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Dear 2

grade Parents,

Related Arts: Mon. Fri. -> Tech.
Early Release: This Wednesday, Oct. 8
, is an Early Release Day. Students will be
dismissed at 12:25.
Book Fair Shopping: On Wednesday, Oct. 8
, students will be going Book Fair
shopping. We will shop from 9-9:30. If you would like to come during this time
and shop with your child you are more than welcome to. You are also more
than welcome to come have lunch with your child and take them shopping right
afterwards. We have lunch from 11:07-11:32.
Field Trip: We have our first Field Trip this Friday October 10
. Please have your
child wear tennis shoes, a Harmony shirt (preferably), and bring a sacked lunch.
Parent-Teacher Conferences: Dont forget Parent-Teacher Conferences are this
week and next week. I still have a few spots open if you need to sign up.
Schedule: Because of a few scheduling conflicts, our Social Studies/Science
time has switched with our Math time. Please check the class website to see our
updated schedule.
Harmony Harvest: The Harmony Harvest is this Saturday from 5:00-8:00. Hope to
see you there!
Fall Break: Fall Break is October 20

What we are learning this week:
Science: This week we are finishing our unit on matter.
Math: This week we are finishing our measurement unit and starting our geometry
Reading: This week we are looking at how fictional characters face and solve
Writing: This week we are learning about hooks/leads and transition words.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for all that you do
and for your continued support! Have a great week

Cassie Rollins
grade Teacher
Harmony Elementary
228.2228 Ext. 221

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