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Yarelis Daz Rohena

INGL 3201 L03

Exemplification Paragraph
Revised Draft
Date Submitted: May 9, 2014

Reliability, a Great Quality to Find in a Best Friend
As time passes, I am more convinced that my best friend Anglica is very reliable. First
of all, she is always willing to listen. It doesnt matter if shes busy, she would stop whatever
she is doing to hear me when I have some sort of problem. For example, a few months ago I
went through a situation and she stayed up all night, listening to me while I let my feelings out.
She pays a lot of attention to me when Im speaking, whether its over the phone or in person.
She never interrupts, and she would wait until Im done talking to tell me her opinion. Secondly,
she gives great advice. Once she notices Im finished talking, and whenever I ask for advice, she
always knows what to say. She tends to ask many questions to help me make my own analysis
before giving me the advice I might need. She always has something to say and never leaves me
in need of words of wisdom. Finally, she is very honest. She tells me her real opinion about
everything. For example, if my hair is ugly she would tell me, even knowing that it might make
me feel uncomfortable. She would apologize when she says something insensitive, but I prefer
that rather than being lied to. Altogether, Im lucky to say that I have an amazing best friend in
which I can rely on, and that person is Anglica.

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