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All welcome. 8Sv: olga.[lmenez[

"#$%&'( )%((%*
+&,#-.'/, 0'( ,1/ 234, $/&,5(67
Screenlng of Chllean documenLary !"#" !"##" (2009)
(ln Spanlsh wlLh Lngllsh subLlLles)
lnLroducLlon by Claudlo Cells 8ueno (Cardlff unlverslLy)
followed by C&A
rofessor nlall 8lnns (unlversldad CompluLense, Madrld),
rofessor lvaro Salvador (unlversldad de Cranada) and
Adam lelnsLeln (London)
Chalr: ur 1llmann AlLenberg (Cardlff unlverslLy)
:%,/* ; "'</9=/( 2>3?@ 3?*>> A 3B*3C
D/&5/* 8oom 103 (SenaLe Pouse, flrsL floor), SenaLe Pouse, MaleL
SLreeL, London WC1L 7Pu.

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