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1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL

updaLed !une 2014

Category MLA AA CMS
Genera| Approach 1he Modern Language AssoclaLlon
(MLA) provldes a meLhod for source
documenLaLlon LhaL ls used ln mosL
humanlLles courses. 1he humanlLles
place emphasls on auLhorshlp, so mosL
MLA clLaLlon lnvolves recordlng Lhe
auLhor's name ln Lhe physlcal LexL. 1he
auLhor's name ls also Lhe flrsL Lo appear
ln Lhe Works ClLed" page aL Lhe end of
an essay. 1he mosL recenL MLA
formaLLlng can be found ln Lhe sevenLh
edlLlon of Lhe MLA manual.
1he Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon
(AA) provldes a meLhod for source
documenLaLlon LhaL ls used ln mosL
soclal sclences courses. 1he soclal
sclences place emphasls on Lhe daLe a
work was creaLed, so mosL AA clLaLlon
lnvolves recordlng Lhe daLe of a
parLlcular work ln Lhe physlcal LexL. 1he
daLe ls usually placed lmmedlaLely afLer
Lhe auLhor's name ln Lhe 8eferences"
page aL Lhe end of an essay. 1he mosL
recenL AA formaLLlng can be found ln
Lhe slxLh edlLlon of Lhe AA manual.
1he Chlcago Manual of SLyle (CMS) lncludes
Lwo sysLems for clLaLlon: a noLes and
blbllography (n8) sysLem and an auLhor-daLe
(Au) sysLem. 1he n8 sysLem ls used ln mosL
hlsLory courses. PlsLory places much emphasls
on source orlglns, so fooLnoLes and endnoLes
are used Lo demonsLraLe on-page where a
parLlcular plece of lnformaLlon came from. ln
CMS, a number ls asslgned Lo a parLlcular facL
ln Lhe LexL, and Lhe correlaLlng fooLnoLe or
endnoLe wlll llnk Lhe source Lo Lhe LexL and Lo
Lhe blbllography. 1he mosL recenL CMS
formaLLlng can be found ln Lhe slxLeenLh
edlLlon of Lhe CMS manual.
keference L|sts
Cccaslonally LruncaLed enLrles are glven, slmply Lo focus on Lhe dlfferences beLween clLaLlons for each Lype of maLerlal. Llllpses
lndlcaLe whlch enLrles would normally conLlnue accordlng Lo Lhe baslc prlnclples of each sLyle. lease see Lhe CWL 8esearch and
ClLaLlon secLlons for more deLalls.
cltloq 8ooks 8ook clLaLlons ln MLA generally requlre
Lhe auLhor name, work LlLle,
publlcaLlon clLy, publlsher, year
publlshed, and an lndlcaLlon of Lhe
publlcaLlon medlum, such as prlnL.
8ook clLaLlons ln AA generally requlre
auLhor name, publlcaLlon year, work
LlLle, publlcaLlon clLy, and publlsher.
8ook clLaLlons ln CMS sLyle generally requlre
Lhe auLhor name, work LlLle, publlcaLlon clLy,
publlsher, and publlcaLlon year.
Genera| book
ollan, Mlchael. 1be Omolvotes
ullemmo. new ?ork: enguln Croup,
2006. rlnL.
ollan, M. (2006). 1be omolvotes
Jllemmo. new ?ork, n?: enguln
ollan, Mlchael. 1be Omolvotes ullemmo.
new ?ork: enguln Croup, 2006.
S|ng|e author ollan, Mlchael. . . . ollan, M. (2006). . . . ollan, Mlchael. . . .
1wo or three
8ell, !ames k., and Adrlan A. Cohn. . . . 8ell, !. k., & Cohn A. (1968). . . . 8ell, !ames k., and Adrlan A. Cohn. . . .
More than
three authors
kernls, Mlchael., eL al. . . .
Cpt|ona||y, g|ve a|| author names |n
the order they appear on the t|t|e
kernls, M. P., Cornell, u. ., Sun, C. 8.,
8erry, A., Parlow, 1., & 8ach, !. S.
(1993). . . .
kernls, Mlchael, u. . Cornell, C. 8. Sun, A.
8erry, 1. Parlow, and !. S. 8ach. . . .
Ior 4 to 10 authors, |nc|ude a|| names |n
b|b||ography, but on|y the f|rst |n notes.
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
L|ght or more
kernls, Mlchael., eL al. .
Cpt|ona||y, g|ve a|| author names |n
the order they appear on the t|t|e
kernls, M. P., Cornell, u. ., Sun, C. 8.,
8erry, A., Parlow, 1., & 8ach, !. S . . .
lost Aotbots Nome (1993). . . .
L|st f|rst seven names (as above) fo||owed by
!" $%&
Amerlcan sychlaLrlc AssoclaLlon. . . . Amerlcan sychlaLrlc AssoclaLlon.
(2003). . . .
Amerlcan sychlaLrlc AssoclaLlon. . . .
OxfotJ sseotlol wotlJ Atlos. . . . OxfotJ esseotlol wotlJ otlos. (2001). . . . Cxford LssenLlal World ALlas. . . .
1wo or more
works by the
same author
no change Lo name formaL, change
noLed by LlLle.
SlechLy, . C. (1997). . . .

SlechLy, . C. (2001). . . .
no change Lo name formaL.
1wo or more
works by the
same author,
same year.
no change Lo name formaL, change
noLed by LlLle.
SlechLy, . C. (1997a). . . .

SlechLy, . C. (1997b). . . .
no change Lo name formaL.
Author w|th
an ed|tor
osLon, 1ed. A lltst utoft of nlstoty. Ld.
kaLhleen A. Pauke. ALhens, u of
Ceorgla : 2000.
osLon, 1. (2000). A Jtoft of blstoty. ln k.
A. Pauke (Ld.). ALhens: unlverslLy of
Ceorgla ress.
osLon, 1ed. A utoft of nlstoty. LdlLed by
kaLhleen A. Pauke. ALhens: unlverslLy of
Ceorgla ress, 2000.
Author w|th a
Laplace, . S. A lbllosopblcol ssoy oo
ltobobllltles. 1rans. l. W. 1ruscoLL
and l. L. Lmory. London, !ohn Wlley
and Sons: 1902.
Laplace, . S. (1902). A pbllosopblcol
essoy oo ptobobllltles. (l. W. 1ruscoLL
& l. L. Lmory, 1rans.). London: !ohn
Wlley & Sons.
Laplace, . S. A hllosophlcal Lssay on
robablllLles. 1ranslaLed by l. W. 1ruscoLL
and l. L. Lmory. London: !ohn Wlley and
Sons, 1902.
Ld|tor w|th no
coosepoeoces of Ctowloq up loot. Lds.
C. !. uuncan and !. 8rooks-Cunn. new
?ork, 8ussell Sage loundaLlon: 1997
uuncan, C. !., & 8rooks-Cunn, !. (Lds.).
(1997). coosepoeoces of qtowloq op
poot. new ?ork: 8ussell Sage
uuncan, C. !. and !. 8rooks-Cunn, eds. new
?ork: 8ussell Sage loundaLlon, 1997.
Work |n an
Parrls, Murlel. "1alk Lo Me: Lngaglng
8elucLanL WrlLers." A 1otot's ColJe.
nelploq wtltets Ooe to Ooe. Ld. 8en
8afoLh. orLsmouLh: Pelnemann,
2000. 24-34. rlnL.
Parrls, Murlel. (2000). 1alk Lo me:
Lngaglng relucLanL wrlLers. ln 8en
8afoLh (Ld.), A totots qolJe. nelploq
wtltets ooe to ooe (pp. 24-34).
orLsmouLh, nP: Pelnemann.
Parrls, Murlel. "1alk Lo Me: Lngaglng
8elucLanL WrlLers." ln A 1otot's ColJe.
nelploq wtltets Ooe to Ooe, edlLed by 8en
8afoLh, 24-34. orLsmouLh, nP:
Pelnemann, 2000.
Ld|t|on other
than f|rst
Pelfer, M. S., 8. S. keme, and 8. u.
urugman. 1be 8otteteJ cbllJ. 3Lh ed.
Pelfer, M. S., keme, 8. S., & urugman, 8.
u. (1997). 1be botteteJ cbllJ (3Lh ed.).
Pelfer, M.S., 8.S. keme, and 8.u. urugman.
1be 8otteteJ cbllJ. 3Lh ed. Chlcago:
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
Chlcago, u of Chlcago : 1997. Chlcago: unlverslLy of Chlcago ress. unlverslLy of Chlcago ress, 1997.
ulctloooty of tbe nlstoty of lJeos. Ld. .
Wlener. 4 vols. new ?ork, Charles
Scrlbner's Sons: 1968-73.
Wlener, . (Ld.). (1973). ulctloooty of
tbe blstoty of lJeos (vols. 1-4). new
?ork: Charles Scrlbner's Sons.
Welner, ., ed. ulctloooty of tbe nlstoty of
lJeos. 4 vols. new ?ork: Charles Scrlbner's
Sons, 1968-73.
osner, 8ebecca. 8omance
Languages." 1be ocyclopeJlo
8tltooolco: MoctopeJlo. 13Lh ed.
1987. rlnL.
osner, 8. (1987). 8omance Languages.
ln 1be eocyclopeJlo 8tltooolco:
moctopeJlo (13Lh ed.).
C|ted |n endnotes on|y.
1. 1be ocyclopeJlo 8tltooolco. MoctopeJlo,
13Lh ed., s.v. 8omance Languages."
preface, or
uuncan, Pugh ualzlel. lnLroducLlon.
letmooeoce ooJ cbooqe. Ao
Aootomy of lotpose. 8y kenneLh
8urke. 8erkeley: u of Callfornla ,
1984. xlll-xllv. rlnL.
uuncan, P. u. (1984). lnLroducLlon. ln
k. 8urke, letmooeoce ooJ cbooqe.
Ao Aootomy of lotpose (xlll-xllv).
8erkeley, CA: unlverslLy of
Callfornla ress.
uuncan, Pugh ualzlel. lnLroducLlon Lo
letmooeoce ooJ cbooqe. Ao Aootomy of
lotpose, by kenneLh 8urke, (xlll-xllv).
8erkeley: unlverslLy of Callfornla ress,
Attlcles lo letloJlcols AlLhough perlodlcals are clLed slmllarly
Lo mosL book sources, MLA's sevenLh
edlLlon makes some dlsLlncLlons
speclflc Lo perlodlcals.
ln AA perlodlcal clLaLlon, auLhors are
named by Lhelr lasL name followed by
lnlLlals, Lhe publlcaLlon year goes
beLween parenLheses and ls followed by
a perlod. Cnly Lhe flrsL word and proper
nouns are caplLallzed for arLlcle LlLles.
erlodlcal LlLles are wrlLLen ln LlLle case
and followed by Lhe volume number,
whlch, wlLh Lhe LlLle, ls also lLallclzed.
CMS perlodlcal clLaLlons lnclude auLhor name,
arLlcle LlLle, publlcaLlon LlLle, publlcaLlon daLe,
and lssue lnformaLlon. CMS also requlres
clLaLlon of a u8L lf Lhe [ournal was accessed
Magaz|ne onlewozlk, !ames. "1v Makes a 1oo-
Close Call." 1lme 20 nov. 2000: 70-71.
onlewozlk, !. (2000, november 20). 1v
makes a Loo-close call. 1lme, 156(21),
onlewozlk, !ames. "1v Makes a 1oo-Close
Call." 1lme, november 20, 2000.
(pag|nated by
8agchl, Alaknanda. "ConfllcLlng
naLlonallsms: 1he volce of Lhe
SubalLern ln MahasweLa uevl's 8osbol
1oJo." 1olso 5toJles lo womeo's
lltetotote 13.1 (1996): 41-30. rlnL.
8agchl, A. (1996). ConfllcLlng
naLlonallsms: 1he volce of Lhe
subalLern ln MahasweLa uevl's 8osbol
1oJo. 1olso 5toJles lo womeos
lltetotote 15(1), 41-30.
8agchl, Alaknanda. "ConfllcLlng naLlonallsms:
1he volce of Lhe SubalLern ln MahasweLa
uevl's 8osbol 1oJo." 1olso 5toJles lo
womeos lltetotote 13.1 (1996): 41-30.
krugman, Andrew. "lear of LaLlng."
New otk 1lmes 21 May 2007. A1.
krugman, A. (2007, May 21). lear of
eaLlng. New otk 1lmes, p. A1.
krugman, Andrew. "lear of LaLlng." new ?ork
1lmes, May 2007.
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
Ld|tor|a| |n
"Cf Mlnes and Men." LdlLorlal. woll
5tteet Iootool. 24 CcL. 2003: A14.
Cf mlnes and men (2003, CcL 24).
[LdlLorlal] 1be woll 5tteet Iootool, p.
C|ted |n notes on|y, w|thout head||ne.
1. LdlLorlal, woll 5tteet Iootool, CcLober 24,
Letter to the
Pamer, !ohn. LeLLer. Ametlcoo
Iootoollsm kevlew uec. 2006/!an.
2007: 7. rlnL.

Pamer, !. (2006/2007,
uecember/!anuary). [LeLLer Lo Lhe
edlLor]. Ametlcoo Iootoollsm kevlew,
C|ted |n notes on|y, w|thout head||ne.
1. !ohn Pamer, leLLer Lo Lhe edlLor,
Ametlcoo Iootoollsm kevlew, uecember
2006/!anuary 2007.
8ook or f||m
SelLz, MaLL Zoller. "Llfe ln Lhe Sprawllng
Suburbs, lf ?ou Can 8eally Call lL
Llvlng." 8ev. of koJloot clty, dlr. Cary
8urns and !lm 8rown. New otk 1lmes
30 May 2007 laLe ed.: L1. rlnL.
SelLz, M. Z. (2007, May 30). Llfe ln Lhe
sprawllng suburbs, lf you can really call
lL llvlng [8evlew of Lhe fllm koJloot
clty, dlrecLed by Cary 8urns and !lm
8rown, 2006]. New otk 1lmes, laLe
ed.: L1.
SleLz, MaLL Zoller. 8evlew of koJloot clty,
ulrecLed by Cary 8urns and !lm 8rown.
New otk 1lmes, May 30, 2007, LaLe
Oolloe 5ootces MLA guldellnes for mosL onllne sources
were developed under Lhe assumpLlon
LhaL conLenL can be found onllne as
long as lnformaLlon, such as auLhor and
LlLle, were lncluded. 1herefore, MLA
does noL tepolte a u8L llsLlng. MLA
clLaLlon of onllne sources does,
however, ask for a publlsher or sponsor
of Lhe webpage. AuLhors for webslLes
are ofLen corporaLlons, or
ln AA clLaLlon, onllne sources ofLen
lnclude whaL are known as uCls, or
dlglLal ob[ecL ldenLlflers. lf a uCl ls
avallable, lL ls used ln place of a u8L. 1he
uCl ls a serlal number LhaL ldenLlfles Lhe
source regardless of u8L changes, and lL
can ofLen be found on Lhe flrsL page of
an onllne source. AA generally clLes
auLhor, daLe, page LlLle, slLe LlLle,
avallable page numbers, and a u8L or
CMS clLaLlon requlres Lhe u8L or uCl Lo be
llsLed aL Lhe end of Lhe clLaLlon buL noL Lhe
daLe Lhe conLenLed was accessed. lf Lhe
lnLerneL source ls Llme senslLlve, lnclude Lhe
daLe of access afLer Lhe u8L llsLlng ln
AuLhor. 1ltle of 5lte. Sponsor, uaLe
creaLed (use n.d. lf noL glven).
Medlum. uaLe accessed.
AuLhor. (?ear [use n.d. lf noL glven]).
ArLlcle or page LlLle. lotqet lobllcotloo
1ltle, volume or lssue number.
8eLrleved from hLLp://url address
AuLhor (and/or owner, sponsor). uocumenL
1lLle. u8L or uCl.
unlLed SLaLes LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon
Agency. utlokloq wotet 5tooJotJs.
LA, 8 !uly 2004. Web. 24 !an. 2006
unlLed SLaLes LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon
Agency. (2004, !uly). utlokloq wotet
stooJotJs. 8eLrleved from uS LA
webslLe hLLp://
unlLed SLaLes LnvlronmenLal roLecLlon
Agency. utlokloq wotet 5tooJotJs.
age from
Shlva, vandana. 8loeLhlcs: A 1hlrd
World lssue." Notlveweb. naLlveweb,
Shlva, v. (2006, lebruary). 8loeLhlcs: A
Lhlrd world lssue. Notlveweb.
Shlva, vandana. 8loeLhlcs: A 1hlrd World
lssue." Notlveweb.
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
n.d. Web. 22 leb. 2006. 8eLrleved from

age from
Webs|te w|th
Medla ClanLs." ltootlloe: 1be
Metcboots of cool. 8S Cnllne, 2001.
Web. 7 leb. 2006.
Medla glanLs. (2001). ltootlloe. 1be
Metcboots of cool. 8eLrleved from 8S
Medla ClanLs." ltootlloe: 1be Metcboots of
Image from a
Coya, lranclsco. 1be lomlly of cbotles
lv. 1800. Museo naclonal del rado,
Madrld. Moseo Notloool Jel ltoJo.
Web. 22 May 2006.

Coya, l. (1800). 1he famlly of Charles lv.
Moseo Notloool Jel ltoJo. 8eLrleved
Coya, lranclsco. 1be lomlly of cbotles lv.
Museo naclonal del rado, Madrld, 1800.
Cn||ne book MllLon, !ohn. lotoJlse lost. 8ook l.
loettyfoooJotloo.otq. oeLry
loundaLlon, 2008. Web. 14 uec.
MllLon, !. (1667). aradlse losL: 8ook l.
loetty loooJotloo. 8eLrleved from
MllLon, !ohn. lotoJlse lost. ClLy and uaLe of
Crlglnal ubllcaLlon.
ort|on of an
on||ne book
Adams, Penry. ulplomacy." 1be
Jocotloo of neoty AJoms. 8y Adams.
8osLon: PoughLon, 1918. n. pag. Cteot 8ooks Oolloe.
Web. 8 !an 2007.
Adams, P. (1918). ulplomacy." 1he
educaLlon of Penry Adams. Cteot 8ooks Oolloe.
8eLrleved from
Adams, Penry. ulplomacy." 1be Jocotloo of
neoty AJoms. 8eprlnL of Lhe 1918 edlLlon, CreaL 8ooks Cnllne.
Art|c|e |n an
on||ne [ourna|
8enL, Penry L. "rofesslonallzaLlon of
Lhe h.u. uegree." 1be Iootool of
nlqbet Jocotloo J0.3 (1939): 140-43.
Web. 3 uec. 2008.
8enL, P. (1939). rofesslonallzaLlon of
Lhe h.u. degree. 1be Iootool of nlqbet
Jocotloo, 30.3, 140-143.
8enL, Penry L. "rofesslonallzaLlon of Lhe
h.u. uegree." 1he !ournal of Plgher
LducaLlon 30, no. 3 (1939): 140-43.
Accessed uecember 3, 2008.
Art|c|e |n an
8ernsLeln, Mark. "10 1lps on WrlLlng
Lhe Llvlng Web." A llst Apott. lot
leople wbo Moke websltes, 16 Aug.
2002. Web. 4 May 2009.
8ernsLeln, M. (2002). 10 Llps on wrlLlng
Lhe llvlng web. A llst Apott. lot leople
wbo Moke websltes. 8eLrleved from
8ernsLeln, M. 10 1lps on WrlLlng Lhe Llvlng
Web." A llst Apott. AugusL 16, 2002.
Lnt|re b|og Mayer, Carollne. 1be cbeckoot. Mayer, C. (2007, !anuary 10). 1he Mayer, Carollne. 1be cbeckoot (blog).
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
WashlngLon osL, 10 !an. 2007. Web.
19 !an. 2007.
checkouL. [Web log]. 8eLrleved from
S|ng|e 8|og
Mayer, Carollne. SLamps Lo 8ecome a
MarkeLlng vehlcle." 1be cbeckoot.
WashlngLon osL, 10 !an. 2007. Web.
19 !an. 2007.
Mayer, C. (2007, !anuary 10). SLamps Lo
become markeLlng vehlcle. [Web log
posL] 1he checkouL. 8eLrleved from
Mayer, Carollne. SLamps Lo 8ecome a
MarkeLlng vehlcle." 1be cbeckoot (blog).
Comment or
response on a
b|og post
LdlLor, user, auLhor, or compller (lf
avallable). osLlng 1lLle." Nome of
5lte. verslon number (lf avallable).
name of slLe, sponsor or publlsher.
Medlum of publlcaLlon. Access uaLe.
WrlLer's name. (uaLe of commenL).
Sub[ecL of posL. [Web log commenL].
8eLrleved from: u8L or uCl
AuLhor username (8eal name), daLe, commenL
on 8log AuLhor name. LnLry 1lLle," 8log
1lLle, uaLe of posL.
CD-kCM lmpernel." 1be Ametlcoo netltoqe
ulctloooty of tbe oqllsb looqooqe.
4Lh ed. 8osLon: PoughLon, 2000. Cu-
lmpernel. (2000). [Cu-8CM].1be
Ametlcoo netltoqe ulctloooty of tbe
oqllsb looqooqe. 4Lh ed.
lmpernel." 1be Ametlcoo netltoqe
ulctloooty of tbe oqllsb looqooqe. 4Lh ed.
8osLon: PoughLon, 2000. Cu-8CM.
L-ma|| kunka, Andrew. "8e: ModernlsL
LlLeraLure." Message Lo Lhe auLhor.
13 nov. 2000. L-mall.
noL lncluded ln references. C|ted |n notes on|y.
1. Andrew kunka, e-mall message Lo
auLhor, november 13, 2000.
MoltlmeJlo 5ootces MLA formaL for mulLlmedla sources
requlres a medlum descrlpLlon aL Lhe
end of Lhe clLaLlon. lllm, uvu, radlo,
Web, a performance, and oLher
descrlpLlons should be used Lo lndlcaLe
Lhe Lype of mulLlmedla referenced.
LlecLronlc sources ln AA formaL may
lnclude a dlglLal ob[ecL ldenLlfler (uCl)
number. When a uCl ls evldenL, lL may
be used ln place of a u8L address. An
onllne source should lnclude elLher a
uCl or a u8L.
When clLlng medla sources ln CMS formaL,
lnclude as much lnformaLlon as ls avallable
regardlng auLhor, producer, sponsor,
publlcaLlon, medlum, daLes, slLe LlLle, and any
avallable u8L. An access daLe ls noL always
needed ln CMS formaLLlng.
V|deo or f||m Ao locooveoleot 1totb. ulr. uavld
Cuggenhelm. narr. Al Core.
aramounL, 2006. uvu.
Cuggenhelm, u. (ulrecLor), & 8ender, L.
(roducer). (2006). Ao locooveoleot
ttotb [uvu]. unlLed SLaLes: aramounL
Pome LnLerLalnmenL.
Ao locooveoleot 1totb. ulrecLed by uavld
Cuggenhelm. unlLed SLaLes: aramounL
Pome LnLerLalnmenL, 2006. uvu, 94 mln.
Murphy, 8eLh. 1lps for a Cood roflle
lece." ltoject. kepott. ?ou1ube, 27
SepL. 2008. Web. 29 SepL. 2008.
Murphy, 8. (2008, SepLember 27). 1lps
for a good proflle plece." [?ou1ube].
ltoject. kepott. 8eLrleved from
Murphy, 8eLh. 1lps for a Cood roflle lece."
ltoject. kepott. ?ou1ube. SepL. 27, 2008.
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
ub||c address
1eplln, Llnda A., eL al. Larly vlolenL
ueaLh ln uellnquenL ?ouLh: A
rospecLlve LonglLudlnal SLudy."
Annual MeeLlng of Lhe Amerlcan
sychology-Law-SocleLy. La !olla,
Callfornla. March, 2003. resenLaLlon.
1eplln, L. A., McClelland, C. M., Abram,
k. M., & Washburn, !. !. (2003). Larly
vlolenL deaLh ln dellnquenL youLh: a
prospecLlve longlLudlnal sLudy.
[resenLaLlon]. lopet pteseoteJ ot tbe
Aooool Meetloq of tbe Ametlcoo
lsycboloqy-low-5oclety. La !olla, CA.
1eplln, Llnda A., Cary M. McClelland, karen M.
Abram, and !ason !. Washburn. Larly
vlolenL ueaLh ln uellnquenL ?ouLh: A
rospecLlve LonglLudlnal SLudy." aper
presenLed aL Lhe Annual MeeLlng of Lhe
Amerlcan sychology-Law-SocleLy, La !olla,
CA, March 2003.
Otbet 5ootces
1he urdue
8rlzee, Allen, and Llyssa 1ardlff. lour
Maln ComponenLs for LffecLlve
CuLllnes". lotJoe Oolloe wtltloq lob.
urdue unlverslLy, 7 Aprll, 2010. Web.
20 uec. 2010.
8rlzee, A., & 1ardlff, L. (2010, Aprll 7).
lour maln componenLs for effecLlve
ouLllnes. lotJoe Oolloe wtltloq lob.
8eLrleved from
8rlzee, Allen, and Llyssa 1ardlff. lour Maln
ComponenLs for LffecLlve CuLllnes". lotJoe
Oolloe wtltloq lob. urdue unlverslLy.
ConLlnenLal Congress. Iootools of tbe
cootloeotol cooqtess, 1774-1789.
WashlngLon uC. 1904-1937.
ConLlnenLal Congress. (1774-1789).
!ournals of Lhe conLlnenLal congress.
WashlngLon, uC. 1904-1937.
ConLlnenLal Congress, Iootools of tbe
cootloeotol cooqtess, 1774-1789, LdlLed by
WorLhlngLon C. lord eL al. 34 vols.
WashlngLon, uC, 1904-37.
D|ssertat|on Chol, Mlhwa. ConLesLlng lmoqlootles
ln ueaLh 8lLuals durlng Lhe norLhern
Song uynasLy." ulss. unlverslLy of
Chlcago, 2008. Web. ConLesLlng
lmoqlootles ln ueaLh 8lLuals durlng
Lhe norLhern Song uynasLy."
Chol, M. (2008). ConLesLlng lmaglnarles
ln deaLh rlLuals durlng Lhe norLhern
song dynasLy (uocLoral dlsserLaLlon).
Avallable from roCuesL daLabase.
(AA1 3300426).
Chol, Mlhwa. ConLesLlng lmoqlooltes ln ueaLh
8lLuals durlng Lhe norLhern Song uynasLy."
hu dlss., unlverslLy of Chlcago, 2008.
roCuesL (A A1 3300426).
In-1ext C|tat|ons

cltloq 8ooks

Llke mosL source documenLaLlon
sysLems, MLA uses ln-LexL clLaLlons Lo
glve readers lnformaLlon and dlrecLs
readers Lo Lhe more speclflc Works
ClLed page should a reader wanL Lo
pursue a source furLher. Cenerally, MLA
AA adds Lo MLA sLyle by lncludlng
page number(s), and daLe. 1he daLe ls
generally provlded parenLheLlcally nexL
Lo auLhor(s') names, whlle page
numbers always appear parenLheLlcally
aL Lhe ends of senLences. 1he daLe ls
looLnoLes or endnoLes are used when clLlng
wlLhln Lhe LexL of a CMS formaLLed documenL.
1hese noLes do noL Lake Lhe place of Lhe flnal
blbllography page, lnsLead, endnoLes and
fooLnoLes sLrengLhen a documenL's credlblllLy
by provldlng speclflc source lnformaLlon for
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
ln-LexL clLaLlon requlres an auLhor name
and a page number where Lhe
lnformaLlon belng clLed can be found.
lmporLanL ln soclal sclence because lL
helps demonsLraLe Lhe relevance
(newness) of Lhe work belng clLed.
readers. looLnoLes ln CMS sLyle generally
lnclude Lhe auLhor name, Lhe publlcaLlon LlLle,
publlcaLlon daLe, publlsher lnformaLlon wlLh
Lhe very flrsL clLaLlon, and a page number.
Author named
|n a s|gna|
hllosopher SLephen C. epper refers Lo
Lhls phenomenon as a cumulaLlve
collaboraLlon of evldence" (49).
hllosopher SLephen C. epper (1961)
refers Lo Lhls phenomenon as a
cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of evldence"
(p. 49).
hllosopher SLephen C. epper refers Lo Lhls
phenomenon as a cumulaLlve collaboraLlon
of evldence."

Match number 12 to endnote 12 at the
bottom of the page or |n notes sect|on
12. SLephen C. epper, wotlJ nypotbeses
(Los Angeles: unlverslLy of Callfornla ress,
1961), 49.
Author not
named |n a
s|gna| phrase
1hls phenomenon ls besL referred Lo as
a cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of
evldence" (epper 49).
1hls phenomenon ls besL referred Lo as
a cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of
evldence" (epper, 1961, p. 49).
1hls phenomenon ls besL referred Lo as a
cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of evldence."

12. SLephen C. epper, wotlJ nypotbeses
(Los Angeles: unlverslLy of Callfornla ress,
1961), 49.
1hls phenomenon ls besL referred Lo as
a cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of
evldence" (wotlJ nypotbeses 49).
1hls phenomenon ls besL referred Lo as
a cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of
evldence" (wotlJ nypotbeses, 1961, p.
1hls phenomenon ls besL referred Lo as a
cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of evldence."

12. wotlJ nypotbeses, (Los Angeles:
unlverslLy of Callfornla ress, 1961), 49.
page number
1hls phenomenon ls besL referred Lo as
a cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of
evldence" (epper).
1hls phenomenon ls besL referred Lo as
a cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of
evldence" (epper, Lvldence and
CorroboraLlon secLlon, para. 22).
1hls phenomenon ls besL referred Lo as a
cumulaLlve collaboraLlon of evldence."

12. SLephen C. epper, wotlJ nypotbeses,
(Los Angeles: unlverslLy of Callfornla ress,
More than
one work by
the same
hllosopher SLephen C. epper refers Lo
Lhls phenomenon as a cumulaLlve
collaboraLlon of evldence" (wotlJ
nypotbeses 49), whlch he hlnLs Loward
ln earller work as well (Lmergence"
hllosopher SLephen C. epper refers Lo
Lhls phenomenon as a cumulaLlve
collaboraLlon of evldence" (wotlJ
nypotbeses, 1961, p. 49), whlch he hlnLs
Loward ln earller work as well
hllosopher SLephen C. epper refers Lo Lhls
phenomenon as a cumulaLlve collaboraLlon
of evldence,"
whlch he hlnLs Loward ln
earller work as well.

12. SLephen C. epper, wotlJ nypotbeses,
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
241). (Lmergence", 1926, p. 241). (Los Angeles: unlverslLy of Callfornla ress,
1961), 49.
13. SLephen C. epper, Lmergence," 1he
Iootool of lbllosopby 23, no. 9 (1926).
1wo or three
Shlrley k. 8ose and lrwln Welser noLe ln
Coloq lobllc Lhe lmporLance of
redeflnlng expecLaLlons for faculLy work
8ose and Welser (2010) noLe Lhe
lmporLance of redeflnlng expecLaLlons
for faculLy work (p. 3).
Shlrley k. 8ose and lrwln Welser noLe ln Coloq
lobllc Lhe lmporLance of redeflnlng
expecLaLlons for faculLy work.
6. Shlrley k. 8ose and lrwln Welser, Coloq
lobllc (Logan, u1: uLah SLaLe unlverslLy ress,
2010), 3.
Iour or more
Some sLudles LhaL focus speclflcally on
undergraduaLe perspecLlves of
academlc wrlLlng found a varleLy of
approaches (Anderson eL al. 11).
ln 1990, Anderson, 8esL, 8lack, PursL,
Mlller, and Mlller produced a sLudy LhaL
focused speclflcally on undergraduaLe
perspecLlves of academlc wrlLlng, and
Lhey found a varleLy of approaches ln
place (p. 11).
Some sLudles LhaL focus speclflcally on
undergraduaLe perspecLlves of academlc
wrlLlng found a varleLy of approaches.

2. WorLh Anderson eL al., Cross-Currlcular
underllfe: A CollaboraLlve 8eporL on Ways
wlLh Academlc Words," colleqe composltloo
ooJ commoolcotloo 41, no. 1.
1he Amerlcan sychologlcal
AssoclaLlon's sLudy demonsLraLed Lhe
slgnlflcanL role of prayer as a coplng
mechanlsm for healLh (67).
1hls sLudy demonsLraLed Lhe slgnlflcanL
role of prayer as a coplng mechanlsm
for healLh (Amerlcan sychologlcal
AssoclaLlon, 2011, p. 67).
1hls sLudy demonsLraLed Lhe slgnlflcanL role of
prayer as a coplng mechanlsm for healLh.

9. Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon,
naLlonal 1rends ln rayer use as a Coplng
Mechanlsm for PealLh Concerns: Changes
from 2002 Lo 2007," lsycboloqy of kellqloo
ooJ 5pltltoollty.
Authors w|th
the same |ast
use Lhe flrsL lnlLlal Lo dlfferenLlaLe (A.
SmlLh 19).
use Lhe flrsL lnlLlal Lo dlfferenLlaLe (A.
SmlLh, 2009, p. 19).
uoes noL apply, endnoLes wlll dlfferenLlaLe.
Lncyc|oped|a 8omance languages have a curlous
hlsLory (8omance Languages").
8omance languages have a curlous
hlsLory (osner, 1987).

Use endnote on|y, does not appear |n

1. 1be ocyclopeJlo 8tltooolco.
MoctopeJlo, 13Lh ed., s.v. 8omance
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
use Lhe volume number followed by Lhe
page number ln Lhe clLaLlon, e.g., (2:
use Lhe page number and daLe, lndlcaLe
Lhe volume ln Lhe reference secLlon
10. hllllp . Welner, ulctloooty of tbe
nlstoty of lJeos, 6 vols, (Charles Scrlbner and
Sons, 2004).
1wo or more
works |n the
Many 19Lh cenLury Amerlcan auLhors
noLed Lhe lmporLance of rellglon ln
concelvlng naLure (Lmerson 1123,
1horeau 1994).
Many 19Lh cenLury Amerlcan auLhors
noLed Lhe lmporLance of rellglon ln
concelvlng naLure (Lmerson, 1836,
1horeau, 1862).
Many 19Lh cenLury Amerlcan auLhors noLed
Lhe lmporLance of rellglon ln concelvlng

22. Penry uavld 1horeau, Walklng," 1862,
8alph Waldo Lmerson, naLure," 1836.
An ent|re
1horeau's Walklng" demonsLraLes a
fasclnaLlon wlLh saunLerlng.
1horeau's Walklng" (1862)
demonsLraLes a fasclnaLlon wlLh
1horeau's Walklng" demonsLraLes a
fasclnaLlon wlLh saunLerlng.

22. Penry uavld 1horeau, Walklng," 1862.
Work |n an
use Lhe selecLlon's name and page
number, noL Lhe edlLor.

1he llfe of poverLy ln Lhe souLh ls
capLured by PursLon's candld
auLoblography, lrom uusL 1racks on a
8oad" (336).
ClLe Lhe speclflc work only, noL Lhe
anLhology or lLs edlLor.

1he llfe of poverLy ln Lhe souLh ls
capLured by PursLon's candld
auLoblography, lrom uusL 1racks on a
8oad" (1942).
1he llfe of poverLy ln Lhe souLh ls capLured by
PursLon's candld auLoblography, lrom uusL
1racks on a 8oad".

19. Zora neale PursLon, lrom uusL 1racks
on a 8oad." ln 1be Nottoo 8ook of Ametlcoo
Aotobloqtopby, edlLed by !ay arlnl (new
?ork: norLon, 1999), 336.
MoltlmeJlo 5ootces
V|deo or f||m ClLe as ln-LexL documenL uslng Lhe flrsL
LexL elemenL ln Lhe works clLed enLry.

1he role of lrlsh folklore ls deplcLed ln
conLemporary fllms such as !ohn
Sayles's 1be 5ectet of kooo lolsb.

ClLe as ln-LexL documenL uslng release

1he role of lrlsh folklore ls deplcLed ln
conLemporary fllms such as !ohn
Sayles's 1be 5ectet of kooo lolsb (1993).
1he role of lrlsh folklore ls deplcLed ln
conLemporary fllms such as !ohn Sayles's, 1be
5ectet of kooo lolsb.

43. 1be 5ectet of kooo lolsb, uvu, dlrecLed
by !ohn Sayles (1993, Culver ClLy, CA:
Columbla 1rlsLar Pome vldeo, 2000).
use vldeo auLhor/podcasL name and
glven LlLle.

1he qulrks of spendlng become obvlous
when llsLenlng Lo producLlons such as
uavld keseLenbaum's podcasL, A 8lg
use vldeo/podcasL auLhor name, lf
known, LlLle, and posLlng daLe.

1he qulrks of spendlng become obvlous
when llsLenlng Lo producLlons such as
uavld keseLenbaum's podcasL, A 8lg
Inc|ude |n notes as a document from a

31. uavld kesLenbaum, A 8lg 8rldge ln Lhe
Wrong lace," llooet Mooey loJcost,
naLlonal ubllc 8adlo,
1he urdue CWL: ClLaLlon CharL
updaLed !une 2014
8rldge ln Lhe Wrong lace," on llooet
8rldge ln Lhe Wrong lace," on llooet
Mooey (2011).
ub||c address
1he problem of vlolenL deaLh among
dellnquenL youLhs was carefully
documenLed by 1eplln eL al. ln an
address dellvered ln 2003 aL Lhe Annual
MeeLlng of Lhe Amerlcan sychology-
1he problem of vlolenL deaLh among
dellnquenL youLhs was carefully
documenLed by 1eplln eL al. ln an
address dellvered aL Lhe Annual
MeeLlng of Lhe Amerlcan sychology-
Law-SocleLy (2003).
If us|ng an unpub||shed |ecture or address,
c|te |n ma|n text on|y. If a pub||shed |ecture
or address, reference |n text and notes
fo||ow|ng th|s examp|e:

41. Llnda A. 1eplln eL al, Larly vlolenL
ueaLh ln uellnquenL ?ouLh: A rospecLlve
LonglLudlnal SLudy," aper presenLed aL Lhe
Annual MeeLlng of Lhe Amerlcan sychology-
Law-SocleLy, La !olla, CA, March 2003.
Otbet 5ootces
1he urdue
karl SLolley and Allen 8rlzee wrlLe ln Lhe
Cnllne WrlLlng Lab aL urdue unlverslLy,
8esearch-based wrlLlng ln Amerlcan
lnsLlLuLlons, boLh educaLlonal and
corporaLe, ls fllled wlLh rules LhaL
wrlLers, parLlcularly beglnners, aren'L
aware of or don'L know how Lo follow"
(Avoldlng laglarlsm").
karl SLolley and Allen 8rlzee (2011)
wrlLe ln Lhe Cnllne WrlLlng Lab aL
urdue unlverslLy, 8esearch-based
wrlLlng ln Amerlcan lnsLlLuLlons, boLh
educaLlonal and corporaLe, ls fllled wlLh
rules LhaL wrlLers, parLlcularly
beglnners, aren'L aware of or don'L
know how Lo follow."
karl SLolley and Allen 8rlzee noLe,
8esearch-based wrlLlng ln Amerlcan
lnsLlLuLlons, boLh educaLlonal and corporaLe,
ls fllled wlLh rules LhaL wrlLers, parLlcularly
beglnners, aren'L aware of or don'L know how
Lo follow."

23. karl SLolley and Allen 8rlzee, Avoldlng
laglarlsm," lotJoe Oolloe wtltloq lob,
urdue unlverslLy,
Accordlng Lo Lhe ennsylvanla
ueparLmenL of ConservaLlon and
naLural 8esources, Lhe Lmerald Ash
8orer lnvaslon ln ennsylvanla has led
Lo dozens of counLy quaranLlnes ln
recenL years.
1he Lmerald Ash 8orer lnvaslon ln
ennsylvanla has led Lo dozens of
counLy quaranLlnes ln recenL years
(ennsylvanla uCn8, 2011).
Accordlng Lo Lhe ennsylvanla ueparLmenL of
ConservaLlon and naLural 8esources . . . eLc.

27. ennsylvanla ueparLmenL of
ConservaLlon and naLural 8esources, 8oteoo
of lotestty lobllcotloos: coleopteto.
8optestlJoe. Aqtllos ploolpeools loltmolte,

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