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Spreadsheet Project Review

I think I met well the objectives if this project which were: 1. Organise a project using a Gantt chart. Learn the difference between Main and Sub tasks. 2. understand what is Computer Modelling. Building a computer model using Microsoft Excel. 3. To understand the importance of audience and purpose in Design. Arrange design elements to create an effective publication. So the first one I did understand how Gantt chart works and how to create them, but I really didn't use it all the time during the project. The second objective at the begging I didn't understand quite well what computer modelling is but building it helped me a lot and know I do understand how it works, for what you use it and the efficiency of it to make your work much easier. The third one and last one I do understand why are the audience and purpose so important in design. I f you don't take in account those two things your brochure/poster can end up being a disaster and don't showing what it needs to be showing. During this project I've learn how to use formulas in excel to make things much easier and make things work correctly. Using the formula IF it's very useful for lots of things especially for things like budgets. Also all the formulas to sum up all in one click and getting the average makes everything much quicker and easier. I also learned how to use a Gantt chart and that it could be very helpful if you use it correctly. The importance of making a design first for everything is also really helpful, for instance the planning for the brochure help a lot to make the final product and produce a good poster. The new skills that I've acquired from this project are the use of formulas in excel, the pacification of time so that way I don't waste my time and use it wisely. Also the skills of making an effective brochure/poster will help in the future to produce effective and informative posters. The knowledge of the formulas in excel will be really helpful know because I know that excel it's not for making graphs and working with numbers, now I know that there are more formulas that just =SUM, =AVERAGE, etc.

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