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Constitution of Polish Students Association at Ryerson University for Academic Year 2013/201

!" #ame of $r%ani&ation a) In English the organization shall be known as Polish Students Association at Ryerson University abbr! PSA"R)! b) In Polish the organization shall be known as Stowarzyszenie Polskich Student#w na Uniwersytecie Ryerson! !!" $'(ectives of the $r%ani&ation a) $o u%hold and %ro&ote the Polish 'anguage( heritage and culture within the grou%! b) $o %ro&ote the understanding o) the Polish culture to the Ryerson co&&unity! c) $o %rovide a co&)ortable environ&ent )or the students o) our culture at the university! !!!" Relationshi) to RSU a) RSU will not nor&ally inter)ere in the activities and o%erations o) the organization! It does( however( have the %ower to investigate co&%laints &ade by any &e&ber o) the organization concerning alleged violations o) this constitution! !*" +em'ershi) a) *e&bershi% is o%en to all RSU &e&bers )ull"ti&e students registered in a degree %rogra& at Ryerson)! " $he grou% &ay not charge levies or &e&bershi% )ees to RSU &e&bers! " +on"RSU &e&bers who are %art o) the Ryerson co&&unity( s%eci)ically ,ontinuing Education students( sta))( )aculty and alu&ni( &ay beco&e non"voting &e&bers o) a RSU student grou% by %aying a -. %er se&ester &e&bershi% )ee! All )ees &ust be given to the ,a&%us /rou%s Ad&inistrator )or de%osit to the /rou%0s $rust )und! Such co&&ittee &e&bers are bound by all RSU %olicies and the e1ecutive is res%onsible )or all o) these &e&bers! " +o non"RSU &e&ber &ay hold e1ecutive o))ice! " +o )aculty or sta)) &ay be a voting &e&ber! *" Structure a) E1ecutive o))icers are to be elected annually who are res%onsible to the &e&bershi% o) the organization! b) $he e1ecutive %ositions consist o)2 3! President 4! 5ice"%resident 6! 7inancial Advisor 8! Social ,oordinator *!" +eetin%s a) E1ecutive &eetings are to be held once a &onth! b) In order )or the &eeting to be considered constitutionally valid &ore than a hal) o) the e1ecutives need to be %resent! c) E1ecutive &eetings are o%en to all &e&bers o) the organization( but they &ay not vote! d) /eneral &e&bers &eeting will be held at least once every se&ester! e) $wo weeks9 notice will be given )or a general &e&bers &eeting via e"&ail! *!!" Role of ,-ecutive a) $he e1ecutive is res%onsible )or %lanning activities and %ro:ects! b) $he organization9s e1ecutive will consist o) at least2 3! President elected each year) 4! 5ice"%resident elected each year)

6! Social ,oordinator elected each year) 6! 7inancial Advisor elected each year) 8! E1tra %ositions &ight be created by voting by current e1ecutives! c) +o )aculty( sta)) or +on"RSU &e&bers &ay be on the e1ecutive! d) Responsibility of the President: 3! Shall chair all &eetings! 4! A%%roves or dis&isses every %ro:ect! 6! Res%onsibility to the &e&bers o) the organization! 8! Res%onsibility to the RSU! .! ;eing a signing o))icer! e) Responsibility of the Vice-president: 3! Shall chair all &eetings in the absence o) the President! 4! Roo& bookings 6! In)or& &e&bers about ongoing and u%co&ing a))airs! 8! Provide %ro:ect suggestions and su%%ort .! ;eing a signing o))icer! )) Responsibility of Social Coordinator: 3! <rganize and ad&inister the organization9s events! 4! Pro&ote the organization by available &eans! 6! 'ook a)ter all social &edia outlets including( 7acebook %age( e&ail( etc!)! g) Responsibility of Financial Advisor: 3! Pro&ote the organization9s events 4! Assist other e1ecutive &e&bers during events 6! Ad&inister and &aintains )inance records! !." ,lections a) *e&bers will be noti)ied at least two weeks %rior to the o%ening o) no&inations which will take another two weeks %rior to the election date! b) E1ecutive &e&bers &ust be elected by the &e&bershi% at large! c) Elections take %lace by the last 7riday in *arch( every acade&ic year! ." ,lection Procedures a) $he &e&bers will be noti)ied about the elections two weeks %rior to it via e"&ail! b) In order to be no&inated )or a %osition an individual needs to be a Ryerson student and a PSA"R &e&ber! c) +o&inations will be acce%ted u% to 6 days to the election! d) $he election will be held the last week o) *arch every year! e) $he vice"%resident shall be res%onsible )or co&%iling the list o) no&inees )or the e1ecutive! .!" Removal from $ffice a) An e1ecutive shall be re&oved )ro& o))ice i) he=she does not attend three e1ecutive &eetings without a valid e1cuse and does not co&&unicate with other &e&bers o) the board! b) An e1ecutive shall be re&oved )ro& o))ice i) he=she %ro%ose ter&ination o) his=her res%onsibilities due to the i&%ortant )actors sickness( university %robation( dro% out o) school( etc!)! c) In the case o) ter&ination o) e1ecutive9s res%onsibilities( the rest o) e1ecutives vote to )ill"out the %osition by one o) PSA"R &e&bers! .!!" Amendments a) $he constitution can be a&ended at a general &eeting o) the e1ecutive with a > vote o) a%%roval! .!!!" Ado)tion of the Constitution a) $he constitution &ust be a%%roved by RSU! b) 7or it to be e))ect( it &ust be rati)ied by a &a:ority o) the &e&bers in attendance at a legally constituted general &eeting

Pro)osed 2013/201 ,vents of the PSA/R0 "Pub nights *eet and /reet at Ra& in the Rye( ?oint event with other grou%s) "Attendance o) Ekran Polish 7il& 7estival "Andrze:kowe @abawy " ,ultural get together ";illiard ga&e nights "Attending or creating s%orting events "Aaraoke +ight "*ovie nights cultural"%olish &ovies as well as English current )il&s) "Pot luck dinner=lunch "+uit ;lanche " Annual ca&%ing tri% to Aaszuby B Polish ca&%ing area "Calloween %arty"costu&e contest "Easter" Polish cultural arts and cra)ts ",hrist&as Party" co&bined with cultural as%ects ";oat cruise" %ossibly in %artnershi% with Uo)$=Dork=PISA Polish Students /rou% in ,anada)

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