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The Human Nervous System

Junior Science

Lesson Objectives
Describe the role of the central nervous system. Explain the difference between sensory and motor functions of nerves. Describe how the Reflex arc works

Our response to Stimuli is co-ordinated or organised by two human systems: the Nervous System and the Endocrine System

Nervous System
The nervous system controls and organises various parts of the body ensuring they function properly.
It consists of the brain and spinal cord and is referred to as the Central Nervous System (CNS).

Fight or Flight?

The Central Nervous System

The Central Nervous System consists of the Brain and Spinal Cord. The Brain is protected by the Skull. The Spinal Cord is protected by three layers of meninges and the Vertebra. Fluid called Cerebrospinal fluid also acts a protective cushion for the brain and Spinal Cord.

Our Nervous System

The Nerve Cell

Nerves are made of bundles of nerve cells or neurons. Nerves carry messages or impulses to and from the brain and spinal cord. There are three types of Nerve cells - Sensory, Relay and Motor neurons

Basic nerve cell structure

Three main types of nerve cells

Sensory neuron

Relay neuron

Motor neuron

Sensory neurons

Sensory Neurons carry impulses from receptors e.g. pain receptors in skin to the CNS( brain or spinal cord)

Relay neuron

Relay Neurons carry impulses from sensory nerves to motor nerves.

Motor neuron

Motor Neurons carry impulses from central nervous system to an effector e.g. muscle to bring about movement or a gland to bring about secretion of hormones.

The Reflex Arc

Sensory Neuron Pin causes Pain on Skin

Relay Neuron

Motor Neuron
Muscle Contracts

Reflexes are automatic involuntary responses to changes occurring inside or outside the body.

Reflex arc in Action

The sensory system provides awareness of the world around us. We have 5 sense organs eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue A stimulus causes us to take action (the response) The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord. Nerve Cells are called Neurons Sensory Neurons carry messages to the brain. Motor Neurons carry messages from the brain

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