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leo eisenband fedco ceo Leo Eisenband Gottlieb, was actually born in Barranquilla on January 29 in 1952.

He grew at home with his moms and dads of Polish origin; FridaGottlieb and David Eisenband, and also a couple of brothers. He examined at the Hebrew Coming together University in Barranquilla, and also got a degree as Industrial Designer from College of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan) in Could 1972. His passion for company led him to obtain a Master of Company Administration in Could 1974. After which he went back to Colombia and began his expert occupation as Associate Manager in theOrganizacinCanguro. In 1979, he joininged the development of Fedco, a firm where he established his dream and which caused his current leadership in the marketplace of wellness, well-being as well as aesthetics, with 35 outlets located in 13 cities all over the nation. On top of that, dedicated to entrepreneurship, this has actually ventured with and actively took part in additional sectors including occupation, dispersal, cosmetics, construction as well as residential property. Through its firms it has generated more than 1,500 straight tasks in Colombia. Leo Eisenband Presidente de Fedco

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