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Name: Omar Hussein Mohammed Gas Email:


Personal Profile:
I am a 15 year old boy and I have discovered so many things since I have started secondary school. Life is hard and you should make the most of it. I have developed a character since starting high school trying to manage my behaviour which has changed since primary school.

Education and Qualifications:

My predictive grades for year 10 are: English-D Maths-B Science-C Geography-D Construction-Merit

Religious Education-C


Other skills and Qualifications:

I have many other skills and qualifications are: -3 year French course starting from year 7-9 -EBAC Student

Other Work Experience:

I have had other work experiences such as helping other students in football training with their passing, shooting, dribbling etc. I have also helped people babysit their children for a certain amount of time.

Personal Achievements:
-I have achieved the most improved male student in English year 9. -Best student in music year 8 -Ran 800m in 3 minutes year 9.

-I enjoy playing football and table tennis. -I am keen on travelling around the world and experiencing other countries is culture. -I am interested in Indian food as I really like it.

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