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Department of Performing and Screen Arts

Bachelor in Performing and

Screen Arts
Course No. Course Name Semester Year
PASA6272 Camera 2b 2 2009
Lecturer (s) Course Co-ordinator
Dan Wagner, Alan Locke Dan Wagner
Marker(s) Moderator(s)
Dan Wagner, Alan Locke Larry Justice
Assignment No. & Title Course grade % Due Date Return Date
1 Studio Two - 1 AC 30% th
7 August 7th September
Course Aims:
To enable students to extend specific skills, knowledge and practices for camera and specialised camera
technologies needed to achieve standards that enhance creative decisions.

Learning Outcome(s):
1. Employ specialised creative and conceptual skills in camera and lighting.
- Employ skill in the handling and operation of specialist equipment and technology
- Explore associated problem-solving, self-management and professional practices

Studio Two is a practical project intended to gather and demonstrate skills related to shooting in a studio
environment. You are assessed for your skills as a 1 st AC, which principally involves keeping the desired
photographic subject in focus, but also incorporates skills of managing the camera department to ensure its
functioning with precision, solid organisation and swift, safe movement.

Marking Criteria:
NOTE: Many of the criteria below are generally marked on evidence obtained by tutor and/or peer
observation of your project work, your interactions with others (including tutors and public), or the footage,
paperwork or files you have contributed to during the project.

1. Demonstrate conversancy with the Panasonic 502 camera. (serving as the human interface
between the DOP and the Camera itself, access, operate and adjust all electronic and mechanical
functionalities of the device with confidence and agility) 15%

2. Ensure equipment integrity within the purview of the job (all ordered gear inventoried and
checked for correct functioning; gear organization and safety; lens/filter cleanliness; back-focus properly set;
all things tight that should be; battery monitoring; etc.) 10%

3. Ensure photographic technical integrity within the purview of the job (lens flare prevention;
camera level and balance; aid DP/Operator in eliminating “bogeys” from frame; etc.) 10%

4. Obtain focus marks proficiently and appropriately (being clever about getting marks and
ascertaining distances; knowing when to get marks; being stealthy when you need to be and claiming your
time when necessary; etc.) 15%

5. Focus accurately and consistently. (knowing who to be sharp on; knowing when you need to pull
and when you don’t; executing rack focuses with panache; remaining alert to actor and/or dolly irregularities,
etc.) 20%

6. Respond attentively to the needs of the shot and to the directives of the Director of
Photography. (active listening; peripheral attention; repeating calls; providing required equipment;
fulfilling rehearsal requirements; knowing where you need to be at any given moment; involvement with the
shot-making process; adjusting your perceived priorities to the actual priorities of the shot;) 20%

7. Demonstrate speed, efficiency and grace under pressure. (acting purposefully; thinking one
step ahead; combining trips so you don’t repeat your path needlessly; making every movement count;
getting a jump on the next shot, if possible; readiness advised clearly) 10%


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