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Number the Stars1

Strategic Teaching Guide: Number the Stars

Grade 4: Book Level 4.5

Lauren Mullen Dr. Rogers EDUC 332 15 April 2010

Number the Stars2

Table of Contents
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 9page 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 15page 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 World War II 20 Jew Frayer Model 21 Character Traits Chart Sample..pages 22-24

Number the Stars3

Context Clues 25 Star of David Vocabulary Cluster 26 Coded Vocabulary 27 Completed Venn Diagram 28 Making Predictions 29 Entrance Slippage 30 Tweet in Code 31 RAFT: Alternate Ending 32 Mission Two 33 Hidden Information Bell Ringer 34 Hidden Information Bell Ringer Question 35

Number the Stars4 Chapter One Vocabulary Civilized Impassive Contempt Defiantly Obstinate

Discussion Questions 1. Why do you think there was such a difference in the way Kirsti and Annemarie interacted with the Nazis? (Evaluate) 2. What is the secret society in Denmark called? (Remember) Activity This activity is meant to give students some background knowledge on WWII and the Danish Resistance. Directions: Pass out the World War II worksheet. Read the passage together as a class and talk about what they already know about WWII. Then read chapter one together as a class. Discuss how the war is affecting Annemarie and Ellen, and what you think the rest of the book will be about. Passage adapted from Map from

Number the Stars5 Chapter Two Vocabulary Trousseau Intricate Suitable Lingered

Discussion Questions 1. Contrast the fantasy world of the fairy tale Annemarie tells Kirsti with the reality of the world the girls know now. (Remember) 2. Why are fairytales important to the Danes at this time? (Evaluate) Activity Frayer Model: Jew This book talks a lot about Jews and how they are treated during WWII in Denmark. What is a Jew and why must they escape? Make a Frayer model with your students to understand what Judaism is, and what it means to be a Jew. Directions: Give each student a Frayer template. In the middle write Jew and in the four boxes write Definition, Characteristics, Examples, and Non-Examples. Then talk with your class about what the definition of a Jew is, some characteristics they may have, and some examples. Once you have come to an agreement, fill out your Frayer models and have the students keep them to refer to as they read. Created by Lauren Mullen.

Number the Stars6 Chapter Three Vocabulary Swastika Torment Courageous

Discussion Questions 1. Annemarie believes ordinary people like her dont have to be brave. Do you agree or disagree? (Analyze) 2. Has there ever been a time when you were treated differently because of your looks or beliefs? (Apply) Activity Character Traits List Most of the main characters are introduced by chapter three. For this activity, you will use the SmartBoard to keep track of the characters and important things about them. Directions: Pull up the template (included in the appendix) and have the students come up with important things about each character. Have them write some traits about each character on the SmartBoard. Give each student a blown up snapshot of the Smart file so that they have a chart that is identical to the one you made as a group and have them fill it out as a class. Created by Lauren Mullen.

Number the Stars7 Chapter Four Vocabulary Glowering Exasperated Disdainfully Submerged Synagogue

Discussion Questions 1. Do you think Annemarie lied when she said Kirsis shoes looked nice? Why do you think she lied/told the truth? (Analyze) 2. Is it sometimes ok to lie?( Evaluate) Activity Context Clues Organizer In this activity the students will use a chart to determine the meaning of the vocabulary words they come across throughout the novel. Directions: Give each student a chart. As they read the chapter, they should fill out the chart for each vocabulary word. This should be done independently, but reviewed as a class to ensure that each student has the same definition for each word. Adapted from:

Number the Stars8 Chapter Five Vocabulary Star of David Contentedly Murmur Abruptly

Discussion Questions 1. How did Lise die? What was going to happen to her two weeks after her death? (Remember) 2. What is the plan for hiding Ellen? (Understand) Activity Star of David Vocabulary Clusters Directions: Pass out the Star of David Vocabulary Cluster worksheets. You should have one worksheet for each word you have covered in the novel so far. Explain the Star of David, and that it is a religious symbol to the Jewish people. In the six points of the Star are six synonyms for the word in question, and at the bottom is a sentence or passage from the book that includes a blank for the word. Have the students first try to figure out the word on their own, and then put them in groups (make sure they all have different words). Go around the room and discuss the words and their meaning, and what helped them decide the meanings. Created by Lauren Mullen.

Number the Stars9 Chapter Six Vocabulary Suspicious Tentatively Outskirts

Discussion Questions 1. Did Mr. Johansen really want to know about the weather when he called Uncle Henrik? (Analyze) 2. Have you ever used a secret code before? Maybe with your best friend? When would you use this code and why? (Apply) Activity Coded Vocabulary The characters in the book use coded language to talk to one another to help the Jews escape to Sweden. In this activity students will use a table to decode the vocabulary words for this chapter. Directions: Pass out the Coded Vocabulary worksheet. Have the students use the code and the definitions under each word to figure out the secret words. Created by Lauren Mullen.

Number the Stars10 Chapter Seven Vocabulary Gnarled Hazy Extending

Discussion Questions 1. What was the name of the dog Mrs. Johansen had as a child? (Remember) 2. Where do you think Annemarie hid Ellens necklace? (Create) Activity Character Traits Update By chapter seven all of the main characters are introduced, and we know pretty much everything about them. Directions: Pull out the SmartBoard file that has the character traits that you made as a group in chapter 3 (as well as the copies that the students have) and update them with everything you have learned since then. Created by Lauren Mullen

Number the Stars11 Chapter Eight Vocabulary Irritated Scamper Casket Fascinated

Discussion Questions 1. Why do you think Annemarie is so surprised that there will be a funeral? (Understand) 2. Can you find the secret code in this chapter? (Apply) Activity Update Your Context Clue Organizer. Directions: Have your students pull out their context clue organizers and meet in groups to discuss what they thought the meanings of the vocabulary words you have found so far. Then come back together and review as a class what the words meant and the context clues that helped them determine the meaning. Adapted from:

Number the Stars12 Chapter Nine Vocabulary Poised Affectionately Dismayed Mourning Hearse

Discussion Questions 1. Why do you think the Danes lie to each other so much? (Evaluate) 2. Who arrives with Peter at the end of the chapter? (Remember) Activity Compare and Contrast Annemarie and Ellen start to become more different in this chapter than they were when the book started, even if they are still best friends. In this activity have your students make a VennDiagram comparing and contrasting Ellen and Annemarie. Directions: Give each student a Venn Diagram template. Pair the students up, and have them work together to complete their Venn Diagram. Then come together as a class and discuss the similarities and differences in Ellen and Annemarie, and how that affects their friendship. Have the students come up to the board and write in the things they came up with. Created by Lauren Mullen

Number the Stars13 Chapter Ten Vocabulary Recurring Staccato Condescending Typhus

Discussion Questions 1. Why do the German Soldiers come to the house? (Understand) 2. What do you think Typhus is? (Evaluate) Activity Making Predictions In this activity students will predict what happens after this chapter based on what they read for this chapter. Directions: Pass out the Making Predictions Worksheet. After the students have read the chapter, have them fill out the first two columns independently. Then have students read Chapter 11 aloud in small groups. Adapted from:

Number the Stars14 Chapter Eleven Vocabulary Distribute Encased Protruding Pride

Discussion Questions 1. Who was Great Aunt Birte? (Understand) 2. What would have happened if the German soldiers had opened the casket? (Create) Activity Making Predictions: Part Two In this activity students will determine if the predictions they made in the last chapter were accurate or not. Directions: Group students in small groups and have them share their predictions with each other. Then have them read the chapter aloud. When they are finished, students should write what actually happened on their prediction chart and discuss if they were correct in their predictions or not. Come together as a group to discuss predictions. Adapted from:

Number the Stars15 Chapter Twelve Vocabulary Gleam Route Horizon

Discussion Questions 1. Why do you think Annemarie said that the ones who were waiting has Less Danger, but more fear? (Analyze) 2. What did Annemarie promise Ellen? (Understand) Activity Entrance Slip Directions: Pass out the entrance slips as students enter the room. Have them sit at their desks and answer the following question What do you think happened to Mrs. Johansen? Did the Germans get her? Answer with a few sentences on the back of this slip. Once the students have finished answering review the chapter with students and make inferences as to what happened to Mrs. Johansen and predict what will happen in the next chapter. Adapted from class notes.

Number the Stars16 Chapter Thirteen Vocabulary Faltered Sprawling Hobbled

Discussion Questions 1. Why was Mrs. Rosen on the ground outside the house? (Understand) 2. Why do you think the package that was dropped was so important? (Evaluate)

Activity Synonyms In this activity students will find synonyms to the words they have studied so far in the novel. Directions: You will need half a plastic egg for each student you have with a word written on it. Write your vocabulary words on the top halves, and their synonyms on the bottom halves. Give half an egg to each student and tell them to find their match! Once they have found their match, have them sit down somewhere in the room. Once all your students are sitting, go around and share your words, their synonym, and their meaning. Adapted from: (image only)

Number the Stars17 Chapter Fourteen Vocabulary Donned Vivid Brusque Prolong Taut

Discussion Questions 1. Why do you think Annemarie told herself a fairytale as she ran through the woods? (Evaluate) 2. Do you think Annemarie tells herself a story out of fear or bravery? (Analyze) Activity Tweet in Code In this novel the characters often talk to each other in quick code to relay important messages. In this activity students will write a tweet about something important from the chapter. Directions: Write a tweet from one character to another during this chapter. It could be from Annemarie to Uncle Henrik telling him youre bringing the package, or from Ellen to Annemarie telling her not to worry about her while she is gone! You can use up to 140 characters, but you can use no less than 100. You must use one of the vocabulary words we have learned so far! Use these twitter names or create your own! @CaptainHenrik @EllentheDarkQueen @Annemarietheordinary Created by Lauren Mullen.

Number the Stars18 Chapter Fifteen Vocabulary Enrage Consumed Impatiently Implored Evident

Discussion Questions 1. How did Annemarie behave when she was stopped by the German soldiers? (Understand) 2. What do you think would have happened if Annemarie did not find the packet? (Create) Activity RAFT: Alternate Ending Directions: For this chapter the students will write a RAFT in the form of a narrative that describes what happens when Annemarie does not find the packet that Mr. Rosen dropped. They are writing this as an alternate ending, and they can pick their role. They must use three vocabulary words from the first 14 chapters. Adapted from class notes. R: your choice A: Readers of Number the Stars F: Narrative T: Annemarie did not find the packet that Mr. Rosen dropped. Write what you think will happen.

Number the Stars19 Chapter Sixteen Vocabulary Concealed Confronting Complicated

Discussion Questions 1. Why was the package so important? (Remember) 2. Can you think of another way for the Jews to get to Sweden? (Create) Activity Mission Two Directions: Write this prompt on the board Make a plan for the Jews to escape Denmark. They could escape in any way except for boat! They could go to Sweden or someplace else! You could do this in any form: draw a map of the route, write an article for the Resistance newspaper, write a letter to a Jewish person, or create your own! Have the students plan their mission to get the Jews to safety on whatever materials they need. They could use lined or blank paper, markers, crayons, glue, etc. This is their moment to be creative! Created by Lauren Mullen.

Number the Stars20 Chapter Seventeen Vocabulary Devastating Executed Raided

Discussion Questions 1. What did Annemarie find out about Lise and Peters deaths? (Understand) 2. Do you think that Annemarie and Ellen will see each other again? (Evaluate) Activity Hidden Information Bell Ringer This activity should be done after students finish reading the book, or in the After Stage of reading. You will need one plastic egg for each student, the question sheet (in the appendix), students writing journals, and scissors. Directions: Cut the question sheet into slips of paper to that there is one question per slip. Place one question inside each egg (and maybe some goodies if they have been well-behaved!). Put your eggs in a basket or bin and hand each student an egg as they come in the door. Whisper to them to take their egg to their seat, silently, and open it WITHOUT LETTING ANYONE SEE. The students will go to their desks, read their question, and respond to it in their journals. Discuss the questions once students have had ample time to finish responding. Created by Lauren Mullen.

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