscript of his disciple Rabbi Avraham Prinz of Amsterdam
An antique and unknown volume, including important manuscripts from
the sages of Amsterdam in the 18th century.
1. Hidushei Shas, Hidushei Sugiyot, homilies in Halachah and Agadah:
for Siyumim, for Ma'alat Ha-Torah Ve-Ha Shalom, for the festivals and eulogies. By Rabbi Yitzhak Itzk Ha-Levi of Lemgo, a prominent Amsterdam
sage and Av Beit Din Groningen. Amsterdam [circa 1790].
On page 82b, there is mention of "Admor Ha-Gaon" [Perhaps referring
to Rabbi Shaul Av Beit Din Amsterdam, or his son and successor Rabbi
Ya'akov Moshe Lowenstam].
[1] 88 leaves, [1 index leaf]. Written by Rabbi Yitzhak of Lemgo himself.
2. Torah novellae and homilies, Family and community memoirs, lists
of circumcised babies, memoirs and copyings of documents and letters
regarding Eretz Israel, articles regarding his Rabbi - Rabbi Yitzhak of
Lemgo, last wills and eulogies. Handwritten by the "Tzadik Rabbi", Rabbi
Avraham Prinz of Amsterdam (1768-1851), a leading supporter of the
community and establisher of the Pkua"m organization (an important organization which gathered funds raised for Eretz Israel all around Europe,
and was located in Amsterdam), a chief supervisor on all matters concerning Eretz Israel. [1810-1849].
147 pages handwritten by Rabbi Avraham Prinz (some of the signatures on
the document copyings might be original).
Rabbi Yitzhak Itzk (Sega"l) Ha-Levi of Lemgo (1748-1801) a prominent
sage of the "Beit Misrash Etz Ha-Hayim" of the Ashkenazi community in
Amsterdam, disciple of Rabbi Shaul of Amsterdam, and a close friend of
his son Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe. Served as Rosh Yeshivah. In 1800 moved
to serve as Av Beit Din in Groningen. His manuscript archive has been
through many vicissitudes, and many books and articles have been written on the subject. His great work "Toldot Yitzhak", commentary on the
Tosefta, which his disciple Rabbi Avraham Prinz (who succeeded him as
Rosh Yeshivah) added a sample of it to the "Likutei Zvi" book, Amsterdam,
1809 (see item 65), disappeared and was revealed again only in several
auctions, in the Friedrich Muller auction house in Amsterdam in 1870,
item 944, in three folio size volumes, carrying around 1600 leaves. In 1881
the same manuscript was offered for auction again on another auction
house. In 1900 the same manuscript reached the "Rosenthaliana" library
in Amsterdam.
In 1965 Joseph Onderwyser published a book called Mavoch in which he
describes in a very picturesque [and odd] manner his quest all around
the world for the manuscript of the great work on the Tosefta, finding it
263 |

. , ,

, ,

$18,000 :

in an inner list of the "Rosenthaliana" library in Amsterdam. This book

raised a polemic in the press. Eventually, following the polemic a team of
editors started publishing the book. So far one volume has been published,
on Megilah Tractate, Jerusalem, 2002, by Machon Ofek, At the beginning
of the book there is a long article on the biography of the author and his
period in the Amsterdam Beit Midrash.
With this manuscript we discover the beginning of this affair. On page 76
in the notebook of Rabbi Avraham Prinz, in which he tells of his purchase
of the manuscript, in the sale of the estate of Rabbi Yitzhak Ben Mordechai
of Lemgo, Nephew of Rabbi Yitzhak. He writes about the binding of the
book in three volumes, and on the fact he has not the financial abilities
to publish the book. In page 86, written at a later time, he tells again that
after he realized he can not publish the book he bound it in three volumes
so the family members can contemplate on it. (It seems he returned all
three volumes to the family of Rabbi Yitzhak of Lemgo).
The booklet handwritten by Rabbi Yitzhak of Lemgo is unknown whatsoever, and it is a discovery in its own. Rabbi Avraham Prinz writes about it
in page 86, and about further letters "bound in with this volume". (it seems
this volume was not offered in the same 19th century auctions in which the
other three volumes by Rabbi Yitzhak of Lemgo were offered.).
In addition, in the diary of memoirs and homilies of Rabbi Avraham
Prinz we find new details on the biography of his teacher Rabbi Yitzhak
of Lemgo, who taught him the Torah and raised him in his home after he
was orphaned.
The memoir diary of Rabbi Avraham Prinz has great importance, as it
reveals unknown details from the history of the Ashkenazi community in
Amsterdam in the late 18th century and early 19th century. Details on the
establishment of the Pkua"m organization, which started with an inheritance of which one third was dedicated to the poor people of Eretz Israel
and Rabbi Avraham, along with Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Lehrn were involved in
collection of the inheritance from the heirs who wanted to prevent the will
of their father from being executed. These funds enabled the establish-

, " - ".458
.) , , , , " (,
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, " :'
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$13,000 :

ment of the Pkua"m. (pages 81-82).

The copying of the Pkua"m documents in this lot is also unknown, as the
book containing the missives of the Pkua"m, published in Jerusalem 1965,
contained only the missives sent from Amsterdam to Jerusalem, and here
we have copies of the missives sent from Jerusalem to Amsterdam. This
material has not yet been examined properly, but we can give here a little
of the content of the letters: Letters signed by Rabbi Tuviah Ben Rabbi
Shlomo, Rabbi Natan Nate ben Rabbi Menachem Mendel, Rabbi Ahraham
Shlomo Zalman Shapira (Tsoref) and his son in law Rabbi Aryeh Ben
Rabbi Yerachmiel, treasurer and trustee. Letter from the Rabbis of Hebron,
Tiberias and Jerusalem. A letter from Livorno with a copy of a missive by
Rabbi Yisrael of Shklov, disciple of Hagr"a to Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Tsoref
regarding the mission for locating the ten lost tribes (this letter is a new
discovery in this affair - see article of Dr. Aryeh Morgenstern, Sinai, 100,
pages 552-554).
Rabbi Avraham Prinz wrote along the years in this volume Divrei Torah
and Musar, eulogies for his offsprngs who died in his lifetime, last wills he
wrote in the age of 60 and 64. In page 86 he wrote that in 1838 he reached
the age of 70, and in a last will from 1849 he hints he is 80 (page 119), so
we have information regarding his birth year being 1768 or 1769. Rabbi
Avraham Prinz passed away in 1851.
Binding has inscription in gilded letters "Zera Yitzhak - Toldot Avraham",
apparently the volume was bound in the early 1830s.
Altogether around 200 leaves (some of them blank). 19.5 cm. Thick quality
paper, very good condition. Original leather binding with gilded inscription
and ornaments, in very good condition. Slight restoration of tear on spine.
Book plate.
Enclosed materials regarding Rabbi Yitzhak, Rabbi Avraham, their manuscripts and the importance of the revelations in this manuscript.
Opening Price: $18,000

2009 | 264

458. Manuscript - Shas novellae by Rabbi Yitzhak

Friedburg, Hamburg sage

Manuscript, Shas novellae (Berachot, Shabbat, Pesachim, Sidrei Moed,

Nashim and Nezikin etc.). Mishnayot novellae, and a few Torah novellae.
By Rabbi Yitzhak Friedburg, of the AHW sages [1723].
On leaf 89b: inscription regarding the finishing of Pesahim tractate from
1723 in Hamburg, with signature of the writer "Yitzhak Itzk Ben Ha-Rav
Yosef [Leib?] Friedburg.
On leaf 47a: mention of Rabbi Ozer Hildesheimer Ben Rabbi Hayim Ben
Rabbi Ozer who emigrated to Safed.
On leaves 123-4, 130, 136, 190 he mentions his ancestors.
On leaf 239b: mention of Rabbi Avraham Broda (passed away 1717).
Writer is Rabbi Yitzhak Friedburg. Born in Hamburg. Was on the Beit
Midrash of Yissaschar Beer Cohen. When Rabbi Yehonatan Eibeschutz
opened his "New Beit Midrash" in 1753, he was one of the Torah teachers there. He is mentioned in the letter of the Ya'avetz to his brother in
law from 1752 [he was probably involved in the dispute between Rabbi
Eibeschutz and Rabbi Emdin]. Passed away in 1763.
2-292 leaves. 19.5 cm. Poor condition. Moth damages with loss of text in all
pages on inner margin. All pages detached and are kept in a potfolio in plastic
Owner's inscription "Nisan Sacher", and on page 167b an owner's signature
"Reuven Sacher" (of Kaminka?).
Opening Price: $13,000


265 |

459. Royal Custody Letter -

.460" -

Custody Letter (Schutz Brief) given by prince

Ludwig of Nassau for the establishment of a
Jewish community in his city. Gothic German
in clear and readable writing, signed in handwriting and carries the seal of the Royal House.
Dated 31/1/1792. A rare and important document for the history of the Jewish communities
in the South Germany Duchies.
Content of letter: In the name of G-d, we,
Ludwig prince of Nassau, Duke of Dillingen,
Knight of Saarbrucken hereby order we
accept the request of Jew Ya'akov Weiler of
Ottweiler, to give him custody in our city, on
condition he occupies himself with trade and
does not arrive at the market on Sunday and
other Christian holidays, and pays 20 Gulden
every quarter of a year he can purchase along
with other Jews land outside the city for the
purpose of a cemetery this custody does not
pass to his successors
4 leaves / 7 pages. 32.5 cm. Fair condition. Tears
to middle folding line in all pages with minor loss
of text. Sewn with thread attached to notary seal
of Royal House on page 7.

, "
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("-" , ,)214
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, '

Germany, 1792


.459 1792 ,
, "
. .31/1/1792
: , ,
[ ]...


' , 20
4 7 /' 32.5 ." . .
' .7

$500 :
| 266 2009

Opening Price: $500

- ' , 28 ." .
, ' ' ( ') ,
' ( ' , ).
, .

$300 :


28 cm. The manuscript is not complete. It starts

in page 3 (Yehoshua chapter 3) and ends in
page 98 (Melachim 2, middle of chapter 25, last
Good condition, damage and tears to margins of
a few of the pages.
Opening Price: $300

460. Manuscript, Rabbi Eliyahu

Landa - Roots of the Verbs in the

Bible and commentary on Nevi'im
Manuscript, Roots of the Verbs in the Bible
and commentary on Nevi'im Rishonim.
Handwritten by Rabbi Eliyahu Landa, grandson of Hagr"a. [circa 1900s].
The author is unknown, it might be Rabbi
Eliyahu himself, and it is also possible that this
is of the teachings of his ancestors Rabbi Elazar
or Rabbi Ya'akov Moshe of Slonim, grandsons
of Hagr"a. [The notes are definitely by Rabbi
Rabbi Eliyahu Landa (1873-1946), fourth generation to the Vilna Gaon. Born in Jerusalem
to his father Rabbi Elazar of Slonim (1818-1874,
see item 214), who came to Eretz Israel in
1868 and married the daughter of Rabbi Ze'ev
Wolfinson Ben Avraham Dayan of Shklov, of
the disciples of Harg"a who emigrated to Eretz
Israel. His father passed away in 1874 and left
him an orphan at the age of 6 months. Studied
at the "Etz Hayim" Yeshivah. Established charity institutions in Jerusalem. Printed books and
during his lifetime published over 50 books.
Published the writings of Hagr"a. Initiated the
publishing of the Bible by Jews, as in his times
all editions of the Bible were printed by the
Mission. As part of his trade in books, religious
objects and Etrogim, he arrived in the US, established there "Beit Ha-Midrash Eliyahu" after
Hagr"a, but refused to stay there and returned
to Eretz Israel.
3-38 pages, with pages of addenda and notes.

.461 -

"" ,
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, "
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$3300 :
| 267

", , .462

17- " [ -'

. ,]18
, .1
. , .) 23(
. () .
. . "18.5 . 50
, . .
", .2
, , : ,
, ,
, , ,
. . 6-7
. . "18.8 . 30 "
. .

$800 :
cism, collections from Chazal's writings and
from Kabbalistic books, regarding: the sale of
Yosef, Ma'alot Ha-Shvatim, the Galut in Egypt,
giving the Torah to Angels and to Yisrael, reign
of Moshe and tenure of Aharon, sins of Aharon
and Moshe, secret of levirate marriage, Ma'alot
Yisrael and the Angels and other matters.
Part of a notebook of which the first pages are missing, and first pages are partly worn. Pagination
starts from leaf 25 and there are 6-7 leaves before
it. Ends at leaf 52.
Altogether over 30 written leaves. 18.8 cm. Poor
condition. Staining and wear with omission. No
Opening Price: $800


461. Manuscript - New edition for

commentary on Megilat Ta'anit

A lot containing hundreds of pages of proof and

addenda to "Ha-Eshel" commentary on Megilat
Ta'anit, in the handwriting of Rabbi Avraham
Eliyahu Bornstein, an important Jerusalem
sage. The first edition of this commentary was
published in Jerusalem in 1908. Jerusalem
This book is the main comprehensive commentary to this Braita of Megilat Ta'anit, and is
printed til today in "Oz Ve-Hadar" edition. Its
writer was a wise scholar who labored to reveal
the deepest aspects of this Braita. He Received
enthusiastic approbations from the Rabbis of
Jerusalem: Rabbi Hayim Berlin, Rabbi Yosef
Hayim Sonnenfeld, and the rabbinical court
who writes he is a "great scholar".
His intention to further enlarge this work in a
second edition did not materialize, and these
pages are all that is left of it, bundled in an old
pillow case.


Rabbi Avraham Eliyahu Bornstein (passed away

in Jerusalem after 1928), son of the Trestina
Gaon, Rabbi Yechiel Michl ben Rabbi Zerach
Ben Tomer [Bornstein] (1818-1892), Av Beit
Din of Trestina near Bialistok and Horodna.
Author of Lechem She'arim responsa, and
books "Sova Shmachot" and "Minha Hadashah".
Rabbi Avraham Eliyahu was of the family of
Hagr"a, and is named after him and his brother
(The Ben Tomer family - Rabbi Ya'akov was
from the Portugal exiles who settled in the
town of Tomer near Safed and in 1684 went
as emissary to Ashkenaz to raise funds for the
Jewish community in Safed, and settled there).
Over 500 pages (not counted), notes and original
pages of the printed edition with many additions
in the margins and between the lines. Various
Added: a copy of the Megilat Ta'anit book,
Jerusalem, 1908.
Opening Price: $3300

2009 | 268

463. Novellae by Rabbi Avraham

Tiktinsky, Dean of Mir Yeshivah

Novellae on Tractate Gittin, by Rabbi Avraham

Tiktinsky, dean of Mir Yeshivah. Written
before 1899.
The heading "Talmud Novellae Gittin" appears in Hebrew on top of all pages; these leaves
are probably remainders of a full volume of his
novellae. On leaves 129-130, he cites correspondence on these issues with his father, Rabbi
Hayim Yehudah Leib, dean in Mir Yeshivah.
Rabbi Hayim Leib Tiktinsky (1824-1899, Otzar
Ha-Rabanim 6454) was among Lithuania's
foremost scholars, who served as dean of Mir
Yeshivah for nearly fifty years (1850-1899).
Youngest son of Yeshivah's founder, Rabbi
Shmuel Tiktinsky. See about him in Toldot
Ha-Ga'on Rabbi Hayim Yehudah Leib (Warsaw
1902), and in the book Rabboteinu She-BaGolah, pages 106-109.
His son, Rabbi Avraham Tiktinsky (1855-1931,
Otzar Ha-Rabanim 450) succeeded his father.
Taught in Mir Yeshivah since 1884. Known for
both his Talmudic dialectics and his straight
logic. When Rabbi Avraham became blind
due to illness, he gave over the leadership of
the Yeshivah to Rabbi Eliyahu Baruch Kamai
(father-in-law of Rabbi Lazar Yehudah Finkel),
and in 1906 he stopped giving classes in the
Yeshivah. See more about him in enclosed
10 pages, 21 cm. Good condition. Cuts at top
corners of pages.

269 |


.1899 ".
." - " "

,129-130 .
" "
." '
,"- ("
.)"- ("
: .
.)" ' " ( "
.106-109 ' " "
,"- ("
" . ,)450
. . "

( ) "
- .
. . "21 ,' 10

$450 :


462. Tikun Shtarot, Segulot,

Remazim According to the

Two important manuscripts from the 17th-18th

Century, on many issues.
1. Tikun Shtarot for different certificates,
Ketubot and Shtarei Tenaim (23 leaves). Various
Segulot, spells and amulets. Inscriptions for
graves, prayers and Tehinot (in Yiddish), etc.
About 50 written leaves. 18.5 cm. Fair condition.
Some wear to margins of last pages. Slight staining and few moth holes. Unbound, some of the
sheets are detached.
2. Commentaries and hints by way of mysti-

464. Kitzur Hilkhot Ha-Mo'adim

Oriental Handwriting

Manuscript: [summary of Halachot and

Dinim], explanations of Pesach, of Tish'a Be-av,
of Rosh Ha-Shanah and Sukkot, of Hanukah
and Purim. [North Africa], [c1890].
The author signs his name in several places
throughout the book, and in colophons: Yitzhak
Half-quill writing, in style of North Africa
Morocco or Tripoli. Paper indicates middleend of 19th century.
;142 pages. 15.5 cm. Good condition, wear at edges
stained by time and wear. Worn and torn leather
cover (many "genizah" papers inside cover).

Opening Price: $750

.464 -"
[ , ] , , '
, " " , .
[ ] , ".
" :" "".
( ) .
" ("?).
142 15.5 ." . ,
. ( ,


" , [ . "-"].
.)6156 " .

. " "
- ("-
" , ,)937 .

" . . "
" . " ".
" ,
" .
69 ,89 . 22 ." . ,

$800 :

$750 :


| 270 2009

465. Lessons from Lithuanian

Yeshivah Deans

466. Kitsur Hilchot Shechita

Manuscript in Hebrew and

Kitsur Hilchot Shechita, manuscript, a work

never printed. Hebrew language and translation
to Italian, page for page. Italy [1800-1860?].
Inscripions and signatures in foreign language.
About 110 pages. 22.2 cm. Quality paper. Fair
condition, mold stains without damage to paper.
Brown ink. Cardboard cover somewhat worn.

467. Yiddish Play - Jesus Christ

- According to Jewish Tradition

Manuscript of a literary play in Yiddish, about
the birth and life of Jesus Christ, based on the
story as known in the Jewish tradition.
In last lines the writer summarizes the text.
[Free translation We are hoping and waiting
for true Messiah Ben David ]. Writer's signature: "Ha-Katan Yudah Shraga Goldstein".
49 pages densely written in large square writing,
resembling that of the area of late 19th century
23.5 cm. Fair condition, dry paper with staining
to margins.
Opening Price: $350

Opening Price: $300

- - .467


" [ =
, ' 49
.19 -
. , . "23.5

$350 :

A lot containing notebooks with lessons on

various Shas issues, by Yeshivah Deans from
Lithuania. A few contain lessons by Rabbi
Hayim of Telz, and a few contain lessins by the
Gaon of Taurage from 1816. Other lessons from
1910s-1920s. Written by a student who heard
the lessons.
Rabbi Hayim Rabinovich of Telz (1860-1931,
Otzar Ha-Rabanim 6156). An important
Rosh Metivta at the Lita Yeshivah. His books
"Hidushei Rabbi Hayim Mi-Telz" are still popular today in the Yeshivah world.
The Gaon of Taurage - Rabbi Avraham Aharon
Bornstein (1867-1926, Ozar Ha-Rabanim 937),
Served as Rabbi in various Lithuanian cities.
Came to Eretz Israel in 1924.
Most notebooks were written by the same
writer, a few of them by another very young
About a dozen notebooks, 89, 69 leaves. 22 cm.
Various conditions.
Not examined thoroughly.
Opening Price: $800

" - .466

. , ,
. ,
, . . "22.2 .' 110
. . .

$300 :

271 |

- .468


468. Mivhar Ha-Peninim Important manuscript

Manuscript of Sefer Mivhar Ha-Peninim with

commentary. [After 1680].
Oriental handwriting copied by a copyist named
Asa"f. Copyist mentions at the beginning of
the book the "Siftei Yeshenim" book which
discusses the identity of the author of Mivhar
Ha-Peninim. Siftei Yeshenim was printed in
Amsterdam in 1680.
According to the colophon in page 35b, the
manuscript was written for Rabbi Yehudah Ben
Moshe Gedalyah of Saloniki, probably a descendant of Rabbi Yehudah Gedalyah of the exiles
of Spain, founder of the dirst printing house in
Saloniki and grandson of Rabbi Yehudah Ben
Moshe Gedalyah, author of the book "Masoret
Talmud Yerushalmi" (Kushta 1577).
On the page before title page there is an antique
stamp of "Jews College London".
The first edition of the book "Mivhar HaPeninim" was published in Soncino, 1548. In


1851 a revised edition of the book was published

in London by Zvi Philipovsky from an old manuscript found in the Jews College of London, in
which most of the errors are corrected. This
edition is the basis for many corrected editions
which were published after it. This is probably
the manuscript Philipovsky found in the Jews
College in London, which was not copied from
the printed edition, and has a more precise version than the old editions.
This manuscript was sold by Christies New
York in June 1999, by the management of the
London Beit Din.
[1 blank leaf with the stamp], 35 leaves. 20.5 cm.
Good condition. Thick paper with stains of dampness and restored tears. Fine new binding.
See enclosed materials for more information.

[ . ,
.]1680 "
. " "
" "
.1680 "

" " (
" "
" "
) 1851( ".)1548( ",
," "
" " "
. ,

, ,
, . "20.5 . ,] , 1[
49 ' :

$1500 :

Opening Price: $1500

2009 | 272


.470 " " -"

- " " "

" , "
. [ ' ].
, .
, 45- 17.5 ." .
, , .

, "
" , "
"-" (.)1833-1834
"" " " " ,--- "
" "".
" .
, .:
, ," " ' ,
, , ,
( "
,)1839 " "
" - ( " ,
' , ,)9088
( . " " " ,
")[ .
" ].
70 , 120' .
27 ." . ,
. , .

$750 :

469. Italian Manuscript

- Wording of Letters for Rabbis

regarding Rulings
Manuscript of a correspondence text bookwith wordings for letters for Rabbis regarding
rulings, written by a scholar and merchant who
copied for himself wordings for business letters, Halachic letters and personal letters. Very
antique Italian writing. Italy [1650-1750].
The texts in the manuscripts depict the material and spiritual behaviour of Italian Jewry in
those years in Halachah issues, financial matters etc.
Notebook, about 45 written leaves and other
blank leaves. 17.5 cm. Good condition, fine paper
with wear, moth damage and dampness stains.
Opening Price: $750

$4000 :


470. Teachings and Novallae of

the Hatam Sofer - Manuscript of

his disciple
Teachings and novellae of Rabbeinu Moshe
Sofer, author of the "Hatam Sofer", spoken while
in Pressburg and written by one of his students
between 1833-1834.
Novellae mainly on tractates Yevamot and Bava
Metzi'a, Sukkah, and Shabbat.
There is special importance to the writings of
the teachings of the Hatam Sofer from these
years, the last years of his life, (he passed away
in 1839), in which the Hatam Sofer expressed
his opinions on various issues. Of course the
manuscript contains materials not yet printed.
According to the family which kept this manuscript, the writer is Rabbi Yehezkel Meshulam
Teller, Av Beit Din Nyirmada (passed away
| 273

1885, Otzar Ha-Rabanim 9088), who was of his

foremost students at this time. The identification of the writer as Rabbi Yehezkel Meshulam
Teller, is not certain.
Around 70 leaves, around 120 pages written
densely. 27 cm. Thick quality paper, most pages
are blue. Good condition, stains. Fine new leather
Opening Price: $4000



472. Manuscripts from the sages

of Prague and Hungary

A collection of manuscripts from the sages of

Prague and Hungary, from 1740-1840.
A volume containing various notebooks with
novellae and copyings of novellae and teacings
of the Geonim of the generation:
Hidushei Halachot by the Admor Av Beit Din
of Halitsch, 1802; By Rabbi Avraham of Broda;
Admor Mahar"i of Prague, Rabbi Zalman Kariv;
Yehonatan Darshan of Prague; Rabbi Hayim
Markbreit of Prague; Rabbi Moshe Ginzburg;
Rabbi Yosef Lieberlesh; Mahar"i Oisterlitz; and
Other various notebooks.
Altogether around 170 pages, in different writing
styles, various sizes and conditions.
Opening Price: $2500


. ",

" " " "
.)1802( " ",
" "."" " "
" "." " "." "
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" " .""
"" " " ." "
"" " "."
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" ."
" " "" ,"
.]"" " " [" ."
, 170 "

. . ,
. ,-
.]18-19 [ . " "
. ,

$2500 :

471. Torah Novellae


An impressive collection of dozens of pages

and notebooks of Torah novellae manuscripts
on various subjects. Unidentified. Mostly from
Austro-Hungary, Lithuania and Poland. 18th
and 19th century.
Not examined thoroughly. From a superficial
examination it seems the collection contains
very important materials.
About 100 leaves. Various sizes and conditions.
Opening Price: $2500

$2500 :
2009 | 274

- .473

, , ,
. "
. , "

. "
. . "16.5 . -[ ]
. , ,
. ,

$700 :



474. Two books with Additions

and Completions in Handwriting

1. Responsa Mahar"i Weil, and Hilchot
Shechitah U-Bdikah, Hidushin Mi-Sefer
Agudah [by Rabbi Alexander Zuslin HaCohen], and reasoning of Mahara"r Menahem
Mirzburk. Venice 1549.
115 leaves. First 9 leaves are missing and replaced with handwritten pages from the 17th18th centuries. Various ownership inscriptions.
2. 23 leaves manuscript on the bible etc.
Attractive writing in two columns from the
16th-17th centuries.
3. Twelve homilies of the homilies of the
sage Rabbi Shmuel Yuda Ben Ha-Rav Meir
Katzanelbogen of Padua. Venice, [1594]. On
last pages - inscriptions of births and deaths
from 17th century.
3 items bound together.
65, [1] leaves. 19 cm. Good condition, stains, light
wear. Torn binding (most of it missing).
Opening Price: $1000
275 |


, " .1
[ ' ,
)] " (
. .)1549( ", ."
"9 .
. .17-18
" (=)
, " "
. " " 23 .2
", .3
" "
[", . " "
. , ,]1594

. , , . "19 .] 1[ ,
.) (

$1000 :

473. Shevet Musar - Yemenite

manuscript with additions and

Sefer Shevet Musar, Yemenite manuscript, especially attractive, with glosses and additions
inside the manuscript and on the margins.
Circa 1800.
Some of the glosses are in the name of
Mahara"tz, of the foremost Yemenite Rabbis.
In leaf 286 there are ownership stamps of the
Omisi Family from the city of Rada.
[title page missing], 2-292 leaves. 16.4 cm. Wide
margins. Very good condition, quality paper,
stains. Fine original thick leather binding, slightly
scuffed and damaged.
Opening Price: $700


( ,"-") ,
" " ,

"" ' ,
" ;
"; , ;
; , .
" " "
"" - , ).
" "
) -
( " "
" " "
32' 17 ," . , , .

$500 :


475. Grammar Manuscript by

Rabbi Shlomo of Dubna

Grammar manuscript handwritten by Rabbi

Shlomo of Dubna.
Rabbi Shlomo of Dubna (1739-1813), disciple of
Rabbi Shlomo of Chelm, author of "Merkevet
Ha-Mishne", published many books, his own
and by others. His library was of the richest
and most important among book collectors,
and many articles were written about it.
Was one of the editors of Mendelssohn's commentary on Bereshit, but when he realized
Mendelssohn's intentions for reform he left and
went on to publish Humashim of his own, for
which he received approbations of the generation's greatest Rabbis (Rabbi Shmuel Av Beit
Din Vilna; Rabbi Hayim of Volozhin and Rabbi
;Zelmale of Volozhin, both disciples of Hagr"a
Geonim of Vilna, Shklov and Slutzk; Rabbis of
Levov, Berlin and Frankfurt etc.).
32 pages, 17 cm. Blue paper, good condition, moth
Opening Price: $500

| 276 2009


() .
, " ( )1938
, " (.)1940

, [
] .

" , (
) . ,
. "
" . ' " .
" " ".
6 ( 7' ) . , .
4 .

$240 :

[ - . "
.]462-463 '
. , ,
. ."
. . 47 . "21 ,' 13

$400 :


"- " .478

. " . "
. .1839 ",
, ' 4
, . . "25.5 .] 1[ ,

$100 :

478. Ramban on the Torah

- Pressburg 1839 - handwritten

novellae London, 1892
Ramban commentary on the Torah. With two
Ramban missives to his son. Pressburg, 1839.
Anton Schmied printing.
On the endpapers 4 pages of handwriting from
the time of printing, homilies and novellae on
the Torah.
161, [1] leaf. 25.5 cm. Very good condition.
Original leather binding, slightly damaged.
Opening Price: $100

277 |


477. Halachic Response from

Rabbi Hayim Ibn Haviv from

A long Halachic response written by Rabbi

Hayim Ben Rabbi Refael Ibn Haviv, the greatest of Saloniki rabbis in its final period. 1911.
Handwritten and signed.
The respone was sent to Jerusalem, to Rabbi
Mordechai Luria of Safed.
Rabbi Hayim Ibn Haviv (188201943, Otzar HaRabanim 5995). Born in Saloniki to his fatherRabbi Refael. From young age served as Rosh
Yeshivah in Saloniki. Was officially deputy chief
Rabbi but the rabbinical courts of Saloniki did
not issue a Psak Din without his advice.
Reciever of the Letter, Rabbi Mordechai Luria of
Safed. Author of "Divrei Mordechai" responsa.
13 pages. 21 cm. 47 lines per page average.
Opening Price: $400

476. Poems by Rabbi Shmuel


Poems in Yiddish by Rabbi Shmuel Vilensky

(Charkover). The poems were written while he
studied in the Radin Yeshivah in 1938, and in
the branch of the Mir Yeshivah in Remigale,
In these poems he expresses in deep moral
wisdom his hidden feelings, describing the war
of existence, and the war of man for morality.
With passport photos of Rabbi Shmuel with his
name in Latin carachters.
Rabbi Shmuel was born in Charkov (to his
father Rabbi Nahum Meir Vilensky). Studied
in the Radin and Slabodka Yeshivahs, and later
in Mir Yeshivah with which he exiled during
WWII to Lithuania, Japan and Shnghai. Was
dean of the Beit Ha-Talmud Yeshivah in New
York. Passed away 1960.
6 notebook leaves (7 written pages). Fair condition, stains and tears. 4 passport photos in very
good condition.
Opening Price: $240

' .477

, ' "
. .)1911( ".
,"- (", '
, .)5995
. ."

. " ( )1943
" .
24.2 ." .
. . , .
, .

$4000 :

480. Manuscript Mahara"m


Deitsch, Av Beit Din Tarian


.479 "
" : , ,
[ . "].
" " '
" " , "".
" " "
" ""
" ' ,
' ---"".
[' 3 , ].
21' 21 ." . , .

$500 :

479. Novellae manuscript by

Rabbi Yehoshua Segal

Novellae manuscript on tractates Bava Kama,

Sukka, Ktubot and Hulin. [18th century].
[on page 3 there is an ending of a passage which
appears to be a signature of the writer].
21 pages, 21 cm. Good condition, wear to corners
with no omission. New binding.
Opening Price: $500
| 278 2009


.480 " " "

" " , (
) . ,.
" . "-"
" ".
" " "".
" ' [=,
("-" ,
" " " "
("-") . " "
" " .
- . " " -

Manuscript Mahara"m Deitsch on the Torah

(Humash Devarim). Homilies for Shabbat HaGadol and the festivals, eulogies. 1878-1879.
On leaves 111-113 a eulogy on his father Rabbi
Aharon David, who passed away in 1878. On
leaves 121-123, a eulogy on Mahara"m shik who
passed away in 1879.
Rear binding has inscription "Mahara"m
Deitsch manuscript". On page before title page
the letted Dalet is written to mark this is notebook number 4.
Rabbi Moshe Deitsch (1847-1931, Otzar HaRabanim 14567), born in Pressburg to his
father Rabbi Aharon David Deitsch, disciple of
the Hatam Sofer, author of Goren David (18131878). Studied with the" Ktav Sofer" and Rabbi
Hillel La"sh.
142 leaves. 24.2 cm. Handwritten by the author
in several types of ink. Quality paper. Good
condition, slight damage. Old cloth binding with
leather spine, slightly damaged.
Opening Price: $4000

- " .481

, , ,
.] , [ . " "
." "
, . 4 . "25.5 . 350
. .



482. Manuscript - Rabbi Yitzhak

Frenkel of Hust - Novellae

A manuscript notebook with novellae by Rabbi

Yitzhak Frenkel of Hust, member of the Beit
Din Tzedek in Jerusalem. Circa 1890.
Handwritten by the author with corrections
and additions.
On last page a copying of an interesting letter
written by the Maggid of Mezritch to the author
of "Toldot" in 1756 with an awesome tale from
the Ba'al Shem Tov.
Rabbi Yitzhak Frenkel of Hust (1853-1931,
Otzar Ha-Rabanim19043), son of Rabbi
Eliyahu, grandson of Rabbi Yoel Zvi Rata Av
Beit Din Hust. In 1900 emigrated to Jerusalem
and served as a member of the Badat"z of Rabbi
Yosef Hayim Sonnenfeld and Rabbi Yitzhak
Yerucham Diskin.
143 leaves. 20.5 cm. Good condition, written in
paecil and ink, a few pages detached. Original
cover torn. Colored edges.
Opening Price: $1200
279 |

" .482

, , "
.]? [". " ",
" " ,
"" "
.]"" '" [
,"- ("
" ,)10943
. "
, " .
. ,
, "
." " " " "
" " " "
. - .""
, , . "20.5 . 143
. .

$1200 :

$500 :

481. Manuscript - Sefer Ta'amei

Ha-Shorashim - Grammar and

Manuscript - Sefer Ta'amei Ha-shorashim. [No

name of writer, place or date of writing].
The headline on tops of pages is Sefer Ta'amei
Ha-Shorashim. This is probably part of a larger
A wide knowledge of the writer in senvral fields
is evident. This work was probably written by
a scholar of wide horizons with knowledge in
many fileds beyond grammar and linguistics.
350 leaves. 25.5 cm. On each page are four columns. Good condition, dampness stains on margins of pages. Cloth binding.
Opening Price: $500

. ."" "
. "18 . 33
. . , .

$500 :

484. Pirke Avot commentary - by

Rabbi Reuven Timsit


Manuscript, commentary on Pirke Avot by

Rabbi Reuven Timsit. Morocco, [circa 1920].
Kabbalist Rabbi Reuven Timsit (1881-1949),
author of "Mahane Reuven", "Imrot Tehorot",
"Dudaei Reuven" an "Menuhat Shalom". See
enclosed materials.
33 written pages. 18 cm. Attractive oriental writing in two columns. Fair condition, dry paper,
slightly worn. New binding.
Opening Price: $500

"- .483

, , "
.]? [", .
,- ,"
. . . "20.5 . ' 483

$200 :

483. Ta'amei Ha-Mitzvot VeTa'amei Ha-Minhagim - Izmir


Manuscript notebook, Ta'amei Ha-Mitzvot VeTa'amei Ha-Minhagim. Izmir, circa 1930.

Oriental Turkish handwriting, suits early 20th
On the page before the beginning of the book
there is an erased ownership inscription in oriental handwriting, of the person who brought
the book from Izmir.
483 written pages. 20.5 cm. Good condition.
Worn binding. Colored edges.
Opening Price: $200

- .484



.] [" , .)(
- ("
"," " ,"") "
2009 | 280

- " .486
" " "
.]1939 [".
,]" [
, .
, "
. "
, . "27 ,' 3

$200 :

486. Polemic manuscript - regarding the separation of the

Zutshka community from the
community of S.G

A manuscript of a Halachic polemic article

against Kuntres "Or Yitzhak" by Admor Rabbi
Yitzhak Isaac Rosenbaum, Av Beit Din Zutshka.
The Admor of Nadvorna Zutshka issued the
Kuntres in Chernovich in 1939 [the last Hebrew
book to be printed there], in which he justified
the right of the small town communities to
separate from those of the nearby big cities.
Actually this was a fight for his right to serve as
Av Beit Din of Zutshka, which separated from
the near city of S.G.
This article is a poignant reply to this book.
3 pages, 27 cm. Fair condition, tears to folds and
margins with no loss of text.
Opening Price: $200
281 |

485. Manuscript, Mishpatei

Hashem by Rabbi Eliezer Hazan

- Remnants of the Lost Book
Manuscript, Mishpatei Hashem, responsa
regarding vows and oaths, by Rabbi Eliezer
Hazan, son of the "Hikrei Lev". [Circa 1820].
Rabbi Eliezer Hazan, (1786-1823, Otzar HaRabanim 2502). A great sage of Izmir and
Jerusalem. Son of Rabbi Refael Hazan author of
"Hikrei Lev".
In 1995 a book by him was published in
Jerusalem with responsa on Yoreh Deah and
Hoshen Mishpat, from manuscript. Since in the
book "Yishrei Lev" by his brother Rabbi Hayim
David Hazan he quotes from Rabbi Eliezer's
manuscript titled "Mishpatei Hashem", the
publishers chose to name the responsa book by
this name. In their introduction they write they
have not seen the actual "Mispatei Hashem"
This item contains remnants of the lost book, as
the tops of the pages specifically read "Mishpatei
5 leaves, 34.5 cm. 4 columns per page. Average
60 lines per page. Poor condition, moth damages,
omissions with loss of text to corners, Restored.
New binding, cardboard with color paper and
Opening Price: $700

" " ' .485

, " ,' ,"
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.)2502 ,"- ("
. ." "
: ,
, ," "
. ,"
," "
" "
. ,
" "
, ,"' " "
." " "
" '"
."' "
" " ,"'

,2 6 ' , "
." "" " " " "
. 60 . 4 . "34.5 . 5
. .
. , .

$700 :

" " " "

. , 3 "

$750 :

487. From the archive of Rabbi

Netanel Sofer from Jerusalem


Notebooks, writings and a letter (mostly calculations of sunrise times, and charts of times
of the day) by Rabbi Netanel Sofer (Tfilinski),
editor of the charts on the Eretz Israel charts of
Hagri"m Tikochinski. Jerusalem, [circa 1900].
Added is the Ketubah certificate from the marriage of Rabbi Netan'el, printed in Jerusalem.
Rabbi Netanel Sofer Tfilinski (1866-1918), an
interesting and colorful figure, a scholar of
technical talents and inventor. His Tfilin, which
he made from cattle skin were a breakthrough
in the making of elegant Tfilin, and requests for
such Tfilin came from all over the world (the
Chafetz Chaim and others). The entire industry
of cattle skin Tfilin is still based on his inventions and methods. In the issue of editing the
charts of the times of the day and all the astronomical calculations around it, Rabbi Netanel
was forsmost in this hard work. He rose early
for over 4000 days to witness the sunrise in
various places in the city. All this in order to
prepare the chart of the "Luach Le-Eretz Israel"
published by the "Ets Hayim" Yeshivah to which
he belonged.
Opening Price: $750




( , ,
,) (
, . "
.][ "
.)1884( ",
,)"- ("

.) (" " .
, ""



2009 | 282

.488 -

() .
" ...
"( . " " " ,") .
" " ( ,"
' ).
70' 23 ." . . ,
. .

, , .
[-][ ," ].

, "
" ,
"[ .
59' 16.5 ," . . .

$1000 :

$1250 :

488. Intercalation chart - Rules

489. Intercalation Chart -

Manuscripts on the rules of the calendar, new

moons and intercalation. [Holland-Germany].
[circa 1809].
The chart begins in 1809 and ends in 1902,
so it can be assumed it was written in 1809.
[The writing and paper suit this period in the
Holland-Hamburg area].
Notebook 59 pages. 16.5 cm. Good condition. No

Manuscript, intercalation chart. [Tashkent],

Attractive writing. On leaf 16 a colophon and
color stamp of the writer Pinhas [Ka]rti, and
date of writing.
[3], 19 leaves. Additional blank pages. Very good
condition. Cloth binding with a lace, slightly

and Signs

Opening Price: $1000

Manuscript, Tashkent

Opening Price: $150

.489 -"


, [ .] ,"
. "
[] , .
[ ,]3 , . .
, .

, ,
, .,
"-" (.)1843
" . .
" ".
" "
" "
" " "".

$150 :


490. Manuscript of Rabbi Moshe

Ber Shehen

Manuscript, homilies in Halachah and Agadah,

and homilies of Rabbi Yehudah Asad, handwriting of Rabbi Moshe Ber Shehen. Semnitz,
Manuscript signed twice: "Moshe Ber Shehen
from Schossberg". Another place he is signed:
| 283

491. Commentary on Sefer

Yetzirah by Rabbi Ya'akov Bar

Nissim - Manuscript
Commentary on Sefer Yetzirah, by Rabbi
Ya'akov Bar Nissim Handwriting, France,
At beginning of the manuscript are a title page
and writings in French by the copyist, Rabbi
Yosef Gugenheimer. Probably as part of a
University paper.
This commentary on Sefer Yetzirah, attributed to 3 persons of Bnei Kairouan from same
period, Rabbi Yitzhak Ha-Yisraeli, Dunash ben
Tamim and Rabbi Ya'akov Ben Nissim [father
of Rabbi Nissim Ga'on]. Many articles were
written about this see attached material.
This manuscript is a copying of the Munich
92/20 manuscript. It's mentioned in missive
of Shneur Zaksh, from 1850. Areshet 5, pages
It's unclear who is Rabbi Yosef Gugenheimer,
the writer of this manuscript. It's possible that
he is Rabbi Yosef Gugenheimer from Bohemia
(1833-1896), son-in-law of Rabbi Samson
Raphael Hirsch from Frankfurt, who held position in Rabbinate in communities in Hungary,
in Germany and in Kalin, Bohemia.
It's also possible that the writer is Rabbi Yosef
Gugenheimer, who was Rabbi in Alsace
(France). He was born in 1820. It's more reasonable that he is the writer, because Rabbi
Yosef, Av Beit Din of Kalin, was born in 1833.
Manuscript was written in 1848, when he was
only 15 years old. We also do not know about
him if he studied in the University in France.
[3 leaves], 5-110 pages. 21 cm. Especially attractive writing in Ashkenazi French handwriting.
Good condition, slight wear to margins of pages.
No binding.

, - ,
.)1848( ",

, ,
- .] [
. -
.92/20 ,"
,' .)1850( ",
.189-198 '
, " ,)"-("

, ,
. () "
, " ,
" " . "
". "21 .' 5-110 ,] 3[
. , .-

"Moshe Behr".
Rabbi Moshe Ber Shehen from Schossberg,
Dayan and Moreh Tsedek in Vienna. Disciple of
Rabbi Yehudah Asad who writes to him in several responsa "My beloved... my senior disciple".
Also disciple of Ha-"Ktav Sofer" (Kinstlicher,
Ha-Chatam Sofer and his disciples page 526).
About 70 written pages. 23 cm. Greenish paper.
Good condition, slight wear to margins of several
pages. New cloth binding.
Opening Price: $1250

$2000 :


Opening Price: $2000

2009 | 284

492. Manuscript of Sefer Zichron

)Yitzhak (Freidiger


.492 ()
" - ,
, " ,
" " .
. [ "].
" , "
" "".
" " " " " --- "
" . ".
" ,
, " " , "
, " , .
, " " ("-"),
" ( ) ,
, .
( ,
) , ,
( " ").
48 , 21-34.5 ," . . .
, .

$750 :

Manuscript notebooks "Sefer Zichron

Yitzhak, by my grandfather Ha-Rav Yitzhak
Isaac Freidiger". In handwriting of his grandson, Rabbi Moshe Freidiger. Budapest [before
In 1896 Rabbi Yekutiel Kaufmann Freidiger
(1873-1947), son of Rabbi Moshe Freidiger
of Budapest, published the book "Zichron
Yitzhak". He probably published the book from
this manuscript, edited for printing by his
father, and added his introduction to it.
"Rabbi Moshe Freidiger, Ba'al "Moshe Yedaber
(1832-1911), son of Rabbi Pinchas Leib, Rosh
Av Beit Din of Budapest (Oven Yashan). Great
scholar who refused to serve in Rabbinate.
His eldest son, Rabbi Avraham Freidiger,
Rosh Kahal in Budapest, (son-in-law of Rabbi
Yitzhak Leib Sofer, son of Ha-"Ktav Sofer"),
father of Rabbi Pinchas David Freidiger, (sonin-law of the Rabbi from Pressburg, Ba'al Ha"Da'at Sofer").
48 leaves, various sizes: 21-34.5 cm. Good condition. Dry paper. New cover, color paper with cloth
Opening Price: $750

.493 -

" , ,.
[ ."-".]1866-1879 ,
' " 34-41

, ,
, , ,


' ," " ," "

' " 92-99 "
" " " "" .'
113-125 " .
() ("-" ,
.)4933 .
" ,
. "
." .

" . "
133'( . )24.5 .
" . . .
." " ."
" " " ".

$1000 :
| 285

494. Manuscript The

493. Manuscript Homilies

Samaritans in Talmud with

Translation for Masechet Kutim
in Hungarian
The Samaritans from historical and Halachic
aspect in Hungarian language, Budapest, 1909.
Manuscript in Hungarian with hundreds of
quotations from the Talmud, Nevi'im and
Ketuvim, History books etc. The quotations
are mainly in Hebrew, but also in Hungarian,
German and Arabic.
A comprehensive study from historical and
Halachic aspect against the Samaritans. Content makes it clear the writer had great knowledge in biblical and general literature and his
objection for the Samaritans is very clear.
Includes 3 photographs: Nablus valley, wellspring in Nablus valley and antique Samaritan
Sefer Torah. In the end there is a Hungarian
translation of Masechet Kutim with a separate
title page.
[2], XI, 96, [1], IV, [1] leaves. 24 cm. Very good condition. Restoration to the 2 title pages and to title
page of Masechet Kutim. Old cardboard cover.
Undeciphered signature by previous owner.
Opening Price: $300


and Eulogies from Rabbi David




.1909 ,
, ",
. ,

." "
, : 3

. . "24 .] 1[ ,IV ,]1[ ,96 ,XI ,]2[
. ,
. .

Manuscript in Yiddish, homilies on the Torah

and for the festivals, and eulogies. Handwritten
by Rabbi David Suditsch, Rabbi of Pest in
Hungary [1866-1879].
Pages 34-41: Eulogy for Rabbi Yehudah Asad,
Av Beit Din of Serdahel.
Pages 92-99: Eulogy for Rabbi Avraham Shmuel
Binyamin Sofer, Av Beit Din and Rav Melamed
of Pressburg.
Pages 113-125: Eulogy for the Maharam Shik.
Rabbi David Suditsch (Bichler) (1815-1908,
Otsar Ha-Rabanim 4933). Prominent Rabbi in
Hungary. Of the foremost disciples of Mahari
Asad, and the last disciples of Rabbi Ya'akov
Kopel Charif. His father and uncle were Rabbis
of Mahari Asad. In 1839 he held a position in
Rabbinate in Bicske. From 1847 he held a position in Rabbinate in Pest for over 60 years.
Married the daughter of Mahari Asad, who
became a widower from her first husband.
133 pages. (First and last pages with damages to
text). 24.5 cm. Good condition. New torn cover.
Handwritten by the author.
According to dates of the eulogies, it is possible
to estimate the time of writing of this book.
Mahari Assad died in 1866. Ha-"Ktav Sofer"
died in 1872, and Maharam Shik died in 1879.
Opening Price: $1000

$300 :
2009 | 286

65- ,
,19 .20 ,
, .

$500 :

495. Manuscript Collection


About 65 handwritten pages in Arabic, some

of them with captions in Hebrew and in JudeoArabic, probably from late 19th century or early
20th century. All the pages are rolled up, maybe
they are amulets. They were not thoroughly
Various sizes and conditions.
Opening Price: $500


( )1871-1939 " .
, .
' ,
" , ,
. .
" .

$250 :


496. Archive of Rabbi Yitzhak

Michael Dushinsky

Archive which includes about 30 items by

Rabbi Yitzhak Michael Dushinsky (1871-1939),
Rabbi of Rakospalota. Correspondences from
the Rabbi and to him, his family etc.
Includes a letter from Rabbi Fischel Zusman,
Rabbi in Budapest, a letter from his brother,
Rabbi in Capetown, photographs, song notebook in handwriting of the Rabbi, etc. Letters
in Hebrew and in Hungarian.
Good condition.
Opening Price: $250

. ,
. .
, " .1894 ,
' ,


14.5X 22" ,- , .

. ( )
. .

) . , " .1896 ,

) . :
.1818 ,
,1899 , .
17.5X 36" ,- , .

$250 :

| 287

- " .498

, , , .1
" ' "
."- ", ." "
, - "
" ," " " "
. , . "18X 21
. , , .2
. ,
. , "17X 21

$200 :

498. Mishneh Torah Le-Rambam

Sections in Manuscript from

2 sections from Mishneh Torah by Rabbi Moshe

Ben Maimon.
1. 2 pages on parchment, Sefer Shoftim, Hilchot
Sanhedrin, from Chapter 18, Halachah 4 to
beginning of chapter 19, and from middle of
chapter 23 till beginning of chapter 24. Yemen,
the 16th-17th century.
18x21 cm. Attractive writing, very good
2. Single page, beginning of Sefer Ahava,
Yemen. Text on one side, on verso various
owners' inscriptions.
17x21 cm, many damages.

497. Hebron - Documents regarding Land purchases between


Two documents by Rabbi Eliyahu Sliman

Manny, Rabbi of Hebron.
1. Letter to rich man Murad Askal, for whom
the Rabbi purchased land in Hebron. With the
detailed bill. Hebron, 1894. On verso there is
writing in Bucharian language by Baba Gan
Pinchasof, a leader of the Bucharian community in Jerusalem.
14.5x22 cm, folding marks, creases and stains.
2. A Turkish Kushan (land purchase certificate) for land in Hebron which belonged to
Rabbi Manny. Arabic language. On verso Rabbi
Manny confirms the land registered under his
name actually belongs to two other persons
(son of Murad Askal and Nissim Franco).
Hebron 1896. Confirmation was necessary as
in Ottoman times it was possible to register
land only under the name of a Turkish citizen,
and so the owners of the land could not register
the land under their own names.
Personal signature of Rabbi Manny and his official stamp, as Rabbi of Hebron (the signature
is by stamp). Also a handwritten signature of
Rabbi Manny's son Yitzhak Malkiel Manny.
Rabbi Manny was born in Baghdad, 1818.
Passed away in Hebron in 1899. Wrote a few
books in Kabbalah and Halachah.
17.5x36, folding lines, creases and stains.
Opening Price: $250

Opening Price: $200

2009 | 288

" " ,
.)"- ("
. .
- "
, ,"
. 16

$400 :


500. Writings of Rabbi Aryeh

499. 'Patients' Diary of Ha-Rav

Different handwritten writings by "Ha-Tsadik

He-Yerushalmi", Rabbi Aryeh Levin (18851969). Includes: Ideas, headlines for speeches
and homilies, names of sick persons to mention
in prayers, addresses of friends, responsa and
Also includes a draft for an exciting letter to
his son, with lamentation and condolences for
the demise of his wife, Ha-Rabanit Tsiporah
Hannah Levin.
16 pages and notes in various sizes and

Diary from 1976, with handwriting of the

famous Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri from
Jerusalem. Diary contains names and problems
of the people who came to receive his blessings
and Tikunim according to the Kabbalah, calculations of gematria, and signals of dots and
designations in cryptograph (Ktav Setarim),
Tikunim and amulets.
This diary includes 614[!] cases in different
matters: Education and matchmaking, infertility and marital harmony, physical diseases and
mental illness, business matters (real estate and
international trade), conflicts of neighbors, etc.
At beginning of booklet index according to
The Kabbalist, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri was born
at the end of 19th Century in Iraq, studied
Torah and Kabbalah from the sages of Bavel
and Jerusalem. Arrived in Eretz Israel in 1922.
In his first years in Jerusalem made a living


Opening Price: $400

289 |

Yitzhak Kaduri

,)1976( "
, ,

, "
. ,
,[!] 614
, :
(", ,
. ,)
,) (19
. ",

." " " "

, .
.] "
. ",
. . "20 . ' 137
. .

$1600 :
binding books and manuscripts and studied in
the Beit El and Porat Yosef Yeshivahs. Over the
years, he got famous for being knowledgable in
mysticism, many came to seek his advice, blessings and amulets. Died in 2006, over 100 years
Very special item.
About 137 written pages. 20 cm. Very good condition. Slightly worn. Booklet with cardboard
Opening Price: $1600

501. Homilies of Rabbi Moshe

Feinstein in His Handwriting


502. Pages of Torah Novellae

Handwritten and Signed by the

Admor Rabbi Shalom Safrin of
Komarna Jerusalem
Pages of Torah novellae, Kitsur Teshuvot HaPoskim Al Inyenei Even Ha-Ezer. In handwriting and with stamp of the Admor Rabbi Shalom
Safrin of Komarna Jerusalem.
He was son of the Admor Rabbi Hayim
10 leaves, most about 28 cm. Thick paper. Good
Ha-Admor Rabbi Shalom Safrin of Komarna
Jerusalem (1916-1998), was known in his erudition and his diligence in the Torah. His sons
were the Admors, Rabbi Netanel, Rav Melamed
in Yeshivat "Ahavat Shalom", Rabbi Avraham
Mordechai, Ba'al "Halachah Acharonah" and
Rabbi Eliezer Zvi, son-in-law of the Admor
from Lelv.
Opening Price: $150

2 Homilies of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, author

of "Igrot Moshe" and "Darash Moshe" in his
One homily was written for the first Yahrzeit
of Ha-Admor of Gur, Ba'al "Beit Yisrael", 1978.
Most of the homily was printed in the book
"Darash Moshe" pages 399-401. But the end of
the homily, that appears here, was not printed
in the book.
The second homily was written for the National
Congress of Agudat Yisrael in USA in 1978.
It was also printed in "Darash Moshe" pages
408-409, without the end that appears here
with praise for the spiritual actions of "Agudat
3 leaves, 28 cm. Excellent condition.
Opening Price: $750

" .502

" , .
" . -
. . . "28 10
- ("-"
. ,)"
" " "
" " ,"
. "

$150 :


- .501

."" " " "

. ","" "
.- " " '
." ,

." " ' "
.-" " '
," "
. "
. . "28 , 3

$750 :
2009 | 290

503. Torah Novellae from

"Ha-Tsadik from Ra'anana" Rabbi

Yitzhak Huberman


.503 "
, ,
[ ." ].
"( ."-") .
, " "
, " ( " ).
. "
" .
. .
" - "
." " :
" "
" ".
27.5" . "
. .

$300 :

Torah novellae, on Parashat Ki Tetze, from

Rabbi Yitzhak Ha-Cohen Huberman. [Circa
Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Ha-Cohen Huberman,
"Ha-Tsadik from Ra'anana". (1896-1977).
Born in Poland, studied with Rabbi Ya'akov
"Mordechai in Bilguria, the "Shem Mi-Shmuel
of Sochotshov, and Rabbi Glikson. After the
Holocaust served for 6 years as Rabbi in Wetzler,
Germany. Came to Eretz Israel and settled in
Single page 27.5 cm. On verso a letter with answer
from "Irgun Rabanim Yotsei Mizrakh Ve-Merkaz
Europa" regarding to reparation claim from
Germany. Very good condition.
Opening Price: $300


" ,
. ," (.)1934
" ...
' ' " ...
" " "
[ 8 ,]1' 17 ." . .


504. Sermon of Rabbi Dessler at

His Appointing for Rabbinate in

Manuscript in Yiddish, copying of Rabbi

Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler's first sermon upon his
appointment for rabbinate in London. London,
Attractive handwriting of relative of Rabbi
Dessler, Rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Skulski from
heads of "Adat Yisrael" community in London.
Mr. Skulski was helping Rabbi Dessler upon his
arrival in London.
[1], 8 pages. 17 cm. Excellent condition.
Opening Price: $180

$180 :

| 291


Handwritings in Matters of
Lectures from The Steipler

, " "
("") "
" . ".
" " ,
" " "" , ,
. "

" . " "
" "
(") ,
" :
" ",

- ."...
" .
" ",

" " , " ,
" "
, .
2 22.3 ," . .

Manuscript pages, written during preparation

stages for the book "Eifat Tsedek", handwritten
by the author, Rabbi Ya'akov Yisrael Kanievsky
(The Steipler), Ba'al "Kehilot Ya'akov". Before
Sefer "Eifat Tsedek", written during the Halachic
polemic between Ha-"Chazon Ish" and his
brother-in-law, The Steipler, and Rabbi Hayim
Na'eh, regrarding measures. The Chazon Ish
thought the measures of Amah and Revi'it are
larger than the ones published by Rabbi Na'eh
in his book "Shiurei Torah". The Steipler wrote
the book "Shi'urin De'Oraita" on behalf of his
son in law to prove his view.
Rabbi Hayim Na'eh as a response published the
book "Shiurei Zion". In the book he criticized
the claims and points of view of the Steipler.
As a response the Steipler wrote the book "Eifat
Tsedek" (1949) in which he replies sharply to
the critiques of Ha-Gra"ch Na'eh.
Only after the death of Ha-Chazon Ish and
Rabbi Hayim Na'eh in 1954, The Steipler republished his opinion in the book "Shiurin Shel
Torah", Jerusalem, 1956. This book includes
his writings on Shiurei Mitzvot, without the
polemic that appears in his 2 former books.
These are draft pages from the book "Eifat
Tsedek" which are somewhat different from
the printed text. Attached is a photocopy for
2 leaves, 22.3 cm. Very good condition.

$1500 :

| 292 2009


Opening Price: $1500


.506 "

- .,
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, "
" . ,
" ".
("-") ,
" " . .
" ,
( ).
- ("-
" , ,)20098 ,

' - .507
,)1610( ".
.] 18 - [
.9 8

" :
SALOM" : ,""

.)1762 ( "

, ( )
" "" "
, , . . "26 . 164
, .
, "

$2500 :

507. Machzor Tunis Manuscript

from the early 17th century

Antique manuscript of Machzor for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Ha-Kippurim, according
to old Tunis custom. Written around 1610, in
attractive sefaradi writing and in large and
impressive format.
293 |

. "
." "
. . "32 . ' 10 , 5

$180 :

506. Pages of Torah novellae in


Handwriting and with Signature

of Rabbi Shalom Schwadron from
Pages of Torah novellae, Kitsur Teshuvot HaPoskim Al Inyenei Even Ha-Ezer. In handwriting and with signature of Rabbi Shalom
Mordechai Schwadron "Maggid of Jerusalem".
Jerusalem, [circa 1946].
Signature of Rabbi Shalom only in initials:
At margins of the sheets are critique comments,
signed "Shimshon Aharon". This is a discovery
of the fact that Ha-Ga'on of Teflik was involved
in editing of the book "Otsar Ha-Poskim".
Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Schwadron (1912
1998), son of Rabbi Yitzchak, Av Beit Din of
Chatzmer and grandson of Ha-Maharsha"m.
He was a member of the senior editing team of
Mif'al "Otsar Ha-Poskim".
Rabbi Shimshon Aharon Polonski - Ha-Ga'on
of Teflik (1876-1948 Otsar Ha-Rabanim 20098),
was Rabbi of Beit Yisrael neighborhood in
Jerusalem. Formerly he was Rabbi of Teflik in
Ukraine. In his last years, due of illness, his disciples and family members wrote his novellas
for him. His book "Divrei Aharon" was written
this way.
5 leaves, 10 written pages. About 31 cm. Good
Opening Price: $180

- .509

- .508

[= ] .19-
. , , ",
, , :
,)1871-1902( "- "
. , . . "23 . 116
. ,

. ,
.19 -
' , ' [=, ,
.]1897 "
, . . "24 .] 4[ ,
. , .

$100 :

$100 :

509. Tiklal Yemenite Machzor

Manuscript from the 19th Century. Tiklal
[=Sidur Tefilah] for Rosh Ha-Shanah, Yom
Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach and Shavuot.
Includes: Keter Malkhut, Seder Agadata DePascha, Calendar for 1871-1902, intercalation
of the years and Thirteen by Rabbi Sa'adiya.
About 116 leaves. 23 cm. Quality paper. Fair
condition, with heavy moth damage. Fine leather
binding in fair condition, moth holes and tears.
Opening Price: $100


508. Tikun Leil Shavuot

Yemenite Manuscript

Tikun Leil Shavuot. Fine manuscript from

Yemen from the 19th Century. On page 25 is an
inscription from a time later than the time of
the writing of the book, signed Hayim Nadaf,
from 1897.
38, [4] leaves. 24 cm. Wide margins. Fair condition, moth damages. New binding cardboard
and paper.
Opening Price: $100


Last pages (152-164) are a later completion

[from the 18th century] of a lost part. Missing
pages between leaf 8 and leaf 9.
Addenda of comments and laws in early and
late handwritings.
Ownership inscriptions: "Ze Machzor Shel
Ha-Bachur Mordechai Zana ", and previous
owner's stamps: "Salom & Josef Hayat, Tunis".
This manuscript has great importance for the
historical research of community customs,
because it has antique versions and liturgical
poems, very much different from the Tunis
versions in print (The Machzor Ke-Minhag
Tunis printed in Livorno in 1762). Version of
this manuscript is similar to customs of other
communities from Spain and Algeria (Aragon
and Tlemcen) and other antique versions.
164 leaves, 26 cm. Fair condition. Light thick
paper, slight staining, some moth damages to
margins of pages. Original worn leather binding,
spine torn.
Enclosed is a research of Dr. Shlomo Zucker,
expert for Hebrew manuscripts, about the version and dating of writing according to paper's
Opening Price: $2500

2009 | 294

' - " .512

)1840( "
[. ,
'", . .]
.]1840 ["
, .
' "
, .
. ,) (
. "20 . () 1 , 197
. , ,

$700 :

512. Manuscript of Haftarot

, .

$450 :

510. Songs for Hakafot Simchat



511. Seder Tefilat Mincha for

Yom Kippur Fine Manuscript

Manuscript of Haftarot book, with translation.

With prayers. Illustrated ornaments. Yemen,
Fine scribe handwriting. At the end of the book
appears a colophon with the date and signature
of "Ktan Ha-Sofrim Ve-Tsair Ha-Talmidim
Zechariyah Ibn Yosef El-Moidi".
See, on the next item, a Haftarot book from
Yemen written without translation. In this
book, the translation appears after each verse,
because the book is for the worshipers, who
read the translation (according to Yemenite
customs), and not for the cantor.
194 written leaves, 1 last page with illustration.
20 cm. Thick quality paper, good condition, staining and wear by time. Fine original tan leather
Opening Price: $700

Opening Price: $450

295 |

," "
. .)20 -
. "16.5 . ,' 23

$200 :

Seder Tefilat Mincha for Yom Kippur's fast.

Scribe handwriting of Rafael Foa [Italy. Pisa?].
On the Foa family, printers in Italy, Kushta and
Amsterdam (between 1550-1860), see article
of A. Ya'ari: "Ha-Madpisim Bnei Foa" book
researches, pages 323-419.
In 1781 the printer Gad Foa published in Pisa
a pamphlet "Rinah Ve-Tefilah Le-Chinukh Beit
Knesset Chadash " on the inauguration of a
new synagogue built in the village of Scandiano
by the Almansi family. This attractive Machzor
was probably written for the members of the
Almansi family in the same period.
44 leaves. 20.7 cm. Especially attractive scribe
handwriting, on quality parchment-like paper.
Very good condition, slight moth damage to inner
margins of last leaf. Cardboard cover covered by
color paper and cloth is somewhat worn.

book from Yemen - 1840


Manuscript "Pizmonim Le-Hakafot Simchat

Torah". Fine oriental handwriting (early 20th
Century). Each page has illustration of frame.
23 pages, with written soft cover. 16.5 cm.
Opening Price: $200

- .511

.] ? [".]? . [.
'" '
, -[ ."
.] "
,)1550-1860 (
' - "' "
) " 1781( "
" ,

" ."
, " . "20.7 .
, .



- " .514
. . "35

$500 :

514. Manuscript Tikun Sofrim

Blue Paper

Manuscript Tikun Sofrim in fine scribe writing, impressive blue paper.

35 cm. Good condition. Few adhesive tape mendings to margins. Water stains to several pages
with some damages to text.
Opening Price: $500

513. Manuscript of Haftarot

book for the Cantor Yemenite

Manuscript of Haftarot book, with prayers.
Yemen-Jerusalem. [Circa 1880].
Especially attractive scribe handwriting. At
the end of the book there is a colophon with
scribe's name, Mari Shalom Ben Yosef Tsarum.
See about him in Encyclopedia for Hachamei
Teiman, page 513. He was born around 1843,
came to Jerusalem in 1882. He was artist in
Ktav Stam writing and in micrograpy.
See on previous item, a Haftarot book from
Yemen with translation after each verse. This
Haftarot book is without translation, because
the book is for the cantor and he does not read
the translation.
116 leaves. 33.5 cm. Thick and light colored quality paper, good condition, staining and wear by
time, slight moth damage. Non original green
cloth binding with some tears.


" .513
.] [ ,
.] [" .-
. ,
, " .513 ' ,
, ". "
. ,
, , . "33.5 . 116
, . ,
. ,

$450 :

Opening Price: $450

2009 | 296

.515 "

," , . .
[ ," ,]1889 " .
" " "'
""" ."" . .
" . """ .

") . . ,
" ".
" "
" "] . " ,
' .
" " "
- " .
( "",
" " ," ,
) . "

( " )
" .


( . " " ,
" " , ,
" "" ,' ,


" "[ , '
[ ,]1 35.7 ." .
. . .
. .
, .

$2600 :


515. Glosses of Ha-Rav Ha-Sadeh

on Sefer Shemen Sasson

Sefer Shemen Sasson, Part IV, Petach Einayim.

Al Kol Sidrei Ha-Kavanot. Jerusalem, [1889],
Hara"m Lilienthal printing.
Signatures of the Kabbalist Rabbi in Jerusalem,
Ha-Rav Sadeh "Hayim Shaul Dweikh HaCohen". "Sadeh". Many glosses. Most of the
glosses in his handwriting and some of them
in handwriting of his disciples. Some of them
signed: "Sadeh". Some of the glosses are novellae and commentaries and some of them are
practical comments for intentions and various
Kabbalist Rabbi Shaul Hayim Ha-Cohen
Dweikh (1858-1933). Born in Aram Tzova.
Studied Kabbalah from the greatest Kabbalists
in Aram Tzova, Rabbi Eliyahu, Ba'al "Sfat
Emet" and Rabbi Nissim Harari Raful, Ba'al
"Alei Nahar". Corresponded in Kabbalah with
the sages of "Beit El" in Jerusalem [He also
corresponded with the Kabbalist Rabbi Sasson
Presiado, Ba'al "Shemen Sasson"]. In 1890 he
came to Jerusalem, became one of the sages
of Beit El and studied with Kabbalists Rabbi
Nissim Ani Rabbi Vidal Angil and others.
In 1896 he established "Yeshivat HaMekubalim Rechovot Ha-Nahar". He was
considered one of the greatest Kabbalists in
Jerusalem and admired even by Ashkenazi
Kabbalists. In 1900 lost his sight, and in the
next 33 years taught and studied only by the
power of his memory, and used to proof books
he published by hearing only.
When still in Aram Tzova he used to write his
novellae in Kabbalah inside his books, and after
he became blind his disciples wrote them for
"From sheets such as these Sefer "Pe'at Ha-Sadeh
was collected (2 parts, Jerusalem 1998).
The novellae on the sheets in this item were not
printed in Sefer "Pe'at Ha-Sadeh", [compare to
| 297

516. Manuscript Sefer Beged

Shmuel by Rabbi Menachem Ben

Manuscript, Sefer Beged Shmuel, index of
Dinim in alphabetical order on Hoshen
Mishpat. Homily in Halachah and in Agadah.
Kitsur Dinei Shabbat. By Rabbi Menachem
Gavriel. [Ashkenaz, circa 1828].
This book is an expansion and completion for
book "Pri Megadim" on Shulchan Aruch Hoshen
Mishpat, by Rabbi Shmuel Ben Alexander from
Halberstadt that was published in Frankfurt
an der Oder in 1791 and is an index with references for Dinei Mamonot in alphabethical
order. This manuscript begins with the entry
"Avedah" and proceed up to entry "Geviat HaMalveh". Also contains: "Kitsur Dinei Shabat
Ha-Hechrachi'im Lehorot La'am".
Also contains a homily by the author [1828].
This manuscript is unknown. It was owned by
Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch's family. The
writer is probably a Rabbi from the Hirsch
family in Hamburg.
Handwriting of the author. It appears from the
content the author served as Rabbi in one of the
Ashkenaz communities [Germany] in the early
19th century.
Over 110 handwritten pages and dozens of empty
pages. 20 cm. Thick quality paper is grey and
greenish. Very good condition. Original binding
with leather spine and corners, somewhat worn
and damaged.
Opening Price: $2300

- " .516

- ,
. . .
.]1828 " , [.
, "

" "
1791 " "
.- "
'' '
" .'
.]1828 "" ["
." "

. [] "
. 110
. . , . "20
. ,

glosses in the book, page 411].

See there also photocopiess of his handwriting,
and the handwriting of his disciples. From the
comparison it is clear that significant parts of
the glosses are in his handwriting.
[1], 188 leaves. 35.7 cm. One page printed upside
down. Author's introduction is missing. Wide
margins. Very good condition. Dry paper with
few tears. Original binding, cardboard with
leather spine, somewhat worn and damaged.
CD of Mifal ha-Bibliografia, item 0171868.
Opening Price: $2600

$2300 :

2009 | 298



4 .517


" 4 " .
23 , ,1937
( -) ..
-.1937 ,
15.5X 22" . , .-

" :

[ 1940].
23X 20.5" . . .

$750 :

517. Four Years to Hitler's

Terror ( Inquisition of middle ages

"4 Yohr Hitler terror", English title: Inquisition
of middle ages resurrected. Proclamation
which calls to avoid purchasing products from
Germany, and announcement of a demonstration against Nazism on Saturday, January 23rd,
1937, Brownsville (neighborhood in new-York).
Yiddish language. New-York, 1937.
15.5x22 cm. Single page, torn in 2 parts. Folds
and tears to corners with some damages.
Opening Price: $750

$250 :

518. Ostracizion and curse on


Nosakh Cherem Ve-Klalah Lomar Be-Rabim

(Version of ostracizion and curse to say in
public) at Torah reading.
Typewritten with many handwritten additions.
From period of WW II [circa 1940].
Single page 23x20.5 cm. Fair condition. Wear to
folds. Laminated.
Opening Price: $250


.519 - -

,' "
, ," [ ,]1946 "
, ,
, .
[ ,]1 29 .".
, .

$150 :
| 299

520. Va'ad Ha-Hatzalah Six


6 Books printed after the Holocaust.

1. Five Books of Moses, Munich, 1947, Va'ad
Thanking letter to US President Harry Truman
in English and Hebrew on page before title
page. Color title page.
[2], 60; 55; [1], 56-97; 48; [1], 49-97 leaves, 17 cm.
Good condition, original cover, slight staining.
2. Sha'agat Aryeh, Rabbi Aryeh Leib, Munich
1947, Va'ad Ha-Hatzalah.
2, 90, [1] leaves, 24 cm. Very good condition,
original cover.
3. Shulchan Aruch Ha-Rav, Yoreh De'ah Part
V, Hoshen Mishpat, Germany, 1948. Published
by Hassidei Chabad.
At end She'elot U-Teshuvot by Rabbi Shneur
Zalman and Facsimile of a letter by Siman 14 in
his handwriting.
212, 72, [1], [1], 50 leaves, 21 cm. Good
4. Shulchan Aruch Ha-Rav Orah Hayim
Part III and IV, Germany, 1948. Published by
Hassidei Chabad.
286, 15, [1], 238 leaves. 21 cm. Good condition,
Damaged cover.
5. Seder Ha-Dorot, Germany, [1948], "printed Bergen Belsen".
296, [1], 118 leaves. Good condition, first page
detached, original cover damaged.
6. Hayei Olam, Germany, 1947.
[2], 38, [1] leaves. Good condition. Torn cover.
Opening Price: $200

... ",]1948 [", , .

, , . 118 ,]1[ ,296
" ".]1947[ ", , .
. . .] 1[ ,38 ,]2[

$200 :

519. Kuntres Takanot Agunot

Bergen-Belsen Bibliographical
Kuntres Takanot Agunot, rules for untying
Agunot who survived the extermination camps,
by Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Meisels, Av Beit Din of
Bergen Belsen. Bergen Belsen, 1946, printed by
Adat She'erit Yisrael.
CD of Mifal Ha-Bibliografia notes this pamphlet was printed without title page. This copy
has a title page and a printed soft cover.
Stamps of previous owner in Hebrew and in
English: Avraham Yitzhak Klein, formerly
Rabbi of Adat Yisrael in Nrnberg.
[1], 38 leaves. 29 cm. Soft cover and title page are
detached and disintegrating, with few tears.
Opening Price: $150



,1947 ", , .
. ,
, . "17 , - ,]1[ ;; - ,]1[ ; ; ,]2[
. ,
,]1947[ ", ' , .
. , . "24 ,] 1[ , ,
, , ", " .
. " ".1948 "
" ' ' "
. . "21 , 50 ,]1[ ,]1[ ,72 ,212
, , " .
. " ".1948 "
. , . "21 . 238, ]1[,15 ,286
2009 | 300

521. Tractates Printed for

She'erit Ha-Pleita after the

1. Masechet Ta'anit, im Mishnayot Kilayim
Le-Lomdei Daf Ha-Yomi. Germany [Munich],
1947. Published by Va'ad Ha-Hatzalah. Includes
chart for Mishnah Yomit.
21 cm. Good condition with original orange cover
without spine.
2. Masechet Hagigah U-Moed Katan, UMishnayot Shavuot. Published by Va'ad HaHatzalah for Lomdei Daf Ha-Yomi U-Mishnah
Yomit among She'erit Ha-Pleita. [Munich],
1947. Includes chart for Mishnah Yomit.
21 cm. Good condition, original green cover with
3. Masechet Yevamot, U-Mishnayot Trumot.
For Lomdei Daf Ha-Yomi Ve-Mishnah Yomit.
Munich, 1948. Published by Va'ad Ha-Hatzalah.
Photocopy of letters by Ha-Rav Herzog and
Rabbi Samuel Aba Snieg.
21.5 cm. Very good condition. Original cover.
4. Maseckhet Ketubot, (U-Mishnayot Ma'aserot). Munich, 1948.
Published by Va'ad Ha-Hatzalah. Photocopy of
letter by Association of Rabbis in th US and of a
handwritten letter by Rabbi Hillel Lichtenstein
of Krasna (in Landsberg).
21.5 cm. Very good condition. Original cover.
5. Mishnah - Mishnayot Zeraim. Published
by "Kolel Kidush Ha-Shem". Lendsberg, 1948.
Long lists commemorating Holocaust martyrs,
mainly of the family and community of the
publisher, Hayim Nachum Mermelstein.
21 cm. Good condition. Original soft cover somewhat worn.
Apparently the publisher printed only
Mishnayot Zeraim. See on Cd of Mif'al HaBibliografia item 0150890.
Opening Price: $350
301 |


. , .1
. .)1947( ",] [
. . "21
. , .2
.)1947( ",] [.
. , . "21
. , .3
. .1948 ) (", .
. . . "21.5
,) (", .) ( , .4
. .1948
" "
.) (
. . . "21.5
". , .5
.1948 , ", .""
. "
. . . "21

$350 :


Calendars and Facsimiles

- ' .522


523. One Hundred Blessings

Fine Numbered Miniature on

Fine Facsimile of Manuscript Me'ah Brachot
from Central Europe, 18th Century.
Includes an illustrated title page and 29 illustrations that describe actions connected with
blessings. Above some of the illustrations appears an ornamented frame with the blessing.
Published in 550 copies by Linda and Michael
Folter, 400 copies are numbered and printed on
parchment , this is copy no. 291.
Bound in leather binding ornamented in 23
karat gold and decorated with silver buckles
and corners, made in Italy. Padded leather box.
Volume of the Commentaries is missing.
[1], 35, [2] leaves, 4.2x4.5 cm.
Very good condition.
Parchment edition sold in December 2003 for
Opening Price: $600


- .523
.18- ,

, - 550-
, 400
.291 '
. ,-
. "4.2X4.5 ,] 2[ ,35 ,]1[
.2000$- 2003

$600 :

- ' " .1924 ,

"- ."1741 , "
" " " ,
. "
12 9 '
. ", .
. "19.5 ,' 46

$200 :

522. Seder Sod Hashem Fine

Facsimile Edition of Twelve Copies

Facsimile Edition, 1924. "Seder Sod Hashem
with Sharvit Ha-Zahav commentary and fine
illustrations 1741". Book written by Faibush
Ben Yitzhak Isaac Segal, Sofer Stam in Altona,
Hamburg and Wandsbeck.
Copy no 9 of 12 numbered and hand painted
copies, bound in parchment binding with
golden ornaments. The colophon is in German,
without details of the publisher.
46 pages, 19.5 cm.
Excellent condition.
Opening Price: $200
2009 | 302

524. Collection of Facsimiles

1. Treasury of Hebrew Manuscripts from the
Middle Ages to 16th century. 2 volumes.
2. Sefer Halachot Pesukot by Rabbi Yehudai
Gaon, facsimile edition of 200 copies of the
original manuscript. Makor publishing,
Jerusalem, 1971.
3. Manuscript collection of Talmud Bavli in
Library of the Vatican in Rome, edition of 135
copies. 2 volumes.
4. Jerusalem Talmud, Vatican Manuscript.
Facsimile edition of 135 copies. Makor publishing, Jerusalem, 1971.
5. Commentary of Rabbi Avraham ibn Ezra
on Trei Asar, Vatican manuscript, numbered
edition of 260 copies. Makor publishing,
Jerusalem, 1976.
6. Mishneh Torah by the Rambam, Kushta
printing 1509. Facsimile numbered edition of
290 copies with leather binding. 4 volumes.
7. Mishneh Torah by the Rambam. Rabbi
Moshe Ben Shaltiel's printing, Spain or
Portugal, 1492 or 1497. Numbered edition of
390 copies. Jerusalem, 1975.
8. Mishneh Torah Hu Ha-Yad Ha-Hazakah
Le-Rabenu Moshe Ben Maimon, new edition
photocopied from the Rome 1480 edition.
Jerusalem, 1955.
9. Talmud Bavli, Firenze 1177 manuscript,
the complete most antique manuscript of the
Talmud, special edition of 160 copies. Jerusalem,
1976. Volume I and III.
10. Collection of the Genizah parts of the bible
with Babylon style punctuation and Massorah.
Makor publishing, Jerusalem, 1973. 2 volumes.
11. Seridei Bavli remains of Gemarot and
Halachot of the Ri"f (Rabbi Isaac Alfasi)
printed by Spanish and Portuguese Jews before
the expulsion and by the generation after the
303 |



360 . .13
. ", , .
. ,

$500 :
explusion. New-York, 1979. 2 parts.
12. Hilchot Ha-Rif Sefer Halachot of Rabbi
Isaac Alfasi. Numbered edition of 390 copies
with leather binding. Makor publishing,
Jerusalem, 1974. 2 volumes.
13. Translation for the early Prophets.
Numbered edition of 360 copies. Makor publishing, Jerusalem, 1974.
Various sizes, all of them in very good condition.

Opening Price: $500

. '- - .1
, .2
. 200
. ", ,
- .3
. ' . 135 ,
. - , .4
. 135
. ", ,
,- ' .5
. 260 ,
. ", ,
. ", ".6
. ' .
, " ' .7
390 . " "
. ", .
. ","
. ",
,1177 - , .9
, .
.'- ' ."
. ' . ", , .
"- .11
. ' . ", .
- ".12
390 .
. ' . ", , .

525. Forty Calendars from

Germany, 19th Century

1. Calendar of 1815, Tarnopol (See in Winograd

& Rosenfeld, which has another page at end of
the calendar).
2. 17 Calendars, Hannover, 1829, 1831,
1846-1848, 1850-1861. Each calendar with
zodiac signs. Hebrew and German language. Verlag und Druck der Telgener'schen
3. 22 Calendars, Altona, 1824-1829, 1831, 18331845, 1849 (Printed in Hamburg, designed differently from the others), 1858. Hebrew and
Yiddish language.
Various sizes and conditions.


Opening Price: $1000


40 .525- , 19-
.1 " [ ,]1815( .
, ).
17 .2- , ," ,1829" ,1831
"-" ,1846-1848"-" .1850-1861
. Verlag und .
.Druck der Telgener'schen Hofbuchdruckerei
22 .3- , ,"-" 1824-
,1829" ,1831"-" ,1833-1845"
( 1849 , ),
" .1858 .

$1000 :

.526 21 --

-- ,
:"-" .1894-1914
, , ,

$600 :

526. Jewish Almanach Twenty

One Calendars from Denmark

Jewish Almanach Calendars from

Copenhagen, with Danish title pages and
advertisements from 1894-1914. 21 different
Very good condition, some of them with creases,
stains and inscriptions, faded covers.
Opening Price: $600

| 304 2009

.527 "
"-" .1 " , ,
. , " ( .)1929'
4 "
" .' "
.2 " , ,
. , " ( .)1930
.' 3
.3 " , ,
. , " (.)1931
.4 " , .
. " "
" " .[ ," .]1932
( . ) .
" .

- " .528
, ,1927 "

. .
, .
" ".
, , . "10 , 44 ,]2[


$120 :

528. Calendar for Memory of

the community of Rakospalota

Miniature calendar of 1927, includes various
blessings, Budapest.
Title page is illustrated by E. M. Lilien, over title
page there is an announcement that every buyer
of this calendar is participating in the building
of the Synagogue in Rakospalota. Illustration
of the Synagogue. Includes various blessings.
Each page with a frame, some of the printing in
red ink. Sealing on cover: "Zikaron Le-Binyan
Beit Tefilatenu, Rakospalota".
[2], 44 leaves, 10 cm. Good condition, stains,
original green cover somewhat damaged.
Opening Price: $120

305 |


527. Calendars with Laws and

. , ".5
" " .
.]1933 [", .""
.) ( .
. "
;' '; '; ,]4[ :
. . "15.5 .'] 3[ ,59 ,]4[ ;'] 9[ ,53 ,]4[

Customs of USA Jerusalem


1. Calendar for 1930, with laws and customs

of the year, by Rabbi Avraham Hayim Na'eh.
Jerusalem, Elul 1929. On page no. 4 - a letter
with stamp of " Bada"tz Ashkenazim". On
last page advertisement for books of "Ketsot
2. Calendar for 1931, with laws and customs
of the year, by Rabbi Avraham Hayim Na'eh.
Jerusalem, Elul 1930. Zukerman printing. On
page no. 3 a printed letter and an ink stamp of
Ha-Ga'on Rabbi Hayim Na'eh.
3. Calendar for 1932, with laws and customs
of the year, by Rabbi Avraham Hayim Na'eh.
Jerusalem, Elul 1931. Zukerman printing.
4. Calendar for 1933, with laws and customs of
the synagogue. Lishkat Etz Hayim (Bureau of
Etz Hayim). And the profit goes for the Public
Institutions of "Etz Hayim" and "Bikur Cholim

$100 :
Hospital". Jerusalem, [1932]. Solomon printing.
(With daytime of New York). With pictures of
pupils and buildings of Etz Hayim and Bikur
Cholim Hospital.
5. Calendar for 1934, with laws and customs
of the synagogue. Lishkat Etz Hayim (Bureau
of Etz Hayim). And And the profit goes for the
Public Institutions of "Etz Hayim" and "Bikur
Cholim Hospital". Jerusalem, [1933]. (With
daytime of New York). With pictures of pupils
and buildings of Etz Hayim and Bikur Cholim
The 5 calendars are bound together: [4], 26 pages;
36 pages; 32 pages; [4], 53, [9] pages; [4], 59, [3]
pages. 15.5 cm. Good condition. Old binding
somewhat worn.
Opening Price: $100

.]1860 [". ' "
"." " :
" (
, , , , , -
.) , , , ,
[ .
, , . "16 . 31
. .

530. From Year to Year


Fun Yor Tsu Yor, Calendar for 1927, published

by Moshe Shalit. Vilna, December 1926.
Rosenthal printing. Yiddish.
Articles, pictures, statistics, reproductions.
Variosus tables and lists. Pictures of people and
antique objects, orphanages and synagogues.
[1], [VIII], 158, [1] pages. 16.5 cm. Very good condition, with slight foxing.
Opening Price: $150

$100 :


- .530
,]"- ["1927 ,
1926 , .
. . .)("
." , , ,"
. ,
, . "16.5 .] 1[ ,158 ,]VIII[ ,]1[

$150 :

529. Calendar for the Year of


Calendar for the year 5621. Warsaw [1860]. The

Nathan Schriftgeisser Print.
Includes: A list of the fairs in all of the cities of
Poland. The Post Office Schedule (schedule
of sending and receiving mail in the different cities Kovna, Bialistok, Brisk, Lublin,
Koznitz, Cracow etc.). A list of birthdays and
days of special importance of the Russian Royal
House. Laws and customs of the synagogue [by
Rabbi Yitzhak Goldman].
31 pages. 16 cm. Quality thin, light colored paper.
Good condition. Wear to a few pages. Cardboard
cover is old and damaged.
Extremely rare! Different from the calendar
shown on the Mif'al Ha-Bibliografia CD, item
no. 0174587, where a calendar with printers
name is recorded [See enclosed printout].
Opening Price: $100
2009 | 306

,464 ,462 ,438 ,420 ,416 ,413 ,407 ,387

.529 ,527 ,505-506 ,486 ,483 ,470 ,466

,315-316 ,306-307 ,300 ,299 ,288-293

,339 ,336 ,334 ,328-329 ,323-324 ,321
,365-366 ,363 ,361 ,357 ,353 ,351 ,345
,437-439 ,427 ,423 ,420 ,416 ,408 ,390
477- ,474 ,470-472 ,462-463 ,449 ,442
.503 ,501 ,493 ,485 ,482 ,480 ,478

,480 ,457 ,265 ,243 ,236 ,178-179 ,96

500-501 ,493

,156-157 ,153 ,150 ,130 ,109 ,86 ,81 ,37

,215 ,213 ,208 ,205 ,194 ,184-185 ,182
,306-311 ,304 ,283-302 ,280 ,279 ,220
.389 ,379 ,367 ,365 ,357 ,345 ,313-341

,127 ,122-125 ,113-120 ,110 ,77-104 ,7

260- ,256 ,245 ,243 ,237 ,178 ,167 ,135
,301-302 ,287 ,282 ,280 ,278 ,265 ,262
,372-378 ,369-371 ,355 ,349 ,304-315
,501 ,482 ,434 ,427 ,405 ,401 ,380-384
.520 ,503

.424 ,147

,293-294 ,288 ,284 ,280 ,193 ,144-164

.527 ,515 ,487 ,359 ,319 ,297


.359 ,248


' ,'

.128-138 ,122


,190 ,163 ,65 ,62 ,60 ,57 ,50 ,14 ,7-8

.530 ,504 ,373 ,291 ,267-271 ,243-244

.275 ,9-10

.501 ,429 ,258 ,227 ,97 ,29



.283 ,274 ,252

,64 ,58 ,56 ,49 ,45 ,43 ,38 ,29 ,20-21

,215 ,198 ,196 ,184 ,75-76 ,73 ,66-67
,329 ,327 ,289 ,277 ,253 ,239 ,235 ,232
.459 ,339 ,332


,414 ,390 ,275 ,273 ,255 ,210 ,194 ,63 ,19

.511 ,469

,190 ,174-179 ,170 ,165 ,145 ,57 ,25 ,15 ,8
.527 ,517 ,417 ,400 ,391

.297 ,295 ,290 ,226

,145-146 ,142 ,88 ,69-71 ,30-31 ,15 ,12 ,4
,214-215 ,174-175 ,163 ,159-160 ,155
,284 ,264 ,257 ,254 ,229-231 ,227
,410 ,406 ,396 ,391 ,386 ,369 ,359 ,294
,451 ,434 ,428 ,421 ,418-419 ,415 ,413
.527 ,487 ,453-457


.253 ,141

.211 ,209 ,164 ,141-142 ,32


.438 ,406

' '
.474 ,180-189

,274 ,230 ,228 ,151 ,144-145 ,58 ,1-41

.517-518 ,422

.447 ,298

.481 ,475 ,460 ,367 ,239 ,218 ,177

.266-271 ,158 ,97 ,51


.175 ,159 ,46

.119-126 ,116 ,111-112 ,13 ,10

.419 ,157 ,89-90

,279 ,200-201 ,183 ,180 ,137 ,106 ,84 ,51

.509 ,473 ,342-367 ,329 ,317-318

.497 ,18 ,12

.274-278 ,272

.435 ,398 ,287 ,262

,419 ,393 ,389 ,377 ,255 ,178-179 ,21 ,6

.528 ,504 ,455

,219 ,208 ,185 ,109 ,99 ,86 ,79-83 ,36

,331-332 ,328 ,319 ,312 ,310 ,305 ,303
.360 ,341

.530 ,413

,243 ,235-236 ,163-164 ,159 ,67 ,65 ,60
.462 ,459 ,412 ,270-271

.487 ,281 ,245 ,219 ,206 ,190 ,161 ,159

.467 ,320 ,241 ,236 ,177 ,173 ,141 ,64

,155 ,153 ,136-137 ,125 ,105 ,95 ,65 ,60
,206-208 ,196-198 ,194 ,173 ,158-159
300- ,290 ,270-271 ,243 ,237 ,235 ,211
,342 ,338 ,335 ,317-321 ,312 ,303 ,301
,364-366 ,356-360 ,354 ,350 ,347 ,344

,395 ,386 ,240 ,229 ,225 ,160 ,97 ,11 ,8

,421-422 ,415 ,409-410 ,402 ,397-399
.527 ,470 ,465 ,449-450 ,437 ,432-433

,135 ,97-98 ,92-93 ,86 ,65 ,63 ,58-60 ,50

,362 ,287 ,274 ,270-271 ,267 ,171 ,158
.510 ,508 ,464 ,407 ,379


,143 ,106 ,102 ,93-94 ,86-87 ,81 ,65 ,60

,210 ,186-187 ,171 ,164 ,158 ,149 ,147
,291 ,289 ,287 ,285 ,282 ,244 ,240 ,236
,349 ,342 ,330 ,325-326 ,306 ,302 ,293
,478 ,473-474 ,468 ,457 ,384 ,361 ,351
.500-501 ,492-493 ,490 ,480

.66-67 ,21

.530 ,214-225

,196 ,178-179 ,175 ,172 ,170 ,157 ,142 ,74

.519 ,322 ,268 ,239 ,227 ,209

.282 ,165-173




" ,

,199-208 ,185 ,182 ,164 ,153 ,95-96

,285-286 ,279 ,235 ,223 ,221 ,211-212

,509 ,507 ,362 ,251 ,86 ,60 ,57-58 ,51



.528 ,163 ,68-76

,407-408 ,272 ,186 ,121 ,116-119 ,92 ,77

.457-516 ,449 ,442 ,437-440

.257 ,215 ,159-160 ,102 ,97

.295 ,163 ,60 ,55

,509 ,488-489 ,281 ,172 ,144 ,138 ,27


.409 ,397 ,395 ,13 ,9-11

.461 ,330 ,284 ,242 ,186 ,164 ,86

,72 ,67 ,65 ,50-52 ,46 ,32-33 ,28 ,23 ,21 ,7

,145 ,127 ,110-115 ,85 ,78 ,32 ,20 ,8

,368-407 ,229-230 ,226 ,224 ,214 ,157
.469 ,459 ,441-456 ,438-439 ,409-436


.210 ,187

.521 ,508 ,348

.298 ,90

| 307

, ,


,246 ,113 ,110 ,37-41 ,33-35 ,16-19

,399 ,380-381 ,369 ,309 ,274 ,270-271
,447 ,430 ,425 ,420 ,408-409 ,402
.487 ,453-454

.272-275 ,76 ,3

.363 ,291 ,288 ,195 ,84 ,82

.126 ,124 ,119 ,116

.341 ,232

.373 ,196 ,144 ,81 ,56-57

.343 ,293 ,107 ,77-90

.495 ,471 ,462 ,440 ,415 ,77 ,4

.176 ,126 ,69-73 ,52-56



,207-208 ,184-185 ,153 ,148 ,136
,337 ,328 ,317-318 ,311 ,307 ,303 ,300
.491 ,478 ,365 ,357 ,343-344

,151 ,135 ,102 ,75-76 ,64 ,51 ,47 ,34
,267-268 ,245 ,210 ,198 ,190 ,164 ,154
.319 ,270-271

.92 ,69 ,62 ,57 ,49




.468 ,326 ,302 ,232

.499 ,449 ,440 ,357 ,302 ,88 ,23

,101 ,87 ,83 ,80 ,76 ,68 ,59 ,42-49

,305 ,216 ,213 ,188 ,162 ,156 ,133-134
.512-513 ,508 ,460 ,313 ,310


.275 ,163 ,115 ,99


,185 ,165-168 ,110 ,100 ,78 ,73 ,55 ,45

.517-521 ,426 ,404 ,378 ,331 ,287 ,247

.484 ,225 ,171 ,162 ,52-53

,238 ,229 ,225 ,160 ,157 ,145 ,97 ,9 ,8

,399 ,395-397 ,386 ,374 ,372 ,369 ,240
427- ,421-422 ,419 ,415 ,413 ,410 ,402
,455-457 ,449-450 ,441 ,432-434 ,428
.530 ,527 ,487

.457 ,236 ,147 ,103 ,36


.491 ,281 ,242


.184 ,78 ,29


.496 ,476 ,273 ,244 ,155 ,61 ,23-26

.396 ,227

,101 ,98 ,79-80 ,77 ,65 ,63 ,60 ,50

,142-143 ,139-140 ,131 ,125 ,105-109
,222 ,220 ,217 ,163 ,158 ,154 ,152 ,150
,386 ,384 ,362 ,349 ,308 ,296 ,282 ,224
.508 ,499 ,491 ,471 ,462 ,426 ,410

,159-160 ,127 ,88 ,66-67 ,60 ,33 ,21

,368 ,320 ,264 ,238 ,235 ,230 ,178-179
,417 ,407 ,400 ,393 ,391 ,388-389 ,377
.504 ,486 ,459 ,452 ,449 ,443 ,421 ,419

.495 ,419 ,266 ,23

.528 ,496

,295 ,278 ,226-238 ,209 ,193 ,109 ,88 ,14

.505 ,486 ,467 ,450 ,420 ,407 ,392

| 308 2009


,314 ,296 ,288 ,283 ,225 ,175 ,167 ,148

,366 ,346 ,343 ,340 ,337 ,322-323 ,320
,492 ,479 ,472 ,470 ,465 ,462 ,457-458




" "

.24 ,5


,443 ,417 ,403-404 ,400 ,388 ,264 ,127

.504 ,486 ,452

,79 ,71 ,63-67 ,57-60 ,50-51 ,21-22 ,5
,163 ,158-159 ,151-152 ,142 ,133 ,125 ,86
,304 ,282 ,243 ,236 ,178-179 ,173 ,170
.527 ,518 ,509-513 ,507 ,471 ,362 ,331

,129 ,126 ,86-87 ,74 ,72 ,52-53 ,48-49

.305 ,180

.508-509 ,498 ,246 ,194 ,173

.514 ,249

,198 ,189-193 ,187 ,183 ,132 ,130 ,65

.521 ,341 ,249 ,210

.530 ,257-265 ,173 ,27 ,8 ,1



.317-318 ,283 ,252 ,208 ,192 ,74 ,7

,288 ,284 ,280 ,257 ,254 ,248 ,238 ,234

,365 ,359 ,319 ,304 ,297 ,293-294 ,291
.527 ,524 ,515 ,487 ,418


.100 ,14

.474 ,361 ,210 ,185-188 ,180-181 ,59

.282 ,266 ,172

.517 ,176-177 ,113-115 ,15

- .

.267 ,142 ,91


.289 ,60


,212 ,109 ,97 ,86-87 ,82 ,72 ,68 ,52 ,34

,310 ,305 ,298 ,286 ,283 ,237 ,222-223
,350 ,344 ,334 ,329 ,322-323 ,315-316
.529 ,365


.312 ,92


.295 ,290 ,285


.321 ,308 ,279 ,86




.135-138 ,122


.525 ,21



.327 ,235 ,191 ,87

.497 ,18


,84 ,65 ,62 ,60 ,50-51 ,48 ,44 ,35 ,22 ,5

,324 ,273 ,268-271 ,241 ,215 ,200-204
.357 ,352 ,348 ,343 ,337-338 ,326

.232 ,64



.366 ,228 ,27



.528 ,494 ,102 ,67









.220 ,205


.332 ,45

.278 ,106

.525 ,20


,240 ,221 ,125 ,87 ,83 ,52 ,28 ,13 ,9-11

.530 ,395 ,356 ,342 ,277

.225 ,217-219

.353 ,320 ,49

,107-108 ,97 ,79 ,73 ,69-71 ,37 ,30-31 ,4

,230-231 ,224 ,193 ,175 ,144-164 ,124

.291 ,226 ,190 ,178-179 ,57 ,42



.301 ,233 ,104

.55 ,39

,340 ,335 ,292 ,275 ,251 ,207 ,159 ,63






,101 ,99 ,95-97 ,93 ,87 ,80-81 ,67 ,32

.355 ,333 ,313-314 ,245 ,209 ,196 ,105



.103 ,98 ,87


.281 ,244




.247 ,243 ,211



.330-331 ,299 ,287



.302 ,142 ,120 ,106


.367 ,351 ,345 ,339 ,199 ,196 ,58 ,56

.365 ,52

.347 ,206 ,94

.311 ,242

| 309


.528 ,496

.346 ,196 ,66 ,29

.196 ,75 ,53 ,21

.478 ,360 ,156






.362 ,358 ,336 ,307 ,296

.303 ,139-141





.507 ,251 ,23

.363 ,300 ,183 ,106 ,33 ,2

.422 ,248 ,61

.97 ,67





.341 ,159 ,87

.235 ,46

.239 ,198


| 310 2009

217-219, 225.


34, 52, 68, 72, 82, 86-86, 97, 109,

212, 222-223, 237, 283, 286, 298,
305, 310, 315-316, 322-323, 329,
334, 344, 350, 365, 529.




122, 135-138.


86, 279, 308, 321.



296, 307, 336, 358, 362.







104, 233, 301.


39, 55.



61, 248, 422.



106, 278.


23, 251, 507.


59, 180-181, 185-188, 210, 361, 474.


7, 74, 192, 208, 252, 283, 317-318.


9-11, 13, 28, 52, 83, 87, 125, 221,

240, 277, 342, 356, 395, 530.

Index of printing locations













18, 497.

205, 220.




21, 525.


5, 22, 35, 44, 48, 50-51, 60, 62, 65,

84, 200-204, 215, 241, 268-271,
273, 324, 326, 337-338, 343, 348,
352, 357.



92, 312.



285, 290, 295.


67, 102, 494, 528.

4, 30-31, 37, 69-71, 73, 79, 97, 107108, 124, 144-164, 175, 193, 224,
230-231, 234, 238, 248, 254, 257,
280, 284, 288, 291, 293-294, 297,
304, 319, 359, 365, 418, 487, 515,
524, 527.

Buenos Aires


14, 100.



49, 320, 353.



32, 67, 80-81, 87, 93, 95-97, 99, 101,

105, 196, 209, 245, 313-314, 333,


63, 159, 207, 251, 275, 292, 335,

340, 354.






27, 228, 366.

46, 235.





Mediasch (Transylvania)























87, 191, 235, 327.



Frankfurt am Main


29, 66, 196, 346.


Frankfurt an der Oder






56, 58, 196, 199, 339, 345, 351, 367.




45, 332.



64, 232.

311 |

20, 525.

139-141, 303.
198, 239.



87, 159, 341.


67, 97.

2, 33, 106, 183, 300, 363.


242, 311.




172, 266, 282.

287, 299, 330-331.

Lvov see Lemberg





42, 57, 178-179, 190, 226, 291.



91, 142, 267.



Aram Tzova



211, 243, 247.


244, 281.


87, 98, 103.

15, 113-115, 176-177, 517.

60, 289.

52, 365.

106, 120, 142, 302.




94, 206, 347.


156, 360, 478.


496, 528.

Ramat Gan




21, 53, 75, 196.

Saint Louis

399, 402, 408-409, 420, 425, 430,

447, 453-454, 487.



Prayers and Piyutim

23, 88, 302, 357, 440, 449, 499.


68-76, 163, 528.


348, 508, 521.

147, 424.

Musar and sermons

60, 65, 81, 86-87, 93-94, 102, 106,

143, 147, 149, 158, 164, 171, 186-187,
210, 236, 240, 244, 282, 285, 287,
289, 291, 293, 302, 306, 325-326,
330, 342, 349, 351, 361, 384, 457,
468, 473-474, 478, 480, 490, 492493, 500-501.

Neturei Karta
90, 298.


olive wood bindings


413, 530.


232, 302, 326, 468.

Pictures and photographs

1, 8, 27, 173, 257-265, 530.

Pirkei Avot

52-53, 162, 171, 225, 484.

Piskei Din


23-26, 61, 155, 244, 273, 476, 496.


14, 88, 109, 193, 209, 226-238, 278,

295, 392, 407, 420, 450, 467, 486,


5, 21-22, 50-51, 57-60, 63-67, 71, 79,

86, 125, 133, 142, 151-152, 158-159,
163, 170, 173, 178-179, 236, 243,
282, 304, 331, 362, 471, 507, 509513, 518, 527.

Printed letters

97, 102, 159-160, 215, 257.


3, 76, 272-275.


127, 264, 388, 400, 403-404, 417,

443, 452, 486, 504.

Rabbinical ordination

496, 529.


82, 84, 195, 288, 291, 363.

Responsa and novellae

95-96, 153, 164, 182, 185, 199-208,

211-212, 221, 223, 235, 279, 285286, 288-293, 299, 300, 306-307,
315-316, 321, 323-324, 328-329, 334,
336, 339, 345, 351, 353, 357, 361,
363, 365-366, 390, 408, 416, 420,
423, 427, 437-439, 442, 449, 462463, 470-472, 474, 477-478, 480,
482, 485, 493, 501, 503.


Segulot and amulets

314, 320, 322-323, 337, 340, 343,

346, 366, 457-458, 462, 465, 470,
472, 479, 492, 500.


227, 396.

Shomrei Ha-Chomot


52-56, 69-73, 126, 176.

Sifrei Rishonim

136, 148, 153, 184-185, 207-208,

300, 303, 307, 311, 317-318, 328, 337,
343-344, 357, 365, 478, 491.

Single pages and posters

1-41, 58, 144-145, 151, 228, 230,

274, 422, 517-518.

Sonnenfeld, Yosef Hayim

298, 447.

Stamps (ink)

36, 79-83, 86, 99, 109, 185, 208, 219,

303, 305, 310, 312, 319, 328, 331332, 341, 360.

29, 78, 184.


The Vilna Ga'on

214-225, 530.

Tikun Sofrim
249, 514.


Volozhin, Rabbi Hayim



56-57, 81, 144, 196, 373.


173, 194, 246, 498, 508-509.


8, 11, 97, 160, 225, 229, 240, 386,

395, 397-399, 402, 409-410, 415,
421-422, 432-433, 437, 449-450,
465, 470, 527.


7-8, 14, 50, 57, 60, 62, 65, 163, 190,

243-244, 267-271, 291, 373, 504,


77-90, 107, 293, 343.





Taryag Mitzvot

Shas novellae


148, 167, 175, 225, 283, 288, 296,



65, 130, 132, 183, 187, 189-193, 198,

210, 249, 341, 521.

99, 115, 163, 275.

Ten Tribes

6, 21, 178-179, 255, 377, 389, 393,

419, 455, 504, 528.

4, 77, 415, 440, 462, 471, 495.


129, 180, 305.

116, 119, 124, 126.


48-49, 52-53, 72, 74, 86-87, 126,

2009 | 312



406, 410, 413, 415, 418-419, 421,

428, 434, 451, 453-457, 487, 527.




Handwritten glosses


10, 13, 111-112, 116, 119-126.

96, 178-179, 236, 243, 265, 457, 480,

493, 500-501.



Ha-Rav Kook

Jewish holidays

Fakes and forgeries


60, 65, 67, 159, 163-164, 235-236,

243, 270-271, 412, 459, 462.

Agudat Israel

29, 97, 227, 258, 429, 501.

Aram Tzova

226, 290, 295, 297.


252, 274, 283.

Ben Ish Hai



42-49, 59, 68, 76, 80, 83, 87, 101,

133-134, 156, 162, 188, 213, 216,
305, 310, 313, 460, 508, 512-513.

Bibliographically unknown

7, 21, 23, 28, 32-33, 46, 50-52, 65,

67, 72, 74, 142, 157, 170, 172, 175,
178-179, 196, 209, 227, 239, 268,
322, 519.

8, 9, 97, 145, 157, 160, 225, 229,

238, 240, 369, 372, 374, 386, 395397, 399, 402, 410, 413, 415, 419,
421-422, 427-428, 432-434, 441,
449-450, 455-457, 487, 527, 530.


46, 159, 175.

49, 57, 62, 69, 92.

21, 33, 60, 66-67, 88, 127, 159-160,

178-179, 230, 235, 238, 264, 320,
368, 377, 388-389, 391, 393, 400,
407, 417, 419, 421, 443, 449, 452,
459, 486, 504.

Food, wine

Hatam Sofer



Dedications and signatures


Hevrah Kadisha

Geography, Astronomy and



232, 341.


165-173, 282.

Fine Copies

9-10, 275.

242, 281, 491.


141, 253.




Birkat Ha-Mazon

Dinei Mamonot


Early printed books (15401740)

32, 141-142, 164, 209, 211.


Books printed in Jerusalem

144-164, 193, 280, 284, 288, 293294, 297, 319, 359, 487, 515, 527.

Books printed in Slavita and

122, 128-138.


27, 138, 144, 172, 281, 488-489, 509,


313 |

248, 359.

7, 77-104, 110, 113-120, 122-125,

127, 135, 167, 178, 237, 243, 245,
256, 260-262, 265, 278, 280, 282,
287, 301-302, 304-315, 349, 355,
369-371, 372-378, 380-384, 401,
405, 427, 434, 482, 501, 503, 520.

Far East

37, 81, 86, 109, 130, 150, 153, 156157, 182, 184-185, 194, 205, 208,
213, 215, 220, 279-280, 283-302,
306-311, 313-341, 345, 357, 365, 367,
379, 389.


51, 84, 106, 137, 180, 183, 200-201,

279, 317-318, 329, 342-367, 473, 509.


406, 438.

159, 161, 190, 206, 219, 245, 281,

20-21, 29, 38, 43, 45, 49, 56, 58, 64,
66-67, 73, 75-76, 184, 196, 198, 215,
232, 235, 239, 253, 277, 289, 327,
329, 332, 339, 459.


180-189, 474.

177, 218, 239, 367, 460, 475, 481.

England and United states

Haggadah shel Pesach

8, 15, 25, 57, 145, 165, 170, 174-179,

190, 391, 400, 417, 517, 527.

51, 97, 158, 266-271.


60, 65, 95, 105, 125, 136-137, 153,

155, 158-159, 173, 194, 196-198,
206-208, 211, 235, 237, 243, 270271, 290, 300-301, 303, 312, 317321, 335, 338, 342, 344, 347, 350,
354, 356-360, 364-366, 387, 407,
413, 416, 420, 438, 462, 464, 466,
470, 483, 486, 505-506, 527, 529.

89-90, 157, 419.

Eretz Israel and Jerusalem

4, 12, 15, 30-31, 69-71, 88, 142,

145-146, 155, 159-160, 163, 174-175,
214-215, 227, 229-231, 254, 257, 264,
284, 294, 359, 369, 386, 391, 396,

Halachah and Laws


12, 18, 497.

21, 66-67.


64, 141, 173, 177, 236, 241, 320, 467.

Holocaust and She'erit HaPleita

45, 55, 73, 78, 100, 110, 165-168,

185, 247, 287, 331, 378, 404, 426,

Homiletics, Chazal

86, 164, 186, 242, 284, 330, 461.


272, 274-278.


262, 287, 398, 435.

Illustrated Books or single


34, 47, 51, 64, 75-76, 102, 135, 151,

154, 164, 190, 198, 210, 245, 267268, 270-271, 319.

187, 210.

19, 63, 194, 210, 255, 273, 275, 390,

414, 469, 511.
50, 58-60, 63, 65, 86, 92-93, 97-98,
135, 158, 171, 267, 270-271, 274,
287, 362, 379, 407, 464, 508, 510.


23, 266, 419, 495.


50, 60, 63, 65, 77, 79-80, 98, 101,

105-109, 125, 131, 139-140, 142-143,
150, 152, 154, 158, 163, 217, 220,
222, 224, 282, 296, 308, 349, 362,
384, 386, 410, 426, 462, 471, 491,
499, 508.


55, 60, 163, 295.

5, 24.

Last Wills

36, 103, 147, 236, 457.


8, 20, 32, 78, 85, 110-115, 127, 145,

157, 214, 224, 226, 229-230, 368407, 409-436, 438-439, 441-456,
459, 469.


9-11, 13, 395, 397, 409.


51, 57-58, 60, 86, 251, 362, 507,

509, 511.


77, 92, 116-119, 121, 186, 272, 407408, 437-440, 442, 449, 457-516.

Marriage, Invitations, Ketubot

and Gittin
16-19, 33-35, 37-41, 110, 113, 246,
270-271, 274, 309, 369, 380-381,


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Terms of Sale
1. Kedem Public Auction House (Kedem)
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Judaica: Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters

Auction No. 4
The auction will take place at Bayit Ve-Gan Guest House
8 Ha-Pisgah st. Jerusalem (not at Beit Belgia)
Wednesday, 22.04.09 at 17:00
Phone during the auction


The viewing will take place at our office

20 Beit Ha-Dfus st., Givat-Shaul, Jerusalem
Viewing Beforehand on
Thursday 16.04.09 11:00 - 20:00
Friday 17.04.09 11:00 - 14:00
Sunday 19.04.09 11:00 - 22:00
Monday 20.04.09 11:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 21.04.09 11:00 - 22:00
Day of Auction - Wednesday 22.04.09 11:00 - 14:00
Phones during the viewing


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