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School uniforms

Few months ago, a newspapper article had blew the world's mind. It was about ten-year-old girl who
had been disturbed just because she does not have a mobile phone, designer's clothes, and other
expensive things. One would say that with introducing school uniforms social differences between
children would disappaer. However. others believes it's insuficient to stop trespassers.

To begin with, according to many psycologists, school uniforms are supposed to make every child the
same. This means, if poor have indentical clothes like children who have rich parents, they will not
endure teasing anymore. Furthermore, inasmuch as they will have uniforms, instead wasting time in
shopping malls or staying in front of wardrobe, they will resort to beneficial things, like reading books.
Apart from that, uniforms have helped them to understand that material things have not real value
and significance.

On the other hand, some said it's obivious that school uniforms are not efficient enough to resolve big
problems like that, because it's deliquent's parents mistake. Children have to be learned that the suit
does not make a man. Even though school uniforms elliminate class diversity, brisky children will
nevertheless find something else. This means that somebody for whose intentional mockery is just
part of fun, they will always find a victim.

To summerize, there will always be the ones who are for introducing school uniforms, and others who
are against. Both of them have their coherent and tenable reasons. In my opinion, school uniforms are
just little step against violence, they also can help parents to save up, but children's behavior is
apparently depended of how they are raised.

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