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IDENTIFICACIN DEL PROYECTO Nombre de la experiencia Its fun to know my numbers! Informacin Institucional Nombre de la institucin o instituciones que participan en la experiencia: Escuela Pedregal Lder(es ) de la experiencia Nombres y Apellidos: Lisbeth Del Carmen Birmingham Gmez rea de Trabajo: Pedregal

Telfonos 6647-3286

Correo electrnico

DESCRIPCIN The students learned not just numbers from one to one hundred, but also they learned an easy way to recognize the word and the digit. Tiempo de desarrollo y estado de la experiencia We had a month to develop the activity because we needed to cover other topics from the program. En desarrollo o finalizada: Aos: Meses: One month

Poblacin con la que se lleva a cabo la experiencia (Describa brevemente los actores que participan en la experiencia: docentes, estudiantes, padres de familia, directivos, comunidad, etc.). En lo posible utilice cuadros y datos cuantitativos (use anexos si lo necesita). We decided to work with first grade students because they were learning their numbers in Spanish too. Within this project, the homeroom teacher also helped us with the different activities performed in class. Escriba los orgenes y situacin institucional que lo motivo a crear e implementar dicha experiencia This was a nice experience for the students because they really enjoyed the different activities that we performed in class. I realized that this was a good idea because they loved the songs about numbers, but most of those songs are just up to number ten. Describa cmo se realiz la implementacin de la experiencia y las actividades desarrolladas. This experience started by singing songs about numbers. After this, the students began counting number by using a numbers chart. Cmo mejoro su ambiente de aprendizaje con la implementacin de la experiencia? Within this experience, I realized how the students enjoyed from every different activity performed in

Formato adaptado de la Ficha Estndar para el registro de Experiencias Significativas Ministerio de Educacin Colombia.

class. For instance, color by number, numbers dictation, numbers recognition, videos, songs, bingo, dominoes, and other activities that were really fun for them. Escriba las estrategias pedaggicas y didcticas que implement We started every class with a warm up activity which could be a review or a song. After that, we introduced the numbers through a video, a game, or a worksheet. And, to reinforce or Describa cmo fue el proceso de planificacin del trabajo

The planning process was very easy. We just had to follow the program from MEDUCA. The only difference was to find meaningful activities to engage students in their own learning.
Ejecucin de trabajo en el aula: orientacin al aprendizaje y el trabajo colaborativo.

The students had lots of fun with every single activity. They worked together, and they also helped one another.
Incluya los recursos tecnolgicos que se utilizaron en la implementacin.

Some of the technological resources used during the Project were the computer, data show, cell pon, speakers, and computer lab.
Presente una sntesis de los aportes y la participacin de los diferentes estamentos y dems actores que intervienen en el proceso de implementacin de la experiencia

Describa las principales transformaciones de la implementacin durante su tiempo de realizacin.

Explique el apoyo institucional recibido para el desarrollo de la misma.

We present a Project every three months. To develop it, we can make use of the different gadgets available at the school.
Describa el estado actual de la implementacin de la experiencia

This meaningful experience provided the students with the confidence enough to count numbers in English, even when they are working in Spanish.

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