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) MATLAB PROGRAM TO STUDY THE EFFECT OF VARIATION OF FIN SPACING ON OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS & TOTAL HEAT TRANSFER clc; clear all; close all; i=input('enter the number of different set of readings you want'); for w=1:i disp('....'); disp('READINGS FOR SET'); disp(w); Ts(w)=input('enter the plate temperature in degree celcius '); Tinf(w)=input('enter the ambient temperature in degree celsius '); k(w)=input('enter the conductivity of the fin material in W/mK '); h(w)=input('enter the heat transfer coefficient on surface in W/sq.mK d(w)=input('enter the diameter of the pin fin in mm '); L(w)=input('enter the length of the fin in cm'); Ac(w)=0.25*d(w)*d(w)*pi; A(w)=Ac(w)*0.001*0.001; p(w)=pi*d(w)*0.001; Lcor(w)=(L(w)*0.01)+(0.00025*d(w)); q(w)=round(d(w))+1; end disp('....'); disp('....'); f=input('ENTER THE RANGE OF FIN SPACING UPTO WHICH PLOT IS REQUIRED mm'); for w=1:i for s=q(w):1:f n(s,w)=(2*2)/(s*s*0.001*0.001); g(w)=(h(w)*p(w)*A(w)*k(w))^(0.5); m(w)=((h(w)*p(w))/(k(w)*A(w)))^(0.5); y(w)=tanh(m(w)*Lcor(w)); Qfin(s,w)=n(s,w)*g(w)*y(w)*(Ts(w)-Tinf(w)); Qunfin(s,w)=(2*2-(n(s,w)*A(w)))*h(w)*(Ts(w)-Tinf(w)); Qtotal(s,w)=Qfin(s,w)+Qunfin(s,w); Qnofin(w)=h(w)*2*2*(Ts(w)-Tinf(w)); effct(s,w)=Qtotal(s,w)/Qnofin(w); end end subplot(1,1,1); for w=1:1:i s=q(w):1:f; plot(s,effct(s,w)); hold on title('OVERALL EFFECTIVNESS vs FIN SPACING'); xlabel('fin spacing(mm)');


ylabel('effectiveness'); end figure; for w=1:1:i subplot(2,1,w); s=q(w):1:f; plot(s,Qtotal(s,w),s,Qnofin(w)); title('HEAT TRANSFER vs FIN SPACING'); xlabel('fin spacing(mm)'); ylabel('heat transfer(W)');S end SAMPLE OUTPUT enter the number of different set of readings you want2 .... READINGS FOR SET 1 enter the plate temperature in degree celcius 100 enter the ambient temperature in degree celsius 25 enter the conductivity of the fin material in W/mK 300 enter the heat transfer coefficient on surface in W/sq.mK enter the diameter of the pin fin in mm 2.5 enter the length of the fin in cm3 .... READINGS FOR SET 2 enter enter enter enter enter enter .... .... ENTER >> the the the the the the plate temperature in degree celcius 200 ambient temperature in degree celsius 35 conductivity of the fin material in W/mK 237 heat transfer coefficient on surface in W/sq.mK diameter of the pin fin in mm 3 length of the fin in cm4




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