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& Korean Influences Presentation Score


Instructions: In groups of 3, you will choose one topic you read
about during the gallery walk. You will create a poster and a
Powerpoint or Prezi presentation on your chosen topic. Your
presentation must have a title slide and at least 5 content slides. You
must devote 1 slide to the vocabulary relating to your topic (vocab
terms must include definitions and images as well). You must also use 1
slide to cite the sources you used for research. Your posters and
presentations should contain lots of pictures as well. Your group will
present these projects to the class on the due date and all group
members are expected to participate in presenting their project.

Layout and Mechanics

Presentation has at least 5 slides in addition to a title slide (1 slide
must include vocabulary and 1 slide must cite sources). Spelling
and grammar are correct, and layout is clean and appropriate
with text that is easily readable


Images and Sources

Presentation must have at least 4 images relating to the topic and
at least 3 sources must be cited.


Presentation must include the following information on the
chosen topic: origins/background, how it became uniquely
Japanese, and how its part of modern Japanese culture.


Research and Collaboration

All group members participated in research and shared the
responsibilities of creating the presentation.

Students make eye contact with audience, speak in loud and clear
voices, and clearly explain their topic. All group members must

_______/ 50 pts. total

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