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Deree College, Introduction to Environmental Science 1, ES-1000A1

Laboratory Session M 17!"-!0#0

A lab re$ort created by C%ris &icolo$oulos I'D' 7"(( and )enia *alogero$oulou I'D'
A$ril 7, !00(
+%e t,o members o- t%e lab re$ort .Demogra$%ic c%aracteristics o- /reece0 %ave decided
using t%e data su$$lied by t%eir instructor Mr' *ara$anagiotis &icolaos and ,it% t%e aid
o- t%eir te1tboo2 to ans,er to a cou$le o- 3uestions related to t%eir lab re$ort title'
+%e lab re$ort de$icts t%e gro,t% o- t%e /ree2 $o$ulation, com$ares t%e 0-!# year
distribution -or a given $eriod o- time o- /reece and Euro$e and t%e age-se1 distributions
o- /reece, Italy and Ira3' It $rovides some use-ul estimations o- t%e gro,t% o- t%e /ree2
$o$ulation as ,ell as some deductions and com$arisons -or t%e age-se1 distributions o-
t%e mentioned countries -or t%e ne1t t,enty years'
Com$arisons, communication and veri-ication o- di--erent observations and
events ,ould be im$ossible i- t%ere ,ere not some use-ul instruments t%at ,e could use'
+%e lab re$ort team -ound use-ul to use ,ord $rocessing .Microso-t 4ord 5ersion !00!0
to ,rite do,n t%e lab re$ort ,it% a given -ont and $aragra$% style, e1cel diagrams
.Microso-t E1cel 5ersion !00!0 to gra$% re3uired sensitive data' +%e mani$ulation o-
t%ese $rograms as ,ell as t%e storage o- t%e document ,as done in a 6ersonal Com$uter
.6C0' 4e also %ave used 7lo$$y Dis2s to curry on t%e document and to $rint it at t%e
$rinters o- t%e American College o- /reece'

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