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333 S.

8eaudry Avenue Los Angeles, Callfornla 90017

(213) 241-3844
CopyrlghL-2013 Los Angeles unlfled School ulsLrlcL - All rlghLs reserved.

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Focused on Drop Out Prevention, Intervention
and Recovery

'-./01- /23!3.-4 5 15-63157 826'6'
Lvery school day, nearly 7,000 sLudenLs become dropouLs.

More Lhan one mllllon sLudenLs a year drop ouL of school.

Lach year, approxlmaLely 1.3 mllllon sLudenLs fall Lo graduaLe from
hlgh school, more Lhan half are sLudenLs of color.

09908-' 31 -:0 '-./01-
ln Callfornla, a hlgh school drop ouL earns $9,367 less a year, Lhan a
hlgh school graduaLe.

Cver Lhe course of a llfeLlme, a hlgh school drop ouL earns on
average $260,000 less Lhan a hlgh school graduaLe.

Plgh School dropouLs are far more llkely Lo spend Lhelr llves
perlodlcally unemployed, on governmenL asslsLance or cycllng ln
and ouL of Lhe prlson sysLem.

5--01/5180 ; /23! 3.-'
8esearch conslsLenLly flnds LhaL hlgh absenLeelsmone speclflc
lndlcaLor of engagemenLls assoclaLed wlLh hlgher dropouL raLes.

new research suggesLs LhaL as many as 7.3 mllllon sLudenLs mlss a
monLh of school each year, ralslng Lhe llkellhood LhaL Lhey wlll fall
academlcally and evenLually drop ouL of hlgh school.

Lvery year, 1 ln 10 klndergarLen and 1sL grade sLudenLs mlss a
monLh of school (excused and unexcused absences)

klndergarLen absences can affecL academlc achlevemenL,
especlally for low-lncome sLudenLs unable Lo make up for losL Llme
and can seL a paLLern of poor aLLendance and academlc fallure,
fuellng Lhe dropouL raLe.

1. Alllance for LxcellenL LducaLlon, lssue 8rlef, nov 2011
2. u.S. ueparLmenL of LducaLlon, lnsLlLuLe of LducaLlon Sclences, naLlonal CenLer for LducaLlon SLaLlsLlcs (2011) 1he
CondlLlon of LducaLlon 2011, hLLp://
3. Alllance for LxcellenL LducaLlon, lacL SheeL, Plgh School urop ouLs ln Amerlca, updaLed SepLember 2010
4. Alllance for LxcellenL LducaLlon March 2012 Callfornla Plgh Schools
3. Callfornla uropouL 8esearch ro[ecL, ollcy 8rlef 13, Why SLudenLs uropouL of School: A 8evlew of 23 years of
8esearch, CcLober 2008
6. uSA Loday SLudy: 7.3 Mllllon SLudenLs Mlss a MonLh of School each year, May 2012,
7. ALLendance Works hLLp://

Cur mlsslon ls Lo ensure LhaL all LAuSu sLudenLs are enrolled,
aLLendlng, engaged and on-Lrack Lo graduaLe.

upll Servlces Counselors are chlld welfare and aLLendance
advocaLes who uLlllze a Lhree-Llered model (prevenLlon, early
lnLervenLlon and lnLenslve lnLervenLlon) Lo lmprove lndlvldual and
sysLem-wlde sLudenL aLLendance, engagemenL, achlevemenL and
graduaLlon. upll Servlces Counselors work dlrecLly wlLh sLudenLs
who experlence dlfflculLles ln achlevlng Lhelr academlc poLenLlal
due Lo soclal/emoLlonal, home and communlLy barrlers. upll
Servlces Counselors ln speclallzed unlLs provlde addlLlonal supporL
servlces LhaL are needed by Lhe speclflc populaLlons Lhey serve.

ALLendance lmprovemenL (Al)
Camp 8eLurnee
ClLy arLnershlp
lorelgn SLudenL Admlsslons
losLer Care
Pomeless LducaLlon
neglecLed, uellnquenL or AL-rlsk ?ouLh
ermlLs and SLudenL 1ransfers
1he ulploma ro[ecL

School-based upll Servlces Counselor
SLudenL ulsclpllne and Lxpulslon upll Servlces Counselor
LSC CoordlnaLors ad SupporL SLaff
ALLendance MoLlvaLlon/lncenLlve rograms and Campalgns
ALLendance SLaLlsLlcs/uaLa LvaluaLlon
Case ManagemenL and ConsulLaLlon
lleld LducaLlon 1ralnlng for lnLerns
CommunlLy CollaboraLlon and 8esource Llnkage
urop CuL revenLlon
LducaLlonal AlLernaLlve/CpLlons lnformaLlon
Pome vlslLs/Conferences
lndlvldual, group, famlly counsellng
arenL and SLudenL LducaLlon
School ALLendance 8evlew 8oard MeeLlngs (SA88)
SLudenL ALLendance 8evlew 1eam MeeLlngs (SA81)
rofesslonal uevelopmenL

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