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Name: ___________________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ______________

Natural Gas
Procedure 1. Remove the caps from a bottle of ammonia and a bottle of perfume at the same
time. Stand back about a foot from the bottles. Time how long it takes for each odor to reach
your nose.
Ammonia ____________________

Perfume ______________________

Which one moves faster? ________________________

What does this tell you about the size of the gas particles (which one is bigger)?
Which gas law can be used to describe this situation? _____________________________

Procedure 2. Place a small piece of paper in the neck of a dry plastic bottle. Make sure it is
completely in the neck. Blow into the bottle to push the paper into the bottle.
Explain what happened. ________________________________________________________
Which gas law can be used to describe this situation? _________________________________

Procedure 3. Place an ice cube on a piece of paper towel, flat side down. Holding the copper
wire with both hands, place the wire straight across the cube. Press down hard on the ice cube
with the wire. Lift the cube off the table using the wire.
How did the wire get to where it is? _______________________________________________
Which gas law can be used to describe this situation? __________________________________

Procedure 4. Blow up a balloon and set it aside. Measure the circumference of the balloon
with a measuring tape. Record the circumference. ______________________ cm.
Fill one container half-full with cold water and add some ice. Fill another with very hot water.
Hold the balloon in the cold water for 5 minutes. Measure the circumference and record it
here: _____________________ cm.
Transfer the balloon to the hot water for 5 minutes. Measure the circumference and record it
here: _____________________ cm.
Which temperature change has a bigger effect on the balloon? _________________________
Why? ________________________________________________________________________
Which gas law can be used to describe this situation? __________________________________

Procedure 5. Fill a small plastic vial half-full with water. Add half of an effervescing tablet to
the vial. Close the lid tightly on the vial and time the results. _____________________ s
What happens to the foam when the lid comes off the vial? ____________________________
What happened to the pressure inside the vial when the lid popped off?
Which gas law can be used to describe this situation? __________________________________

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