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Harry Darling & Brooke Stebbings

Brief Overview

The genre for our short clip is a dramatic comedy. This is because we have made our clip
serious with hints of funny scenes.
Our short clip consists of two main characters Harry and Ryan. Ryan walks through a door
and along a corridor, he then bumps into Harry and they start to have a short argument. The
argument is about how Harrys wife cheated on Harry with Ryan, this then causes a fight.

Within our short clip we had to include;
180 degree rule:
The 180 degree rule within film making is an imaginary guideline called the axis, this
connects all the characters together. You use the 180 degree rule to regard the on screen
relationship between two characters or more.
Match on Action:
A match on action shot is the technique of editing shots together to portray the idea of the
first shot. We need to use this within our short clip to create the sense of continuality.
Shot reverse shot:
A shot reverse shot is also a technique used for continuality, it is used in conversations and
usually displays one persons face in conversation then the listeners response then back to
the first speaker.

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