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GEDE KAMAJAYA. NIM: S251108004. 2013.

Community Participation in Developing Marine Tourism of Bina Ria Beach in Kalibukbuk Village, Buleleng, Bali . THESIS. Advisor I: Prof Dr. RB.Soemanto, MA. II: Dr. Drajat Trikartono, M.Si. Sociology Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Surakarta Sebelas Maret University. ABSTRACT This research aimed to determine the forms, factors driving and inhibiting community participation in the developing of marine tourism Bina Ria beach in Kalibukbuk Village, Buleleng, Bali using Weber's social action theory. This study was a qualitative research with phenomenological strategy. Sources of data in this study is the informant, archives and documents. With pourposive as sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study were in-depth interviews, and observations. Techniques of collecting data used in this research were in-depth interview and observation. Triangulation technique was used to validate the data, while technique of analyzing data used was domain analysis. The result of research showed that the community participation in supporting the development of Bina Ria Beach marine tourism in Kalibukbuk Village, Buleleng, Bali fell into four form: Keneh Pedidi and Orahine participation form. Keneh Pedidi was the one resulting on the basis of own initiative, so that the social action emerging was Zwerkrational action, while Orahina was the one emerging after the presence of others information, so that the social action resulting was Werkrational action. There was two form of community participation in developing Bina Ria Beach marine tourism : Tedun was the participation the community demonstrated in the form of physical activity, the social action resulting was Werkrational action, while Paum was a kind of meeting activity, in which the community could participate by contributing their idea or thought, and the action emerging was Zwerkational action. The internal factor supporting the community in participation was the societys awareness of the importance of community participation in developing tourism; while the external factor was the socialization and information to participate in keeping and maintaining the existing facility. The internal inhibiting factor was that in physical participation, the societys attitude still tended to wait for information, while the external inhibiting one was the societys limited access to participation. Keywords: Participation, Social Action, Marine tourism

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