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leo eisenband gottlieb fedco ceo Leo Eisenband Gottlieb, was born in Barranquilla on January 29 in 1952.

He grew at home with his parents of Polish roots; FridaGottlieb and David Eisenband, and also 2 siblings. He examined at the Hebrew Unison University in Barranquilla, and graduated as Industrial Engineer from Educational institution of Michigan (Ann Gazebo, Michigan) in May 1972. His enthusiasm for company led him in order to get a Master of Business Management in Might 1974. After which he sent back to Colombia and started his qualified job as Aide Supervisor in theOrganizacinCanguro. In 1979, he participated in the creation of Fedco, a business where he established his vision and which brought about his current leadership in the marketplace of beauty, wellness and also welfare, with 35 stores located in 13 metros throughout the nation. In addition, committed in order to entrepreneurship, that has ventured with and also positively entered into other markets such as occupation, distribution, cosmetics, construction and also real estate. Via its companies that has actually created more than 1,500 direct tasks in Colombia. Leo Eisenband Presidente de Fedco

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