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Sophora japonica Family: Fabaceae (pea family) Common name: Japanese Pagoda Tree Alternate, pinnately compound leaves

(7-11 leaflets)

Gleditsia triacanthos Family: Fabaceae Common name: Honey Locust Alternate pinnately compound leaves

Pinus strobus Family: Pinaceae Common name: White pine leaves in fascicles of 5

Potentilla indica Family: Rosaceae Common name: Indian strawberry leaves trifoliate (of 3 leaflets), roughly veined, dark green

Metasequoia glyptostroboides Family: Cupressaceae Common name: Dawn redwood opposite leaves, deciduous

Viburnum rhytidophyllum Family: Caprifoliaceae Common name: leatherleaf viburnum opposite, simple leaves lanceolate shape

Acer rebrum Family: Aceraceae Common name: red maple opposite leaves V-shaped sinus Collateral buds

Parthenocissus tricuspidata Family: Vitaceae Common name: Boston Ivy Unrelated to true ivy Deciduous, woody vine Simple, palmately lobed- 3 lobes, 3 leaflets

Taxus canadensis Family: Taxaceae Common name: American Yew

Glechoma hederaceae Family: Lamiaceae (mint family) Common name: gill-over-the-ground

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